Latte's RP Search [1x1] [MxF, FxF, MxM, etc.]

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May 22, 2014
Hiya, folks! Latte here, coming at you with a search thread.

I would love to get one or two long-term RPs going. So here are a few things that you might like to know!​


I really prefer to RP and OOC over email, but PMs also work just dandy. Not a huge fan of threads, but will do them. I do not do instant messengers for anything.

When I respond to someone else's search thread, I am never unprepared. I will always come at you with at least a modest arsenal of things I'd be psyched to do based on the desires you listed (I am a thorough reader), paired with rough ideas and plots to get us thinking and talking. Naturally, I am much more likely to be interested in RPing with you if you attempt to do the same for me. Please do not "hello let's rp/wanna rp?/what do you wanna rp?" me.

I will happily write mxm, mxf, and fxf and all the flavors in between and beyond with equal interest, though preferences of such are usually based on the story/canon at hand (especially when I already have specific characters in mind). And for those to whom it matters, I the writer am female, but I will role-play with you regardless of gender (or any personal detail, really).

Romance. Oh romance. Boy do I like my romance feels like I like my coffee: strong and bottomless! But, it need not be the only keystone of the story. Let's have a good, strong story foundation with character development before laying on the love and smut. That's one of the things from real life that really works well in fiction too.

I am endlessly patient and will never rush you for replies (though it does make me ridiculously happy to receive them). Please consider that before pinging me a thousand times because you see me online and I haven't replied to your post from three hours ago. If it's been a couple days, then absolutely feel free to reach out if you must.

I like to make up side/support characters whenever appropriate. Feel free to do likewise!

I write as much as I feel will move the RP along in whatever context that applies, as well as giving my partner enough to work with, so my reply lengths vary depending on what's going on. I don't do the word count minimum/mirror my posts/lit, adv. Lit, shit. Just make sure you send me something I can work with and it'll all be gravy. Quality>quantity.

• Never be shy about asking me to change something that I already wrote to give you more to work with! Writing is a process, and I'm more than happy to do it. Should we ret-con that last scene because we're just not feeling it? Let's do that! Whatever works, whatever makes it the most fun.  That's why we're here.


And now, some lists. Asterisk means I have some semblance of plot(s) prepared. Will probably add more later!

Themes, Kinks, Elements, and Prompts (by no means complete list, can be mixed and matched)

Zombie Apocalypse (inspired by TWD, but with OCs):
Modern/Medieval Slice of Life*
Forbidden Love (left broad intentionally…but not like loli/shota or parent/child forbidden >.> )
Arranged Marriages
Pregnancy/Risk of Pregnancy (and Birth)
Feudal Japan/FJ-Inspired Fantasy
Ancient Egypt-Inspired Fantasy
Fantasy in General (Knights and dragons and stuff)
Twisted Fairytales
Aphrodisiacs (known or unknown)
Anthro Characters (in a world where they are captured and owned as exotic pets by humans…?*)
Ravenloft D&D Inspired (no dice required)

Pairings (by no means a complete list at all)
Half Elf Cleric of Lathander x Your Character (D&D)
Sea Nymph x Anthro/Human *
Royalty x Peasant of Enemy Nation
Royalty x Royalty of Enemy Nation
Royal Guard x Royalty
Wounded Knight and Healer*
Emperor/King x New Consort*
God(dess) x Mortal
Angel x Mortal
Android Caretaker (Chobit) x Patient*

Particular Plot Cravings (not the only ones I will do!):

Exotic Anthro Pets:
In this modern/futuristic setting, anthros are commonly bought, sold and domesticated by the upper elite as elaborate pets that serve as status symbols--the rarer the breed, the better. Some pampered rich girl receives your character for her birthday, and she's delighted--because she thinks maybe her one-of-a-kind wild nereid captured off the coasts of Greece just needs some company to make her behave.

Chobit Nurse:
Your character was injured or fell very ill, but you are on the road to recovery. In order to help pay for your medical bills, your family/you decide to opt into purchasing an experimental caretaker model of Persocom (android) of your very own for a generous subsidy, so long as you keep record of its learning speed, any troubleshooting issues, etc. and report back to the company every once in a while.

The Emperor's New Consort:
You recently inherited the throne of the empire from your father. Your people adore you, but the court is worried. For reasons completely your own, you are putting off choosing a wife or creating an heir. Thinking it's a matter of attraction, your counsel combs the streets looking for all manner of possible candidates. One such girl ends up in your harem after her brother sells her to pay his debts, but does not seem content to wait for you to come to her.

The Ladye and the Knight:
In a battle to protect someone--perhaps even the one you loved--you lost. The wound you were dealt should have killed you, but instead it is cursed, and refuses any balm or medicine. It seems you are doomed to live out your days cloistered on your estate, never able to forget your failure. Then a strange woman comes to your gate, seeking shelter in exchange for work.

That's all for now. Feel free to shoot me an email or PM. Hope to hear from you!
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