Once Upon a Time [Seeking Someone to Play Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold or Regina]

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May 13, 2017
Hello there! I'm looking for someone to play either Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold or Regina opposite an OC of mine. I can generally offer replies daily. My time-zone is EST. Concerning reply length, I usually try to match my partner. I would prefer to make up the plot with my partner. After we get the basics of the plot sorted, I'll come up with my character's background.

Name: Oriana Laken
Age: 21
Appearance: Click!
Sexual Nature: Submissive

I would like to have Oriana be sexually inexperienced at the start of the roleplay, either being a virgin or only having had sex one time prior. As my character is submissive, I would like whichever character you decide to take up be totally in control. I would prefer romantic feelings to develop between our characters.

I quite enjoy romance, cuddling, dirty talk, lots of kissing, hickies, fingers in mouth, fingerjobs, teasing, tickling, breast/nipple play, giving/receiving oral sex, vaginal sex, light bondage, spanking, ice, leather, wax play, and blindfolds.

If willing to play either character opposite Oriana, please send me a PM.
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