Squid Needs Some Fun


May 11, 2017
Western Australia
What Kind Of RolePlayer I Am
  • I am not my characters, I am the puppeteer
  • I prefer to play with literate RP partners
  • I will drop an RP quicker than a sack of potatoes if you do not respect my kink boundaries
  • I can play either male or female
  • I won't do FxF or FxFtM pairings
  • I only RP in 3rd POV, and do not accept 1st or 2nd POV from my RP partners
  • I make characters to fit the story, so I hardly use a character more than once
  • I like a balance of 50/50 for smut vs. plot
  • 2-5 paragraphs per reply is standard for me
  • I only take 2-3 RPs at a time
  • Please PM me if you'd like to RP with me
  • My F-List

What RPs I Have Right Now


    Plots I'm Craving To Do
    How The Mighty Have Fallen (Post-Apoc)[/b]]
    In the 2000s, a new mutation was appearing in isolated pockets of the human population. Individuals who possessed the mutation, nicknamed the 'Best Gene', displayed aggressive and territorial behaviour, heightened physical prowess, heightened senses and 'primitive' physical characteristics (elongated canine teeth, darkened scleras, reinforced bone structure, denser hair and nails).

    At first, researchers speculated that the affected individuals were displaying throw back traits from earlier hominid ancestors. DNA testing revealed that the affected individuals were in fact a new species rapidly splitting away from humans. The world powers (quietly) began an arms race to exploit the new mutation. All known individual 'beast gene' carriers were hunted down and brought in. Those that were controllable were trained as 'super soldiers', or otherwise bred to produce more. Those who were uncontrollable were destroyed. They later became known as 'Hellions'.

    In 2018, the tensions between the Russian Federation and the United States of America turned critical, plunging the world into World War III. Over the course of two decades, 99.8% of the human population perished due to radiation, famine, disease and war itself, and modern civilisation collapsed. Where humans fell, the Hellions rose. In the ashes of their masters' seats of power, great Hellion warlords rose up, enslaving any remaining humans unlucky enough to be caught. The world has literally gone to the dogs.
    • Approx. 60Mil humans left (enough to populate Tokyo twice over)
    • Hellions and humans can interbreed. 80% chance of producing hellion offspring
    MC has set out to prove herself a capable adult in the wide open world. Given a mission by her clan to gather medicinal herbs for harvesting and replanting, and to recover any useful tech from pre-war civilisation, she finds herself laughably underprepared and undergunned.

    YC is a powerful warlord, commanding a large swathe of land and resources, and is hellbent on keeping it that way. Any and all intruders are dealt with swiftly and without mercy. So when he comes across a human stealing his plants and his salvage, it's only logical that he makes her pay for it in the best way he sees fit.
    • Alva
    • Human, Female
    • Auburn hair, green eyes
    • Athletic slim, 5'4”
    • 22 years old
    • Stubborn and idealistic, likes to do things her way and the consequences be damned. Determined to prove herself to the world and thinks of herself as 10 feet tall and bullet-proof. Handy with a gun, can't fight hand-to-hand worth a shit. Has basic knowledge of herbs and plants for medicinal and alchemical purposes.
    • Name is your choice
    • Hellion, Male
    • Appearance is up to you. Prefer taller than 5'11”
    • Would prefer 30 years or older
    • Your character is a Hellion Warlord. Aggressive and territorial. You are free to flesh it out from there.
    • Dub-con/Non-con
    • Master/Slave Dynamic
    • Age Difference
    • Breeding/Pregnancy
    • Exhibitionism
    • Orgasm Control/Denial
    • Verbal Abuse

    Plots I'd Like To Do
    Setting[/u]]Low Fantasy. The Firar are a civilization built on the back of raiding and conquest. Year after year, they set forth to pillage, rape and plunder. Based heavily on viking culture. This is an open-ended setting, and would be good for those who enjoy world-building during RPs.


    RP Plot[/u]]During one of their raids, a lone ship of Firar raiders is swept of course in the middle of a storm, the crew finding themselves washed ashore in foreign lands. It's survival of the fittest when the native people decide they aren't going to put up with invaders.

    My Character[/u]]
    Personal Story[/u]]You stand before a Firar woman, and I can see the fear in your eyes. We are a proud people, mighty, and we rule with axe and blood. I am Hjördis, and you will hear my story.

    I take the name Varulven, the Werewolf, for I have the Beast's Touch. But these things were not always so. My father died on the field of battle while I was young, leaving my older brother and I to care for my mother. My brother Arne was already a man and took his duty as the head of the family seriously. We were farmers then, content to tend to the fields in the dying months, and to send Arne raiding in the summer. Life was good.

    I grew restless as the years drew closer to my womanhood. The dark of night lead me through misty forests and along the lips of silent waters to witness an entirely new world. It frightened me, the world in its slumbering state, and yet I could not silence the calling within me. In time, I learned to sing to the calls of wolves, who I had taken a great respect to. I ran with the deer and perched atop trees with the birds. I swam with fish and watched the sky turn through the eyes of a lonely bear's fleshless skull. In my innocence and isolation, I learnt the ways of the beasts.

    In the summer of my fifteenth year, I became a woman. Mother forbade me my quiet, dark world. How could a wild child ever find herself a worthy husband? I was more beast than bride. It took mother a few years to bring me back to my humanity. 'Tis an easy thing to lose.

    Last year, we lost Arne to battle, like our father before him. Mother had remarried the year before to a scarred old bear of a man, who had sons of his own. Our farm became his through marriage and I found myself under even greater pressure to settle down into the life of a homekeeper and wife. There were men who tried to court me, and I even a few lovers, but none could keep my interest. For a while, I was a lone she-wolf.

    Eventually, I took up Arne's axe and shield and joined a raiding party. While I am no famed shield maiden, I am fiercely loyal and shy not from the glory of battle. I signed on with the first of my brethren to take me, eager to prove myself worthy of Arne's name.

    Perhaps it was I that displeased Tor in my childish defiance. This thought has crossed my mind many times. I find myself washed ashore a foreign land, with only my fellow Firar and the sound of wolves to comfort me. I wonder what mother must think.

    But not all is lost. We are not the only ones to be trapped here. If this is Niflhel, then we will rule it as the true Firar we are, with axe and bloody blades. You tread now in the lands of our gods and you should fear us.

    My Minor Characters[/u]]
    • Folki is a tall man, even by Firar standards. He is quiet and keeps mostly to himself, occasionally cracking a dirty joke. He is a wields a warhammer. He is a former lover of Hjördis.
    • Trygr is an obnoxious man who boasts often and loudly about his fighting prowess. Fortunately he has the skill to back his words and is a demon on the battlefield. He is a berserker. He does not think highly of Hjördis.

    Your Character[/u]]
    • Surname is Summerhal. First name is up to you.
    • Humanoid (preferably human), Male
    • Appearance is up to you. Prefer taller than 6 foot
    • Would prefer an older man, but a young man is also acceptable
    • Your character is a native of the invaded lands. He himself is a warrior and is charged with guarding the lands of his older brother, the Baron of Sommerhalle. Being a famous for its cavalry, Sommerhalle is the first to respond to rumours of savage invaders, and YC is sent with men to investigate. Surely these invaders can't be that fierce, they even let their women fight!

A Thousand Nothings Make Something[/b]]
In the lands of Datia (day-shah), magic has existed for as long as anybody can remember and has a large impact on science and technology as we know it. Everybody has magical potential, but it requires years of practice and study to make any real use of it. The Datian nobility, of course, are the most proficient magic users, having both the time and resources to dedicate themselves to the practice and study of the arcane arts.Many magi keep slaves, for pleasure, protection or simply to do the tedious day-to-day chores that nobody else wants to do. Many slaves are non-Datian, as foreigners are seen as lesser beings.
  • N/A
MC is a wealthy sorceress, and having recently lost her favourite slave at the hands of a jealous suitor, is on the hunt for a new slave. Between her matron pressuring her into marriage with another powerful magi family, the hostile political landscape and a recent rise in foreign slaves, MC decides it best to find some new blood to bring into her household. YC just so happens to be the unlucky (or lucky) sonovabitch that catches her greedy eye.
  • Paona
  • Human, Female
  • Dark wavy hair, bright amber eyes
  • Curvy, 5'7"
  • 29 years old, give or take
  • Very holier-than-thou, Paona thinks of herself as invincible and treats the world around her as such. She is ruthless in upholding the power she has taken for herself in the past decade and isn't afraid of stepping or a few toes (or throats).
  • Name is up to you
  • Any humanoid (or centaur, because I fucking love centaurs, Male
  • Appearance is up to you. Please make sure to check my F-list for my NOs.
  • Older preferable, but anything over 20 is acceptable
  • Begging
  • Forced Nudity
  • Pegging
  • Orgasm Control/Denial
  • Role Reversal
  • Sounding
  • Face-sitting
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