Lit Female Looking for Long Term Partners

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Princess Yum Yum

Oct 22, 2016
Hello, lovelies ~

Just a woman in her 20s looking to write. I'm coming off of a hiatus, but I'm also eager to get back into writing. So I'm going to try and keep this pretty simple.

Things you need to know about me:
- I work. A lot. Sometimes my replies may be scarce, I ask that you have patience with me.
- I don't like to double. But I may have lots of side characters throughout, so yeah.. I am also willing to do two separate roleplays with you so we both get what we want {within reason}.
- I love using real or anime pictures {but will settle for descriptions if you'd prefer}
- I play females only.
-:I love romance. Seriously. The cheesier, the better.
- I'm a night owl, so most of my replies will come at night.
- I will write any where from 600 to 1.000 words.
- If you only do one liners or small one paragraphs for posts you need to look else where.
- If I get bored I will stop rping with you!
Don't worry I'll tell you if I'm bored. Hopefully we can fix that. Please let me know if the story is boring you as well.
- Plotting and talking to each other are a must.
- I RP in PMs, mostly. It's easier for me to keep track of. But I don't mind roleplaying in forums either.

Also, check out my f-list

◇ = craving

angel x demon
angel x angel
angel x human
demon x demon
demon x human
vampire x human
royalty x commoner
arranged marriage
ghost x human
death x human
dragon x rider
dragon x dragon
knight x royalty
pirate x captive ◇
doll x human
hero x villain
work place
high school
student x student
single parent x teacher
Babysitter x Father/Uncle/etc.
childhood friends
road trip
celebrity x fan
model x photographer
model x artist
pen pals
Age gap ◇
summer vacation ◇
uncle x niece
brother x sister
prostitute x client
homeless x wealthy ◇
mafia leader x average joe
vampire princess x vampire hunter ◇
Drug dealer x addict's relative◇

◇◇◇ = craving
♤Muse A is the child of wealthy man living in a seaside town; they’ve always been afraid of the sea, yet oddly fascinated by it. When Muse A was a child, the ship they were sailing on was attacked by pirates and they were barely able to escape. Although the lure of the sea has always been there, Muse A has since refused to ever board another ship. Several years after their brush with pirates, in the dead of night, a suspicious ship sets anchor a little ways away from shore. Pirates make landfall and begin to pillage and plunder the town. The militia stationed in the town are quick to react and a fierce battle breaks out. With the perfect distraction created, the captain of the ship, Muse B, heads for the most opulent-looking manor.
Muse B breaks in to Muse A’s home and begins to raid Muse A’s late mother’s jewelry. In an attempt to stop Muse B, Muse A steals one of their father’s swords and holds the pirate at sword point. Since Muse A has never had any kind of training, they are easily overpowered by Muse B. Upon taking a closer look at Muse A, Muse B decides that they are worth far more than any bejeweled trinkets. So Muse B offers a proposition; in exchange for ending the bloodshed and leaving port, Muse A must come aboard Muse B’s ship as a captive. Muse A is terrified, but they are kind-hearted and wish to protect their town, so they reluctantly agree. So now Muse A must face their fears and leave their life behind. How will they fare and what will their relationship be like with Muse B? ◇◇◇

♤ (A) has two sides..After coming home from war, he was severely traumatized. He seemed fine to all his friends, but when they threw him a welcome home party, some things set him off into a killing frenzy. He left all his friends dead. All. Except. One.
(B) knows (A)'s two sides. She's aware of how much (A) is hurting when he's not set off. She knows how gentle, kind and caring he can be, but she's also fearful of his other side. She knows at any moment, he could snap and she'll be the last of her friends to die.
(A) has been in love with (B) for years. That was the only reason he couldn't kill her at the party. (A) wants (B) to love him back, but doesn't know how to get through to her through her fear. The day of the party, he kidnaps (B), running off to be alone with her.
Will the time (B) spend with (A) end up in her love, or her death? ◇◇◇

♤ Muse A has just gotten out of prison after serving a [insert span of time] long sentence. Muse B is their significant other who’s been faithful to them for all this time, religiously writing letters and taking their collect calls since distance wouldn’t permit face-to-face visits. When Muse A takes their first step out of the penitentiary walls as a free person, Muse B is there waiting with open arms. Muse A has a lot of pent up tension to release after all that time away and Muse B is more than willing to bear the brunt of it.

Bonus points if Muse A went away for a crime they committed to protect Muse B.

♤Muse A has kidnapped Muse B, not out of vengeance or for ransom, but because they think they love Muse B. Muse A is delusional and believes that the only way that they can be together is if they keep Muse B locked up in their home, unable to escape or call for help. As Muse A falls deeper into their delusion, they try to convince Muse B that they are in love and that Muse B is the one being irrational, and at the same time, Muse B must try to convince Muse A to let them go, or let their guard down just long enough for Muse B to make a run for it.
Can Muse B make a break for it and get away?

Will Muse A react violently if they find Muse B trying to run?

♤Muse A has been looking for a place to live for awhile now, having recently moved out of their parents’ place, bunking with a friend here and there. After searching a few ads online, Muse A finds a nice place just within their budget. Even if Muse A has to share with two others, it’s a steal that they would regret passing up. When they meet up with the other residents, Muse B and Muse C, Muse A realizes fairly quickly that they are a couple, one that doesn’t mind flaunting their passion for each other. Muse A draws the conclusion that the reason for rent being so reasonable is most likely that others would not want to be subjected to the couples’ open displays of affection, but Muse A still decides to take the room; Muse B and Muse C’s intimacy doesn’t really bother them. Muse C is usually at home the most, while Muse B tends to work long, spontaneous shifts. Though Muse A attempts to keep to their own business, Muse C seems extremely interested in whatever they’re doing, tending to find ways to be around them. Muse C’s growing infatuation with Muse A becomes quite obvious, especially when Muse C does small things like brushing their hands against Muse A’s, or casually playing with Muse A’s hair. Muse A does begin to find themselves attracted to Muse C, but doesn’t want to risk getting evicted, or having bad blood with Muse B. Despite the potential drama of an affair, Muse A finds themselves denying less and less to Muse C as every day passes.

♤Muse A undresses habitually in front of their bedroom window, one day discovering that muse B is watching them from the building across the street. Rather than shrink away from the attention, muse A embraces it and makes a little show of undressing the rest of the way for muse B before pulling the curtains closed. Over the course of the following few days, muse A and muse B meet at the window for some shared exhibitionism. Muse A and muse B both shed their clothes with the express purpose of teasing the other into a state of sexual frenzy. This little game is thrilling for muse A because they know absolutely nothing about each other and anyone could catch them if they look up to their windows at the right time. One day, after a particularly steamy session, Muse B presses a note to the inside of their window asking if they can meet muse A face-to-face.
What will muse A say? Will meeting up with muse B destroy the fun of their flirtation from-afar? Or will it only raise the stakes?

♤Muse A and Muse B sneak over to the neighbor’s (Muse C’s) yard and use their hot tub while they’re away on vacation. Young and in love, the adventurous couple fools around under the cover of the bubbling water. Caught up in their lust, neither of them realize that the neighbor has security cameras installed on the premises, and that everything they did while in the hot tub has been caught on tape.
What will become of the unintentional sex tape?
Will the tape be used for blackmail and/or will it open the door for an affair between two of the neighbors?

♤ Muse A is a well-known toy maker, or rather, a doll maker to be more specific. They spend their days making breath-taking porcelain dolls that are incredibly lifelike. Frighteningly so. These creations are almost too real and make most customers second guess whether they should actually be purchased. Muse A would prefer not to sell any of their precious creations, but they must only to ensure that they’ll be able to continue with their art; after all, doll-making is a pain-staking and costly love. One day, Muse A receives a commission from a mysterious customer who promises to pay Muse A handsomely upon the condition that they use parts supplied by their own company. Muse A fancies themselves as a purist and is reluctant at first, but they can’t deny that the money they are offered would allow them to comfortably continue making dolls well into their twilight years.
So, Muse A accepts the commission and begins to craft a new doll with these imported parts. As they begin to craft, it quickly becomes apparent that this doll is different. From every fine hair on their pretty, little head, to their expressive eyes framed with full, long lashes, down to their cute feet; this doll is perfect. By the time this doll is completed, Muse A isn’t sure that they can sell it; they’ve become attached to their most perfect creation. Despite Muse A’s pleas to the wealthy customer, the buyer insists that they pack up the doll for shipping immediately and with a heavy heart Muse A complies. However, in the morning, Muse A discovers that the doll, Muse B, is sitting atop the box rather than inside where they’ve put them the night before. Muse B is curious to know why they were in a box so they simply ask a startled Muse A. Muse A is both frightened and amazed to discover that Muse B has come to life overnight.
♤more to come later, probably.
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