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Things To Do With A Zombie~~


Jul 6, 2009
Well, I feel like I don't post enough around here and making a journal could help. It also gives me the opratunity to let you guys know if I am not going to be on for a while or some shit like that.
Oh, I guess I should point out the fact that I have a dirty mouth and you shouldn't read if you are going to get offended by fuck and shit words. >.>

News, Updates, all that yada shit for you to know if I disapear for a while - at a glance. So you don't have to read my strange ass shit.
*August 11th - 15th: I'm moving and have shit to do all that week.
Well, I am leaving in five hours to go to college...
I am nervous as hell...
I guess that is to be expected though, hu? xD
I should get some sleep... >.>

I really hate sleep though... LOL
I am back now. ;D
I might be a little slow and not get on much at first while I get used to the transition of living here.
I also start classes tomorrow and they are going to be a little confusing at first. My schedule is really strange. lol
I know, I saw my schedule and was all like, wtf!

But its okay, as the year goes by it gets less and less confusing, lol.

Good luck!
Hello all. ^^

I've been really sick lately... I don't know what's been going on, but it's been getting worse and now I'm told to go to the clinic so I can go back to class if I am okay. x_x

Sooooo.... I guess I need to go get checked out finally. Yay >.>
Not to fond of the doctors, but I guess I'll have to do it then...
Might be for the best. H1N1 is going on down here pretty bad and everybody is so paranoid and doesn't want you to come to class if you are even the slightest bit sick... I think it is ridiculous, but whatever...

I guess it is for my safty.​
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