so I want sexual stuff.

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May 7, 2017
I have kinks and other information if you need them

1. a paragraph per post
2. no godmodding
3. please keep yourself active
4. I've never done a domiant character.
Muse A wants to write a book about the in-depth world of sex and fetishes. Taking dedication and determination to a whole new level, Muse A takes on the role of an escort for research.

Muse A is struggling to pay the bills, drowning in credit card debit and is about to be evicted from their apartment. They need easy money and they need it fast. Overhearing Muse A’s woes one day, Muse A’s neighbor tells them they are an escort and just how much money Muse A could make in one night. Desperate, Muse A joins an escort service to make the extra cash.

Muse A is the top earner at their escorting agency and has been for almost a year, catering to the wealthiest clientele in town. When Muse A meets the new hire, Muse B. Muse A figures they have no reason to feel threatened. That is until, their client list begins to dwindle and the new hire’s list begins to grow.

Muse A has been leading a double life, keeping their escorting job secret from their significant other. When the secret is exposed, Muse A is shocked that their significant other doesn’t pressure them to quit escorting but instead expresses interest in tagging along to watch them at work.

Muse A has always been insecure and shy. Wanting to take a drastic risk to build on their confidence, Muse A applies at an escort agency. Muse A starts out easy, going on dates with men just to be seen as eye candy. As Muse A’s confidence grows, Muse A decides to start having sex with clients to get more in touch with their sexual side.

Muse A and Muse B are escorts who work at competing escort agencies in a bustling city. The two are blissfully ignorant of one another until they cross paths at the local hotel bar and mistake one another for their clients.
I am not looking for mother x son, father x daughter, aunt x nephew or any of those parent x there own child plot, I will automatically turn you down
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