Awfully Cool: Winter's Super Kinky 1x1 Thread

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Aug 17, 2011
Hello. I am Winter, as you can probably see from my username, and tonight I'm looking for some fun RP to pass the time!

I will come out and say it now so that there is no confusion. I am not female IRL. This has absolutely zero impact on my ability to write female characters, but I know that the subject squicks a small amount of people out and I don't want to make said people uncomfortable.

Im looking to play against either a male or futa character. Right now I'm actually pretty interested in RPs involving futas, but I can easily do both.

I have a full [F-List] which you may look through at your leisure (SPOILER: they pretty much tell you I am a pervert) but in case you're strapped for time here are my 'top' kinks.

- Impregnation/ Breeding/ Oviposition/ Egglaying/Things that fall under that category
- Master/slave
- Kidnapping/etc
- Inter-species (furry/human, feral animal/human, you get the drift).
- Lactation
- Gangbangs/public use/exhibitionism
*** And right now I'm currently craving playing a furry woman, especially one of the larger variety. She can even be a feral if you're into that.

The one thing I'm not into is doubling, as in, playing multiple characters. I like playing one character and getting attached to them and developing them. If things develop such that I actually want to add extras, then we can talk about it, but don't come in assuming I'll play a harem of chicks for your one character or something.

I also have plots. They're behind spoiler tags to keep this thread from being really long.

The Girl Next Door
The very wealthy parents of a spoiled teenager have left the country for the summer to go on a grand trip through Europe, leaving their independent daughter alone to her own business (a development that's not necessarily unusual for their situation). The next door neighbor, who has had their eye on this girl for years, decides that it's time to make a move. Over the course of the summer he decides he'll train the girl next door into his perfect little sex pet.

*** A side-plot I really want to do with this is that the neighbor has a dog who also gets in on the action, perhaps knocking the girl up in the process, but she conveniently has the puppies before her family gets home... Or not. >:3

The Smuggler
I'm going to say this is more of a science fiction plot. Basically, in the future, alien eggs are an extremely valuable (and extremely illegal) commodity. And yet somehow, despite the efforts being made to control the trade, they keep ending up getting through customs. How? It turns out that a womb is the perfect place to hide these eggs without anyone suspecting a thing. One such smuggler is the go-to girl for getting eggs to fabulously wealthy clients who use the creatures inside of her as delicacies of ferocious guards for their estate, but on one particular job she gets far more than she bargained for when her belly proves to be the perfect incubator for the eggs inside her and they begin to hatch at the least opportune moment...

This is just a concept I thought was fun. I'd love to explore it more. Perhaps she pisses off someone rich and particularly powerful by botching the job and they decide to take HER as a payment? I'm not sure. Lots of ways to go with it though, and I'd love to brainstorm it.

The Imageboard
Theres a popular *chan imageboard devoted to all manner of extreme fetishes. The cowgirl board, so named because of its focus on human cows and women being treated like cattle, has a specific user who is very active. She writes little stories for pictures posted, talks about how much she'd love the subject matter to happen to her, and even occasionally posts nude photos of her voluptuous body, feeling empowered by the fact that it's an anonymous site where no one would ever track her down.

... But, someone does. In the middle of posting something new and obscene on the site, she hears someone in her house, but before she can react a cloth is pressed over her face and she loses consciousness.

... And when she awakes, she meets her 'rancher', and is informed that all of her fantasies are about to come true.

This one can go a lot of ways from here. I'd like for it to be a slow sort of transformation where she becomes more cowlike, growing ears and a tail and bigger breasts because of course. There could also be an underground sort of subculture or something where there are a good many more cow hybrids than her, and there are competitions they're entered into, etc. A lot of ways to go with this.

Hot for Teacher
At the high-school of Warrington Academy, the students don't talk about actresses or porn stars. They talk about their teacher, Ms. Savage. And one of her students is going to make that dream a reality, either through blackmail or mind control or even through paying her (maybe they're from a rich family).

At the whims of her student, the teacher eventually begins to get involved with more depraved activity. Be it servicing the class, or being left in a public restroom to be used by passerby, or being prostituted for a pitifully small amount of money, she's helpless in this situation to resist the sadistic whims of her master.

Honestly if the student could be a futa you'd get SO many bonus points!

The Virgin Slut
She's the kind of girl that makes heads turn while walking down the street. She dresses in revealing clothes, and it seems as if she enjoys the attention and catcalls that get thrown her way. Sometimes she'll flash her tits and then disappear without a trace. By day, she's definitely an attention whore.

By night, she's something else entirely. Her main haunt is a small park in the center of the city in a sleepy neighborhood. She goes there almost every night for the thrill of being caught. Sometimes she brings her toys and masturbates in the restroom, sometimes she strips off all of her clothes and plays on the swing set, secretly hoping each and every time that someone will come and catch her and take advantage of the situation.

There's just one surprising secret about this girl: she's never had sex with anyone. She has an amazing body and she could probably get any guy (or girl) she wants, but she's just too nervous to ask. Maybe that's why she's so risky; she's frustrated and so she's hoping she won't have to ask for sex and it'll just... Happen.

One night, she gets caught by your character in the park, who has come on rumors of her presence. Sex happens, obviously. And then your character makes an offer to her. They head a very... Exclusive pleasure service, catering to members of high society with very unusual tastes, and she seems like just the depraved sort of girl they're looking for. They'd love to have her on as an employee (especially because they personally train all of the employees).

To the girl, it's a no brainer, and she accepts, and finds herself entering an (under)world of debauchery.

Kinks present: Pretty much anything you can imagine. This one is very versatile. The only thing I'm really, really hoping for is the club owner to be a futa or a really dominant lady. I dunno, the idea of a powerful female-presenting person hooking rich guys up with willing sluts is really hot okay.

The Farm
A pretty young thing is driving cross-country when some weather breaks out. To her horrible luck, her car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, and she manage to pull over down a driveway so that a semi doesn't slam into her vehicle. Because she is in the middle of nowhere, her phone has no reception, so she waits out the storm. When it finally breaks, she gets out and starts walking down the driveway her car ended up on.

After a few miles, she finds herself in front of a little farm house. She knocks on the door and is greeted by a friendly man. He lets her in and feeds her a hot meal, although it tastes a bit funny, and soon after she has it she begins to get drowsy. He lends her a bed for the night since it is a bit late for them to call a mechanic.

When she next wakes up, she finds herself chained in a pen in his barn, sans her clothing. He's quick to show up after that and welcome her to her new life as a dairy cow.

**** I actually just had an interesting idea for this one that I'd really like to explore. It would be more or less the same as mentioned above, although it would occur in a world where humans and people with the traits of animals already exist together in relative peace. Instead of being human, the girl whose car breaks down is instead a girl with cow traits, and when the farmer sees her, he just decides to seize the opportunity presented to him.

Major kinks: Lactation, pregnancy, bondage, nonconsensual. Bestiality is also an option, as is interspecies pregnancy: he can choose to knock her up himself, or he can see if she can carry the offspring of a bull, or whatever our sick imaginations can come up with. I'm also interested in exploring body modification. Nothing too extreme, mostly things like giving her hormones that would make her breasts grow to a size capable of producing large quantities of milk, or making her grow a cute little tail and ears.

A young lady goes on a camping trip alone out in the wilderness. For several days things go really well and she has a wonderful time... Although she can't shake the feeling that she's been being watched for a while.

It turns out that she's right. Just beyond the trees or the tall grass or the rocks, a pair of eyes have been watching her. They belong to a beast, part man and part animal, new to the area, and in this young girl he sees the perfect carrier for a future pack.

... I'm not picky on this one, really. The beast can be a variety of animals, an anthro, a werewolf, etc. No matter which variety of poison you pick, it ends up the same. Somehow, this wolf ends up catching her, dragging her to his cozy den and fucking her repeatedly in an attempt to knock her up with his litter.

Major kinks: Impregnation, nonconsensual bestiality (optional). I'd really like to explore a scenario where she's extremely unhappy with the situation at first but eventually grows to like it.

Naughty Story Snippet in Place of a Plot
She was out walking her dog, a big, black, mastiff, when she noticed a woman staring at her distended stomach.

"My goodness," the lady exclaimed. "When are you due?"

She smiled, "Not for another few weeks."

The woman's eyes boggled. "What are you having? Twins?" She gasped a little when the other shook her head 'no'. "... Triplets?"

"No," the girl said, and her cheeks colored a bit as she glanced from the dog straining at the leash up to the woman. "I'm having puppies!"

These are just a few of my ideas, and I'll add more as I think of them. I would be more than willing to brainstorm with you or hear your ideas.

I'd be willing to play over PM here, OR through email, which is highly preferred. I also have Kik (thebreedingbitch) but aside from that I don't use any other messenger.

Hoping to hear from you!
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