Harem Mobile: (RPG/Sim Harem request thread)

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Choco-waifu supremacy
Dec 18, 2015

Hallo ^^ your friendly neighborhood harem lover here with another idea I’d love to try.

Now… the concept of a person getting pulled into a game isn’t exactly a new one, having been done in all variety of media in the past… what I have in mind here though is a very specific ‘game/genre’ one that could lead to harems, sexy-time and even some light sim/RPG mechanics too.

I am of course referring to mobile collect-athons… a few examples being;
Brave Frontier
Granblu Fantasy
Fire Emblem Heroes
Fate: Grand Order
games filled to the brim with lovely ladies (and males) to collect and bond with… now imagine getting pulled into a game of this sort of genre and you can probably see where this is going.

The ‘game’ could be either based off of a series that already exists (like the aforementioned Fire Emblem Heroes and ‘Fate:grand order’), be made entirely from OC’s and general images you like… or we could just make it a huge crossover and include every game under the sun so you can mix and match ^_^

If that sounds like fun, then please read on ^_^

First things first, let’s get a few basic rules out of the way.

1. I prefer to RP via PM only, I’ve tried threads before but it’s just not really my cup of tea… and I’m not a big fan of IM’s and have had bad experiences with them in the past, plus I find PM’s easier to keep track of
2. I follow the rules of the site, so no characters under 15, petite girls and girls who ‘look young’ are fine, but make sure they’re legal in their own in-game universe first.
3. I try my best to respond with detail and I understand that by playing multiple characters my own posts may get a little long when it comes to ‘group’ related stuff, therefore I’m not expecting essay length responses from my partner, I would however like to request at least one or two decent sized paragraphs in the responses, and no one liners please… nothing is more annoying that writing a long response and getting ‘Bob pounded Jane’s pussy harder’ as a single response.
4. 3rd person is highly preferred.
5. A basic grasp of the English language with responses please, I don’t mind the occasional typo, but if things start going all Duwang on me I’ll get very confused and may ignore it. X)
6. I’m a fairly open person so if there’s anything you’re unsure about.
7. When you send requests, also include your favourite waifu/best-gurl (or one of them at least) in the subject bar… just so I know you’ve read the rules :3 failing to follow this rule may lead to me ignoring the request entirely… and I’ll know one of your waifu’s for future use in the RP heeehee~
8. HAVE FUN \o/ if you aren’t enjoying it, let me know and we can add a little bit to make it more interesting, add a new girl or satisfy a particular craving.

Turn Ons:
Just a variety of little things I like to see in RP’s, being ok with me including any of these on my girls will make me very happy;

1. Comedy/Parody (we’re all here to have fun after all, a bit of playful banter between the girls and the guy will ALWAYS make me smile and want to reply sooner, it’s not real after all so we could easily throw in some cartoon slapstick or parody the stereotypes usually seen in anime and manga… the MC having hentai protag powers that means he never gets tired, the fact that the girls can go at it for days on end and still not get pregnant etc etc)
2. Dark skin (*looks at avi* yeah… XD I’m not saying every girl has to look like that, but being allowed to throw a bit of ‘chocolate’ into the mix will always make me happy.)
3. A happy tone ( try and keep it light-hearted and fun, cheesy at times with a playful and happy atmosphere, there’ll be moments of seriousness sure, but a happy tone is always nicer than a ‘grim-dark’ one for Harems.)
4. Cosplay (y’know what’s hotter than a dark elf? A dark elf in a maid outfit <3 having my girls dress up and have fun in different outfits and costumes keeps things fresh and fun for us both.)
5. Incest (A game the whole family can play~ why leave the cute sisters and mother out, get them in the harem too if you’d like ;) )
6. Thigh-highs/stockings (Love em... don't know why, but I just love seeing my girls wearing them *_* )
7. OoC discussion (I like talking with people about how the Rp is going on and what direction we’d like to take it, perhaps you’re craving a certain girl more than the others… just let me know, also it’s nice to have a bit of a chat with people)

I’m open but even I have limits, these are a few things I’m really not too keen on doing or getting involved in with these kinds or Rps;

1. Rape/torture (A bit of rough-sex is fine… heck depending on the size of the harem ‘some’ of the girls will certainly be into that sort of rough stuff, but no ‘serial rapist’ protags please… thanks very much)
2. Girl Drama (You ever seen those pictures of a guy getting pulled in two different directions by a pissed girl on each arm… yeah… NONE of that sort of stuff please, I’d like the harem to get along and ‘share’ so to speak, there’ll be little moments I understand that… but no bitch/cat fights over the man.)
3. Scat/Guro/Watersports (ew ew ew,sorry these are REALLY not my kind of thing x_x)
4. Grimdark protagonist (you’re surrounded by woman eager for your junk, cheer up and stop being so edgy XD someone’s who’s playful and fun will always appeal me more than an emo or depressive one)
5. Old Men/Fat (I like to keep the girls looking sweet and beautiful, and the idea of a fat old man doing it with them doesn’t appeal, someone around the same age as the girls in question please ^_^ mid-teens at the earliest, late 20’s at the latest)

Ok boring part over, let’s get to the meat of things shall we;

The idea:

As specified earlier the idea is focused around a male/futa (your character) getting pulled into a collect-a-thon game, you’ll start off in a barren plaza like area with nothing but a small home and a shop to buy girls from…

You’ll also start off with one girl to your name… and this is where the games main ‘mechanic’ will come into play… by bonding with the girl (going on dates, spending time together and of course the art of SEXY TIME!) your character will gain two (three) things;
Currency: which can be used to upgrade the plaza and buy more girls from the shop (summon cards/orbs)
Affection: girl specific, boosting this with certain girls will have interesting effects (‘ill get more onto this later)
Experience (optional): points which can be used to increase the MC’s own stats, such as charm, stamina, cock-size… you get the idea X3

These are the main basic mechanics I had in mind for the RP… and we can easily make something simple using that, for something a little more in-depth though, I have a few ‘other mechanics’ which could be included.

Other Mechanics:

These are all optional ideas which we don’t have to include unless you want them

Affection Gauge: spending time with the girls will increase their affection for you, and when they reach certain points they will ‘level up’ levelling up girls could have special effects for you… like unlocking character specific passives to help you, allowing you to buy gifts or outfits for them, or perhaps even unlocking a marriage event (and possibly even pregnancy too)

Achievements: wouldn’t be a game without some achievment/reward system now would it :3 reaching certain benchmarks may gift you bonus gold, girls… or perhaps even entirely new shops to visit. For an example maybe owning 3 characters from the same series will allow you to get a forth one absolutely free ^^

Upgrades / Shops: this ties in to the ‘empty plaza’ I mentioned early on… by playing the game or getting certain girls you will unlock special areas, shops or places to spend time in… like maybe having a ‘bartender girl’ (tifa lockhart for example) will unlock a tavern you can go to and relax. Perhaps unlocking a clothing store filled with alt costumes for the girls or just generally sexy outfits for them to wear.

There is also the concept of upgrading, imagine starting off with just a small cottage and eventually upgrading it to an enormous pleasure palace… like perhaps only being able to bond with one girl at a time at first, but once you’ve upgraded you can start having entire gangbangs and orgies with all the girls in your home.

Specific Examples:

I’m going to include a few ideas here along with some images and link ideas, some of them original and some based off of specific games. if you have any particular ideas of your own though then feel free to suggest them. :3

General Harem Game
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When in doubt… include everyone \o/ this is a general ‘crossover’ game where you can include all variety of girls if you don’t want to focus on one specific theme or series… want to have Princess Peach, Rikku, Morrigan, Ahri and Bayonetta all together in one place? Then this is the option for you :3

Pokemon Harem
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Be it with anthro females, the human characters or both :3 Pokemon has a lot of lovely ladies out there ^_^ could perhaps even have a concept similar to pokemon ‘mystery dungeon’ where the main male actually turns into a pokemon… or maybe make it similar to pokemon go where he has to leave town and ‘tame’ the wild girls outside.

Fire Emblem
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Mainly inspired off of the aforementioned ‘Fire Emblem: Heroes’ and the game that triggered this idea in the first place ^^ and there’s certainly more than enough girls to choose from, the games I’m the most knowledgeable of are;
The GBA games
Path of Radiance/Radiant dawn
Fates (all 3 routes)

Monster Girl Harem
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Lamias, Harpies, kitsunes, slimes, arachnes and all others… this game will be focused mainly around various monster girls, on another note… ‘a collect-a-thon’ game based off of Monster Musume was actually released in Japan… and I’d be happy to play as and create a harem from all of the girls from that, both new and old :3 the girl list
Girls from ‘Monster Girl Quest’ and the monster girl encyclopedia are also viable options.

Fate/Grand Order
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Based off of the mobile game (that will soon be getting a western release \o/ ) there’s all types of colourful servants and females to pick from, and I’m more than happy to include some OC servants as well.

Senran Kagura
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I've actually got a thread dedicated to Senran Kagura X3 , on another note though, with the mobile game 'new wave' being released they've included a ton of new girls to the cast, plenty of lovely ninja girls to enjoy ^^

As mentioned before, if you have any ideas of your own then I’m happy to hear them, if any of the ideas catch your eyes or you’d like to just discuss… then please feel free to PM me and I’d be happy to try and come up with something ^^

Also don’t forget to read the rules… you’ll know why after you’ve read them ;3
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