What Happens in Nos Astra (Atroxa & Viperfang)


Mar 16, 2013
Nos Astra was the biggest city on Illium, it’d be the capital if the planet had any sort of central government like that. Instead though the cities were more or less independent from one another and everything else. Just about everything known in the galaxy could be bought and sold, legally, in Nos Astra, including people. The only things that weren’t legal were theft and murder, and that was about it. Some people fund similarities between here and Omega, and there were certainly some common threads but there was more order in Nos Astra by far, and the divides between the various ranks was not who had the biggest stick, but how much money you had. If you had enough money, you were practically royalty in Nos Astra. Things were still dangerous here, even deadly, but there was a polished veneer to the place that Omega lacked that gave people a false sense of security.

To people who had lived here for any length of time, they knew better. That included Alexa Hudson, who had just started her shift at the Blue Star, one of Nos Astra’s many strip clubs. This one was a little classier than most, not the most high end but getting up there. It was dark, clean, the drinks were strong, if customers got too rough or demanding they were booted out, and there were a variety of workers available. On Nos Astra, asari were the most common race, but the Blue Star actually had other races working for them, as well as men. Alexa was one of the human dancers, a sleek blonde (a rarity these days among humans) with full curves that made heads turn everywhere she went even when she wasn’t working.

At work though, especially, since she of course was dressed to catch the eye, the usual spandex body suit hugging her like a second skin, dark blue and slightly metallic. The neck came up to her jaw line, but a diamond shape was cut over the chest, dipping down low to put her cleavage on display another was cut out over her stomach, once again dipping low, exposing most of her stomach with the bottom point level with low on her hips. The back had a similar motif, almost nonexistent as it was just one open diamond shape, from the nape of her neck to the small of her back just above where it began to curve back out with the shape of her ass.

Alexa had never seen Earth, she had been born on a human colony, how she’d ended up here was a long pretty uninteresting story in her opinion. It didn’t matter anyway, she was here now and making a pretty decent living dancing and stripping privately. Alexa didn’t strip on stage, you had to pay extra to see her in the buff, and a lot of men (and a few women) did just that. More than that would cost you even more, way more, she wasn’t above it, but she didn’t see herself as some prostitute. She had standards, both for how she was treated and who she saw privately.

Tonight, she didn’t spot any of her regulars though, so working the circuit it was, her most charming smile on her face. Her blonde hair fell to her shoulders in smooth waves and her bright green eyes were lined with black to make them pop a bit more. She wasn’t due up on stage for a couple of hours, so until then it was flirt and see if anyone wanted a table or lap dance, for a fee of course, or a private dance if they really had the credits to drop. A slow, throbbing beat poured out of the walls, and there was an asari up on the stage, working the pole like she’d been doing it for a hundred years, because she probably had. Everything seemed pretty normal really, just another night in Nos Asta, but really, Alexa should know better than to think that.
Illium was pretty well-known among…well, pretty much anyone not living under a rock. So few restrictions, endless sources of entertainment…it was ripe for moneymaking. Of course, the ones who usually benefited from this were people who owned their own companies in the cities. Still, it wasn’t unheard of for many a mercenary to get a good job lined up every now and then, especially when competition between companies became heated. It was also often a safe haven for those wanted by the law. Pay the right person, and they’d suddenly have no clue who was hiding away in their clubs or hotels.

It was practically heaven to a guy like Sius Laetus. A turian, Sius was a mercenary of extraordinary caliber. He went through some basic training on his home planet, but that wasn’t enough for him. He wanted adventure and a lucrative paycheck. Once he felt he could do it, he managed to go AWOL, starting his way from the bottom. He was a space pirate for a while before climbing the ranks, further developing his skills in combat and firearms before he could finally make a name for himself as a mercenary. Despite being somewhat young, he was tall and imposing. His carapace was a dark, almost brownish grey with striking violet tattoos adorning his face. His eyes were lavender, and they truly stood out against his skin. Along the left side of the crest on his head, he sported three silver hoop piercings. In addition to the occasional scar on his torso and the burn scar on his right cheek, the mere sight of him made his targets, and even clients, shudder.

And yet…he didn’t act like it was a big deal. In fact, he was quite casual about his lifestyle, cocky and brash. But perhaps that was what terrified his marks. He could afford to be bold, because he had the skill and strength to back it up. Once a mark caught wind of who was hunting them, they would usually find some backwater place to lay low. But this time was different. He kept to the shadows as he watched the man approach the Blue Star. The man was a human with a shaved head and patchy stubble. He was pale and solidly built. His right eye was an eerie, steely blue. His left, however, had gone milky white; he and Sius had crossed paths before…and that blind eye was a souvenir.

This man was a pirate who called himself the Bulldog. He was known for getting involved in just about everything that was illegal: murder, terrorism, drugs, trafficking of any species he could get his grubby hands on…the guy was dirt. Dirt with a lot of credits on his head. Sius watched carefully as the man stopped just outside the club, glancing around before giving a confident grin as three other men approached him. One of these guys was a Krogan. He was a little on the small side, somehow, and sported numerous scars on his face. The other two guys were human. Both were somewhat short, but one was slender while the other was…well, stocky. They approached the bouncer together and seemed to pay him before venturing inside. Sius grinned before emerging from his hiding place.

He approached the bouncer who promptly stood in his way. This guy was another turian, though he wasn’t one he recognized. The bouncer, however, seemed to know him as he scowled.

“You. You’re that mercenary…get out of here, we don’t want anyone causing a ruckus,” he said gruffly.

Sius just grinned more. ”Now why would I cause trouble…unless you’ve got my mark hidden away in there.” The bouncer shifted uncomfortably. ”Look, I need in there. Everyone has their price, and uh…how does two hundred credits sound?”

He lifted his arm and queued his omnitool, ready to transfer the money. The bouncer’s eyes widened a bit before nodding. “We never met.”

Sius chuckled and patted the bouncer’s shoulder before transferring the money. Two hundred credits was peanuts compared to what he was going to get for his mark. He strolled in like he belonged, happy to see that the man he was after, along with his goons, had their eyes glued to the stage. His gaze followed theirs, but what he saw elicited a disappointed sigh. The woman dancing was asari. Sure, she was pretty and had an alluring figure, but oddly Sius was never one for asari girls. In fact, if anything, he preferred human women. As a travelling mercenary, he has had his fair share of fun with women. There was something so…unique about humans. Their skin was so soft…the hair, the eyes…just beautiful. Yeah…most turians would judge him, but he definitely had a fetish for human women.

Lucky him. He happened to spot a rather gorgeous woman patrolling the audience. Long blonde hair, deep cleavage, beautiful face…oh yeah. He’d probably come back to spend a few credits for a nice private dance with her. But in the meantime, he needed to just watch Bulldog and his boys.


Bulldog was grinning lewdly as he and his buddies watched the asari’s provocative dance. She was sexy as hell. They were all shouting lewdly at her, hoping that she would somehow cave to the pressure and start baring it all for them to ogle at. But the dancer seemed to ignore them. This wasn’t a problem, of course. It was the chase that Bulldog liked the most, and all this catcalling was just…foreplay in his twisted mind.

Yes, he did think he’d try to corner the asari at some point, but that was when the blonde came around. His jaw practically dropped as he gazed at her exposed skin. That skintight suit of hers left little to the imagination, and he licked his cracked lips. He picked up his glass as she was just about to pass him.

”Hey babe. Why don’t you bring papa another scotch?” he called to her. He waited patiently, hoping to get her within arms’ reach. ”Or maybe sit on my lap, baby. You seem to be enjoyin’ the show, so why don’t you watch it with me?”


Sius rolled his eyes as he eavesdropped. That was his way to try and get a woman close to him? Pathetic. Of course, weaker humans did tend to be more yappy…so maybe he should have expected that.
Alexa had to deal with a lot of jerks and sleazeballs in her line of work, you got good at just being able to force a smile and put up with it. And you also got good at being able to tell which ones would make it worth your while and which ones just thought they could treat a woman like a piece of shit because she was a stripper. It was hard to tell with this guy honestly but Alexa was thinking he wasn’t worth her time. And serving drinks definitely wasn’t, they had waitresses for that, in fact she would get in trouble serving drinks as she got paid too much to be doing something like that. So she just flashed the guy a charming smile, “I can flag down a waitress for you if you like, but you’d have to pay me up front to get you a scotch.”

She didn’t get too close, just stood there, taunting him a bit with her posture, one hand on one of her curvy hips. If he actually started putting his credits where his ugly mouth was maybe she’d come closer, but at the moment he just seemed to be having fun harassing everyone. The club had its own network, it was easy for customers to transfer credits to one of the employees, whether it be a tip for drinks or actually paying for a ‘service’. And she hadn’t gotten a thing from him.

With some of the softer guys, she might talk to them and flirt and butter them up to convince them to commit, but this guy surely had spent his fair share of time in strip clubs. He had to know how this worked, he had to make it worth her time to get her attention, especially if he was going to act like a jerk.
Bulldog’s grin remained, though he scoffed at her rebuff. He waved her on before looking back to the stage.

”Tch, whatever, babe,” he said dismissively.

He was trying—a bit too hard, one might say—to act like he didn’t care. But it didn’t take long for his gaze to return to Alexa. He drank in her visage and licked his lips. One way or another, he was going to have her, even if she went kicking and screaming. One more glance to his lackeys conveyed his intentions.


Sius recognized that look. He saw it on a lot of his marks. They wanted something badly, and they didn’t care about the consequences. Judging from the fact that they were talking to a woman, no doubt they wanted to do something to her. His eyes narrowed on his target, longing to take out his gun and kill him. It would be quick and easy…but he didn’t want to risk hitting the wrong person. Sure, the club wasn’t exactly crowded tonight, but anything could happen.

Slowly and discreetly, he weaved between tables, making his way towards the stage. If he planned this right, he could take out the leader without the others knowing. After that, his lackeys would panic and make them easier targets. The Krogan would be the more difficult one, but nothing he couldn’t handle.

As he got closer, he found himself leering at the woman they were harassing. She was definitely sexy. That skin-tight outfit…he wished she was the one dancing. Unfortunately, he couldn’t pay her for a private dance right now. He blew a lot of credits just to get in…plus any moment away would likely result in his mark getting away. After his job was done, it was also likely that he wouldn’t be allowed back in.

Damn…what a da—

His thoughts were interrupted as he heard one of the lackeys make a choking sound. He turned and felt tense. He had been spotted.

”Shit! It’s Sius, boss!” one of the humans barked out.

And this was where things would get messy. Sius pulled out his gun and fired quickly, immediately taking down the slender human that had alerted the others. Bulldog and his remaining men stood up, drawing their weapons and firing at him wildly. He ducked and pushed over a table, using it as a shield. He momentarily marveled at how sturdy it was to resist their guns, but tried to think of a way out of the predicament.

The bouncer charged in, holding his own gun, but was shot and killed. Screams of terror filled the club. Dancers, waitresses, customers…everyone seemed terrified. The men shouted angrily at everyone to not move, especially Sius.

Bulldog was starting to panic already. He and Sius had battled before, and it was only through sheer luck that the criminal survived. No doubt his number would be up soon…unless he could use another trick. Once more, he spotted Alexa, and licked his lips like a twisted predator.

”Keep the fucker pinned! I’m gonna get me a pretty little shield!” he ordered before dashing after her. ”Come to papa, bitch!”

Sius knew what that meant and tried to stand to shoot Bulldog in the back, but the lackeys fired on him immediately, prompting him to duck back down. This was frustrating.
Alexa just shrugged and turned to walk away, if he wasn’t going to make dealing with him worth her time then she just wouldn’t. She was confident that they wouldn’t try messing with her, and that if they did, they’d be handled. They had good bouncers here after all. She had only managed to take a couple of steps though when things seemed to explode around here. There were gunshots and she jumped with a short scream before darting behind a nearby to hide as there was an exchange of gunfire, her eyes wide and her hands over her ears.

She saw the man before coming at her and tried to dart away, but he caught her arm and pulled her back to him. “Let me go!” she snarled, trying not to sound as terrified as she felt, and resisted the urge to try and hit him. He had a gun in his hand after all, she wasn’t stupid. Alexa wasn’t some obedient little churl either though, and tried gallantly to pull out of his grip. Her heart was hammering in her chest though, terrified about what would happen if no one took this asshole down. If he got away with her still in his clutches, there was no telling what would happen to her.

Alexa looked around frantically, seeing other bouncers starting to move in, joining the turian that was already firing at the leader’s lackeys. Hopefully they could get this handled, and fast, she didn’t want to think about what this guy and his men would do to her if they could get her alone with them and away from the protection of the club and the authorities. It wasn’t really in Illium’s policy to chase people once they got off world regardless of their crimes.
Sius was getting flustered. He wasn’t able to get a decent shot off with Bulldog’s lackeys focusing on him. He could already tell that Bulldog was going to use the woman as a human shield. No doubt he would do something horrible with her if he managed to get away. He couldn’t allow that. Fortunately, more security started to enter, divvying up the flunkies’ attentions. Just as they were fired upon, Sius stood up and pulled the trigger, mowing down the last of Bulldog’s men.

He turned to face Bulldog, who was now looking even more panicked. His men were dead, and all he had to protect himself was a gun and a woman who was struggling in his grasp. He was getting angry with her, his grip tightening before he finally pressed the gun barrel against her cheek.

”Stop strugglin’, bitch! Just be a good little meat shield. Wouldn’t want to waste that pretty face of yours!”

She didn’t seem to be listening, though, and he couldn’t afford to kill her now. With the bouncers and Sius aiming at him, she was his best chance for survival.

”Nobody get near me, or I kill the woman!”

Sius’ eyes narrowed on Bulldog, trying to find an opening. What he saw instead was his enemy…faltering a bit. He was bluffing about killing the woman, it looked like…at least not intentionally. While panicked, it wouldn’t surprise him if his trigger accidentally slipped. As he examined, both he and Bulldog noticed one of the security guards moving close. Without thinking, the criminal turned quickly and aimed his gun at the guard. Before he could pull the trigger, Sius lifted his own weapon and shot quickly, the bullet sailing cleanly through the man’s temple, killing him.

Bulldog’s knees buckled as his grip on the woman loosened. His body then fell to the floor and the guards moved forward to secure the body. Sius, in the meantime, hurried to the woman.

”You didn’t get hit, did you?” he asked, his voice deep as he looked her over.

He knew she couldn’t have been hit by his shot. He was practically a surgeon with guns. And he had a pretty decent feeling she wasn’t traumatized. After all, she fought Bulldog pretty hard the whole time. But hey…this gave him a chance to get a good look at her. She was gorgeous…and his imagination was flying.
Alexa kept trying to pull out of the man’s grip, hoping that he would be distracted enough to loosen it and she could slip away. He never did though, if anything he kept a particularly tight hold on her, clearly determined to use her as a shield so he wouldn’t get shot. When he pressed the barrel of his gun to her cheek though she finally stopped fighting, her eyes going wide for a moment before she glared at him when he pulled it away. He turned them both, aiming at one of the bouncers but before he could shoot, someone else took advantage of the situation and shot him instead. Alexa jerked and let out a short scream as her face was splattered with his blood, scrambling away from him.

She just stood there for a moment, looking shocked, breathing heavily, and jumped again when a turian was suddenly next to her, asking her if she’d gotten hit. Alexa glanced at the man now lying dead on the ground, his lackeys that weren’t already dead giving up with their leader gone. She looked back to the turian and shook her head, “No, I’m fine.” Her voice sounded a little shaky, but mostly calm. It wasn’t the first time she’d seen someone get shot, but it had never been that close up.

One of the bouncers, a particularly bulky krogan, came stomping up, glaring at the turian. “What in the world was that? Who the hell are you?” he looked at Alexa, “You alright?” She nodded again.

“I’m going to clean up…” she told them both quietly, deciding to leave them to argue or whatever. She glanced at the turian, “Thanks.” Alexa needed a moment alone, and to clean off her face.
Just as he thought, the human woman was perfectly fine. Well…apart from being traumatized by her close encounter with death. It didn’t really help that his target’s blood ended up splattered on her pretty face. He could see that she wasn’t used to this sort of thing, obviously quite shaken up by the whole experience. He was about to try and work some charm on her…or at least attempt to—after all, not many humans were into Turians—when a Krogan guard bounded his way up to the pair of them. Sius couldn’t help but groan slightly. He waited until the woman walked off to address the Krogan, giving her a nod as she thanked him. Once she was gone, he turned to the guard, obviously annoyed.

”Relax, relax. I’m Sius Laetus, mercenary. That guy I just blasted? The guy that was using that girl as a shield? He was the pirate known as Bulldog.” The Krogan growled a bit. He clearly had heard about the criminal. ”Yeah, I know I’m not supposed to bring weapons here, but when I saw him come in…well, what choice did I have?”

The Krogan reached out and grabbed Sius by his arm, his grip very tight and making the merc wince slightly as he stumbled forward, jerked by the guard.

”Yeah, you got what you wanted. You killed your mark and made a mess in here. You did save one of our girls, so I don’t have to pummel you. But don’t bring that shit in here again, hear me? I see another gun on you, and you’ll be a skid mark on the carpet. Clear?”

Sius was amused, but didn’t let it show. He simply nodded. This wasn’t his first time getting scolded by some authority figure for doing his job. But hey, with this job finished, he was coming into some money. And he knew just where he wanted to spend some of it.

”Alright, alright. I gotta go, anyway. My client wanted me to report as soon as I took care of things. I’ll be back tomorrow. Be sure and tell that woman that I’ll be lookin’ for her on the stage.”

He chuckled as he wrenched his arm free, leaving the Krogan to look a little more flustered. He then proceeded to use his multitool to snap a few shots of the Bulldog, confirming his kill. Afterwards, he turned to leave, casually sending the photos to his client. An hour later, he received his credits just in time to check into a hotel for the night.
The next day, he returned to the Blue Star, several tens of thousands of credits richer. He could afford to be smug as he spotted the Krogan guard from before who halted him immediately. He grinned in his Turian manner, his mandibles twitching slightly.

”Hi, sweetheart, miss me?” he taunted, earning a growl from the Krogan.

”Just lift your damn arms. Gotta make sure you don’t have a gun this time.”

A rather thorough inspection, including a heavy patdown and a couple of scans from a multitool, ensued before it was determined that he was clean, leaving the Krogan to do little more than grunt as Sius paid his cover charge, then sauntered casually into the club. It felt nice being here not on business. This was purely for pleasure…and he was already seeking out the pretty woman from the previous day.
Alexa had gone home after that ordeal, her boss hadn’t seemed happy, not being the most sympathetic person in the galaxy and all. The place had emptied after someone getting their brains blown out though so he’d just let her and a few others go. She’d taken a scalding hot shower and drained an entire bottle of Elysium wine with a few pills as chasers and passed out, not wanting to have any nightmares about being used as a human shield and then having someone’s blood splatter her face.

The next day she was back at work though, which she was fine with, she didn’t want to sit at home and think about everything too much. Of course, being back where it had all happened didn’t really help much but still, she needed to keep herself busy and she needed to work. Alexa didn’t even spare a thought for the turian mercenary, she hadn’t thought she’d see him again, or that he’d come back to see her. She had just come back from a break, standing off to the side near the bar talking to the asari bartender, just chatting idly as she got back into her work mode.
Sius felt his mandibles quiver a bit as he laid eyes on her again. A grin came over his face. She was just as sexy as the previous day. She didn’t seem to notice him at all, apparently more interested in chatting with the bartender. As a man who saw death and blood on a regular basis, he had a feeling she was still trying to forget the whole ordeal. Though he knew seeing his face would no doubt bring back unwanted memories…he wanted to at least try to see if she’d be up for a little fun.

He sauntered up to the bar, ignoring the other waitresses and customers. He sat at the bar and waved to catch the bartender’s attention.

”Hey, I’d like a bottle of Horosk, if you don’t mind, and…” he called, then gestured to Alexa. ”Whatever she wants, put it on my tab.”

He then shot a wink at the beautiful human. Man, what he wouldn’t give to get her out of those clothes.

”I dunno if you remember me. We met yesterday before things got…messy. Sius Laetus. We didn’t get a chance to talk too much, but I’d like to make up for some lost time.”

As a glass and bottle was set in front of him, he swiftly poured the strong-smelling liquid into the cup, then downed it in one gulp. It burned all the way down, but it felt good. Horosk was strong and could knock most Turians on their asses, but he could handle it just fine…as long as he didn’t chug the entire bottle. That gave him one hell of a hangover.

”So, what do you say, sweetheart? Mind giving me a second chance?”

If she said no, that would be disappointing. But nothing he wasn’t used to. Not many humans wanted to even entertain the idea of getting intimate with a Turian. Still, if she didn’t want him, there were plenty other girls that could maybe be convinced otherwise.
Alexa glanced at the turian that walked up to the bar, and recognized him immediately. She gave him a look of mingled surprise and confusion at first, what in the world was he still doing here? He’d gotten his mark, and caused quite a scene, she was surprised he he came back. Then he offered to cover her drinks and she understood immediately. Alexa’s face twitched into a frown for a fraction of a second before she spread her work smile on, it wasn’t overdone, just big enough to seem welcoming, but her eyes were soft, and she held her lips in just the right way to seem inviting.

She shouldn’t be surprised, he was a merc after all, killing and such were no doubt just daily routine for him. So of course he’d notice that he was in a strip club, and that it was populated by beautiful strippers. Unlike most places he was clearly used to though, none of the women here would refuse him for being a turian even if they weren’t a turian and weren’t personally into them. Alexa though didn’t have anything against turian men, she hadn’t found them to be much different than the men of every other race, biological factors not withstanding. Some were jerks, some weren’t, but they all still thought with their dicks.

“Yes, I remember you. I’m surprised you’re back,” she said, turning to face him but still leaning against the bar. The bartender set down the bottle that the turian had ordered and Alexa’s drink and left her alone to work.

The stripped was an old hand at pretending to find men (and women, and others) clever and funny, so she grinned in an amused when when he joked about making up for lost time. She took up her glass and sipped at it, it was just a whiskey sour, an Earth drink she was fond of, sweet and sour, and very strong. “Of course,” she told him when he asked if she’d give him a second chance, “I’m Alexa by the way.” This creep better not try to stiff her, after yesterday she knew he had to have some credits from getting that mark.

“Come on, let’s go sit down,” Alexa said, motioning towards one of the booths and leading the way, swaying her hips and ass for him a bit. She slid into the half circle booth seat and patted the spot next to her, inviting him to sit close to her. “So, just on Illium for business then? Chasing that creep from yesterday?”
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