I've recently been a bit short on having an open plot playing. Though, I've been thinking. I've got this idea that includes a threesome between friends. A sort of friends with benefits kind of thing. The three are all close friends, knowing each other since highschool. They all escalate their sexual urge having such close relationships.
They even could be roommating together, making the inevitable happen.
They play with each other, scratching the surface of sexual desire. Loads of teasing and favours. Taking turns with the out numbered gender. And they still all hang out together, just as though they're all only close Friends.
We can go over specific kinks before we get started.
I'm wanting to do this in a thread. That way it can be a group plot. (my intentional hope anyhow)
The pairing I would love is either a M/F/F or M/M/F.
However, I could be talked into a M/M/M.
In the chance I have ill turn out, I am willing to persue this 1 on 1 with one of us playing two.
I wanna get started ASAP!
I've recently been a bit short on having an open plot playing. Though, I've been thinking. I've got this idea that includes a threesome between friends. A sort of friends with benefits kind of thing. The three are all close friends, knowing each other since highschool. They all escalate their sexual urge having such close relationships.
They even could be roommating together, making the inevitable happen.
They play with each other, scratching the surface of sexual desire. Loads of teasing and favours. Taking turns with the out numbered gender. And they still all hang out together, just as though they're all only close Friends.
We can go over specific kinks before we get started.
I'm wanting to do this in a thread. That way it can be a group plot. (my intentional hope anyhow)
The pairing I would love is either a M/F/F or M/M/F.
However, I could be talked into a M/M/M.
In the chance I have ill turn out, I am willing to persue this 1 on 1 with one of us playing two.
I wanna get started ASAP!