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M seeking F for Kill la Kill or Highschool DxD rps.

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Sep 21, 2015
Hey there, so lately I've been watching both Kill la Kill and High School DxD, and after watching such an overdose of fan service I'm craving some big anime butts and boobs, no surprise there. XD Anyhow, I'm pretty flexible with who I play, but I would like the female to play Ryuuko and Satsuki if Kill la Kill, or Rias and Akeno if High School DxD. Just to clarify, I don't expect you to play both characters at once, however if you are able and willing to it will be very much appreciated.

I'm open to kinks as well, and just to clarify, all the characters in this rp must be at least 18 years of age. If you're interested, please send me a pm to let me know as I don't check the threads often.
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