Taking the Plunge! (FxF)

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Jul 28, 2016
Hi there denizens of Blue Moon! I'm Carly and I've been lurking about here for a few months now and I've even been throwing a line or two out to various roleplayers via ads but, so far, I've only gotten a couple of bites. I understand the lack of response so far, I'm relatively new to the site. Further, I'm a little bit out of practice, I've not been at it for nearly a year and I'm sure it shows at least a little. Before that 'brief' pause I'd been playing almost constantly for a little over a decade in one form or another - Email, messenger, PM, Roll20, even running a few tabletop games of my own in person. Really the only type of play I've not done is a thread and considering my relatively recent return That's something I'd rather avoid, at least for now.

So, I figured I'd throw a net out into this ocean that will both clarify what I'm looking for and to see if I can't ensnare a few interested partners out of the deal to boot! As the thread title suggests I am looking to ensnare a few wonderful young ladies to enjoy some story and just a bit of smut with, with a major focus in this case being the former over the latter (70/30 split primarily, maaaybe a 60/40 if I particularly like the character's intimate interactions). With that out of the way lets move on to some of the basics, shall we?

The Basics!

1) I like them details, and I love them well fleshed out paragraphs that give me plenty to work with, respond to and expand upon - two or more paragraphs per post are ideal, though that can occasionally be pulled back if action scenes come into play if only to speed the back and forth up a little bit.

2) To reiterate, I'm looking for female characters to play with, dominant, submissive or switch doesn't particularly matter to me though if we don't decide to explicitly focus on the dominant/submissive aspects of their relationship in the long run I'd like to to be more of a romantic give and take.

3) Romance is another of my big things, the slow burn of a drawn out relationship. Momentary smouldering glances, gentle touches that seem innocent in the moment, awkward moments of silence and the biting of lips...mmh! It's all so delicious, especially when those touches turn not-so-innocent and the ladies loose themselves upon one another!

4) Communication! This is an important thing to me, especially because it has caused breakdowns with past partners. If there's something you want to see in play or what you don't, say so! If you want a little bit of playful roughhousing between characters, tell me, to echo the eternal refrain of everyone who has ever interacted with another human being, "I am not a mind reader." If there's something you'd like to see in play, even if it's just a momentary idea for a cute scene or a long-term goal you'd like to work towards, say something. I'm a pretty easygoing person and I like input from my partner, I find it easier to connect with someone with this open line of communication and solid connections tend to lead to lengthier and more enjoyable stories.

5) Cannon vs OCs. This is a weird point of separation for me as from what I've seen a lot of people on this site that like to play as cannon characters. I'm perfectly find playing in fandom universes, but I've never really played as any cannon characters, nor really opposite any. I'm not comfortable playing as a cannon character and while I'd be open to playing opposite one I'd much prefer playing against original characters.

Some global character interests!

Generally I let my character in a particular plot and her partner influence the things that occur once things get steamy, but things that are pretty assured across my characters arrrre....

Body type differences (petite vs curvy is a particular favorite)
Roughness/gentleness (a good mixture of roughly yanking a girl in by the hair and then giving her some soft kisses? Mhh, wonderful dichotomy!)
Masturbation/Mutual Masturbation
Story Driven

I'll even include a couple of maybes under this tag though they tend to be more dependent on characters.

Genital/Nipple Piercings
Orientation Play
Light Bondage
Sexy/Slutty Clothing


I think the explanation here is clear, but if that isn't the case the following lists are hard nos for me across all characters.

Hypnotism/Mind Control
Bathroom Play
Heavy Bondage
Non-Con/Rape play
Anal-Oral or any more extreme anal kinks.

Story/Setting interests

Romance (So nice I included it thrice!)
Hot/Cold relationships - this could range from bounty/bounty hunter to just a pair of polar opposites (fighter-wizard) doing a job together.
Charming Rogues
Story, story, story!
Learning relationships (enchantress/apprentice, thief/newbie cutpurse, etc.)
Social status differences

Maaaaaybe a harem story.

Settings - General
High Fantasy
Modern Fantasy

Settings - Specific/Fandom
Scadrial - the setting of the Mistborn and Wax/Wayne books
The Craft Sequence (I'm only partway through the second book of this book group but I'm loving it so far!)
Forgotten Realms
Golarion (Pathfinder base setting)
Mass Effect
Star Wars
Harry Potter
Armored Core

Generic Pairings

(My preferred role bolded as seems to be standard around here, pairings unbolded I'll play either role.)

(This section will probably expanded later.)


Ship CaptainxPilot
Mech PilotxMech Pilot
Engineer/TechnicianxMech Pilot

Fantastical Things

Summoned CreaturexSummoner

Specific Plots!

To come later!
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