Power Couple [Zeth and Sigr]


Magenta Goon
Dec 9, 2016
"Take care of yourself girl, even if it's not Gotham, a city the size of Metropolis has its share of dangers!" the woman behind the wheel of the pickup warned her, her face half a friendly smile, half a worried frown. She was a middle aged woman that was helping with her daughters move to the big city, loading some boxes in her pickup, and had decided to pick up a young looking hitchhiker. The woman didn't make any more questions than where she wanted to go, even if the girl looked young, probably too young to be traveling around by herself, but the experienced woman knew that if such a girl was traveling alone, she usually had a good reason to do so.

"I'll do" Alyx nodded, waving the gentle woman goodbye, carrying a small duffel bag with her meager possessions, promising she was going to take care of herself. "And of others as well" she added in a mutter, as she wasn't there to just be free. Of course that getting out of Themyscira was important, she was more than fed up of living sheltered in such refuge, away from the world of man, away from conflict. They could help, the amazons were mighty warriors, and yet they stood by the sidelines. Alyx may not be the strongest of them since she was no Princess Diana, nor was she the smartest considering how hotheaded she was, but she felt like her heart was in the right place, and that was the important thing.

Alyx had crossed the ocean, almost lost herself to the wiles of the gods twice, to end up arriving on the coast. There she was received, healed and fed by a gentle couple of aged women that lived on a house on the cliff by themselves. With them she learned the basics of the language, foreign concepts like cars, electricity and money, and they dressed her with their clothes of old, letting her go when she was ready. They have behaved gently with her, perhaps seeing their younger selves in her, the indomitable spirit that made them fight for what was fair now was guiding Alyx's steps seemingly to that woman that brought her to Metropolis.

It wasn't like she was headed there, but she wanted to go to a big city, and be it just luck or the designs of the Moirai, her travels had taken her there. She had pictured a city like a place most somber, with so many people living in the same place that it would be a den of crime, a nest of pollution, and yet Metropolis looked like a perfectly fine place, even if quite crowded and hard to completely grasp her mind around it. Wandering around in awe, Alyx head a racket close by, sudden and violent noise. Whatever that was going on, she was ready to help, so without thinking she started to run towards the source of the noise.
Unlike Alyx, Roy was born in the city. he was accustomed to the crowds, the lights, the excitement. Though he too was young and foolish. He fell in with the wrong crowd. His passion for locks, and mechanical components, and gadgets caught the eye of a budding villain. He took Roy under his wing and made the young man a part of his gang.

Of course it did not start like that. No one just says,"Yo kid, want to join my gang?" No, Roy met the Professor at a job fair. He worked for a security firm that invented new ways to protect bank vaults against super powered people. But the Professor's ideas were too radical and expensive for the company. He eventually got fired and turned his inventions to plundering safes rather then guarding them. Roy, being young and stupid, thought helping his friend and mentor rob banks was okay as long as no one got hurt.

But some one did get hurt. When trying to use a gadget to open a vault by melting the lock via a chemical compound, the sprinklers went off making water contact to an open circuit. The resulting sparks caught the gadget's fuel tank on fire causing an explosion. In the aftermath Roy awoke with strange powers and the professor vanished. It was then where superman offered Roy a chance to turn his life around and do good. He said Plastic man had a similar past to Roy and it was not to late to become a better man.

Roy also heard a racket nearby, followed by a violent noise. Without thinking he used his speed to change into his super hero costume. He still felt like a kid on Halloween when wearing this thing. He did not have a hero name yet. Apparently the Daily Bulge picked those. Roy ran towards the noise with his blazing speed.
The ruckus seemed to have its focus on a bank, part of the door was busted and people were running out from the inside screaming. Alyx had been told what a bank was, and even if she still had trouble wrapping her mind around the idea of not only money but also the need to store it, invest it, make it grow... it was clear that whatever that was going on there wasn't only out of the ordinary, but also criminal in nature. Alyx wasn't having it, so she left the duffel bag she was carrying to a side, and entered the place without a second thought.

Storming in, long blonde hair on the wind, Alyx wished that she was wearing something more heroic than a t-shirt and jeans over her athletic body, but as looking inspiring could be important, stopping whatever was going on there was the chief concern. Expecting bank robbers or the colorful super villains she had been hearing about, Alyx stumbled into a bunch of... toys? "What in Athena's name..." she mumbled, picking up a small blue locomotive from the ground. Before she could react to it, the thing exploded, sending her against a wall, making it crackle.

More surprised than really hurt, Alyx got up from the shock, still disoriented. What kind of criminal used toys as a weapon? If Alyx was a Metropolis native she would have heard of the Toyman and his technological genius used for evil, but as things were, she was just facing an army of toys all sizes and colors, and no one else in sight. "A bunch of trinkets aren't going to stop a daughter of Themyscira!" she protested, ready to go through all of those things if needed be. Toy tanks pelleted a hail of bullets against her resistant body, projectiles bouncing around as they slowed her down. Distracted with the oncoming attack, Alyx didn't notice a giant teddy bear behind her, slightly taller than her and soon surrounding her in its robotic embrace.

Alyx fell to her knees under the sudden weight of the plushy looking robot, but her superhuman strength was enough to tear one of the arms of the thing, escaping its grasp and mauling the head with its own arm. In the meantime toys were surrounding her, threatening to shoot more bullets at her, debilitating her stamina bit by bit. She was still wrestling the remains of the bear robot, still moving, when Alyx understood that there were too many foes for her to face alone.
Roy comes in to see a woman battling, toys? Must be Toy man. He was about to yell for her to get back, when she ripped a bear's arm off and started beating the bear with it. Well Damn! She must not be a normal citizen. Maybe a heroine on her day off?

The thing about toys, is they are not very heavy. Most have little weight to them being made of plastic and such. Roy came in snatching up the all the toys surrounding Alyx and chucked them into an empty corner. only after a second they land did a train toy explode and disabled the rest. "Didn't anyone ever tell you it isn't fair to gang up on some one Toy man?" Roy said in his best heroic banter voice. There he stood in his silver body suit and mask. He lookeRoy's eyes scan the room for the culprit, and he asked Alyx,"Are you okay?"
A hero appeared, even if it was one she didn't know, but to his credit Alyx knew little about heroics on the city besides the ubiquitous Superman. She finished beheading the pile of fluffy scraps that the huge teddy bear was, throwing the arm to a side. "I'm fine. I was fine. I'm not like-who's that?" she pointed to a fat man in an old fashioned suit that appeared from the back of the bank, fleeing through the main door. As unfamiliar as she was with villains and as normal Toyman could look despite his poor fashion choices, it was clear that the man shouldn't be at that place and he also looked like he was up to no good, judging for the gold ingots in his pockets, slowing his pace.

"He doesn't seem like he's going far, do you want to do the honors?" Alyx asked the hero, walking behind him with no hurry whatsoever.
"That would be Toyman. He made the toys that we fought," Roy answered Alyx's question. Seriously, he should of made a toy to carry the loot. Gold bar's are freaking heavy. All that genius and he over looked such a detail. Roy just shook his head.

When asked to do the honors, Roy replied with. "My pleasure," He then a roll of register tape and wrapped it around toy man super fast. He looked like an inch worm when Roy was done and laid tied up on the floor. "The police will take it from here," Roy said as uniformed officers came to arrest the villain. "I hope to see you again citizen," added Roy. It sounded cheesy, but he was trying to cue Alyx to keep her powers a secret until she gets a costume. Then Roy was off in a blur. A moment later he was outside the bank in street clothes.
"Citiz- wait..." Alyx wanted to talk to him, the first hero she had met in Metropolis. She had so many questions, so much to talk about... but he was gone. She looked at the wrapped up Toyman, leaning towards his enveloped figure. "Crime doesn't pay off. Well, it does, specially if you rob a bank, but it doesn't if we catch you, so... don't" she had kind of lost track during her reprimand, so she left the perpetrator to rest there until the police arrived and got outside.

"Oh, my bag..." she was relieved, finding that her duffel bag was still on the ground outside where she left it. It wasn't much, but everything she had was in there, and it wasn't like she could return to Themyscira, not anymore. Alyx stood there for a moment, looking around, duffel bag in hand unsure about what to do or where to go, when the police arrived at the scene quite quickly. "Good day officers, I was-" she tried to explain, but all the officers saw was a young woman with a duffel bag at the door of a busted bank door, so they pointed their guns at her, yelling to rise her hands in the air.

"But I didn't do anything!" she protested, standing there.
"The hell you didn't!" said Toyman hopping to the front door enraged. "Arrest her officers! She smashed my toys and stopped my brilliant bank robbery! I wasn't stopped by a real super hero but by some blonde haired hussy and dumb ass in white spandex! Vigilantes!," shouted the subdued villain. The sight of his outrage clearly relaxed the tension that was there moments before as everyone tried to surpress a chuckle.

After a few questions and checking Alyx's bag, the police let her go. As she is leaving Roy greets her. "Man, they put you through the ringer. I am Roy. I was in the bank when the robbery happened. Are you okay?" he said trying to be friendly.
The agents of the law seemed relaxed at Toyman's sudden intervention, whining about how his half baked plans and silly toys had been shattered into pieces as soon as her and the other hero had stepped into his heist. "See? I had nothing to do with it!" she protested, but it was clear now that the police weren't interested on arresting her, just wanted to make sure everything was fine. "It's just a few spare clothes, all I have" she threw the bag to one of the cops, a bit embarrassed of having to show her belongings just like that. At least things were over soon and she was left there, kind of lost in the big city with her rummaged bag, trying to guess where to head up next.

"Hello, Roy. I'm Alyx" she was formal to the newcomer it appeared talking to her. He seemed normal enough, and seemingly was one of the victims of Toyman's frustrated heist. "I'm perfectly fine, although a bit lost" she admitted. "I'm new in the city, coming from a... far away place, and I'm unfamiliar with the culture. Also, as far as I understand I need a job to get money so I can find a place to live, or something like that" she just blurted, brushing her hair away from her face, maybe that Roy guy had an idea. "I'm strong, so finding a task should be easy" she added, her knowledge of what employment would entail completely amiss. "Oh, what's a... hussy?" she asked. "The toy thief called me it" she shrugged, asking more out of curiosity than concern.
"Hussy means an impudent or immoral girl or woman," explained Roy. He then added softly when they were a little more away from the bank and in relative privacy. "I was the guy in silver helping you. I'm guessing your from that same island as Diana," Roy added. He heard an Amazon was coming to metropolis. He was supposed to meet her and be a tour guide so she doesn't get scammed by some con artist. Roy then speaks up again,"Well as a visitor to my home town, I must insist I be your tour guide. Granted I should of met you before you ran into a bank robbery, Sorry I dropped the ball there. As for money, yeah. Most jobs rely on brains instead of brawn. But you seem clever, so it shouldn't be too hard to find something. Do you have any questions?"
"Imprudent... maybe? Immoral never, he's the hussy!" Alyx protested vindictive, using the word in a most peculiar way. "Oh, so you are a hero" her eyes brightened with the confession, "it's a pleasure to meet another defender of justice, Roy" she added, looking at him trying to see the resemblance between his look with and without his heroic garment. "You know our princess and you treat her by name?" Alyx asked, looking at the young man wide eyed. "You must be someone of note" she decided by herself, "it will be an honor for me getting guided around by such a hero" Alyx said, nodding with a slight bow.

The hero excused himself for the tardiness, but how could he arrive late when she didn't arrange any meet with anyone? Did that meant that even if treacherous and perilous her travel was foresighted? Maybe some mystic was involved, or someone with a godlike awareness. The fact that he knew she was coming made her frown a bit, certainly odd things happened in the city, most of them beyond her understanding. "It's fine..." she dismissed the apologies with a wave of her free hand. "I've come to fight evil, as I couldn't just stand aside, even if your world is corrupt and tainted" she asserted as if it was matter of fact. "But since I've been here, I saw that it's not without beauty, without wonder, so show me what you want, your favorite spots or something" she suggested. "Show me the things, the people I'll be fighting for. Other practical things can wait for later, if need be I can sleep on one of those parks your city has" Alyx finished, leaving some matters that others would find important to the side.
Sigr said:
"Imprudent... maybe? Immoral never, he's the hussy!" Alyx protested vindictive, using the word in a most peculiar way. "Oh, so you are a hero" her eyes brightened with the confession, "it's a pleasure to meet another defender of justice, Roy" she added, looking at him trying to see the resemblance between his look with and without his heroic garment. "You know our princess and you treat her by name?" Alyx asked, looking at the young man wide eyed. "You must be someone of note" she decided by herself, "it will be an honor for me getting guided around by such a hero" Alyx said, nodding with a slight bow.

The hero excused himself for the tardiness, but how could he arrive late when she didn't arrange any meet with anyone? Did that meant that even if treacherous and perilous her travel was foresighted? Maybe some mystic was involved, or someone with a godlike awareness. The fact that he knew she was coming made her frown a bit, certainly odd things happened in the city, most of them beyond her understanding. "It's fine..." she dismissed the apologies with a wave of her free hand. "I've come to fight evil, as I couldn't just stand aside, even if your world is corrupt and tainted" she asserted as if it was matter of fact. "But since I've been here, I saw that it's not without beauty, without wonder, so show me what you want, your favorite spots or something" she suggested. "Show me the things, the people I'll be fighting for. Other practical things can wait for later, if need be I can sleep on one of those parks your city has" Alyx finished, leaving some matters that others would find important to the side.

Roy scratched the back of his head and explained sheepishly,"Her civilian identity Diana Prince. In the world of men you must adopt a 'civilian name' because your land is a secret. When people are somewhat familiar they call each other by their first name. I didn't really think anything of it. When not doing heroics in the costume of Wonder Woman, everyone calls her Diana."

It was Roy's turn to have his eyes widen with surprise! She plans sleeping in the park? Granted she can defend herself, but it was technically illegal. Plus uncomfortable and really sucks. Roy at one point been homeless and had to sleep outside. The thought of watching Alyx go through that seemed wrong. "That won't do Alyx. You may sleep on my couch until you can settle into a place. My apartment is modest, but it is better then sleeping outside. Besides, when I first came to the city some one did so for me. It is like tradition," Roy added with a smile. That last part was true.
"A fake name" Alyx frowned, not specially happy by the notion, but little she knew about the world of man, and if her princess did so it couldn't be wrong. "A mask and such seems highly impractical to fight, it would bother me" she said, considering the possibilities. She didn't mind an outfit designed for a fight, although she didn't knew where to get one made, but covering her face was beyond question. Alyx was who she was, and she would never hide it. "Maybe adopting a disguise of sorts while I'm a civilian..." she pondered out loud. "Different clothes, tying my hair... maybe glasses?" she asked, making a gesture circling her fingers around her eyes. "I could be... Alice, that sounds easy to remember and it's a normal name, right?" Alyx decided. There was still a long way to go with her understanding, but she was going to make an effort.

"I will honor your tradition then" Alyx nodded before the offering of his couch. "One day I'll have my own couch and I'll continue your tradition with a newcoming hero" she promised, taking it more seriously than it deserved. "But for that I'll first need a job to earn those dollars of yours" she admitted. "Thank you for the help, really" she smiled bright and wide, following Roy in that tour of his.
Sigr said:
"A fake name" Alyx frowned, not specially happy by the notion, but little she knew about the world of man, and if her princess did so it couldn't be wrong. "A mask and such seems highly impractical to fight, it would bother me" she said, considering the possibilities. She didn't mind an outfit designed for a fight, although she didn't knew where to get one made, but covering her face was beyond question. Alyx was who she was, and she would never hide it. "Maybe adopting a disguise of sorts while I'm a civilian..." she pondered out loud. "Different clothes, tying my hair... maybe glasses?" she asked, making a gesture circling her fingers around her eyes. "I could be... Alice, that sounds easy to remember and it's a normal name, right?" Alyx decided. There was still a long way to go with her understanding, but she was going to make an effort.

"I will honor your tradition then" Alyx nodded before the offering of his couch. "One day I'll have my own couch and I'll continue your tradition with a newcoming hero" she promised, taking it more seriously than it deserved. "But for that I'll first need a job to earn those dollars of yours" she admitted. "Thank you for the help, really" she smiled bright and wide, following Roy in that tour of his.

"Some heroes don't wear masks. They just wear glasses and look bookish when in their civilian identity. I wear a mask because I think it's cool. Alyx is a normal name as well you know. Might be easie to go by that. Or I could call you Alice," explained Roy with a wink.

He laughed a little at how seriously she was taking this. "Okay then. Here is your first lesson," he took her to a vending machine. "This is a vending machine. It sells small things like snacks. You put money in like so then press the button," said Roy demonstrating to her by getting a soda. The machine gives a whiring noise then a can of pepsi is produced. He opens it taking a sip. He further explains denominations on the money, but are readers at home know that part. Roy then gives Alyx a few dollars to buy a soda herself. "These are the 'dollars' we use for money. Much lighter then gold or silver coins. Are you hungry? I know a nice place to eat and I can make it the first stop of the tour," Roy added.
"Maybe I could wear glasses and look bookish as well" Alyx commented, not fully knowing what he meant, although at that moment just he idea of the strangely outgoing fit woman looking like a bookworm was a bit ridiculous it could perhaps be pulled off with a few directions. "I shouldn't use the same name, no?" she wondered, liking the ring the Alice name had for her civilian self. "Is there something wrong with your eye?" she questioned while stepping closer to check, completely oblivious to the meaning of his winking eye.

Once the misunderstanding was cleared, Alyx followed Roy to a vending machine, although she was no sure of what it was. "Dollars" she nodded, as their currency system was simple enough, although she failed to understand while those flimsy papers and coins of vulgar metals were supposed to be so valuable. "This seems easy enough, but they are many to choose from" she said, seeing that just in the kind of refreshment Roy had picked they were many variations with words like 'diet' and 'no caffeine' that she didn't quite get. "Mountain Dew" she read one of the colorful labels, selecting it and obtaining a bottle of a fizzy liquid. Taking a couple of big gulps of the bottle, Alys frowned, looking utterly confused. "This is sweet and fizzy and weird" was her first reaction. "I mean, it's not bad but... what kind of mountains do you have here? I don't care what it says on the bottle, the dew of the mountains doesn't taste anything like this" she protested, taking what the bottle said for granted.

Faithful to the label or not, Alyx had seemed to take a liking to the beverage, so she finished her bottle rather quickly, crowning the end with a burp. "It would be an honor to join you for a meal, and yes, I am hungry" she admitted, nodding and following him.
"Well... I wondered that myself. Upon researching it I found out mountain dew was originally slang for 'moonshine' a home made alcohol beverage. This formula was originally made to be mixed with Whiskey, but then people decided it was better on it's own as a regular drink. Weird huh?" explained Roy matter of factly. When finished with his soda he deposited the can into a recycle bin next to the garbage can. "If possible recycle. Basically they melt down used cans to cast as new ones to use. This cuts down on having to mine new metal."

Roy took her to the only place he could afford. He took her to NINJA BURGER.
Ninja Burger Offical Website

Yes, a burger place ran by actual ninjas. For only ninjas can discretely and reliably deliver fast food in a city with rampaging supers battling each other. It serves all the normal fast food you would expect. The man behind the counter was dressed as a ninja. "Welcome most honorable customers. What will you be having today?" he asked with a Japanese accent. Roy ordered a double ninja burge and a side of ninja fries paying cash and selected table 3. Before he even sat down his food was thee waiting for him and smelled really good. The ninjas prepared and served it with complete stealth. You do not see anyone waiting on the tables or cleaning up. But customers get their orders, tables get cleaned, and all the usual restaurant stuff is happening.
Alyx nodded as Roy explained the misguiding name, following his instructions on recycling the garbage. It seemed that the world of man may be crowded and weird, but it wasn't as barbaric as she had thought in the first place. "I have tasted wine back home, but never that whiskey you speak about" she commented, wondering how would that taste.

"This is... strange" Alyx muttered, her eyes rapidly darting around the restaurant Roy had took her to. She could barely notice things moving, more a mirage than a definite image, blurring figures at the corner of the eye. "I guess I'll have the same" Alyx said doubtful, not knowing what to order from that peculiar place. She was trying to look at the ones serving the place, but they were silent and fast, seemingly gifted or trained as Roy was. "This is pretty interesting, but their clothes make them look like villains" Alys admitted, sitting in front of Roy. "What's a ninja?" she asked before taking a bite of the burger. "Oh! This is amazing! Ninja must be a title for a great cook then!" Alyx sad, licking a spot of ketchup from the corner of her mouth.
Roy sat down and began to dine on his meal. When Alyx asked'What is a ninja' he almost did a spit take in surprise. He then reminded himself that she is literally from another world. Roy composes himself then tries to explain. "Well in the far eastern country of Japan there were these elite spies and assassins called ninja with near mystical powers. Japan was a Feudal country with many lords warring among themselves. But that was centuries ago. Now Japan is a peaceful country and there simply was no need for Ninjas. So some of the ninja clans came to america an now deliver fast food. People tend to like it," said Roy with a shrug. It sounded silly when you actually said it out loud.
"Affaffinff?" Alyx blurted, mouth full of delicious burger. She gulped audibly, downing the food with a soda sip. "Assassins?" she repeated, this time understandably. Roy had said that it had been centuries ago, and people were eating there normally, so it couldn't be dangerous, but she still looked at it weirdly. "It's an odd way to make amends for the crimes of the family..." she said, appreciating the food, "but I guess that it's a peaceful way to do so, without having to be a hero" she nodded, munching on some ninja fries. "Although the one that cooks these things is starting to get me" she nodded, "they could be a hero to me" smiled, taking bites of another fry. She was really having fun, perhaps the world of man wasn't such a bad place that needed a fix in every corner. "I could eat these ninja fries all day" she added.
"I know! But too much fast food will make you fat. You shouldn't be eating stuff like this every day," Roy said with warning. Then again he was not an amazonian. Could an Amazonian get pudgy? Just then a large figure appeared beside there table!

He was a stocky built man clad from head to to in a black ninja outfit. Over the outfit he wore a white apron and a fluffy white chef's hat. "I heard your words and you do me great honor. Please accept this token on the house as thanks. This is the new chili cheese fries I been working on," said the Ninja Chef. Roy's jaw hit the floor. He had never seen or even heard of Ninja Burger GIVING away food. Alyx must of really made an impression.
"Even fat I'd be still strong and fast" she commented even if she didn't really gain much weight, remembering how some of her former sisters of Themyscira could be more agile and overpower her even if they were twice her size. "Not as fast as you, but... you know" she added, shrugging. As she was thinking of how someone big could still be agile, the proof appeared besides them all of a sudden, a stocky ninja with white garments that kind of shattered the purpose of the stealthy dark outfit underneath.

"Chili cheese fries?" Alyx was surprised, she had learned what fries were, and they had cheese of many kinds in Paradise Island, but what was a chili? "It will be an honor tasting your fries" she said, the same solemnity that she faced sport competitions back on the island, as it was obvious that food was important to that man. Taking a couple of them, Alyx stuffed them in her mouth, eyes open at how tasty they were. "Delicious! They are-" she paused, noticing something else. "What is this..." she added, mouth wide open. "It's hot... burning..." her eyes got a bit teary and Alyx soon resorted to take sips from her refreshment in an attempt to quench that fire. "What was that? It surprised me!" she said once the feeling had calmed down. "It wasn't in a bad way, but I've never eaten something that wasn't hot and yet it seemed to burn, is that some kind of magic?" she wondered.
The man let out a small chuckle and said,"I am glad you enjoyed the meal." He then presented the table with the check. Roy also let out a chuckle as he paid the amount on the bill. "I'm surprised you don't have spicy food where you live. By using certain vegetables or seasoning when cooking you can change the flavor and get that burning sensation," explained Roy like a walking encyclopedia.

After finishing his meal Roy then asked,"I suppose I should show you where you are staying. Or is there anything else you would like to see of the city first?" He then looked over at her duffel bag. "Is that all your luggage?" he asked amazed a woman would travel so light.
"I arrived to the country with less" Alyx said when Roy asked about her luggage. "Lets just say that my leave from home was... eventful, and the gods didn't favor my quest" she added. "So what I have is just what some good people were willing to gift me with" she admitted, lowering her head a bit, feeling humbled. "I'd be glad to see your home and that... couch of yours" she nodded, feeling a bit full after the meal.

"I have been never much curious about cooking, but perhaps it's just that we rarely use spices back home" Alyx commented on the way back to Roy's home, returning to the topic of spicy food. "Nor those kind of refreshments like Mountain Dew" she added, shrugging. The city was a huge, complicated living thing, a nuanced place where good and evil were mixed in and it was hard to make a distinction, not the place of corruption she had thought of, but it had been just her first few hours there. Who knew what waited for her in there? In any case, her mind came back from drifting into possibilities of future and settled on the present, wanting to see where someone like Roy lived in.
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