Looking for OC/M Canon volunteers

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Dec 22, 2011
Female OC looking for Canon Male Characters to roleplay with. Threads are difficult to manage for me and I prefer to roleplay over Skype or Discord as they are easier to manage and keep up with. I've been dying to do story heavy roleplays with my oc but asking people to be specific characters is rather intimidating, let alone using ocs around a series. I love to write out lengthy, story heavy roleplays where the characters bond, fall in love and eventually do the deed and possibly children. I'm open to kinks and suggestions, as I love seeing how some people can interpret canon character's sexual interests. I'm very open minded.

Shadow Dracus: Age varies per verse but always in the 17 to 26 range.
She's very docile and introverted. Very shy but would go against the world to support her loved ones. She is a pacifist but if you push her past her limits, she can resort to blows. In some verses she is a draconic winged wolf demon named a Luparo.

Looking for:
Kagura Mutsuki - Blazblue [age 26/Luparo Beastkin]. She comes from another world in which Ragna was her beloved but after a tragic event, she traversed into the cauldron in an attempt to save the red hero. However; in this different world in which she doesn't exist, she is but a stranger to Ragna. Regardless she tries to set him on the correct path but is met with a deep scar. With no one to rely on, she meets Kagura who offers her help with her no place to go. But can he save her from her inner turmoil and help her move on when she can no longer return to her world?

Ragna The Bloodedge - When the Ragna from her world mysteriously died, she traversed into the cauldron in hopes to prevent his death. Unknowingly; she saved another world's Ragna. Consumed by her failure, she follows him around despite being unknown in this world, a world where she never existed. Willing to even throw herself in front of the Mad Dog to aid him, can she save him? [Always interested in a smut with his Black Beastial form when he loses control.]

Levi Ackerman [age 19] - Shingeki no Kyoshin/Attack on Titan. Suggested incest
After the death of her father, she was taken in by his old comrade and raised under their protection. Nightmares pass since the day Wall Maria was conquered and her father disappeared and she fears that one day Levi will vanish too. Determined, she studies hard in hopes on becoming a military doctor. She survives boot camp and faces her hardest goal yet. Joining the Scouts to be a doctor outside of the wall, in hopes to bring soldiers home, but can she oppose Levi's refusal?

Yusuke Kitagawa [17] - Persona 5. Suicidal/Self Harm tones.
Accused of murder despite self defense from a near rape incident, She transfers to Shujin to reform. Becoming friends with Ryuji and joining the thieves, Shadow struggles to open up to the others. After her Persona rejects her and becomes its own being, she struggles to see why she is worth keeping around. Idolizing Yusuke's ability to paint, regardless of what happened with his Senpai, she tries to follow his example but will her cry for help be noticed?

Extra to above
Shade:/Akira Kurusu - Persona 5. Yandere/BDSM/Murder undertones in Momentos: Shadow's persona whom rejected her master after years of being suppressed. Shade was the true side that killed the man after his assault. Refusing to return to her old prison, she follows the group around with undying admiration for Akira Kurusu. She'll do whatever him or Joker asks of her without second thought. While dominate towards Akira, Joker can force out her submissive side. She begins to wonder what it means to be human and feel alive. Is there more to feeling alive then watching the life leave others?

Please pm me for any questions or interest in partaking.
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