Lust in the TV Realm (Wingshadow and Potter-kun)


Apr 12, 2017
East Coast
Michael let out a soft groan as he slowly opened his eyes. He couldn't remember what all had happened. He remembered being near his tv and he had accidentally put his hand on the screen....then he remember a falling sensation and now he was here...but where was here?

He stood up and looked was fog as far as the eye could see...but from what he could make out, it looked like a tv studio set. He rubbed his head as he let out a sigh. He was tall, around 6'3, with short brown hair and brown eyes resting behind a frame of glasses. His body composition was rather average...not too fit and not overweight, just average.

He knew it wouldn't do him any good to just stand around, so he started to make his way through the fog, hoping to run into someone or prehaps a way out of wherever he was...anything to give him answers.
Yukiko's eyes stared out blankly for a moment, the thin haze around her casting a cold blanket around her as she reached up to touch her forehead. What had happened? Last she remembered she had stayed up late to watch one of her favorite programs when she felt a falling sensation... Then nothing. Nothing until this dreary scene layed itself out before her. She let out a slight groan of discomfort before sitting up, turning left then right to get a better view of where she had fallen down. The scenery felt erie to say the least, empty yet ominous... Without any better plan, she stood up, brushed herself off, and began to wander about, looking for any sign of an exit.

As she walked, the cold sensation began to grow more intense, driving her onward until the thick fog abruptly thinned, leaving her in the presence of a young man, taller than her and wearing glasses. At first she hessitated, uncomfortable with the abrupt meeting, but before she could even open her mouth to speak, an unexcapable urge took hold of her.

"AH!" she took half a step forward, her hand reaching out as a sudden rush of desire shot through her. Her cheeks flushed deeply, sweat glistenign on her skin which felt chillingly cold against the cool fog. She looked up at him with uneasy gaze, "P-please..." She reached down and began to fervantly rub herself with her left hand while still standing, a heavy state of arousal having taken hold of her.
Michael took note of the fog beginning to clear. He wondered what caused it when he noticed a very beautiful girl standing in front of him. He wanted to ask her who she as, but then, he felt a jolt run through him. All of a sudden, his breath caught in his throat and a large bulge began to grow in his pants. It certainly didn't help his sudden arousal that all of a sudden, this beautiful girl began to moan and touch herself.

It was too much for the young man to control and he surged forward, wrapping a powerful arm around Yukiko's waist and pulling her into his strong and firm chest. His lips were upon hers at once, his tongue urgently lashing at her lips and seeking to gain entrance to her mouth. His growing bulge rubbed up against her thighs and crotch as his hand slivered down her back to her rear, giving her butt a good spank before groping it as he kissed her.
Yukiko let out a surprised cry when the young man took hold of her, wasting no time claiming her pure lips for himself. Her surprise soon turned to excitement, however, as she began to rub against him as well, her hips brushing against the thick bulge in his pants. Reaching down, she struggled to release his impressive girth from the cloth bonds under which it had been placed. Her tongue brushed against his as well, her eyes shimmering with unmet need. She purred as he slapped her pert rear, the sensation only serving to further fuel her passion.

With one hand she held fast to him, lest he attempt to pull back and deny her what she so eagerly sought. Unbeknownst to either of them, they had fallen prey to the intense mind-influencing powers that held sway in the strange world beyond the television screen...
Michael's tongue brushed against Yukiko's passionately, coiling around her own and rubbing up against her appendage. His hands words to tear her skirt and leggings off her body as they kissed. His hands then pulled her panties down as she moved to release his large and throbbing cock from his trousers.

He spanked her ass again as he rubbed his cock up against her pussy, his tip rubbing against her clitoris as his hands groped her ass, his fingers digging into her bare flesh. "Do you want it inside cock?" He pulled away from the kiss and licked Yukiko's lips, asking her with hot and ragged breath as he continued to rub his throbbing rod against her cunt.
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