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Gender Transformation + Corruption!

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Apr 29, 2011
Hey there! I'm looking to do a few RP ideas that all involve gender transformation and/or corruption. Your character will be the one transformed. I don't care if you're male or female in real life, but your character will start off male and end up female. Shoot me a PM if you find something that strikes your fancy!

Also, I've been busy with life up until recently. If we've RPed before and you want to start up a new RP with me, feel free to reach out!

Knight turned princess!
You're a famous, talented knight in the kingdom, and one day you come across an evil witch who wishes do to away with you. She casts a spell that transforms you into a beautiful princess. Will the once-strong knight abandon his duties for a blissful, comfortable life of femininity? We'll just see!

Superhero turned airhead!
You're a powerful, seemingly invincible superhero who always saves the day. But will you meet your match when a new villain arrives in town, and transforms you into a ditzy, teenage girl? Suddenly shopping at the mall and hanging out with cute boys sound more appealing than saving the day...

Those are the two plots for now! I'm also interested in TFing fandom characters. If you want to gender transform a specific character, reach out with your idea and we can discuss!
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