In the 41st Millenium There is Only War, Ocassionally Sexings (F/fut LF any for 40k)

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Feb 25, 2017
Who Am I? Hell You've Probably Seen Me Before:This is Mitharyn here and I'm saying hello! You've likely seen me around at least once or twice with my few ads that I've put up, bumped for about a week and let fall when I felt I had a few really cool people to chat and roleplay with for a decent time. I still don't make many contacts from my ads, or at least contacts that are generally not looking for quick one-offs or RP without much thought into the characters at all.

So why am I back once more, you’re asking? Well the answer to that is pretty simple. I’ve made some contacts and awesome friends as I’ve said but after cleaning out all of my messengers of people who’ve not appeared in ages and I’ve noticed that now I have barely anyone to contact for RP or chat with and I’m back again to remedy that! This time around I am looking for one or two SOLID contacts with some great ideas and a friendly OOC personality.

Please don't let any of this stop you from messaging me however. I am , as I said, friendly and easy to talk to once the ball gets rolling and am more than willing to work with someone, need be. I have been told by a few people before that my ads can be intimidating for some reason even though I think I come off fairly easygoing in them.

So What Does Mitharyn Want? Some Roleplay in the God Damned 41st Millennium, That's What:
Here's the deal. While I really do like ERP there's little nagging thing as to like... I don't do it to get jollies so if you want to really just ERP constantly as to where it is more cybers or something than Roleplay with simply adult elements that make sense to the characters and theme, then I am sorry. I want good roleplay with strong characters in a fun setting with ERP as just that, roleplay that sometimes includes eroticism if it makes sense.

I have a lot of experience in roleplay and I make no effort to hide such. I've been playing tabletop for years now. I play all of the Fantasy Flight gamelines such as Black Crusade and Rogue Trader especially ( I even have my own homebrew sector that I like to dabble in.)I can always be approached with ideas and thoughts about settings and i will do my best to give an honest, constructive opinion. . I put a lot of attention into my characters and the world around them and if there’s someone out there like me with that, please poke me!

I am mainly looking for fantasy or warhammer at the moment and unlike my previous ad I am actually open for RP with any gender pairing at the moment. I will be a little harsher on males however due to some bad experiences with exclusively male character players. Don’t let that discourage you however! A good idea and a personable manner always catches my eye, mo matter what you want to play with me!

When Contacting Mitharyn:

PM's PM's PM's. And I mean /detailed/ and thought out PMS! I want something that gives me an idea of what you’re about, hell even give me a writing sample if you want! I’ll pass over short, skimpy PMs but a well written, solid one ( not a novel but decent in length) will always get a reply from me!

A 40k Writing Sample:
Mercia’s ears rang like they did after the pealing of the great bells of the Saint Rosaie Cathedral of her home world. The Inquisitors body ached and her mind felt like a pleasant, gentle fog had been brought over it. A sudden wracking cough seized her and a searing pain coursed through her chest. The woman’s eyes flittered open, the blue orbs lazily focusing. She could taste blood and couldn’t feel her legs anymore; she couldn’t even manage to raise her head to look down at herself. Her head swam and she tried to gather her thoughts but they came slowly to her like waking after a morning of enthused drinking at a low-class pub. The Inquisitor could remember entering the dilapidated Administratum building with the intent to disrupt a meeting between one of the agents of the Rogue Trader house she’d been tracking and a cult dedicated to what she suspected was the ruinous powers. They were expecting her however and though she could not remember much she could remember the black-cloaked agent. He, she or perhaps it moved with fluid grace that was enough to make one’s stomach do flips simply from watching. Whatever it was it had two bolt pistols and fired them with a precision that’d put even the most dedicated marksmen to shame, planning shots in mere milliseconds that no human could ever hope to.

The corpses of black armored stormtroopers surrounded her and the arcid stench that accompanied gunfire hung in the air. So catastrophic was the damage to her chest that the once gilded Imperial eagle that decorated the black carapace was nothing more than a simple and twisted wreck of charred filigree, the silvered gorget-refractor around her neck failing in turning away the bolt. The Rosette decorating it charred and blackened in a similar manner from an overloading charge generated by the extreme effort in turning away the explosive shells. By some blessing the bolt shell had failed to penetrate to full depth before exploding though its task was still done. The shattered carapace-like ceramic of her breastplate was nothing more than a shattered and charred wreck; blood running in rivulets down along her sides in back and she could barely breath let alone move much more than her eyes.

Surely the woman knew she was still going to expire here, on the cool cement floor of the old Administratum building. The life support systems of her armor were damaged and he only things that appeared to be functioning were the basic sensors and of course the HUD in her helmet, the glowing blue interface displaying a laundry list of injuries that made even the inquisitor blanch. Broken ribs, a shattered disk, massive internal trauma, damage to her arms and legs from hits she couldn’t even feel at this point. The former Hospitalier knew these kind of injuries, the sort sshe’d seen upon men that the Emperor’s mercy was delivered The thought caused her to let out a resigned sigh,not the kind of noise befitting of an inquisitor but a woman who had given herself up to the will of the God Emperor to be judged. She had nothing but time to contemplate now, her glassy blue eyes staring at the elegant vaulted ceiling, a gilded rendition of her very own deity staring back down at her.

His gaze was stern and unwavering and she felt like a small child once more under his piercing eyes. It was like she was dragged to confession for the first time once more and almost felt compelled to confess her sins to the inanimate Emperor looking down at her. It took an almost herculean effort, her lips were cracked and dry and her tongue swollen but she managed to finally speak and say her peace. Her own voice rang in the helmet around her, the vox built into it damaged beyond any repair, her broken body simply laying there on the cold ground as she began her final confession to, in her mind, the benevolent God Emperor.

Before she faded to black once more her mind took her to the last place she wanted to go. It was the only woman that had ever invoked some kind of fear in her. It wasn’t the same fear as facing down a Tyranid or Necron instilled in the hearts of men. This was the fear of loss and it made her sick to her stomach to reflect back upon the sins she’d committed with the witch, Evangeline. Her lips still confessed each one; the words making her lips tingle as she confessed each of her trespasses to the Emperor once more. “I have failed you in my ordained task…Lord. I was not vigilant enough. Perhaps I did not show enough faith but may your wrath find the D’Crux family and may the Ordos of the Inquisition come down on them where I have failed to.” Soon her voice failed her and her head started to swim; her own vision coming and going with the passing of time and still yet she had the fear of loss deep in her chest and with her last breath she managed to recite one last litany against fear; commonly used by the commanders of Imperial armed forces to ward off the nerves before battle.

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.”
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