Universe-slipping Kunoichi(Fadereaper & Wingshadow)



They had closed their eyes for just a moment, only a temporary pause to concentrate and clear their minds as they sat in a close circle on the ground. The earth below them, warm and covered in a soft layer of grass, had been replaced by a cold, unrelenting surface. Voices, speaking strange, unknown words echoed in their ears, prompting them to abruptly open their eyes and stand, but the sight that they beheld would render them speechless.

Hinata, Sakura, and Tsunade exchanged confused glances, the strange creatures around them simply ignoring their presence almost entirely, and the few that milled about the cramped room simply moving around them without further note.

"Is this some sort of Genjutsu?" Sakura whispered to Tsunade.

"I doubt that... It is far too complex," Tsunade replied, glancing briefly around the room.

"Then..." Hinata blinked, "Let me take a look around." She concentrated for a moment, activating her byakugan, "It seems like we are in a very large city of some kind... Its built on top of itself like the layers of a giant cake. I've never seen so many people living so close to each other."

"We have been transported into the middle of a giant city of some kind..." Tsunade mused, "Let's go somewhere less conspicious and think this over."

The other two girls nodded and followed Tsunade's lead, heading outside the bar into the considerably less-crowded alleyway behind it.
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