Dissidia's New Arrival [Azecreth & Lillythelez]


Aug 23, 2013
Ohio, America
Cosmos, Chaos. Two forces that vied for control of the universe, clashing and engaging in a brutal struggle with each other.

For now the two sides were balanced, each having called on brave warriors from across time to fight for them. Some did it to atone, some did it for power, others did it for high minded ideals. Whatever the reason, it was a conflict that had raged for as long as anyone could remember, and it seemed that it would keep doing so far into the distant future. Such was life here, and all were used to it.

Still, the fighting did not cease. At the moment there was a duo out on expedition near the edges of Cosmos controlled territory, making sure there were no Chaos incursions or monsters in general. One was a tall, busty woman with red gloves named Tifa Lockheart. The other was a more elegantly dressed blond girl with a staff named Yuna. One used magic, the other punched things, and together they could handle most minor threats that cropped up, or at least hold out long enough for reinforcements to arrive from the rest of Cosmos.

"It was over here," Yuna said aloud, leading the way amongst the rocks of the hillside. She had felt a magical disturbance when they were passing by, and wanted to check it out. It didn't feel like Chaos, but if it was then they had to make sure just in case. Neither wanted to regret it if it was a trick of some kind.

Tifa nodded, moving to keep up and take the lead. "Alright. But you should stay back a bit. If we run into something dangerous I don't want it to take you our first." That was her job after all.

"Right," Yuna concurred, yet she didn't go that far. Soon the two of them found their quarry, and both were surprised to find a woman laying there on the ground unconscious. They didn't recognize her, and it didn't look like she had been in a fight. "Here, let's try this," Yuna said aloud before incanting her magic, laying down a healing spell on the woman. Hopefully that would wake her up, and the two did their best to look friendly and non-threatening as they waited to see how she would respond.
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