Guns and Roses (EDDE)


Logic is panic's Prey...
Feb 6, 2016
Due to some issues with a previous website, this thread has been moved to BlueMoon.
Their first fight would be a difficult one. Though he supposed that shouldn't be a surprise, they were guests here after all, and guests were always treated to the best fights. Kurama picked up his coffee once more after the table had been cleared. It bothered him immensely that he hadn't been able to sense Rinku, nor Zeru as they entered their room. "And yet he doesn't bat an eye," the fox stated with an amused chuckle, looking over at their leader still passed out on the couch.

"Yeah, hey! Wake up Urameshi." Kuwabara poked at the slumbering boy's cheek before grabbing it and pulling it hard enough to snap back painfully. "You should let him sleep Kuwabara, we will need him in peek condition for tomorrow's fight."

Hiei looked over the lot of them, considering their situation to himself as he looked to each. Despite the nerve touching scene they'd made, the fools that had stolen into the hotel room really shouldn't be too much trouble to deal with, if things went properly. Obviously Kurama can protect himself. The masked one has proven himself competent enough, for now... His eyes landed on Kuwabara as he contemplated him for a moment as well, unable to help but think he would probably be dead by the end of the first match.

And then his attention landed on Yusuke. In the state he was in, he wasn't completely useless, but it wasn't as if they could just throw him into the ring while he was still fully unconscious, no matter how good his reflexes were while he was like that. A smirk crossed his face as he mumbled to himself, "Heh. Well, maybe." Maybe if they somehow became desperate enough to do so, but if that were to happen in the very first match up in this stupid tournament they'd been so graciously 'invited' to, they honestly wouldn't have a chance through the rest of it.

He blinked a bit as he felt eyes on him after he'd commented to himself, large crimson orbs sliding over to the masked fighter, a soft jerk rolling through him as he recognized that the guy was staring. "Ch." The smirk, a bit sour now, rolled back over his face as his head turned to look out the window of the crowded room, his right-hand sifting into his pocket as he shared his thoughts on the matter. "In any case, every one of us will need to be at their best tomorrow as well, so I suggest each of us does whatever it is they need to tonight to make that happen."

His attention flew to the raven-haired teen as he broke into a sudden, loud, clipped off laughter before rolling onto his side and curling into himself, managing to slap Kuwabara right back in his teasing face as he did so, and pulling into a heavy mumble in his sleep. "C'mon, that's nothin'--Lousy showoff... I don't like coffee..."

Allowing the quiet, amused chuckle to pass over him, he turned, moving to the door and opening it, waving lazily over his shoulder with his free hand as he passed through it. "As for me, this room is stifling. I'm going to have a look around."

So Yusuke honestly wasn't worried about those two, huh? Or at the very least, that was how it seemed, given his outburst, as he sounded far more conscious of the situation than he looked. He wasn't sure if that should be comforting or not given the idiot's bullheadedness in the past, and the fact that even he, with the incredibly sensitive appendage he possessed, hadn't detected their presence until just before he'd seen them. Asleep or not, it was proving impressive how well the spirit detective was keeping up.

He paused as he moved to close the door, preening as the masked guy seemed to have suddenly landed on his heels in mimic. He didn't like this guy. They knew almost nothing about him, and there was something off about him that was grating on his nerves. Glaring him down for a moment, his head snapped to the side in that way that could sometimes seem snooty. "Hn."

Anger flickered through a faltered smirk at his inability to notice the guy creeping up on him. He walked past him, leaving quickly without closing the door, the chore left to the masked fighter as he also left silently.

"Hey!" Hiei seemed to be ignored by Kuwabara in favor of grabbing Yusuke by the collar of his shirt and shaking him back and forth roughly. "You're not really asleep are you, this is just some ploy to piss me off."

"Kuwabara." The human stopped mid slap to look at Kurama. The fox shook his head slightly and eventually Kuwabara mumbled a 'he started it,' before dropping the team leader back onto the couch. He continued to glare at the slumbering boy, irritation building on his features until he jumped off the couch. "I can't just sit around like this!" He declared.

The carrot top stalked towards the door with his hands thrown into his pockets. "I'm gonna check this place out," he continued with a mumbled 'this place should have better entertainment then the boat.' "You gonna be alright on your own Kurama?"

"Naturally," Kurama answered, sipping at his coffee until he and Yusuke were left alone. The door shut and green eyes focused on the slumbering detective and thought back to recent events. Was he truly asleep? If so, how deeply? Surly Genkai's training had been severe, and yet Yusuke seemed more aware of his surroundings then those of the group who were awake. He set the coffee cup down and stood to switch couches. Now sitting in Kuwabara's spot right beside him.

"Yusuke?" He questioned, curiosity fueling him. It killed cats after all, not foxes. With a thoughtful hum he reached forward and pinched Yusuke's nose between his thumb and forefinger.

Yusuke was rattled about like a rag doll as Kuwabara shook the Hell out of him, lacking a reaction to it at all. He landed back partially on his side as he was dropped, a light hum and the slightest chuckle on his lips as his fingers curled into his hair, perhaps seeming less of a reaction to the assault than to whatever was playing through his mind in his dreams.

He settled into himself immensely when Kuwabara's presence was gone, the only reaction to Kurama sitting next to him being a soft shift of his head, as if he were getting more comfortable. For a long moment Kurama was left pinching his nose as it held the teens breath, unaffected until the catch in his lungs finally caught up to him.

First, he made a face; scrunching against the hold on his nose through a shift in his lips. Then, quite suddenly, he threw his arms in the air, legs straightening sharply through a fit that landed him on his back as he groaned, "Cut it OUT!" The outburst was short lived as he fell limp all over again, left arm flopping over the side of the couch as his foot landed on the ground through the relaxed state. His breath took back up into his chest in deep breath via his mouth. Returning to a mumble trailing off at the end, he added, "Give a guy a break K'rama. Hnn. Got rocks to break over here..."

Kurama quickly pulled his hand at the outburst, but didn't move from his spot. He was smiling, amusement and mischief gleaming in his eyes. "If you do not stop me Yusuke, this will be your fault," he stated while popping off the cap to a marker that seemed to come from nowhere. Now, what to do... The fox let out a soft hum, a soft palm carefully hold Yusuke's cheek to keep his face still. Prank or not, he was a perfectionist.

The dark maker curved over Yusuke's forehead to create the image of an eye that was very close to Hiei's. However, the pupil was left as a big heart, and large, curly lashes were added in. "Hmm." Kurama tapped the cap of the marker against his chin, thoughtful. On the right cheek, quickly and messily scrawled to match another team members hand writing Kurama wrote 'Jerk face.' Not his first choice, but it would certainly be Kuwabara's.

The other cheek started with whiskers that curved up into little spirals, and he colored in the left eyelid. "You've become far too vulnerable in this state Yusuke. Forgive me, I couldn't help myself."

Yusuke's face scrunched a bit again as Kurama's hand landed on his cheek. There was a light tug of his chin against the hold, but easily he didn't wake up, the rest of him remaining relaxed.

As the redhead spoke to him again, he seemed to choose that as his time to respond lazily. "Oh ha-freakin-ha. Just you wait, buddy...." He moved to roll once more, only the wrong way and he slipped of the couch with a loud thud. "Stupid cats..."

Biting on his knuckle the fox resisted his laughter, allowing it to escape in only a quiet chuckle. "Perhaps I have gone too far?" he questioned, looking at his leader face down in the carpet. His lips curled and he couldn't hide the devious expression on his face. Leaning down Kurama pressed the marker to the back of his neck. A winking cat was left behind. "I believe that now I have gone too far."

The marker was closed and left on the coffee table before he gently lifted Yusuke back up onto the couch. "I apologize for my cruelty," he said in a tone that clearly said he didn't really.

Kurama had just returned to his previous spot on the couch and took a sip of the still warm coffee when the door to the hotel room opened and Kuwabara walked in. "Man Kurama, were you just sitting in the quiet? Urameshi can't be much company... eh?!" A shit eating grin split the boy's face before laughter spewed forth. "Oh man, who did that? It was Hiei, it'd have to be that little punk."

In an instant Kuwabara was at Yusuke's side with the marker in hand. He started on his neck, doodling a big, steaming pile of shit just under his chin.

He groaned as the back of his neck was colored on, curling into himself a bit, though he didn't say anything toward it this time. And he seemed to relax just as comfortably on the couch as he'd been willing to nestle into the floor after the fall.

While the overt reaction to Kuwabara's drawing was partially due to the pressure at his throat, it would have to be obvious to Kurama that it was also partially due to him. His fists flailed lightly, easily catching Kuwabara as he was so close, and angry tone in his sharp mumble. "Knock that pretty head right of your shoulders..." Of course, a moment later he was lax all over again since he'd made a connection.

The door opened, and the mask fighter froze in 'his' spot as he entered the scene. There was a smirk hidden within the shroud, a silent chuckle on his chest over the small calamity.

Kuwabara reeled back, his arms pulling to the side. "Don't call me pretty Urameshi! I still have nightmares from those creepy kissing dreams you sent me."

"Oh?" The fox internalized his hysterics and settled Kuwabara with a purely curious look. "This is an interesting development, it would certainly explain your couple like bickering." He couldn't stop himself from laughing, however, when Kuwabara balked. "You take that back Kurama!" His voice was shrill and the fox hand to bite down on his knuckle to keep himself somewhat quiet.

RAE 10​
"Some help that was..." was all he managed and he curled up again.

The masked fighter walked over to the screaming teen, plucking the marker from his hand and turning to lean over Yusuke. When he pulled away, capping the marker and retaking his seat near the spirit detective's feet, he'd added quite a bit more.

The word 'idiot' was scrawled across his chest as largely as the tank top he was wearing allowed. He'd pulled the jacket away from his left shoulder, a face with its tongue poking out and eyelid pulled down, 'dumb ass' scrawled down his arm below it. He twirled the pen between his fingers, chuckling silently.
"I mean it, stop laughing Kurama. It's not like that at all! It was just to transfer energy into Urameshi's dead body. Keiko actually did it not me!"

"And you have this dream often Kuwabara?"

"It's a nightmare!" His scream went high pitched and Kurama stood. The fox brushed off his pants and took a calming breath. For a moment, he stood over Yusuke and watched the masked fighter add to the canvas that had become Yusuke Urameshi. "The ink will need to be removed before our first opponents. You will take care of it, won't you Kuwabara? He does roam your dreams at night."

"Would you stop that already?!"

It was already late when they'd gotten there. Having given the island a bit of a roaming, Hiei was now headed back to the room. From down the hall he could hear the commotion going on in there, an annoyed tick traveled through his features. If left alone, it was certain to go on for hours. Yusuke must have woken up for Kuwabara to be making that kind of racket, after all, and those two did tend to carry on.

He didn't look over the scene as he opened and closed the door, the shrill voice of the buffoon enough to make him want to leave again. However, it was Kurama's comment that had him looking over, despite the bit of flinch the following holler brought to his features.

Hearing Yusuke laugh at their bickering, his eyes fell on him. He froze, not entirely sure how to react to the scribble covered human for a moment as he took in the sight. A twitch took to his lips that it took a bit more effort than he'd like to admit to push away, a sharply clipped breath managing to escape his nose, his eyes having to shoot from the vision to help the issue.

It was a bit easier to do once he remembered he'd come back due to the time, and the fact that they had a match in the morning. A soft huff of air left his chest as he walked closer, landing a sharp look on the only person he really expected it to effect properly, hand in pocket as he looked the fox over. However, all he managed, for a lack of how to deal with the situation properly, was a disgruntled sounding, "Idiots."

Clearing his throat the fox nodded his head. "It is getting late, and we cannot afford to be tired tomorrow. We should sleep." He nodded at the smaller demon, understanding the single insult just fine. "Do remember to wash his face Kuwabara," he added with a chuckle he couldn't repress.


Using the death plant so early hadn't been a part of his plan and he feared it would come around on him later, but it was his best option. The only option to keep his mother safe and win the round. "What irony," he sighed. "Such beauty, sprung from such an ugly soil." Blood trickled from the cross cuts on his cheek as he hopped down from the ring.

Even in slumber Yusuke knew, and he shared the relief. "Yes." Kuwabara and Botan were shot down, what had passed had passed. It had no importance now.

After the final round the team and Botan stood strong beside their leader as he called out the crowd and taunted Toguro. It wasn't until after their rival team turned and left that Kurama spoke. "The match is over. We should take our leave."

He was in a great mood. That fight had been just what he needed after waking up from such a gruelingly long forced slumber. And having hushed that stupid crowd so perfectly had only added to it. Yusuke turned his attention to the redhead as he spoke. "Oh yea."

Smiling, he plopped a hand on his shoulder. "I meant to ask when I woke up, but uh... I got kinda distracted." He let off a flippant chuckle at his own short coming before gaining a bit of calm. "Anyway, how's your mom?" He didn't really remember all of what had been going on while he was sleeping, but his concern over the redhead's fight had rung through to his waking.

"Are you sure you were asleep?" he questioned. The masked fighter had started their leave, leading the way into the hallway and forcing the rest to follow or be left behind. But Yusuke's concern for his human mother brought forth a thankful smile. "My Mother is doing well," he assured.

As they followed through the tunnel, the fox took notice of Yusuke's spirit energy. Or rather, lack thereof. "You seemed to be enjoying yourself in the ring, Yusuke," he commented. "It suits you."

He laughed lightly at the question, offering a bit of a shrug as he honestly wasn't sure if he really was fully asleep with everything that had happened. He smiled at the answer he got. "I'm glad." Taking in deep breath, he moved along with the rest of them on his own.

Yusuke had been watching Kuwabara try to squabble over something Hiei had commented on as they walked, though he wasn't so much paying attention. Every inch of his body was screaming at him, and somehow it seemed like it was bringing him to life rather than weighing him down.

His attention was drawn over to Kurama again, an exuberant grin crossed his face. "Oho yea! Definitely the best way to wake up." He chuckled heavily. "And man, after lying around like a dead guy for a while..." He laughed out the word, "again," before he continued. "I dunno, I guess it was kinda like just about every second of it reminded me how alive I am, ya know?"

Pulling his hands behind his head as they walked, he thought on it for a moment. "And anyway. That was nothin' compared to the Hell I went through training with that hag that whole time. Lousy old lady..." The last part was mumbled, though it didn't look as though it bothered his mood in the least.

"Yes," he agreed. "In a way, I believe I do." Even in years passed fighting didn't mean the same for him as it did Yusuke. However, the thrill of the chase was one he remembered well. The rush of adrenaline and endorphins that picked up your breath and dilated pupils. His life as a thief once provided that rush, but now he found it elsewhere. In a much simpler, human life that brought forth regrets and showed him love.

His complaint about Genkai brought forth a chuckle. "Yes, you've been fighting her and speaking in your sleep." He looked up and away, innocent. "You called Kuwabara 'pretty,' strangely enough. I had no idea your relationship went so far, Yusuke."

He blinked a bit before easily overlooking the last part of the comment sputtering and letting out a heavy laugh as his hands dropped from behind his head. "Kuwabara pretty! AHAHA! That's rich!"

He paused, cupping his chin he looked up in thought. "Although I guess I can't deny trying to get a kiss from him before..." Realizing almost instantly how that sounded, he raised his hands up to his shoulders, as if in surrender. "But that's a long, long story, and really not something I like thinking about. It wasn't a pleasant experience."

Finally he landed on a stance in response, crossing his arms and staring Kurama down with a semi-sour look on his face. "Look, the point is, Kuwabara is in no way cute to me, got it? That musta been one screwed up dream I was havin'. Maybe even a nightmare." He decided, nodding to himself.

"Of course I'm not pretty!" Kuwabara screeched. "I'm a man, men aren't pretty Urameshi!" Something was muttered by Hiei and the tallest member returned to bickering with the shortest.

"A long story Kuwabara still dreams about."

"Don't listen to him Urameshi, I said Nightmares. That had to be the single most horrifying thing I've ever had to witness." The big guy visibly shuddered and grew pale. "I would much rather kiss Yukina~!" His sour mood turned into a near prance at the sound of her name. Even in his own voice.

The fox lifted his hands in surrender at the look he was given. "Yes, of course Yusuke," he offered before lowering his hands and resting them in his pockets. "Hm?" He chuckled again, a little louder this time as Yusuke walked past him just enough to see. The winking cat had been left behind, and he wondered how many beings noticed it during the fight.

RAE 20​
Chuckling broadly, Yusuke continued toward the others as they all rounded a corner. "Man, I didn't know you had it so bad for me Kuwabara." His hands moved behind his head again as he walked. "I mean, I guess I could at least offer you a date or something to help you out, but I'd rather not have things get too weird between us, cause I really just don't like you like that," he teased cruelly.

He stopped as his legs suddenly got a bit noodly, pressing his hand against the wall for support as he miss-stepped. "Wah~" He sighed lightly. "Well okay. That sucks." He leaned against the wall further for support, chuckling lightly against the loss of adrenaline he'd been running on quite smoothly.
Kuwabara made a cacophony of amusing noises at Yusuke's accusation, as if he was so pissed he couldn't get words out. "Go to hell Urameshi!" He turned around and reared back for a punch, but stopped short of throwing it when the detective wavered. "Hey... you okay?"

The fox stopped, his presence offered for support should the wall fail to be enough. "You've used a lot of energy today, and so soon after recovering from your training." Though he wasn't sure Yusuke had fully recovered. "You should rest," and they shouldn't do it here.

Kurama's eyes were sharp and while Kuwabara teased him about being unable stand on his own two feet, the fox paid close attention to their surroundings. The demons attending the tournament were rarely, if ever strong enough to pose a threat. It was usually only the fighting teams that needed to be worried about and yet... Someone was watching them.

Yusuke was a target, and now a target that looked vulnerable. "Kuwabara, Yusuke, we should be going."

He offered a smile to Kurama that easily said he felt bit pathetic at the moment, but his attention drew to Kuwabara instead. "Oh yea?! Com'ere and say that to my fist, Dog Face! I can walk just fine!" Determined to show this, he made the attempt to move forward, only to misstep all over again and fall back onto the wall.

As he was inevitably laughed at, he glowered back "Just wait till I can swing my arms again!" Though he paused and settled instantly at Kurama's suggestion, looking around a moment before turning a smile that said he still wanted to start things on Kurama. "Okay, but would you mind giving me a hand, Kurama?" He thumbed at Kuwabara. "I don't want that guy too close to me right now with all those confusing feelings he has for me. He might try to feel me up." He couldn't sense a thing. Hell, he couldn't even sense his companions, and that was definitely not a good state to be in.

With a nod the fox lifted Yusuke's arm and ducked his head under it to steady him as he stood. Careful to keep an even pace he lead the way out of the stadium. After a look from Kurama Kuwabara followed a few steps behind.

He didn't have a clear picture, but as they were leaving he felt an icy chill run down his spine. Whatever was watching them, its intention was worse than murderous and Kurama had a nagging desire to leave as quickly as possible. He kept his steps even and his expression neutral even after the energy left.

"Hey Kurama, what was that about?"

"I'm not sure, but it seems to have gone for now."

"Good." Kuwabara stopped and took in a deep breath, then grabbed Yusuke by the neck of his shirt. "I'm gonna break your face so bad kittens won't look at you." With an amused chuckle Kurama dropped and shifted away to be free of the impending brawl. "Do be quick about your lover’s quarrel."

This wasn't good. Even though he had used up all his spirit energy, he should still be able to feel their life forces. He felt like he'd been hurled right back into himself when he'd first started out with all this demon fighting crap a year ago.

He was pulled out of his thoughts instantly as he was grabbed by big, dumb, and angry. He couldn't help but laugh at the delayed reaction. "Aw, come on, you wouldn't hurt a guy who can't even defend himself," he reminded the big idiot.

He was easily less exuberant at this point, as those weighing thoughts didn't want to go away, and within a moment his smile turned utterly sour against himself. "I mean it's stupid, really. You're practically the only thing holding me up right now, I can barely even keep my head on straight, and I can't even tell how far away Hiei and that masked guy have gotten from us because I can't sense a damned thing."

Kuwabara blinked then grumbled. "Yeah fine. You're probably just exhausted I mean it's not like you slept for an entire day!"

"Kuwabara." His tone was calm but warning, and their tallest team member lowered Yusuke back onto the kitsune's shoulder. "There is no need to fret Yusuke, your spirit energy just needs time to recover. We'll meet the others in the hotel room," he offered, starting them off.

It wasn't long before the fox was helping Yusuke down onto the couch.

"Heh." Was really the only thing he offered to the entire exchange, having to focus too hard on walking to really stir things up any more after that. As he was set down, his sigh was warm as he allowed himself to plop onto the soft cushion, seated upright but leaning heavily against the couch back. "Oh yea, that's much better."

Smiling a bit too brightly for the condition he was obviously in, he said, "Thanks Kurama." And then added, "Who knows what woulda happened to me if you'd left me to that guy." He didn't bother to motion toward Kuwabara, as he knew the guy would know who he was talking to. The chuckle that fell on his chest petered out as his head lolled to the side and his eyes closed, again asleep, only looking far more vulnerable in his current state than the last.

The masked fighter looked over the exhausted boy and turned 'his' attention to Kurama, thinking to say something, but being beaten to the punch by the second shortest person in the room.

"Couldn't you have set him down in a bed, Kurama? It's going to be twice as much work lugging his limp body there now." He was sitting on the window sill, staring outside. Though he'd looked through the reflection of the glass on their entry. He wasn't honestly berating the fox, more giving the suggestion, in his own odd way, to move Yusuke somewhere he could get better rest.

"Ah..." Kurama scratched over his cheek and looked down at his now sleeping team leader. "I suppose I should have expected that," he admitted with a heavy sigh.

"Let's draw on his face again." Kuwabara had already pulled out the marker and was grinning madly at Yusuke's sleeping form. "He'll have to clean it off himself this time."

Kurama shook his head with an exasperated sigh. "If you obsess over Yusuke's sleeping form, then I see what has him so worried." The tallest member balked and pointed the marker at Kurama accusingly. "Stop saying things!"

Tisking sharply, Hiei stood carefully, pausing for a moment through a light shaking of his limbs before moving for the door. "I don't have the patience to deal with more squabbling today."

Sighing, the masked fighter hopped off the couch and followed in tow of Hiei silently. He was given a sharp glare from the fire demon before the other headed down the hall to the right. He turned to the left and walked out, pulling the door closed loosely behind him.

Kuwabara was quick to follow the masked fighter, leaving the room before Kurama had a chance to say a word. He sat down on the couch beside the detective with one leg delicately draped over the other. "Have you really fallen asleep again?" the fox questioned, looking over the slacked face. He looked much softer when he slept...

Reaching out, the fox once more pinched his nose shut. Purely out of curiosity.

RAE 30​
Though he lacked the ability to be nearly as responsive as he had been in his earlier state of sleep, his face did still scrunch a bit against the pinch to his nose. And he did attempt to tug his face away a bit sharply. The movement displaced his leaning form, having him slide toward Kurama and land flush against the redhead.
Amusement pulled a soft hum from the fox as Yusuke fell over onto him. Shaking his head Kurama turned and lifted the detective up into his arms. He carried Yusuke to his shared room with Kuwabara and laid him down on one of the beds. In a show of what Hiei would call 'human softness' Kurama pulled the blanket up to his chin. "Sleep well, Yusuke."


The fox was gone by dawn. He stalked the forest in the shadows, guiding through the trees with a practiced ease. But who was following them yesterday? The questioned burned in his mind and had him pausing in branches to contemplate it. The intent had been focused squarely on him, he was sure of it. Murderous desire was easy to detect but this was... more. It disgusted him.

Kurama jumped free of the branches by the time day had fully broken, and held out his hand to search through the few seeds he'd collected. Glancing up he gauged the time, he could gather for a little while longer at least before the next fight began.

Shifting in his sleep woke him up instantly, the ache in just about every part of his body easily louder than the snoring teen in the bed on the other side of the room. Sitting up, he rubbed at his face and ran his fingers through his hair. Looking around a bit, he only vaguely wondered how he'd managed to get into bed the night before.

His attention had fallen more on the fact that something just didn't seem right. Eventually he shifted from the bed, redressing and making his way out of the hotel for a nice, leisurely walk. As if.

As the fresh morning air hit him, he managed to wake a bit better, and recognized what seemed so off about himself. And he wanted to find out if he was right. Once he'd gotten deeper into the forest that crawled across the island, he lifted his hand and formed his fingers into position for his signature attack. Closing his eyes, he focused sharply on collecting his energy into his finger, shaking a bit with the effort it was taking.

Making his way towards the stadium a familiar scent hit the fox's nose, but it lacked the usual energy attached to it. He paused, curious, and decided to change his direction. Had Yusuke's spirit energy not returned? Kurama made quick travel through the trees and paused in a branch within sight of him; waiting, watching.

"It is unwise to strain yourself, Yusuke," he offered after some time. With a graceful leap the fox touched his feet to the ground and rested his left hand in his pocket while the right hung by his side.

The noise that the surprise over Kurama's voice sent through him was rather humorous as it rolled from his chest as he did a little two step dance to the side, falling off balance from the sharp uptake his heart did in his chest. "Djeee!" The tone of it rising and falling in a pitch that stated he might have wanted to scream if it weren't for the fact that he it was pulled straight through clenched teeth.

He twirled on his heel instantly with a stamp of his foot, fists balled at his sides and shoulders tense as he shot a bubbled-up glare at the fox. "Eesh, Kurama! Give a guy a heart attack!"

Despite the over exuberant reaction, he calmed down, a light smile touching his lips as he recognized that, even though he couldn't seem to focus his energy, he could still sense Kurama now that he was there. "Oh, come on." He boasted lightly, raising his hands up and squeezing his fingers closed in a mock of spooky claws as he gave a lilt to his voice. "It's nothing the boogeyman of the demon realm can't handle, anyway."

Relaxing a bit, his words rolled into a chuckle through his comment and a goofy grin. "Besides, it's not like there's much I can do to other than try to work on it, you know?"

The amusing display did nothing to the fox's expression. His knowing gaze settled on Yusuke, contemplating his words, studying his movements. He knew more than he should, just as he always did. Yusuke was afraid he could smell it on him as well as he could see it, as he should be. "Even the boogeyman has fears."

Kurama was quiet for a few moments. "Come," he offered, turning away. "A new round will be starting soon. After looking over the combatants I'm certain there will be a brawl or two for you to enjoy."

He chuckled lightly, figuring he'd have been found out despite his attempt. Kurama honestly seemed to know just about everything, so he wasn't expecting any different. Mostly, it was just something done out of habit.

He blinked a bit at the offer to go with him, easily ready to pass up on the offer in lieu of working on bringing out his energy, but the last bit of it caught him up quite perfectly. Smiling broadly, he stalked right on over, chuckling heartily at the thought. "Oh yea~. I hadn't even thought about that. Maybe I just need to get in some ass kicking to get my blood pumping. That sounds like a good start, anyway."

He offered a smirk in Kurama's direction" Oh, and by the way. I'm not scared of anything." He was boasting again, but more purposefully this time around.

A chuckled rocked the kitsune's shoulders. "Of course not." His tone and smile portrayed his playful patronizing, and while the smile stayed it returned to the usual calm. With both hands in his pockets Kurama kept a steady pace towards the stadium. "It isn't something I would like to admit, but fear has me its grasp as well. However, it is a strength, not a weakness if it is used correctly."

His chuckling persisted through his agreement. "No kidding. Just about everything about this situation is stupid scary."

He calmed down, looking down at his dominant hand as he walked. "I mean, the only good news there is to be had right now is that some of my senses have come back. Other than that, on top of everything else, my freakin' spirit energy has decided to all but go dormant, and I can't seem to call it up no matter how hard I try. Hell, I haven't felt this weak for at least a year. I mean, even when I've used up all my energy before, during training or whatever, it was never this bad. And even when it was bad, it's always recovered for the most part by the next day, even if it wasn't back to full strength."

He paused in thought for a moment, realizing he'd opened up to the redhead without even noticing. He offered a warm smile. "Heh. Sorry, Kurama. I'm sure you've got things of your own to worry about. I probably shouldn't be adding to them." He couldn't help but wonder how the Hell it had been so easy to do so, though, considering he'd been pretty intent on sparing him the heavy thoughts not too long before.

A slight furrow creased his eyebrows as Yusuke spoke. That did sound worrisome, and he couldn't think of a clear cause so quickly. However, when Yusuke looked at him the fox had a comforting smile on his lips. "Do not fret Yusuke." Kurama lifted a hand and placed it over the detective's shoulder. "Your energy will return when you require it most."

A light laugh came to him, his hand returning to his pocket. "Have no worries about that either Yusuke. I am honored you would confide in me."

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His smile broadened some toward the support. "Well that's a good point." After all, he did have a good history of tapping into unknown power when things tended to get a bit hairy for him.

There was a bit of a blush on his cheeks at the last of it. "Uh huh," he pouted out lightly. His attention changed though, figuring since he'd shared, maybe he could get Kurama to do that same. Despite everything they'd been through, the guy was still a pretty big mystery on most fronts after all. "Hey, so Kurama. You said you're scared of stuff too, right? Just curious; What puts you on edge?"
With a sigh, he scratched the back of his head, looking up and away with an innocent expression. He contemplated his answer, there were so many lies and truths that could fit. "I suppose it is only fair," he admitted, hand dropping back to his side.

His eyes turned solemn as they turned ahead. "There was a time when I could have joined this tournament with great confidence," he started "But that time is not now. My energy is comparatively weak and childish, and I cannot survive on wits alone. Not here." The fox glanced at Yusuke. "I fear I will fail you."

"Eh?" His head tilted a bit as he blinked through the end of his confession. Why the heck would Kurama be afraid of failing him? Of course, he could honestly understand what he was saying, and couldn't help but wonder if maybe that was his own biggest worry due to the loss of his energy. "Listen Kurama..." He was looking ahead himself, gathering his thoughts on the matter for a moment in attempt of finding words.

It clicked pretty quickly though, and he really didn't have to think at all once he'd started talking, although it probably would have been better to think about what he was saying instead of just blurting out whatever came to mind. "It isn't all that easy to think of things this way, but we're in this together. I don't wanna be the one to fail either, and if we don't work together on this, yea, I can see how that could get pretty bad, especially if we were to start putting blame on who did what to screw things up. There shouldn't be any 'you' or 'me' in the situation, though. The way I see it, we're a team, and as a team any single one of us failing can't determine the outcome of the situation, since we've got each other to fall back on. I mean, the whole point of things is having each other's backs, right? So, if we were to fail, it'd have to be together."

He stopped fully, turning on the redhead with that grin of his. "Although now that I've said it out loud, it sounds pretty stupid. So, if that doesn't help, just think of it like this; If we do fail, it really won't matter who fucked up, because we probably won't live long enough for it to matter afterward anyway!"

"We'll have it etched into our tombstones." His tone was sly, playful. Yusuke's grin was contagious in a way, pulling amusement and relaxed contentment from the fox. "Thank you, Yusuke," he added before turning to lead the way into the stadium.


"Only an amateur relies on arms and legs for victory."

Those words had been followed quickly by the death of one, and the entrapment of his own energy. Followed worse by Touya and his shards of winter. Each crystal sliced through cloth and flesh as easily as his rose petals could. "I admit. You've caught me with my hands red."

But this desire for light, the hunger in Touya's eyes forced the fox up onto his feet. "Let me do what I must, Yusuke."

Left with no choice, Kurama buried the seed of the death plant into the open wound on his arm. It grew in his body, feeding on blood and energy until it burst forth and he could use it against his foe. He stood, hardly awake enough to converse. "I just wanted to know if... You could make your life better. Nobler, than mine has been."

"I'm sorry, I couldn't take out the first three of them as I'd planned."

He needed support getting back to the hotel, very nearly needing to be carried but the fox was stubborn. He was alone in the room it seemed, resting his back against the head board of a bed, and hovering his hand over the wound in his arm. "Ah!" Kurama let out the quiet exclamation and it was followed by air being sucked through his teeth.

The roots of the death plant squirmed under his skin and pulled more bit back cries of pain. Little by little the plant was working free, dripping blood onto the bed that hadn't been used once anyway. Hiei didn't usually sleep in beds as far as he could tell.

It was getting late, and Yusuke was standing outside of the closed door to the hotel room. He could only hope no one was in the actual room. Setting down the tray he'd been holding, he tensed as claws twitched atop his head. "Go AWAY you stupid little fuzzball!" Growling, he swiped at the stupid little beast that just wouldn't take a freakin' hint, only getting angrier as it hopped out of the way of his grasp only to land back on his head. "AGH!"

Simmering down, he sighed, opening the door and taking the tray in. He had to be glad no one was in the room right now, as he really didn't want to be seen with the girly looking runt perched atop his head like a crappy fashion statement. He set the tray down again on the table next to Kurama and Hiei's room, knocking on the door as he tilted his head up to look at the thing even though he couldn't see him. "Look, couldn't you just disappear for a while or something...?" He waited; it did nothing.

Growling lightly, he opened the door slowly, grabbing the tray and pushing his way through the frame. His tone was a bit heavy, almost dull as the words were nearly sighed out, easily not wanting anyone to see the stupid thing after what he'd gone through with Koenma and Botan. "Hey Kurama, I brought some food cause it's getting late and I'm sure you could use it."

He hadn't had a chance to check on Kurama again since he'd brought him back to the hotel room earlier, what with all the bullshit that had gone on afterward, and all. Wanting to know if he'd healed up any, he'd gotten hungry on his way up, and had decided it would be a good idea to grab something for Kurama as well, in case he hadn't eaten. He pulled the door shut loosely with his foot as he made his way into the room, looking over the fox's condition as he did so.

Kurama sat at the side of the bed, facing the door way. He'd lost the ruined top earlier in the day for better access to his wounds. His left arm was bloody, but clear of any foliage, and a bandage had been wrapped around the slice in his forearm. The other injuries were superficial and could be tended to after he finished removing the death plant from his body.

The fox paused, his face relaxing and the glow of his energy holding steady. He could hear Yusuke yelling, but at what he wasn't sure. He heard no one else, and did Yusuke say 'fuzz ball?' With a shake of his head Kurama returned to the duty at hand. Once more his expression tensed in concentration. The door opened to Kurama's 'Ngh!' and sharp breath as the fox tugged with his energy to pull the plant free. It slid out slowly, the flesh around the opening squirming with roots that shot out and frantically searched for the body it escaped.

A high pitched 'Scree!' came from the weapon, tiny mouths with razor sharp teeth at the end of each root. It splattered blood in all directions before Kurama's energy willed it back into a seed. "That was kind of you Yusuke, thank you," the fox started, setting the seed along three others on the bedside table. That explained the many tiny blood spatters over the bed.

Kurama sighed, grateful to have the final seed removed. When he looked up to properly greet his friend the fox was met with a rather... peculiar site to say the least. Hadn't Botan mentioned an egg to Yusuke before? And the blue beast did have his hair. He quickly lifted a hand to his mouth. "You know Yusuke it really... Suits... You," he tried to speak smoothly but it fell into an easy laughter. His shoulders jumped and his eyes sparkled despite the ordeal he'd only just finished.

"Does it have a name?"

Yusuke made a face as he watched Kurama remove the last of the plant, jumping a bit at the creepy noise it made. And the way that moved... "Geez, Kurama!" It was all he said toward it, though he was staring at the table. Honestly, he was still having trouble processing what Kurama had done to himself during the last fight he'd been forced to participate while still conscious for.

He blinked a bit as his attention turned to Kurama again. Bubbling up and tensing, he growled all over again. "Yea, ha-freakin-ha. I SWEAR, if I have to hear that one more time! The next person who says it, I'm gonna squeeze em so hard their head pops off!" He strangled at the air, gripping his hands into fists as he said as much. When the small creature cooed at him, his anger turned on it. "No, it doesn't... C'mere you freakin runt!" He swiped at it sharply, but blinked a bit as it flew away from him this time, moving over to hide behind Kurama by perching on his shoulder, and cooed sharply at Yusuke.

He couldn't help but calm down as he saw how lively Kurama was acting though, smiling as he brought over the tray and plopped onto the bed, tray in lap. "Well you're looking way better than you were when I brought you up here, at least." Despite saying so, he was looking over Kurama curiously, checking on his condition. "So, are you hungry at all? I figured since I was hungry I'd grab you something too, in case you still couldn't move much." He grinned, pointing at the fuzzy creature that had perched on Kurama's shoulder. "Heh heh. Ya know, I think he likes you. You can keep him, you know. He looks like he belongs with you more than he does with me."

They're quite sweet, once you get to know them," he joked while motioning towards the bloody seeds.

His laughter slowed until his amusement was made known only by the smile on his face. "Hm?" Without thinking the fox lifted a hand and gently pet the top of the creature's head. "You shouldn't be so hard on yourself Yusuke," he offered. It was a curious little thing, it wasn't the first thought that came to mind when picturing Yusuke's spirit beast; and yet... It made sense.

"With the Death Plant removed from my body I can regain my energy. I will be fine." And he would be, the remaining injuries would be irrelevant soon enough. The mention of food reminded him just how hungry he was and the fox nodded his head. "I am. It is much appreciated."

"And why is that?" the fox questioned, tugging lightly on one of the big floppy ears.

His attention shifted to the food, picking up a dinner roll off of one of the plates. "I guess 'cause you match so well." He commented off hand before biting in half. He watched as Kurama messed with Puu, noticing the thing didn't seem to mind it too much. All he'd seen so far from the damned thing was stark nothingness, or panicked chaos, but it seemed to be enjoying the attention from the redhead.

Once more he was reminded of his hunger, and Kurama too began to eat in his ever-polite manner. "How so?" The fox seemed determined, green eyes not wavering from brown, even as his fingers pet along the blue beast. Dexterous fingers seemed to know just where to scratch, rubbing an ear between his thumb and pointer finger.

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He glared at the little beast as it emitted an odd purring noise and leaned into each and every one of Kurama's pets, annoyed to Hell and back over it's cute behavior. As he swallowed his bite, he gave a bit of a shrug. "Well because cute things tend to go together, right? And I am not cute." He smiled at Kurama, finally turning his attention away from the stupid thing. "But you're totally cute enough to pull it off, Kurama." He shoved the rest of the roll into his mouth after saying as much.
Swallowing his mouthful Kurama chuckled. "Is that so?" The blue creature was plucked from his shoulder and held out in front of him. "I suppose that would mean you consider me 'cute,' as well?" It was set in his lap and patted. "I didn't know you had such feelings for me Yusuke, I'm flattered."

He gave the redhead an odd look for the question. "Well, yea." He told him lightly. He was pretty sure that just about everyone thought Kurama was cute, although now that he thought about it, he couldn't necessarily point out anyone ever having said as much. He had to guess it was kinda weird for him to feel flattered though, wasn't it? He couldn't really imagine it was something the fox hadn't heard plenty of.

The little animal was easily reveling in all of the attention it was getting from Kurama, nuzzling happily into his touches, purring and nibbling at the affection it was being shown. He chuckled lightly as he watched them. "It really does look better with you, you know."

That answer... It hadn't been expected, and Kurama was lost for a second. Unsure of what else to say. So, he turned his attention to the little furry penguin in his lap, pinching its cheeks with both hands. Yusuke's words were trying to pull color into his cheeks. He sighed, the tables had been turned. "I find you cute in your own way as well, Yusuke," he offered.

He had turned his attention back down on the food, debating on what he wanted to eat next, but his attention drew back up onto the fox at his comment. "Oh yea?" He looked just as skeptical as he sounded at the question. "How's that?" After all, he'd literally just been protesting as much to the fox, and had probably spent at least a half hour doing so for the two who'd been with him when that stupid egg had hatched.

The small creature hopped off Kurama's lap, a few happy coos of 'puu', as it ran its mouth. Landing back on Kurama's shoulder, it nuzzled at his face.

"Mmm? Oh!" He laughed softly, closing his eye to keep it safe from the snuggling creature. Kurama left a hand near it as he looked up and away, pondering the question and the many ways to answer it. "An example then," the fox agreed. "Your match against Jin," he offered. "Despite dire circumstances and surroundings," Kurama looked back at the detective now, smile warm. "You were enjoying yourself immensely. I find such a thing to be 'cute.'"

He gave the redhead an odd look, an eyebrow raising, as the other did the opposite as he thought that over. Chuckling, he could only give a shake of his head. "What a weird example... But your face is a great example." Smiling lightly, he added, "Cause you make some pretty cute faces when you aren't paying attention."

The little creature gave off a few more of those noises as it noticed Kurama's hand, reaching up with its large ears and tugging his hand in for nuzzles while wrapping his stunted arms around his thumb.

"I do no such thing," he denied, feeling color come to his cheeks against his will. Such a simple compliment, one he'd been given on many occasions and by many different people, and yet hearing it from Yusuke was able to pull such a... human reaction. "You, however..." He was pulled from his rebuttal by the assault on his hand.

Kurama pulled the creature off his shoulder once more. "Puu, what on earth are you doing?" Another laugh came from the fox. "It seems your inner beast is starved for attention."

"Huh?" What about me? He blinked a bit as the stupid little fuzz ball was brought to his attention again, tilting his head. The laugh was infectious, and he couldn't help but join in. "Yea, I guess so!" His laughter petered down to a chuckle, and then died down. "Puu, huh? I guess that's a pretty good name, since it seems like it's the only thing the little guy says."

He reached over to pet it, smiling lightly as it allowed him to. That stupid thing was pretty cute, wasn't it? "But you know, Kurama..." That goofy, teasing grin cracked over his face as he lifted the finger he was using to scratch under its beak to point directly at his cheeks. "You're only proving my point. And changing the subject!" He chuckled meanly all over again.

But he seemed to get serious suddenly, leaning quite close. Lifting his left hand, he tucked his fingers around the redhead's jaw line. "Hey, Kurama?" His right hand shifted between them, a light clipping noise following the movement before he pulled that up as well... And pressed the marker to his face and dragged it across each cheek three times, effectively drawing whiskers on him.

Pulling back he turned boisterous all over again, recapping the marker, and twirling it between his fingers with that same large grin having pulled over his features. "I don't really remember a lot of what went on while I was sleeping, but I do remember you messing with me, and I know what you did. Some of the ink from that cat got on my hand while I was rubbing my neck, by the way." He wagged his finger a bit as he added, "You have no idea how hard it was to get a good look at that thing. I had to get a second mirror, you know," before returning to his gloat.

"So I thought to myself a little while ago, 'if Kurama's still stuck in bed, it'll be the perfect time to get him back'. But then I thought 'actually, he's probably had enough of being drawn on after that fight', so I tucked it into my pocket and I wasn't gonna mess with you. But ma-han, what can I say? The opportunity to pull one over on you was just too good to pass up."

He looked him over again before breaking into laughter. "And that look really isn't helping with the cute thing!"

Pausing sharply in his laughter, the teen considered him all over again, bringing up the fight having reminded him of something he'd wanted to ask. This time it was a real attempt at being serious. Although looking at him all over again made a snigger catch in his teeth, and he had to turn his attention away to be able to ask the rather serious question. "By the way, can I ask you something?" He didn't wait for an answer before doing so. "When you were fighting Touya earlier. That thing you said about a 'better, nobler' life? What did you mean by that?"

"I am most certainly not," he answered, turning his head away to hide the deeper flush. How could this boy take his words away so easily? All he could manage were denials, and bad ones at that. A curious sound was pulled from his lips as Yusuke drew closer, and when calloused fingers cradled his jaw Kurama found himself leaning in too; With wide, pretty eyes... That narrowed into a displeased glare.

The fox knew he deserved the marker, but he did not deserve to be tempted so cruelly with something he didn't even know he wanted. The marker was snatched with quick thief's fingers. "What, may I ask, have you drawn on my face?"

"Your powers of perception while unconscious leave little to be desired." Perhaps it was sarcasm that curled his tone, perhaps irritation, but as Yusuke continued the fox could not remain sour. "The cat was Kuwabara," he lied smoothly. "The Jagan eye however, was me." He joined Yusuke in his laugh, though his own was much more contained.

The sudden change in his leader's tone pulled a curious hum from the fox, and the question left him silent for a long moment. The joy that had just been painting the fox's face faded into heavy thought, and a deeply hidden sorrow. "Now is not the time for such thoughts, Yusuke."

Kurama shook his head with another laugh, touching the sword wound bandaged on his arm. "I have to admit. I believe you are wearing off on me. Despite my better judgement, I began to enjoy my match with Touya. I only wish my energy had been at my disposal."

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"I am most certainly not," he answered, turning his head away to hide the deeper flush. How could this boy take his words away so easily? All he could manage were denials, and bad ones at that. A curious sound was pulled from his lips as Yusuke drew closer, and when calloused fingers cradled his jaw Kurama found himself leaning in too; With wide, pretty eyes... That narrowed into a displeased glare.

The fox knew he deserved the marker, but he did not deserve to be tempted so cruelly with something he didn't even know he wanted. The marker was snatched with quick thief's fingers. "What, may I ask, have you drawn on my face?"

"Your powers of perception while unconscious leave little to be desired." Perhaps it was sarcasm that curled his tone, perhaps irritation, but as Yusuke continued on the fox could not remain sour. "The cat was Kuwabara," he lied smoothly. "The Jagan eye however, was me." He joined Yusuke in his laugh, though his own was much more contained.

The sudden change in his leader's tone pulled a curious hum from the fox, and the question left him silent for a long moment. The joy that had just been painting the fox's face faded into heavy thought, and a deeply hidden sorrow. "Now is not the time for such thoughts, Yusuke."

Kurama shook his head with another laugh, touching the sword wound bandaged on his arm. "I have to admit. I believe you are wearing off on me. Despite my better judgement, I began to enjoy my match with Touya. I only wish my energy had been at my disposal."
"Whiskers? Now Yusuke, you couldn't have come up with something a little more creative?" Kurama lifted both hands, palms out to show a distinct lack of the marker the detective had been going for. The fox smiled, charming, disarming, and pointed behind Yusuke.

A group of thin vines had grown along the foot board of the bed and coiled around the cap-less marker. The plant moved quickly, just as fast if not faster than its master, shooting forward and dragging the tip across the detective's face with ease. A large flower was doodled over his nose and cheek, shaky lines and messily scrawled and yet somehow perfectly done.

"He did, believe it or not. It was the heart shaped pupil I am certain."

He blinked a bit at his hands, easily slighted to turn to look at whatever was behind him. Preening as he was attacked by the marker, he snatched it back quickly and turned on Kurama. If that was how it was going to be, he wasn't going to lose so easily. Of course, if creativity was what Kurama was looking for, he was definitely talking to the wrong person, as Yusuke quickly scribbled on a villainous mustache over Kurama's lip.

Only after he finished did he give himself time to react to the news of the heart, a snicker rolling from him as he kinda wished he'd seen the reaction himself. He burst into laughter as he looked over his work. "Don't ever grow facial hair, Kurama. It doesn't suit you."

The marker was snatched once again and Kurama leaned over to scribble between Yusuke's eyebrows to connect them. The detective's laughter was met with his own, and for the moment Kurama forgot where they were. He forgot about their lives on the line, the lives of their friends and family and just... Enjoyed himself. "Here, Puu." The fox plucked up the spirit beast and scribbled a line between its eyebrows as well.

Kurama placed Puu back on Yusuke's head and found himself laughing all over again. "You are wrong Yusuke, he is much more suited to you." His eyes were warm as they took in the sight of his team leader, and he found himself leaning closer once more. Even with the black ink he still found him... cute. "Yusuke," he started, reaching out to mimic the others actions from before.

Thin fingers grasped Yusuke's jaw line and tilted his head a little. "You are still," he leaned in closer. "Very cute..." and their lips touched, soft and warm. Lips too soft to belong to a man, and yet...

He lifted his hands, looking at the emptiness of them and gripping at the air as Kurama drew on him again. He was pretty good at grabbing what he wanted, wasn't he? He watched him draw on Puu, realizing what he'd just drawn between his own eyebrows and giving the fox a disgruntled look.

Of course, Yusuke didn't realize what he had denied the redhead earlier by taking the same movement against him, as he'd only been steadying the fox's face so he wouldn't pull away and ruin his whiskers. But here, Kurama had to go off making a cute face at him again as he drew closer and it built a surge of panic through him.

Lifted hands landed gracelessly on Kurama's shoulders, attempting to ground him through the touch. "H-hey..." Only it didn't stop him, and a second later their lips were touching, and it burned his face.

It seemed like there had been plenty of time for surprise as the redhead drew in, but he hadn't been able to manage it. The grip on his shoulders loosened a bit, but he caught up to himself just as he was drawn in, and he pulled away with a sharp turn to his head. He covered his mouth, the flush over his face immense as he mumbled, "Geez Kurama, what'd you have to go and do that for?"

Kurama allowed his eyes to go half lidded, but refused to close them fully. He took in the flushed expression and relished the hold Yusuke took on his shoulders. It didn't last long, but the fox sighed blissfully into it regardless, molding his lips to the other pair for as long as it was allowed. He chuckled.

Yusuke pulled back and the warm smile remained, made humorous by the drawn-on mustache but comforting all the same. "Did you dislike it, Yusuke?" he questioned back. "Your flushed expression speaks volumes."

He preened all over again, offering a bubbled pout of lax anger toward the redhead. Comforting or not, it still felt like he was being teased for a reason beyond him. "Yea, well how would you react?" He knew it was a dumb question, seeing as Kurama was the one who'd done it, but he didn't care. His attention turned away all over again as he added through a bit of a mumble, "Besides, I haven't kissed anyone before, so you don't have to tease me about it."

The fox reached out again, this time to lightly touched the reddened cheek with a few gentle fingertips. "I am not teasing you," he assured. "However, if you would like to know how I would react. You are welcome to kiss me back."

His eyes drew down to the touch to his cheek, unable to help but notice some of the lines of the marker because of it, even though he couldn’t make out what was there. Looking back at Kurama, he realized that he didn't look nearly silly enough not to be able to take seriously anymore.

He shook his head lightly, sliding the food tray off his lap and onto the bed beside them. Smiling, the color on his cheeks fading just a bit, he explained his denial. "If I did, you'd know it was coming, so it's not the same," He informed him stubbornly.

"Then I eagerly await your attempt. Though I wish you luck in catching me off guard." It wasn't something that happened often. With a quiet sigh, he reluctantly stood. He had to end their games for the time being. "You may wait here if you wish, however I need to wash, and clean my wounds," he admitted. He would probably need to rest soon as well, the semi-finals were near, and he would be ready for them.

However, the fox let out a soft hum and once more plucked up Puu. This time he pulled the creature close and placed a light kiss to its cheek, perhaps this time it was a tease to the spirit detective.

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He tilted his head lightly, though it was obvious through his attempt to hide it that he was easily thinking of taking the fox up on that challenge. He didn't stand himself at first, trying to think of when he could possibly catch Kurama off guard, cause he really couldn't think of how often that might be.

He blinked a bit as Kurama kissed Puu's cheek, the slightest of pinks painting over his cheeks again whether he wanted it to or not. But seeing both their faces reminded him of the marker all over his own. He plucked Puu from the redhead's hands, tucking it under his arm. "Alright, but I'm gonna wash my face. I look stupid enough with this girly toy-thing hanging all over me. I don't need to add to it."
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