Fantastical, Taboo, and Historic Tales for the Erotic Male ~

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Apr 18, 2017
Hey Blue Moon!

Nice to meet you – my name is Lara Sinclair, but you can call me Lara for short. I’m a young woman who has been roleplaying for about twelve years and I absolutely adore it! Writing is a fantastic way to explore new ideas and desires, and erotic writing just perfect!

So I had to see what Blue Moon was all about! But let's get a few ground rules out of the way before we get to the fun stuff, shall we...?


* Rape/Non-Con (However Pseudo-Con or Dub-Con are acceptable)
* Gore/Vore/Toilet Play
* Tentacles
* Murder/Torture (I'm not a fan of Bad Ends, though I am perfectly fine with putting characters through trying situations!)

Phew! Hard part is done. Now let's get to the fun part...


* Dominant/Dominant leaning Switch Men
* Historic Settings
* Fantasy Settings
* Rough play – biting, scratching, pinning me down
* Light Bondage/BDSM play
* Seduction
* Age Difference/Power-Play (with an Older Man)

Now, not all of these need to be in the story to have it be one I enjoy, but these are certainly some things I enjoy in my erotic stories <3

Like many on here I’m sure – I work and go to school. That being said, I can still reply during the day – but its harder to get on BM from work/school.

SO! If you can play through Messengers (like AIM or Skype) I will most definitely reply quicker. But never fear, PM’ers, I will still get to you!

As for pairings and settings, here’s a quick run down of what I like! I will be adding more to it and scratching things off as desires wax and wane. Keep checking back for updates!


Ancient Worlds (Rome, Egypt, Britannia, Japan)
Medieval Settings
Fantasy Settings
Renaissance England or Italy
Jacobite Rebellions in Scotland
Victorian Settings
Thedas (Fereldan, Kirkwall, Orlais)
Star Wars (Especially with the Last Jedi trailer! Holy stars!!)

(Quick note - I will sometimes do modern settings, but more often than not, it will have to be a great story!)


(YC x MC)

Older Male x Younger Female
King/Prince/Knight x Princess/Noble Lady/Peasant Girl
Warrior x Wife/Captive
Sorcerer x Apprentice
Vampire x Human
Were-creature x Human
Vampire x Were-creature
Demon/Incubus x Human/Witch
God x Devotee/Witch/Paladin
Dragon Age Templar x Dragon Age Mage
Sith x Jedi
Father x Daughter
Step-Father x Step-Daughter

Those are the most basic I can think of right now. If you have a particular pairing that you think I might like, or think we could make a great story together, then just message me and let me know!

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