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When are you most creative?


Biblically Accurate Bitch
Sep 28, 2013
The Lost City of Clitlantis
Personally, I find I am most creative between 10 pm- 2 am. I am not sure what It is about that time of night, but it seems to give me laser focus, where I can just write and pump out replies. A piece that might an hour or two during the afternoon, because I have a too many distractions, takes 20-30 minutes during my prime writing hours.

Is anyone else like this? That there is a time of day in which the writing just flows easily?
Writing is a multi-stage process for me, the creative stages of getting the ideas out of my head onto the page, and then the organisational ones of putting the words/ideas in order. For the first, I find I'm most creative either late afternoon or in the evening/night, and for the second, early mornings, where I, and my thoughts, are at their most insular and want nothing to do with the outside world. That latter seems to have some connection with it being easier (it's never easy!) for me to focus on detail-oriented type tasks.
Mine isn't a time as much as it is an event. I get most of my creative ideas when I'm driving, it seems. Because of my problems with memory if the idea is really good and I want to keep it I have to call my best friend and tell him about it so that he can remind me that I even thought about it at all. I drive a lot for work when on the way to pick up clients so that's where most of the planning for my role-plays comes from.
In regards to Bear's post, whilst I always get long-range ideas for stories, can envisage infinite different scenarios for where or what previous or current character actions could lead to, and like to set up potential possibilities drawn from those for future events well down the line that may or may not happen, in many ways I don't view what I get on the page as the result of creativity. Or even that I have a creative bone in my body.

The reason for that is I tend to often say that I learn/work by what I jokingly call 'osmosis' (it's the only term which comes close to being able to explain it) where I absorb information when not thinking about it, and ideas coalesce subconsciously in my head, only magically appearing as visible entities when forced to come out of hiding by me hitting the reply button and beginning to type. Up until then, apart from knowing what hook I'm going to try and finish off with for my partner to pick up on, as the one thing I do need to be conscious of is 'what end result am I/are we trying to achieve' before the other pieces can even begin to fall into place, I generally have very little awareness or intent of how I'm going to get there from their previous post, or what will happen in-between.

I think that's why whenever I receive a reply my initial reaction is always "I've no idea how I'm going to respond to that, this is all too hard, I can't do it," and can be struck with 'imposter syndrome', where I view all of my previous replies as somehow flukes with the next going to catch me out, before I put it out of my head and let my brain take whatever time it needs to do its work behind the scenes. It's the being able to let that stream of consciousness flow aspect which seems to work better late afternoon or evening/night, and that's the fun part, being as surprised as anyone to see what actually comes out, that makes everything else worthwhile.
When I get a reply, the words sometimes just come to my mind, either while reading (I then take notes as I go) or after. I immediately start writing at least a skeleton of a post, jotting down the main ideas and plan. If not, then I give it more time, thinking about it casually/sleeping on it, wondering what my character(s) would do. If nothing is brought up, I push myself to start writing and DO SOMETHING. Generally I can piece a post together. If I'm absolutely uninspired, there probably is a problem with the RP. There isn't a better time for it, except not when I'm really tired or have just woken up!
Oh man, how ma y good ideas have I lost to driving? I have read that doing simple manual task does spark creativity. Sometimes I color or play simplistic puzzle gamesb like that Curvy that Kosmik reccomended or 2048. Something to occupy my hands so my mind can work. Showers can be a great timd to plot and plan, as well. More than once I have read a post before jumping in the shower, and have a reaponse formulated by the time I get out.

And agreed on the response time. I fi d that if i can't find time to respond to an rp after a week, and there are no extenuating circumstances, its probably time to drop it, or at least reach out to find a different direction to go in.
It just kinda switches on for me, there's really no long thought process. It just kinda happens or it doesn't and there's no real set time. The downside is that I can't really force my creativity, but it doesn't take much to get it going either, sometimes it just depends. In regards to roleplaying it could literally be a certain phrasing or a way of talking that really just shuts all of my drive off completely.
My creativity really comes in when I've had a little alcohol, not too much though. It is a very fine thread to tread where you're just passed being buzzed and before your mind gets too soft to really pursue any train of thought.
Usually at work. I daydream about plots and lore for whatever I'm writing and I usually wait til I get home to write it down. Or when I'm in the shower. I don't know what it is about hot water, but it sure gets me thinking.
Whenever I'm alone. Seriously. I lose ALL my creativity when there are people around me. My room mate is one of the biggest buzz killingtons in the world, so whenever he enters the room it just saps my mojo. But usually the late to early hours are my most creatively fluid, usually because I just got off work and my mind is buzzing and eager to wind down. I also get surges of creativity when I'm listening to high energy music (I usually turn on my playlist of Sega Genesis tunes to get me pumped).
I don't really have a time per se. I can go days without writing much other than business documents and then, boom, the words just start spewing out and I have to capture them on paper or my head will explode.
Taking a hot bath or watching someone else rp. I also have the most sexiest posts when I'm watching something perverted.
Whenever I have nothing in my to do list. I'm one of those people that feel stressed about having to do something. Even if it wasn't urgent, like if it was an assignment that was due in a week, I always feel pressured to quickly finish it so I can feel 'free'. Only when I'm free, I am able to write.

As for the time of day, its usually after breakfast or after lunch for me. I sit down with a cup of coffee and start writing. I rarely write late at night, but I may post late at night after proofreading. I also do most of my PS designs around the same time, between lunch and dinner. After 8 PM my brain just shuts off the creative side and I'd rather do relaxing things like watching Netflix, cooking, or playing video games.
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