Pokemon: Numbskulls (Firestarter09 and LR-Studios)


Feb 26, 2017
In a rather dark some what trashed room, slept two people or gijinka as they were called. One was a male with dark black blue, he had two ears on top of his head, along with a pair of normal human ears, he was around six foot with rock hard abs. This male was a Typloshion Gijinka, thd other was a rather attractive pink haired girl, she had no visible gijinka traits. There was a knock at the rooms door.
The knocking was coming from another individual of the group, who is another male gijinka, he had two long ear feathers, he has a slender body, yet he is moderately muscular.
The male Typloshion Gijinka groaned as he opened his crimson red eyes, he slowly turned his to his left to look at the female gijinka, smiling he finally got out of the bed and headed to the door naked. Grabbing the knob and turning it causing the door to open, he saw the other male gijinka standing there.
The Typloshion Gijinka glared at the male Gijinka "Shut up. It's not my fault one of grunts decided to admit her feelings to me." He said as he cracked his neck a bit. "Besides if I turned down a girl, my name wouldn't be Tyrus blacksteel." He turned his to look back at the sleeping female gijinka. "Man is her body sexy as fuck."
"Shut up. I've already marked her as mine, so what do you want?" Tyrus asked the Weavile Gijinka. "And don't tell me we're under attack or anything. Because if that's the case, this place is going to burn." As he said that a ring of fire glowed around his shoulder and neck.
The ring of fire vanished from around his shoulders and neck. "Good, but I can say I'm going to be feeling very good for while. After I'll be rebuilding my clan soon." A smile grew across Tyrus face as he said those words. "So take a guess at what type of Gijinka our grunt friend was."
"She's no lopunny, or gardevoir, but she can swim fast and take hit." Tyrus said as he gave his hint to Edur.
"Yep, she may not look it, but she able to hide anything that shows she's a milotic, this babel is fucking awsome!" Tyrus said, still completely oblivious to the fact he was naked. "She got the tightest pussy ever, damn now I'm psyched for rebuilding my clan."
"You just figured out that why i was naked? Man you really are dumb." He sighed. "Welp im going to wake her up and go town on her, so yeah... Cya around." Tyrus closed the door on Edur and turndd to face the bed. A smiled spread across his face.
Tyrus smiled as gently shook the sleeping milotic gijinka. "Hey wake up" he said softly to the female gijinka, Tyrus was a lot nicer with girls then he was with guys, a majority of the time.
Tyrus smiled down at the milotic. "Sup babe, sleep well?" He asked the Milotic, as he leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead.
Tyrus smiled and moved his hands across the nilotic back, he began to gently massage her body. "Sorry if I went a little to rough on you last night." Tyrus said as he worked his way up her body. "Hey weird question, but your name is Akira. Right?"
Tyrus smiled simply, he kept up his massage. As he did he got up on the bed, moving around so he was on top. "So wanna go for round two?" He asked leaning down a bit, causing his erect cock to press against Akira belly. He was given a very simple answer when he felt the soft left hand of Akira on his cock. "Could've just said yes." He smirked happily.
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