Street Fighter - Fem/Bison's New Dolls - (LillytheLez x Major Mario)

Apr 26, 2014
It was a lot of bullshit. Though there were other words that could be used to describe all that Bison and Shadaloo had been up to over the past few months, pitting fighter against fighter in an attempt to breed strife and whatnot, there was no sugarcoating it all. All of it was tireless bullshit that only served to bring the brightest, strongest, most agile of fighters from near and far over to Shadaloo's main base, wherever the hell that was. Bison would have been a fool to not feel the tiniest tinge of nervousness as footage of tournament fighters running through his halls flashed upon nearly all security feeds. Fortunately for Bison, not all power players had come for him all at once, so there would be no fighting Ryu, Guile, E. Honda or Sagat, or any men for that matter. No, at the moment there was a group of five women, each powerful in their own right, parading down the halls knocking eggheads aside and plowing their way towards Bison.

Cammy White (*) would be leading the charge with her most cherished and best friend Chun-Li Xiang (*) while the others, Ibuki, Rainbow Mika and Laura trailed behind. Though Mika and Laura were skilled fighters and Ibuki a kunoichi, none of them had the kind of training required to take Bison down like Cammy and Chun-Li did. Though unarmed, the two women made a frightening team and proved to be deadlier when in close quarters combat than if they relied on firearms. For that reason they stopped the group at the entrance to what they believed to be Bison's lair, where he awaited them.

"Hold up," Cammy ordered as she threw the group a sign. "I don't like this."

"Then we're close. So very, very close," Chun-Li commented. She turned to the others and waved them off. "Cammy and I'll go on ahead. You three look for another entrance, or find some controls or mainframe. We can fend off Bison long enough for you all to find some way to bring this facility down."

"Wait a minute... You do plan on coming back in one piece, right?" Ibuki, the kunoichi, replied.

"Get moving; that's an order, soldier," Cammy barked.

Laura scoffed, Rainbow Mika looked confused and Ibuki sighed, but they all obliged the two fighters and went together to find another entrance or the facility's mainframe. This left Cammy and Chun-Li all alone, so they spared a few seconds to give each other confident, emboldening looks before moving past the steel doors and into where they believed Bison would make his final stand...
Indeed, this very well would be M.Bison's last stand Or atleast his final stand as his current self. The muscular jar head dressed like a New Wave of Nazi. Was wracked with a sudden feeling of energy as the Paycho Power of his was reaching a new state of power. He stood before a crater that the facility was built around. Coming from it a mass of purple tendrils rose up from the hole. The alien looking thing like some sort of Cathulu like horror. No body in the crater just more and more tentacles. As the fighters bust through the doors to the area. They would witness as his final change took place. His masculine form having altered and shifted till he stood before the arriving fighters in the form of a beautiful dark haired woman. The former forms clothes much to large on the built but smaller form. "Yes.... Yess this is the true form of the Psycho Power." Mistress Bison laughed as she thus turned to face Chun-Li and Cammy.

"So good you two could make it to witness my new form as it breaths its first gasp of air." The laugh came from the chest as hers jiggle profusely. The tentacle beast whips around and slides forward and aims for the legs of the two fighters hoping to catch them off guard. Thus to go for their most dangerous parts.

Meanwhile Mistress Bison rose to the air levetating her energy off the charts. "If you wish to defeat me just try, however fail and I will brain wash you and turn you into new dolls."
"You've well and truly lost your mind," Chun-Li growled as she looked on. Her hazel eyes widened in caution as she noticed Bison was stark naked, plus how those ethereal tentacles seemed to be moved by his hands. This would be a tough fight, it seemed... "Cammy?"

"Bison, you're pathetic even in this new form," Cammy barked with rage. She noticed the strange situation, but a soldier like her had seen worse and crazier. At least, she tried to convince herself of that. "Perhaps even more! I'll remodel that new face of yours!"

Nobody, save Rose, knew Bison more than Cammy did, and for good reason. Being a female clone of Bison Cammy had plenty of inside knowledge on his weaknesses, or rather, intuition about what area to strike at first, plus she had great hatred for the dictator. She dedicated her life to stopping him, and now not even his new, feminine appearance would stop her from bringing this... woman down. Chun-Li felt the same way despite coming from different circumstances. Bison, like he had done to countless other innocent people, murdered Chun-Li's father in the past. She swore vengeance, but unlike Juri Han, she walked the path of justice. Perhaps that would be her downfall...

In any case, now was not the time for exposition and remembrance- it was the time for hopping over that whipping tentacle! Both Chun-Li and Cammy leaped over the tentacle as it whipped towards their legs and breathed a collective sigh of relief when they came out of it scot-free, and closer to Bison. It would take time for them to regard him as a woman now, and perhaps an attractive woman at that, but fortunately they wouldn't have to deal with the trial for long. Either they would fail or Bison would die!

To that end the two advanced upon Bison and paid no mind to her levitation prowess- it only meant an easy target for Chun-Li's chi blasts and Cammy's acrobatic attacks! Well, provided they landed... And they had no idea what was in store for them!
Mistress Bison laughs as the two of them make their move. As ki-blasts hit her they bounce off. Flying back to their casters. The ones coming at her with brute force. Would find impacting her was like hitting an immovable force. Something that was so hard, no amount of strength could damage it. Instead, what it causes would be pain back onto the attacker. Chun-Li's ki-blasts are shot back at her and made even stronger due to the psycho energy mixing into them sending them flying to crash into the martial artist.

Cammy's high flying attacks, colides with Mistress Bison's form. Upon hitting her though the damage she intended to deal was sent right back to her. Allowing Bison to reach up and grab her ankle. Squeezing her kicking leg, and grabbing her and throwing her. Towards the pit, where if successful the tendril like beast would make its move towards the woman. It's worm like tendrils extend out and coil to try and grab for if not the down Cammy, then the Chun-Li with the psycho ki blasts fired back at her.
Though the two buxom beauties had plenty of experience fighting Bison before, nothing could have prepared them for this new 'Mistress Bison'. No matter how hard they fought it seemed like the more damage they dished out, the more they received in turn. It didn't take to long before the both of them, Cammy and Chun-Li, were far too battered and bruised to continue fighting. A momentary lapse of judgement and stamina would be their downfall as they were both promptly defeated in different ways and tossed over towards the pit where that tentacle'd abomination resided- the same one that 'Mistress Bison' was oh-so-haughtily cackling over.

The slimy, worm-like tendrils coiled around Cammy and Chun-Li's limbs as they struggled against it to no avail. Their outfits were on the verge of tearing and ripping, but their will to resist was not about to be broken so easily. Panting and grunting, the two would continue to struggle against the tentacles even as they firmly wrapped around them and constrained them to the point where even the most minute movement was met with discomfort.

"Rrrraaagh! You let us go right this instant!" Cammy roared.
The tendrils coil around Cammy, slipping into that thong like bottom of hers. Several limbs coil and grope around that ass of hers. Till more limbs branched off and slowly slithered and slides to her ass and pussy. The tendrils were thinner and slithered along her backside. Till the encroaching tendrils find a hole they can slide into. Her tight back door pushed through, the horror of tendrils had a much easier time slipping into Cammy's anus, for her bottoms were easy to slither under.

Chun-Li was grabbed around her legs, and those generous thighs were forced to spread. The limbs grapple around her wrists and ankles. Her damaged outfit was a little more in the way. So the tentacles ripped and pulled at her pantyhose till they were forced to shred more. As holes are ripped into her panty hose. Tendrils slither into the opened holes, and slide along her thick tree trunk like legs.

As Bison watched, she cackles. "Enjoy them for now my friend, for when they are done, I shall see to them a new existance and mind." The dictator watched as the tendril beast had its way with the two fighters, slowly but surely.
Those tendrils were ridgid, thick things that were also coated in a thin layer of slime. Unlike those of other creatures, this slime was special. It might have been an aphrodisiac, and then again it might not have been, but there was definately something special about that slime that made the skin on these women's limbs quiver and grow more sensitive as it seeped into their tissue. Cammy was far more resilient than Chun-Li was when it came to being molested like this, but not even she could stand to resist for long. In due time the slime, saliva, moisture or whatever it was that the creature used would take effect and turn these two buxom beauties into quivering messes far before 'Mistress Bison' turned her attention to their 'new existence and minds'.

Cammy White continued to struggle against her organic bindings, but she just had to pause and let loose a squeal of discomfort when two tendrils slithered past her leotard and slipped into her pussy and asshole. Her baby-blue eyes bulged in terror as inch after inch pushed deeper into her body until it felt like she was holding in over nine inches both ways. Heat shot up her spine with a myraid of sensations as she was forced to endure the lewd machinations of these tendrils, and with no shortage of sound effects or attention! The hot, wet 'schlurps' and 'schlicks' of the tendril pumping away in her pussy joined the disjointed faps of the fat one pistoning her asshole. Cammy's toes curled within her boots as she tried to endure the torment, as she tried to keep her mouth shut to stop from letting out a moan of pleasure. This woman was going to do her damndest to keep fighting against Bison and this creature, even if it was all futile.

As for Chun-Li, she seemed to be under plenty of distress but couldn't hide it as well as Cammy could. Her clothes were in tatters thanks to the previous fight and the tendrils wrapping around her figure, tearing away at anything that could impede them from their goal. As two tendrils slithered about and struck deep into Chun-Li's puckered asshole and moist cunt two more swirled around her plush breasts and wrapped them up nice and tight- squeezing them and fondling them. The Chinese policewoman couldn't help but let loose a few little mewls of pleasure at the feeling, especially since the tendrils pumping away at her holes were sliding up and down her legs while doing so.

In nearly a minute's time the two women were starting to moan, and more than that, they were growing ever hotter, ever wetter... ever more closer to losing it all!
Mistress Bison watched her eyes filled with glee hearing Chun-Li and Cammy's lewd moans and sounds. The wet sounds of Cammy and Chun-Li's cunts as the monster faps into them filling their pussies and assholes with their sticky wet, and clearly aphrodisiac like slime. The wet nasty sounds eventually came from the assholes of the two heroines. As their abused puckers were now so wet with the aphrodisiac like slime. Almost raunchy wet splirt and schlocky sounds are heard. Making them sound like wet air emissions from the rear. The duo had been expected to last much longer then they did.

Cammy had her pussy and ass full. Her body now crawling with tendrils all over grabbing for her breasts coating the chest with its slime like substance. Gripping around the amount of slime on their body was enough to make a seasoned whore beg the pleasure to stop. As the tendrils grip around her breasts they squeeze tight like serpents and constrict tight. The tendrils up inside her holes pumping and undulating. Splitting more of its jelly into her body as if it acted like pre-cum.

Mistress Bison levitates up and settles before Chun-Li and laughs hearing the filthy sounds coming from her body. The look on her heavily made up face was delightful. The woman cackles and rubs her hand along side of Chun-Li's face mokingly. The look on her face."You will make a fine doll." Was all she said as she grins waiting a little more time before she just brainwashed the two of them. The show of it all amusing. "Tell me girls do you want me to make it stop?" She smirks rubbing her hand along her rigid hard dick.
Of course the girls wanted Bison to stop. It was apparent in their eyes- how they twitched and widened with every rabid thrust the tentacles made into their hot, quivering folds! But Cammy still tried to resist despite the fact that her body and limbs were being thoroughly worked over by more and more tendrils. At first she considered herself thankful that the tendrils had left her leotard alone for the most part and opted only to slide under it to get at her more private places, but soon they grew bold and ripped away at the green fabric until the only article of clothing she had left were her gloves, boots and beret, and even that red emblem had fallen off during the scuffle. The thin slime, so slick and coated with aphrodisiacs, was surely doing its job on the poor Delta Red agent. Cammy barely noticed that Bison was teasing Chun-Li as she soon gave in to the pleasure bursting from those tendrils plunging away at her twitching, wet pussy and asshole. There was no pain or discomfort anymore; merely pleasure and grave embarrassment. Cammy desperately wanted Bison to put a stop to all of this, but in the back of her mind she adored the way these tendrils were fucking her and caressing her body like a ravenous lover. She needed this to end... lest she lost her mind!

"Stooop... Stop, stop please," Chun-Li whimpered in-between ragged pants and breaths. She could hardly focus on Bison as she settled next to her, but when she noticed that big, stiff cock poking up from between the new 'Mistress Bison's' legs those hazel eyes widened to teacup sized proportions! "Wh-what the...?!"

None of them had noticed the dick before, but perhaps they would soon be acquainted with it. In any case, Chun-Li was in the same boat as Cammy was, but now so far overboard that even if by some miracle all of this stopped she wouldn't be able to stand on her own power. Tendrils sweeped under her legs and pulled them up and apart to allow another tendril to support the thick, ridged one pumping away at her ever-tightening cunt. This one fiddled about with her clit, or rather, the now-errect pink jewel that was oh-so-senisitve now. Chun-Li moaned in whorish rapture and writhed against her constraints, but without as much strength as she had before, there was no point. The woman was spent and left hanging there in the air to moan, pant and silently beg for the tendrils to go faster, to fill her up even more and perhaps shove a thick tentacle cock down her throat.

Bison laughs seeing the fighters state. Then snaps her fingers the ones messing with Cammy suddenly just stop. They stop as if they had never moved at all. Now just stuffed in her stopped cold. Nothing occurring to Delta Red now. But that was to help her look and watch what her friend was going to go through. Bison smirks, lowering to the ground. The tendrils move Chun-Li upside down so her head was perfectly angled to take a huge she dick. The dictator herself grabs hold of Chun-Li's head and from her upside down angle Chun was met with Bison's prick against her lips. The tendrils stopped moving save for the tendrils in her pussy. Which to help Bison get her dick in her mouth suddenly shot forward inside Chun-Li hitting her G-spot knowing she would scream out from the suddenness.

The dictator's cock forced itself into that small Chinese mouth. Her hard rigid dick pushed in down to her throat. Bison laughs and groans. "Such a hot filthy mouth you have to think a Warrior of Justice like you has such a slutty mouth like this. She smirks and leans forward hands rubbing along Chun-Li's face down to her breasts she takes hold of the buxom breasts tightly her grip squeezes around. As she took hold of the woman's breasts.

Nice quality too." She said as if sizing her up for a bra. Before thrusting hard to jump start the throat rape. "Suck it good I have no issue keeping you upside down like this till all that blood of yours goes straight to your brain." She said as her hands move to hold her hips and squeeze. The tendrils even aid by giving Chun's ass a hard whip. Her big white was smacked by the tendrils like they had been whips. The tendrils move again pumping Chun-Li's cunt and asshole both looking stretched as the dictator ravages Chun-Li's throat. Forced deep down her throat as Bison undulates her pelvis some times smacking Chun-Li's nose with her pelvis.

Cammy's tendrils force her to move lower to watch. Then they grew wet once more, and begin to undulate and pump. The torment would not end.
One half of Cammy's mind was thankful that Bison, or rather, the creature that seemed to be under his thrall (and how wrong she was in assuming that), had stopped tormenting her with pleasure, and yet the other half was even more angry with the both of them for stopping! It must have been some lewd, corrupted portion of her mind that made Cammy think that way, or perhaps it had always been there as a result of being Bison's female clone. Either way, with those tendrils no longer ravageing her needy, sopping wet holes, Cammy was in a great deal of discomfort. Even worse, besides the slime dribbling off her body and the sensation of her skin tingling from need, was the fact that Bison was directing all of her attention to Chun-Li.

There was no surprise in the idea that Cammy and Chun-Li were close. Very close, perhaps even lovers. As such, seeing Chun-Li get molested so roughly like some kind of sexy toy made Cammy's blood boil, yet she couldn't form the words to cut at Bison. Her body wasn't responding, her mind was frayed and all that came out of her lips were ragged grunts and pitiful mewls.

Chun-Li, now upside down and still completely helpless, was unable to stop Bison from ramming her fat cock past her lips and through her mouth. The woman spasmed from the whole ordeal even as the tendrils revved up once again and slithered over her thighs, legs, feet, all in the effort to pump away at her sopping wet cunt and asshole once again. They didn't seem to care that Chun-Li was uncomfortable or that she was being raped- no, they just wanted to fuck her brains out, and there weren't any complaints there! The World Warrior, the First Lady of Fighting, whimpered and tried to beg for mercy, but with that slick cock thrusting back and forth against her throat there was no possible way to do so. She was forced to suck and drink up even the littlest beads of precum and exotic sweat before her addled, aphrodisiac-corrupted mind gave in and encouraged her to enjoy this. Her cheeks were heavily flushed while her individual nerves fired off one by one with mind-numbing pleasure, enough to keep her from resisting, thrashing about or otherwise.

The Chinese woman couldn't think anymore! The tentacles pumping away at her, Bison fondling her breasts as if they belonged to him... er, her, and the sensation of a big, fat, tasty cock surging past her lips combined with her exhaustion had broken her. To put it simply, Bison could begin to transform the courageous woman of justice into something else as his female clone, Cammy, looked on in a mixture of terror and lewd delight. It didn't seem that Cammy was looking over at Chun-Li anymore... The tentacles had got back to work, and those moans weren't fooling anyone!
As Chun-Li seemed to be breaking, and Cammy not far behind her. Mistress Bison snaps her fingers before returning to fucking Chun's mouth hole. As her cock pumped in and out down Chun-Li's throat the tendrils began to glow inside both of them, and pump faster now then ever. Turning up their source of pleasure by 100% plunging into the girls depths, inserting into their wombs. Then as the tendrils pumped and thrust they began flooding the bodies of the women with a series of shots of fluid inside them, cleaning them out, the fluid moved through their bodies, waves of pleasure where ever it flowed.

As Mistress Bison thrusts down into Chun-Li's mouth he feels her spit all over that dick. The undulating shaft hammering into the Chinese Woman's throat space. Hitting its depths and making her swallow down the big dick. "Ahhh, this feels so much better then fighting, don't you agree Chun?" She smirks down at the Chinese woman, her hands moving up to cup the back of those muscular famous thighs her fingers diligantly tracing the lines of muscle. Then she smirks, and snaps her fingers the tendrils inside Chun-Li vanish into dust. Leaving her being held upside down on Mistress Bison's cock by a firm grip on the back of those thighs.

"I am freeing you from them for you will not run from me again." She said knowingly. As she then cums inside Chun-Li's mouth filling it full of her spunk. Then grins letting Chun-Li's legs go letting her fall off her dick, and slowly hovers back a few inches. "Now then, on your knees..." She ordered, knowing the woman didn't have much will to resist, and her body still left so full of the aphrodisic slime.
When the tendrils sparked with more energy and really began to tear into them, it took a great deal of effort for Chun-Li and Cammy to not cum right then and there. Sadly, or fortunately, they were unable to resist! As soon as that big, fat, slick tendril slipped past Cammy's cervix and coiled about inside her womb she felt her hips buck on reflex, her toes curl and her mind draw a blank. Her vision flashed white as a powerful orgasm tore through her system and made her hips buck even more in a wild attempt to milk that thick tentacle cock within her sopping wet cunt for all that it was worth! And when it gave a final pump, especially the one in her ass, and exploded within her it looked as if Bison had broken Cammy's mind in one fell swoop. The aphrodisiac fluid, be it slime or viscous cum, painted the walls of Cammy's ass and womb and filled it up to the brim until rivers of it seeped out from where her lewd holes and the plunging tendrils met.

Chun-Li too would have gone through a similar sensation, but she had it far worse than Cammy did. Bison's fingers had been kneading her fat, plush breasts before moving on to her thighs and ass, and even that wasn't enough. As spurt after spurt of hot, sticky cum sloshed into Chun-Li's womb and ass she had to deal with Bison's meaty cock constantly being thrust against her tongue and down her throat. It really was as if Bison was fucking away her sanity! The Chinese woman suffered through many powerful orgasms at that point, but the kicker came from Bison's cock and how she came hard within her mouth- hot white corruptive cum spilling down her throat and directly into her stomach where it bubbled and caused yet another orgasm and frantic bucking of her hips.

The strong woman didn't even notice that the tendrils had vanished from her body until she felt the cold, cum and slime-stained floor beneath her. Bison would have to count herself fortunate that Chun-Li was already on her knees in a lax, incapacitated position once she was freed, as she was in no state of mind to follow those orders. Cum dribbled out of her ass and pussy at a slow but steady rate while slime and sweat mixed together upon her skin to paint a picture of a thoroughly fucked woman!

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