Werewolf/Vampire/Human RP and Some Story Ideas (Updated)

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Apr 14, 2017
The Void of Lost Time
Hello! I'm pretty new to this site, but I thought I'd go ahead and make my first post! Right now I'm having an urge to have RPs based on Werewolves and Vampires. I have some basic story ideas, but I'd love to hear yours too! I perfer males, but I also like females. I tend to write one paragraph minimum to three paragraphs max. I would appreciate receiving at least a paragraph because it hard for me to write a good repsonse with anything less. I love monsters in general so if you have any ideas on other monsters besides Werewolves or Vampires I'd love to hear about it! I'm also open for a group rp with these subject and mulitple characters.

Pairing Types:

Werewolf x Werewolf
Werewolf x Vampire
Werewolf x Human
Vampire x Vampire
Vampire x Human

If you're interested in the short of stuff I'm into here's a link to my F-list: https://www.f-list.net/c/myself%20for%20rps

Story Ideas:

I may not have the most amazing story ideas, but these ones below can be changed as much as you like or we can discuss you're own ideas that we can do instead or incorporate into one of the ones listed below.


1.) A former Alpha to a pack of wild werewolves is on the brink of death when they encounter a fellow Werewolf, an outcast or loner that chose to live amongst humans knowing the others won't attack them in fear that humans would become aware of their existence and drive them to the edge instinct like so many years ago. Feeling sorry for the former Alpha, the loner/outcast takes them in and treats their wounds and eventually forms a bond.

2.) The Alpha of a nearby pack hidden from human society hears of a passing Werewolf that had stopped in town. In defense of the pack, decides to investigate the newcomer to see if they will be a problem or a possible ally.


1.) A Vampire royal hears the troops arrived with a new batch of Werewolf rebels. The Werewolves enraged by their previous mistreatment as slaves and declared war against the Vampires after gaining their freedom. However, one of the royals spots a Werewolf that interests them. Their father, the king, decides to allow the royal to keep the Werewolf as a present and a slave to them. However, it only brings the two closer together once their tempers deminish.

2.) A Vampire and Werewolf royals are arranged to be married to bring the two clans together in attempts to restore peace. While most of the clans seem to agree to the arrangement, there are still many who rather have the royals killed before such an arrangement can happen.


1.) A bounty hunter hears of a vampire living in the forests and causing people much fear with their presence alone. After successfully capturing the vampire, the hunter learns that their presence in the forest was the result of a vampire ruler who had nearly killed them. They offer the hunter a higher price then any they've seen before if they help the vampire get their revenge. That sort of cash is hard to say no to.

2.) A human stays out longer then they were suppose to. The threat of Vampires in the city caused a curfew to be set in place, but they didn't believe any of the stories that was until a Vampire sees something within you that holds promose if they were to turn.

These are the best ideas I have for now, but I might update it as I come up with more. Look forward to seeing you!
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