Super Smash Odyssey (Saber Arturia & StarMech)


Jun 5, 2016
Santiago, Chile
"...Well this looks interesting..."
"...Let's see what happens if we do a little remodeling, shall we?..."


From countless years, there have existed countless of Worlds, entire Universes filled with all sorts of life. From this ever-spawning lives multiple stories have been written: Both of Light and Darkness; Evil versus Good; Justice against Destruction...

These forged tales speak of heroes of old, or adventurers of the newer ages, leaping into action. Traversing the most perilous of adversities and stopped the seamlessly unrelenting forces who lurk in the shadows...

These are the stories that are born from the imagination of deities beyond their realm and given form by the almighty Hands of Creation and Destruction. And us, that is, said watched from a realm beyond, experience them as games and entertainment...

Amidst the trials and tribulations these heroes and heroines confront every time, there have always been a sense of order amongst the ones who watch over them....however... appears this someone...or something...have brought force a power to shatter this order...and bring forth a core of chaos into the multiverse...

It all happened in an instant, a powerful wave of energy, spreading through every land, every kingdom, every planet; halting everything to a frozen stop. The continuous stories were paralyzed and unable to react before this force of chaos forcefully brought every world into the multiversal center, and engulfing everything into a blinding light...

This cerated a singular yet fractured world, where every single universe was now connected to eachother, but was also a world in which the Heroes of these stories were nowhere to be such, this new merged world soon fell into the hands of the most formidable of evils, now reigning over its inhabitants. A powerful magic spreads through the land, wild and disrupted, causing some to shift their hearts into darkness, while other fall victim to their more unrestrained desires...

What was this mysterious power that brought all these worlds together? What happened to those famous heroes? And what will be the fate of this and all worlds? not lose just maybe...the defenders of these worlds may not be as gone as one would have thought...


- ????? -

A soft groan escaped her lips amidst the silence, as a small drop of dew slid off a leaf above and dropped upon her forehead.

The figure yawned awake and lifted from the soft green grass and rubbed her eyes to bring herself fully off her slumber. Her long golden hair, her aqua blue eyes, her curvaceous figure and ample bosom underneath her regal pink dress made no mistake that this was the one and only Princess Peach Toadstool from the Mushroom Kingdom.

"What was that strange dream...?" She mumbled softly to herself before picking her golden crown from the ground and placing it back upon her head. Looking around she noticed the lush jungle around her. tall trees and vegetation surrounding her at every turn, only letting some of the sunshine down through the gaps between the huge palm tree leaves.

"W-wait, this isn't the castle...w-where am I!?" Peach exclaimed while getting up with the floor. Her memory was fuzzy at the moment. Still she tried her best to recall.

"Last thing I remember I was at the castle...and that's when Bowser showed up, as usual..."

She remembered back at how the Koopa king, in his usual attempts at kidnapped her, struck right at Peach's Castle with his army of Koopa and Goomba goons. Of course, she refused to comply and the spiky shell juggernaut was ready to take her by force when her hero Mario arrived. The two engaged in the usual confrontation and--

"Mario!" Peach gasped. She looked around and was unable to find the famous red plumber around, nor Bowser, or anyone for that matter.

"Oh, I have a really bad feeling about this. W-what should i do?"" She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath and relaxing her nerves. The acrobatic mustached hero was not someone who could be brought down easily. She knew he was alright, and also knew that while she was usually the distressed captive, this time she appeared to be all in her lonesome.

"But nothing helps if I just stay still and worry about it while doing nothing. I need to take action! First things first...look out where am I and find some help. I just hope everyone is alright." She thought followed by a sigh.

Dusting up her dress, the Princess noticed a dirt path that lead further into the jungle and decided to take it. Picking up her magical umbrella next to her and embarking on a quest to find some help.

And so is the beginning of this very special story. A tale of the forces of good against the power of chaos. A tale of Adventure, Love, Lust and Silliness: The Smash Odyssey...
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