Yaven 4, A Star Wars RP (Christ & Evette)


Dec 19, 2010
She could sense him in the Force, tasted the air of his spirit on her tongue, and oh, worst of all-- how he hunted her. Like a large cat in the shadow, he followed like a predator, and she couldn't stand it.

His eyes had been on her once, and it had felt like chill air, clinging to exposed skin and all of the vulnerable parts of her. It was his eyes, something strange and otherworldly about them.. or perhaps they were of the Force.

No, don't be ignorant. There were no more Force users. The temples had been pillaged, the world scorched clean of those sensitive, and the little voice inside her continued to scream: she was alone.

She dodged through the trees, stepping over the digesting vines of Yavin 4. A Hoth born herself, the air was beyond sweltering. With a thin layer of perspiration on her forehead and her Jedi robes catching on the clawing vines-- she finally tossed aside her heavy cloths and stopped dead in a forest clearing.

"Hunter--" she called out, her voice steady despite not seeing him in the shadow and sun shatter across the foliage. She reached for her light saber at her belt and it roared to life as a pale, icy blade.

"I have no qualms with you. Leave now, and I will show you peace."
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