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Professor's Favorite

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May 10, 2009
The Asscrack of nowhere, WA
A smirk. A pounce. A playful growl and a laugh. Vea was out harassing the Miltanks once again. The pokegirl couldn't help herself. It was fun. The docile cow type pokemon always gave a good show when she chased them about. And none were more docile than the ones in this town. She continued to chase and chase, just having a good old time. Vea never thought that the Miltank would strike back. That was until one of them whipped around to stare the vulpix girl down.

There was an eerie glow in the miltanks eye as it charged back at her. Her eyes widened as she ran frantically away. But the miltank just kept chasing her. So she ran for the one safe place she knew. She ran for the lab. Upon making it close, she called out for him. “Professor! Help me!” She called as she dodged the enraged Miltank time and time again.
Professor Ficus, the professor of this small town, as he found it quiet around here, was just working on some behavioral notes on his computer when he heard a familiar voice calling for help. It was his Vulpix, Vea, no doubt bothering the Miltanks again, just because she figured she could. Sighing, the young professor stood up, clicking 'save' before heading towards the front of the lab, cracking his back along the way and fixing his lab coat. Pushing his small glasses up a little with his index finger, he moved towards the door, opening it and looking out, rather surprised at what he saw. "What the? Why is the Miltank...oh bother." Moving out as quick as he could, he dashed towards the little fox, quickly scooping her up into his arms as he dodged the very angry cow, wondering what was going on. "I know you mess with them, but this is ridiculous. Since when do they get as angry as a Touros?" Keeping Vea lifted up in one arm, he dug through his coat pocket, quickly pulling out a tranquilizer, and, popping the cap with his teeth, dodged once more headbutt from the Miltank before stabbing the needle right in her left shoulder. The bovine stumbled a little, making soft sounds before finally going out, falling to the floor asleep.

Sighing, the man before to walk back to the lab, keeping his Pokemorph close to him as he looked into her big eyes and mumbled a little. Bringing her in, he shut the door behind them and sat down, placing her on his lap, as he pinched her right ear. "So, care to explain just how you made that one so angry with you, Vea?"
Vea spotted her professor, and boy was she glad. Next she knew he was scooping her up into his arms and dodging Miltank. She buried her face into his lab coat. She was a little afraid now that she had witnessed and angry Miltank. “I dunno... I was just playin’ and she got all mad at me.” She said quietly. She peaked out as he pulled out a tranquilizer, popped it open, and plunged it into the enraged Miltank’s shoulder. She watched the pokemon fall, still surprised at the sudden burst of rage it had displayed. She had never witnessed something so traumatic. She knew which pokemon not to harass. And usually Miltank were safe.

Then they were heading towards the lab. She watched as he looked right down into her big brown eyes and mumbled. Her ears flattened on her head and she looked down. Was she in trouble now? Soon he sat down and placed her on his lap. She started to cuddle up to him when all of the sudden he pinched her ear. She let out a small squeal and a whine as she rubbed her ear. “Owwy...” She pouted. “I didn’t do anything! Honest. She just got really mad. I was just playing tag...” She said, pouting some more. “Honest! She just lost her temper for no good reason.”
Letting out a soft sigh, Ficus let his hand gently pet Vea's ear he had pinched, scratching her in just the right spot behind it. He began to think as he kept petting her, letting her cuddle into him a bit more. "I know, you always just play around with the other Pokemon, but still...a sudden change in temper that drastic? It makes no sense to me. Even more so from such a docile Miltank. The ones around here have such even tempers and are used to your tricks by now. And its not close to mating season for them, so they wouldn't be aggressive, and still nothing like that. I just don't get it...." Kissing Vea's forehead softly, right between her cute ears, he ruffled her tuft of hair, placing her on the floor as he stood up. "I need to look into some, Vea. Stay in the lab, this time, just in case something else weird happens." Walking away from his Vulpix girl, the Professor mumbled something under his breath as he went into thought, going back into his study, the door clicking shut behind him.

He spent several hours in the room, typing away at his computer as he looked for other reports of similar happenings over the net, and what he found only made his worry worse. Things like this had started to happen all over, with cases that were on larger scales being documented. And yet, no one could figure out why; it wasn't even a Team's fault or anything this time, as that had already been looked into. Something was going on with Pokemon behavior and he didn't know why, nor could he seem to find why...and it bothered him more then it should. Ficus was the sort of person who wanted to know everything about Pokemon, and when something came up that couldn't be looked into or was unknown, to greatly bothered him, because he didn't know about it or what to do. "Dammit! What the hell is going on...?" Grumbling and yelling a little more, he removed his glasses and placed them on the desk, placing his head on his hand and trying to think, even going as far as neglecting to lock his study door.
Vea enjoyed his petting and scratching. She loved getting such tender attention from her Professor. She made little sounds of content as she got comfortable and nestled even closer to him. Professor Ficus had been around her for as long as she could remember, and she liked him more than anyone else in the whole world. “It was so scary, Professor...” She said as she stayed nestled in close. “I wasn’t sure I could outrun her. I thought I was gonna get trampled.” She said looking up at him. She grinned when he ruffled her hair then kissed her forehead. Any affection the Professor showed was more than welcome. She did frown a little when he placed her down on the floor. “Alright.” She said. She didn’t like staying inside, but if he said so, she would obey his orders with no fuss. She sighed as he walked off and shut the door behind him. Now she was worried for him. Vea could always tell when he was worried or bothered by something. And it really upset her. She moved to sit at the door, hoping he would come out again soon.

But hours passed and he didn’t come out. Vea hated it when he locked himself up, even for work. She quietly waited for as long as she could. Then she got an idea. She would try and cheer him up! But how to go about it. She thought and thought. Maybe he would be happier with a full stomach. She knew she got upset when she was hungry. Maybe if he got food, he would be less upset. Vea quickly jumped up and wondered out to the kitchen. Now what could she make for him? Hmmm... She began to pull out ingredients. Pokemon kibble. Milk. Seasonings. Some veggies she found in the fridge. She began to work. It took quite a few hours to get anything that looked edible. But a few hours, a few tries, and one big mess of a kitchen later, she had a dish full of what she thought looked appetizing. Nevermind the fact that professor probably wouldn’t go for pokemon food. She hadn’t thught of that. She got silverwear and put food on a plate. Then she walked back towards the study. She was just about to open the door when he hollared. It shocked her and she squealed, and dropped the dish. The clatter of a fork hitting the floor, and the sound of a dish shattering came soon after.
Ficus was about to yell something else out, as he heard the squeal, followed by the clatter and shatter of a plate, he quickly forgot his anger and rushed to the door. "Vea! Are you alright?" He called out, just as he opened the door, seeing the scared little Vulpix there, looking shocked, with a plate, silverware, and some food at her feet. The Professor let out a sigh, revealed to see his fox was alright, rubbing her head a little. "I'm sorry, Vea, my yelling must have scared you...and after the effort you must have put into this." He said, looking towards the food and ruined plate on the floor. Pressing his finger to the tip of her nose, he smiled lightly, moving towards the little closet close by, getting out a broom and dust pan. Still, just before he started to clean, he used his other hand to scoop up a taste of the food from the top, which still looked clean. Tasting it a moment, he looked rather pleased. "You made this, Vea? It tastes like it would have been great." Lucky for the vulpine, Ficus, over the years as a professor, had actually grown to the taste of Pokemon chow, having had to get many Pokemon to eat it. Sweeping up the glass and food, he picked up the silverware and headed for the kitchen, dumping the pan's contents into the trash and placing the utensils in the sink. He then noticed the mess she had made in the kitchen, yet, he still smiled as he looked down to her and chuckled. "What a mess...but it was all for me? Your such a good girl sometimes, Vea. Come on...let's clean this up, then we can relax a bit."

Taking about an hour to make everything spotless again, Ficus laughed a little, cracking his shoulder a little. "There, all done. Come on, follow me, Vea." Wandering back into the hall, he went upstairs with her, going to his bedroom, which he shared with her. Letting her in, he closed the door a little behind him, and hung up his coat on the back of the door's hanger. Kicking off his shoes, he took a seat on the bed, patting the space beside him for her. "Thanks for your effort, Vea...I'm sorry again for scaring you. Its just...I get upset when I can't solve a problem, and this odd behavior thing as happened in other places as well, but no one knows why. It stumps me, and I want to get to the bottom of it, but there's no reason why any of this should be all just bothers me...."
Vea watched as the Professor came out. Her eyes were wide. “I’m alright, Professor.” She said quietly. She glanced down at the mess she had made. “I’m sorry... I tried to make you something to make you happy, but I accidently dropped it...” She said quietly. She did cheer up some when he rubbed her head. “It’s okay professor.” She said with a nod. As long as he wasn’t mad at her for dropping everything and making a mess, she wasn’t upset by his yelling. She giggled some as he gently poked her nose. She watched as he cleaned that mess up. Her smile grew wide when he tasted some of it, and said it was good. “You really mean it?” She asked, excited. Her tails wagged back and forth happily. “I made it just for you! I thought maybe something good to eat would make you happy again.” She explained. She followed him out into the kitchen, but looked down when he noticed the mess. She felt a little bad until he said she was a good girl sometimes. She then looked up again, grinned cutely and got to work, helping him clean up. She eagerly looked forward to their time to relax. She liked it when the Professor wasn’t busy. She got to spend time with him then.

And so, Vea cleaned as quickly and efficiently as she could. Soon enough, things were perfectly clean. She looked up at Professor Ficus. “Okay!” She said. “Relaxing time for Vea and Professor!” She chanted happily. She spun around a little as she followed him back into the hall. She caught up with his stride, and slipped her hand in his as they headed to their room. She was the only pokemon that got to share a room with him, and that made her feel special. Once they entered the bedroom, she quickly pounced up onto the bed, her tails flicking contently. She listened to what he said and frowned. “It’s okay, professor. You’re the best. You’ll figure it out soon.” She said confidently. “And I’ll make you happy anytime you need to be happy!” She added. Then she curled up amidst the blankets, hiding from him. Vea liked to play games. She hoped he’d be in the mood to play today.
"Well, its good to know you have so much confidence in me." He chuckled lightly, watching as his Vulpix curled herself up among the blanket, smiling a little as she wanted to play. Vea had always been closer to him then anyone else, be it person or Pokemon. He had raised her from when she was a pup and always kept her close to him. Though, when one hides, they shouldn't do it in front of who they hide from, or have such waggly tails. Grinning, Ficus pounced the spot she was in playfully, reaching under the blankets to tickle her a bit, more then happy to play with her for a bit. "You always make me happy, Vea. Its just something you seem to be able to do." He laughed a little more, as he pulled her out from the covers and put her on his lap. He relaxed back with her, tickling her sides a bit more. After playing with the little fox for a bit, he sighed and laid back, letting her lay upon him, as he usually did. Humming a little tune, he ruffled her hair and rubbed her ears with one hand, using the other to hold onto her.

"I can promise you I feel a bit better already, Vea. Still...with as much time as you spend with me, are you sure you don't wish for a mate? Your getting to that stage, and you seem to be just fine staying around me. Not that I mind, mind you." He chuckled and playfully kissed the tip of her nose, smiling as he looked into her cute, big brown eyes. "You have always been my favorite, and I doubt that'll change anytime soon."
Vea knew he’d find her. She wanted him to. She liked when he spent time with her. It made her happy, and it was a lot more fun than chasing the Miltank. She waited patiently, and soon she heard him pounce. Next she knew he was tickling her mercilessly. She laughed as he continued to tickle. She liked hearing that she always made him happy. Vea smiled. “Good! I’m glad I have that talent! Yep, yep!” She declared between the laughs. Finally she was pulled out from under the covers, and into his lap. That suited her fine, as she lightly licked his cheek. More tickling drew more giggles and laughter from her. She was happy. Very happy. When finally they finished playing, he laid back, and she sprawled out, laying on him. Her ear was pressed to his chest, and she could her his breaths and heartbeats. She let out a sound of content as he rubbed her ears and hair with one hand.

“I’m glad to hear that, Professor.” Vea said. She had set out to make him feel better and it had worked. She felt proud. Then she frowned when he mentioned a mate. She looked him dead in the eye. “No mate.” She said. “I just want to spend forever with you...” She said quietly. In her mind, his talk of a mate maid her worry he might not want her around. “I don’t want a mate... Don’t want anyone or anything but to stay with you...” She added. But she did smile again when he kissed her nose and said he didn’t mind her being around. She didn’t look away when he looked her right in the eyes. “I’m glad... Don’t want anyone to take my place...” She said. She was rather sensitive to the thought that maybe someday he’d find a new favorited.
He nodded to her when she got serious, petting her soft, warm fur as he smiled to her. "Alright, alright. I'll drop the subject then." Ficus smiled once more as she started to talk, saying how she never wanted to leave him, or let anyone else take her place. He chuckled softly, ruffling her air as he kept his eyes on hers, his blue orbs shining into her brown ones. "That would never happen, Vea. No one could ever replace you, my cute little fox." Kissing her nose once more, he hugged her to him, tracing a finger down her spine, slowly gliding along her back, then back up. "And knowing you never want to leave makes me even happier. I was afraid one day, you may just get sick of me. And...I've been worrying if whatever happened to that Miltank and so many others may happen to you. I wouldn't be able to take it."

Looking a little sad, he tore his gaze from hers, keeping his hand on her lower back, the other rubbing behind her ear. Closing his eyes, the Professor sighed out, trying to keep his mind clear of thoughts he didn't want to be there. Slowly, his hand on her back slid down, past her rear, to rub and pet at her fluffy tails, something that always seemed to help keep him calm. Then, propping an eye open, he looked to the little flame vulpine on his chest, asking a question that seemed to have come from no where. " you love me?"
Vea listened, her gaze on him still quiet intense. To her this was serious business. She was incredibly loyal to him, so she would not even think of taking a mate. She relaxed a bit when he said he’d drop the subject. She was glad for that. She calmly listened as he talked some more, still ruffling her hair, and looking her in the eyes. Something about his gaze controlled all of her focus. “Good...” She said. “I’m glad to hear that.” She said with a smile after he kissed her nose and hugged her. She trembled a little as his fingers traced along her spine and back up again. “Why would I want to leave? You take care of me best.” She said contently. She frowned as he voiced his worries. “I’ll never become that way!” She said. “Never ever. Because it might mean I would hurt you, and I won’t ever do that!” She said, determined.

Vea watched as his expression turned sad and he stopped looking at her. Had she done something wrong? She didn’t want to think she had. She could still feel his hand on her back, and the other gently stroking her ear. He sighed and closed his eyes. She could tell he was attempting to clear his thoughts of all the bad things. She blinked a little as his hand moved down further and stoked her tail. She liked that feeling, because she knew that doing that gave him a way to be calm and peaceful. Vea smiled when he opened one eye and gazed at her. But she looked surprised when his question popped forth. She read his expression, to see if he was being serious or joking. When she determined he was serious, she swallowed. “Y-yes...” She said softly. She could feel the heat flush her cheeks. “I really do love you.” She said sincerely.
His hand slowly slid from her ears, tracing its way down to her furry cheek. Gently caressing it in his palm, he smiled to her, feeling she was a bit warmer then usual, a sure sign to him she was blushing as she spoke. "You really mean it, Vea? You're not just saying it because you know its what I want to hear?" Holding the little fox closer to him, he moved her up a little, looking deep into her big brown orbs as his other eye opened, keeping his gaze locked on hers. His hand continued to caress and rub her cheek gently, as the other kept petting her fluffy tails, lightly kissing her nose as he looked at her. Keeping his eyes on hers, he could see she really did mean what she said, smiling once more as he pulled her up, gently and sweetly placing his lips on her own, giving her a kiss, and letting it hold for a few moments.

As he pulled back from the kiss, his hand on her tails began to trail up her back once more, keeping the line of her spine as he chuckled quietly, nuzzling her in his arms. "That makes me glad to hear you say that, you make me happier then anyone else could, be it Pokemon, human, or otherwise. Only you have ever been able to bring the brightest smile to my face. So, thank you, for always staying with me, my little fox, my little Vea."
Vea felt herself tense as he moved his hand down gently to her cheek. She hoped she had said the right thing. She had told the truth, and she had always been told that telling the truth was best. She knew he could tell she was blushing when his hand caressed her cheek. “I really do mean it. Honest.” She said, looking him right in the eyes when she said this. “If I didn’t love you I wouldn’t say yes... You taught me not to lie, ‘member?” She said. She smiled a little when he held her closer and continued to pet and kiss her nose. She liked the attention he gave to her. She really was dead serious about what she said. She wasn’t the type to lie at all. Next she knew she was pulled up. Her eyes widened for a second as he kissed her, but she soon realized she liked it and kissed him back. She couldn’t believe he was actually kissing her like this, but she loved the feeling it gave her.

When he pulled back, Vea looked at him wide-eyed. Her fingertips brushed lightly over her just kissed lips. She trembled a little more when once again his hands made their way up, tracing the line of her spine. She nuzzled back. “My Professor...” She said softly. She listened to his words and couldn’t help but smile. She loved knowing that she meant that much to her. “I’ll always be here to make you smile! Honest. I’ll always be here... Don’t wanna leave... Not ever.” She said. She looked up. Shyly, she stole a kiss, then looked down, hoping he didn’t mind.
"I know you wouldn't lie, I've taught you better then that. I've raised you and been with you for as long as you've been've been like a daughter, a friend, and a pet all in one, and much more, as you got older." Nuzzling her, he placed his forehead against hers, keeping his eyes locked on hers as he smiled brightly, giving her another quick kiss. Sitting up a little, he kept her on his lap, lightly running his hands up and down her sides, caressing her form through the lovely fur. Leaning down he pressed his lips to her neck, giving her soft little kisses as he trailed up, placing a sweet kiss to her lips once more, being very affectionate in his actions. Pressing his lips to hers, he held the kiss, slowly making it more passionate, even letting his tongue ever so slightly slide over her lips, before pulling back just a little, holding on to her smaller, warmer form.

"I never plan to leave you either, nor do I want to. I just want to keep my little Vulpix with me as long as possible. And Vea...I love you too, I truly do." Smiling, he caressed her body, resting his head against hers once more, looking very content and happy with this moment.
“Professor...” Vea said softly, his gaze capturing hers again. “My professor...” She added softly. Something about the way he spoke to her, the sincerity of his words, and the way his lips and hands so gently caressed over her body was dizzying. She wanted to pinch herself to see if this was real. Another kiss on her lips turned hotter as he held it longer and even brushed his tongue along her lips. Her lips had parted on instinct that time. When he pulled back some, she looked up at him, the heat in her cheeks definitely there, albeit hidden by fur. She felt warm, and loved in his arms. She had never felt so happy.

Vea listened and hung on to each word he spoke. She would see to it that they would stay together. Her brown eyes looked wide up at him. “I love you so much, professor...” She said softly as his hands continued to move over her body. She smiled as his head rested against hers again. She liked how happy he looked. “I want you to be this happy forever...” She said, decidedly.
"Well, if you stay with me, then I will be happy, Vea." He smiled a bit as he kissed at her nose, holding her tight to him, rubbing his cheek into her soft, furred one, chuckling a little as he looked to her big, brown eyes. "Someone feels even hotter then usual. Is my affection really getting to you that much, Vea? Such a cute little fox you are, my girl." He leaned down to kiss her once more, whispering to her as he parted his lips to lick at hers. "And you're all mine...." Deepening the kiss further, he slipped his muscle into her warm mouth, tasting her sweet, hot taste, as his hand on her back slid down, lightly landing on her little rear, holding onto her as he played with her fur.

His fingers reaching up from her rear, he played with the base of her tail, touching just the right spots; an advantage of studying Pokemon as much as he does, he knew just about anything about them, including just what, well, turned them on. Never figured he'd actually use the information, but hey, it was good to know. Letting his tongue move about her mouth and along her own muscle, he kept the kiss going for a bit longer. Finally, he pulled back, letting his hand stay on her rear and rub her tail base, grinning to her. "How's that feel, little fox?"
“And I’ll be happy if you’re happy... So I guess that means it’s win-win.” She said with a grin as once again he kissed her nose, held her tight and, rubbed her cheek. Her eyes glanced down as he looked at her and chuckled. “I can’t help it...” She whimpered a little. “I dunno why I’m so anxious and excited,” she explained. “Just kinda am...” She finished just before he kissed her again, and claimed her his. When he licked at her lips, they parted, and when his tongue explored her mouth, hers instinctually came out to meet. She was aware that his hand was sliding down further and further, but it didn’t seem to bother the little fox at all.

However, when his fingers moved on to the base of her tail, and hit just the right spots, she let out a wanting little moan into the kiss. She began to hold off the moans though, going back to their passionate kiss. She had never felt such a fire burning inside. Everything felt hot, and she felt like her body was more sensitive that it usually was. She continued to brush her tongue back along his as they continued this little session of make out. When he pulled away, Vea leaned against him. She loved the feel of his hand working at the base of her tail. “Pr-professor...” She said softly. “Feels so good...” She said, looking him straight in the eyes.
Ficus seemed to smile and grin as he heard that cute little moan of want from his Vulpix, keeping up the touch, rubbing and massaging right on those spots at the tail base, as he nipped at the tip of her right ear, giving it little love bites, as he lowered his head and kissed Vea's neck, leaving little kisses, nibbles, and licks along the areas there, chuckling to her reactions. "I'm glad to hear that, Vea. Happy to know my studies weren't wrong." Looking to her big eyes, he kissed her lips once more, as his free hand let her go a moment, and slowly moved down between them. Ever so lightly, in a teasing way, he glided his index finger along her warm slit, feeling the hot juices that were starting to gather there. Bring his hand back up, he grinned a bit, licking her lips. "Mmm...looks like my little Vulpix is getting in the're already a little wet down there, Vea."

Pressing his fingers just a little more into the spots, he rubbed at her rear a bit with the rest of his hand, as his free hand slide down her form. He traced his finger up from her stomach, till he came to her chest, playfully circling the finger around her breasts, looking to her eyes as he kissed her sweet, whispering to her as he nuzzled in. "Does my Vea want something from her Professor...?"
Each touch made her eager for a bit more. This feeling was so unusual, so unfamiliar to Vea, and yet, not at all unwelcome. She continued to make those longing noises as he continued to touch those special spots. She trembled and her ear twitched as he nipped, then began to kiss at her neck. She felt so anxious, and perhaps a little frustrated. She wanted more. His chuckles make her look at him. “T-they were on the spot... Professor...” She said softly as he looked into her eyes. She eagerly accepted his next kiss. She was aware of his hands moving down but it didn’t really warrant any comment. Well, not until she felt his finger slip down and begin to tease her slit. She lot out a moan, just a bit louder than her other ones. She watched him bring his hand back up. “I can’t help it...” She said. “Everything your doing is making me feel so hot inside...” She added.

She followed his hands a little better this time, eager to see all the ways he could make her feel good. In truth, Vea had never bothered to explore her own body because there had always been too many other things to explore in the world around her. She let out more calls as he continued to work all those feel good spots. She bit her lip as she felt his hands glide up along her stomach, then stop at her chest. She found her back instinctually arching a bit as he circled her breasts. She tried to focus on the kiss, but everything he was doing was really distracting. She heard his question and whined a little bit. “Professor... Please make it better...” She pleaded. By this point the feeling of want was a little bit overwhelming. “I want you...”
Ficus smirked and then smiled to the Vulpix girl in front of him, well aware this was the first time she had ever been sexually stimulated like this, or to any point; her attention span was all over the place, so, and he never recalled her asking much about her growing body as she matured. "Because you're enjoying my touch...everyone longs to be like this with someone they truly love. And I've only just started teaching you, Vea...." Kissing her lips once more, he let his head trail down a moment, lightly flicking his tongue over one of her nipples, his hand caressing her furred chest, rubbing her breasts softly, caressing him, as he looked back into her eyes. His other hand slipped back down her form, making shapes on her leg and thigh, as he grinned once again. His finger slid along her little slit once more, as he let it slowly push inside of her, allowing her to adjust to an invader before moving it around a little, rubbing her on the inside.

"You'll have me, my lovely little fox. Professor will make it all even better...but first, you do have something more to learn...." Letting his hands leave her form, he sat back a moment, pulling off his polo shirt, tossing it to the side, bearing his slender, toned chest to her, as he had when they took baths together. Picking her up for just a moment, he placed her beside him, as he undid and kicked off his pants, followed by his boxers...letting her see his nine inch length in its mostly erect state. He let her look at him, as he gently took one of her paws, guiding it to his shaft, letting her touch it. "Just like I can please you, Vea, you can please me as well...see what you can figure out on your own and ask if you need help." He pet her ears lovingly, knowing, as a matured female 'morph, her instincts of this sort of situation would be kicking in soon, to at least give her some form of general idea. "If you can will make Professor even happier."
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