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May 29, 2014
Single and Looking...
Hi, I'm Ryvre and I've been roleplaying for ten or so years now. I'm a para-player who uses third person and love traditional scenes. I've had an account here before but since my last e-mail was confiscated, I am now under a new name.

1. Be literate. Capitalization, punctuation and paragraphs please. Be as detailed as you must. More than 2 paragraphs makes me a happy camper. And when I'm a happy camper, so will you.
2. No one is perfect. I don't expect your characters to be.
3. No Godmoding. I control my own characters. You control yours. c:
4. I don't bite, hard.. So don't be afraid to bring up ideas with me to help the roleplay going.
5. I want this long-term. I want this to last more than 2 weeks. Lets go for months on end. (I can also do short-term, just message me.)
6. I don't want a sexually based roleplay all the time. I want a storyline to build up to the sexual part as well. Thanks!
7. Don't be afraid to have a conversation with me during the roleplay. It makes it less awkward between roleplayers.
8. I'm not online all the time. So don't think I'm ignoring you. I promise, I'm not.
9. If you feel that the roleplay is becoming too boring, tell me. We can work something out. If you want to quit, just tell me so and be on your merry way.
10. Just have fun. This isn't rocket science. c:

Turn ons and offs are in the link in my signature. <3

Everything in bold is the role I enjoy playing most.



Bad Boy x Good Girl
Jock x Punk/Emo
Cheerleader x Skater
Artist x Jock
Rockstar x Student
Best Friend x Best Friend
Photographer x Model
Business Associate x Middle Class
Rockstar/Band Member x Fan
Waitress x Actor
Waitress x Singer
Teacher x Student (But only if I play submissive role.)


Vampire x Human
Vampire x Slayer
Demon x Human
Demon x Angel
Demon x Slayer
Demon x Neko
Assassin x Assassin
Assassin x Victim
Slayer x Victim

Dark Hunter (Sherrilyn Kenyon)
Roman/Greek Gods
League of Legends

Pirate x Pirate
Captain x Commoner
Captain x Kidnapped
Robot x Human
Gifted Students
Sex Slave x Human (Ask about this, this is different than normal.)


Inuyasha (I play Sango, Kagome, InuYasha and Sesshomaru)
Kingdom Hearts (Made-Up character)
Chobits (Made-up)
Dark-Hunter Series by Sherrilyn Kenyon
League of Legends

Plot Ideas

1.) Beauty and the Freak

She was a beauty.
He was a 'freak'.
She was a mortal.
He wasn't.
She loved chocolate.
He could only drink blood.
She never knew they existed.
Until he tapped at her window.

She was just your average 17 year old. Beautiful, talented and normal. She had friends, family who care about her, and an annoying sibling. She wasn't a cheerleader, but she did take part in school activities. Until one day, an announcement on the intercom at school had said that a student in her school had died, she thought nothing of it. She barely even talked to him. Everything was pretty normal until he was at her window. Then things got odd. And they got even worse when she found out he was a vampire. With no idea what to do, who to tell, or not even say anything at all, she couldn't help but get to know the half dead man that practically lived in her closet during the day...

2.) Sugar is Sweet but so is Revenge

She had been inlove with him for years. After about two years of rejection, she finally gave up on him. But he finally changed his mind and decided to date her. After about four months of dating, he decided to break up with her because he was moving and said that he couldn't be in a relationship if he wanted to spend his last month or so with all of his friends. But, soon, she found out that instead of him hanging out with his friends, he was with another girl. Heartbroken, she decided never to see or talk to him ever again.
Ten years later, she gets an invitation from his parents to go to South Carolina, where they had moved to, and visit for Thanksgiving until when she was ready to leave. So, she then decides to accept the offer and goes to South Carolina. Now, a successful, strong and beautiful woman, she is determined to get back at him for the heart break he had put her through....

3.) What Hurts the Most

I'm 17 years old.
And I am dead.
I died the night before at 12:25 am.
It was a drunken car accident.
I died instantly.
The problem is, I haven't really left earth yet.
I have too many things to do before I go;
Including telling some people that I'm sorry.
Especially my parents.
And to tell my boyfriend my feelings for him.
I found this boy who can actually see me. And he can talk to me and hear me!
This is my one chance. And I'm going to take it.

He was sitting in his room one night around 10:15 doing his homework. He had heard about Madison's death. But didn't think too much of it because he didn't know her too well. He did feel bad though. For her friends and her family. It must be hard for a parent to bury their own child. It was raining and no one was home for another hour since they went to the movies. But, when he turned around to grab a book, Madison was sitting on his bed. He thought himself crazy. Even when the news was talking about her death as he stared at her.
And the worst part, she could even talk to him. He was never one to be a coward. But this, this was crazy. How is he going to help the spirit of a dead girl get into Heaven...? He didn't know but the sadness in her eyes struck a cord inside him and eventually he agreed.

4.) I know a Rock-Star

She knew him in highschool. They were best friends
but never more than that. She believed in him from
the start. He always wanted to be in a band. He had
always told her his dreams of being in a band and
going around the world on tour. They would spend
hours on the phone while he sang and played guitar
he even wrote a love song about a girlfriend he had
at the time. Though she always wanted to be more
than friends, she always knew that having him as
a friend than not was more than enough for her.

When she went to meet him at their 'usual'
spot one day after she came home from visiting
her grandma, he wasn't there. He had only
left a note that was pinned to a tree and the
lyrics to the song he had wrote. It said;

"Dear ----,
You know I hate good-byes. And I'm so
sorry for not staying to tell you. But I have
to go. My mom is taking me to another
state! She said that there, I'll acutally
have a shot at being in a band. Can you
believe it?! I'm so happy. But I'll miss
you so much. I just wanted you to know
that I wrote this song for you. I lied to
you when I said that it was for a
girlfriend at the time... I'll talk
to you soon, okay? I promise.


He never called. Or came to see her. So
after years of waiting, she decided to chase
her own dreams. And she did. Now she's who
she's always wanted to be. She was happy.
Until one day, she got a letter and a back stage
pack and a ticket in the mail. He had found her.
And instead of delivering them himself, he sent
them in the mail. He couldn't face her. At least,
not yet.

5.) The Chosen Ones

(This one would be easier as a group role-play)

So, you are the new warriors to save us all....
Do not be afraid....
Your path was chosen for you long ago.
Embrace it....
We need you....

Kingdom Hearts....

Sora, Kairi and Riku have given up their places as protectors of the worlds and wielder of the keyblades. Four new wielders have now been chosen to take the place beside King Mickey. Where ever the King is, at least. The King has not been found for quite sometime and Queen Minnie is worried. She has now been informed of the new prophacy of the new keyblade wielders to save them all. Heartless still exist along with the Nobodies. And they are getting stronger. But now that there's a new villian on the loose, other villians such as Genie Jafar, Ursala and her sister, Maleficent and Pete and all the others have now bowed down to their new ruler. The time of Organization xIII is over. But Ansem's reports and his computer have been stolen. Someone is trying to open up the darkness again. Worlds are now flooded with Heartless and Nobodies along with Vessels. A new creature somewhat like Nobodies, but stronger.

Minnie has sent letters to the worlds before it was too late to remind them that all is not lost and that there will be help soon. For now, the wielders have to learn of their new destiny and embrace. Though some will fear it, they cannot run from it.

Take charge of your fate. For you are not alone...

6.) My Destiny

She is an outcast who all she ever wanted to do was fit in. Her parents told her that her dreams were too much for a small hometown girl like her. She was kept in her books, never outside to play or hang out with some of her friends. She just wanted to live her life to the fullest.

He became a rock star. He had everything he ever dreamed of; money, fame and power. But he wanted something more. Maybe a trip to a small town away from the rich cities and bright lights. The stage always seemed to be an empty place...

Then, he met her.

7.) I Know What You Did

(Another Group Role-Play)

Poor Alexa Marshall... She had everything going for her. Her looks, her intelligence, but mostly her father's wealth. Her father is the governor of a large city not too far away from the school that Alexa was attending. She was practicing medicine to become a doctor at a rather small school that seemed to have almost every course imaginable. Brooklyn University was a school for talented, smart people. It had never had a bad history in it's life. Anyone that had been expelled from a school for any reason was not excepted into Brooklin, and in turn, there were no murders, rapes or kidnappings in the school.

But all of that was about to change on the eve of October the 25th. Alexa was found dead in her dorm room. Her wrists tied to the bed posts, and cuts all over her body. In some parts, her skin was cut out of her. She as blind folded, and a gag in her mouth, no doubt to keep her quiet as the murderer tortured her slowly, and in the end killing her. The medical examiners determined that the cause of death was a pillow case tired around her neck, and she slowly suffocated. There were no fingerprints left at the scene, and no evidence...

The school urges the students to return to their normal routines in the school, but it is hard when there is a murderer roaming around the school. The murderer becomes a legend, and people start calling the murderer, the silent wolf. Even after a few days, the wolf never did anything again, and people started to wonder if it was because Alexa was rich. Soon people began to investigate, but the deeper people prodded, and when people start to find out the truth, it is then that the wolf may kill again. But is it as people may think? There are lots of pretenders, and wanna bees, so who is it that really killed poor Alexa in her own room? Who is the silent wolf, and will anyone find out before it is too late?

Keep in mind that nothing is as it seems....Can you trust anyone?

8.) I'll Do This All For You

She was always picked on by him in middle and highschool.
She would admit that she wasn't the prettiest looking in
school but she would say that she was smart. And she wanted
more than anything to be a secretary.
And so that's what she became....
Now, 22 years old, and beautiful, Katra or Kat has moved into her own
apartment complex with her younger sister. Katra had taken
her in when their parents died. It had been hard on the both
of them, but Katra had enough money for the two of them.
Though it'd be hard for them to get along, her sister has
highschool and relationship problems of her own.
....Moving up to her recent job, Katra realizes that
her new boss is the man that bullied her in highschool.
Although she hates him with a passion, she'd take it
like the strong woman she is and works hard anyway.
Katra's perfect job is suddenly not so perfect. But because
she loves her sister so, she'll keep the job.
But what happens if her new boss starts to realize that
brains go further than beauty. And heart is so much more stronger
than the brain?

...Could they live happily ever after?

9.) Written From the Heart

Two characters have been pen pals for years, never meeting and always stuck to paper. But one day out of the blue one of the characters recognize the name of their pen pal being mentioned in a conversation and finds out their pen pal is in town for a couple of weeks. Now it’s up to find out whether or not their friendship is genuine (especially if one of the character has been keeping a big secret).
[This could be almost any secret from being famous, to being fabulously rich; you can go on the fantasy route and make them an ancient God or a vampire. It’s all up to you.]

10.) Love at First Wave?

Two families who have known one another since they were children take a vacation in a condo at a beach where their two teenagers meet for the first time.

11.) Good Housekeeping

Good Housekeeping Comp. Is a maid/butler corporation for rich clients who trains employees at a decent age to keep house; to cook, clean, keep up with laundry and serve their boss or the master of the house.

12.) Not Your Normal Romance

A shy, nerdy girl goes on vacation to a city with a lot of supernatural activity, unknown to her she picks up an old book at the bookstore and takes it home with her. Finding out a certain ritual allows a man to appear from the book, she takes it as a joke and does it anyway. But it backfires and she summons an incubus from hell who wants nothing more than to explore his mistress' sexuality and make her into the woman she's always buried deep inside. In order for an incubus to live, he must continue to bed her and feed from her sexual energy whether she likes it or not. This plot would include BDSM, submission, taboo sexual acts, tentacles, continuous orgasms, etc. You can be as kinky as you want to be with this plot. The bestial the acts, the better.

I'm also up for bestiality (no more than dogs).
And I've also been thinking of playing a succubus/Lilith demon has a lover and a sex slave. So I'd need two players or someone to play two roles.

If you have any more suggestions or want to ask about any of the above, PM me!
Thanks! <3

This is my F-List to see what other kinks I'm into.
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