Request for RP partners

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Apr 10, 2017
Hello all!

I am searching for people to role play with currently, as I am needing some time to clear my head out of reality.

I like to consider myself a decent role player who does not push things into the over the top category. Here are some things I can offer you:

- Literacy. I use correct grammar, however I am human and that means that I slip up from time to time. For the most part I will provide a number of sentences, though if I am really in the mood in that role play I can write a paragraph or two. However, please keep in mind I am more interested if I do not have to write 10 paragraphs. Keep it short and simple without getting to 1/2 liners please :)

- Role playing for about 7 years now. But please keep in mind that if my style does not suit you then I am sorry. I will try to accommodate that in some ways, but I am not going to change my style completely.

- I write in the third person and do not ever role play in first. I am sorry, but I just find it easier to speak through my character in third person.

- I post when I can. Please keep in mind I am a student nearing final year of exams and this site is a retreat for me. I will be on it when I can be and will post when I can. If I log in and do not reply, it is just to see who has posted and then I am off again.

- I enjoy a wide range of genres and themes. All you have to do is ask me if you are curious about a certain topic. I will role play nearly anything (I do have my hard lines I will not delve into).

- One thing I will be very, very reluctant in playing is FxF pairings. I prefer FxM or MxM as I am more comfortable in playing those roles. That being said, I mainly play females in my RPs but I may also venture into male characters in a FxM pairing depending on the plot and what is being asked.

Themes/genres/plots I will not be keen on:
- Water sports/ scat
- FxF
- Incest
- Most TV series/movies (Though question me on this one! I do have my tastes in what I would try!)

Themes/genres/plots I would be keen on:
- Abusive relationships
- Stockholm Syndrome
- Apocalyptic
- Middle Ages
- Forbidden/taboo relationships
- BDSM, i like being sub however!
- Interspecies (animalxhuman/humanxalien, whatever!)
- Supernatural creatures (Love me a good werewolf human 'love' story. Better than Twilight!)
- f you have any ideas you would be curious on trying out, PM me!

I can offer you a sample of my writing through PM and you can then decide on whether or not you would like to carry out something.

I look forward to hearing from you all! :D
I have a pair of ideas that I am looking for someone to play out with. Both will involve a story line to follow and is not based solely on the sexual aspect of it though it is included.

Please note I will be playing the female roles unless I have stated otherwise, or you are really wanting to play the female.

I am only giving a brief summary of the idea, as I don't want to become a victim of plagiarism ;P So lemme know through PM (More chance of a reply) and I will get back to you as soon as possible :)

Idea 1:

Legends tells of a beast so ferocious and vile that even the bravest of knights shudder at the thought of it's presence. Believed to be part-man part-dragon, farmers fear the wellness of their livestock,crops and lives as the beast has been known to steal more than just a bite. It is believed that it has ended the life of many men to satisfy it's hunger.
(This RP involves two different outcomes depending on the female character I play. PM me to know of both options.)

Idea 2:
Every Alpha needs a mate to lead the pack with. It is seen as weak by some when an Alpha cannot provide the pack with offspring through his mate, and so his mission is dependant on finding her. However, female werewolves are in dwindling numbers and finding one is not so simple. When you are faced with this situation, you must improvise.
(This RP also involves two different outcomes depending on the female character I play)
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