Its Tarzan But Not (scifi, potential kidnapping, M\M\M)

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Oct 14, 2016
What I want in a Writing Partner

-I like reliable partners that won't post a few times then vanish or disappear with out a trace for lone periods of time.

-I lay almost nothing but M\M scenarios and I play almost nothing but male characters though I will on occasion play a female. I do not do futa or traps nor am I interested in futa or traps

- Don't make me think of the entire plot, please.

-I play switches for the most part. I don't like playing a purely dominate or purely submissive character with the exception of a few and don't like playing against a character that is pure submissive or purely dominate.

-When it comes to smut, I don't do pure smut or smut heavy stories, there has to be plot. I refer a 50\50 or so ratio

-I like to write Rape scenes. As in full on rape, no 'she\he ends up loving it'. If I am going to write a rape scene or have my character involved in one, then I refuse to have my character enjoy it if they are the victim.

-I tend to let my partner know if I don't like the way the story is progressing or if I have questions or suggestions. I really want a partner who will help move the story alone and add to it instead of making me do all the work and just responding to the posts instead of pushing the plot forward. I also want a partner who will communicate. As for grammar, as long as I can read it, that's all I care about.

-When contacting me, pique my Interest. Tell me why you are interested in my plots. Tell me if you have any ideas to add on it to it or have an RP plot I maybe interested in.


Things I am interested in

-Darker plots and themes
-Titanfall 2
-Sapeiant robots
-Torture (just no killing my character or removing limbs)
-Anthros, real anthros, not humans with animal ears and tails
-Obsessive Relationships
-gore (with in reason)
-Abuse Of Trust
-non con
-Forced oral (watch those teeth)
-an actual plot
-sapient robot x human

Things I have no interest in

-slutty female characters
-fetish first, character last
-RP that focuses only on or heavily on fetish
-purely smut or largely smut based RP
-excessive cum
-Purely submissive characters
-Humans with animal ears and tails
-Monster boys\girls
-human only RP
-the typical victim falls in love with the rapist or grows to enjoy it
-over-sized body parts
-any school based
-wanting my character to insta trust yours

General Setting: Sci-fi, Futuristic

Kinks: potential rape, bondage, M\M\M, potential kidnapping, dark themes

Characters: humans, non humans, Sapient AI

The General Idea:

Its Tarzan But Not. As in Michael does live in the wilds and has the skills needed to survive there but he's a well adjusted individual who wants little to do with the modern world. His parents were high ranking Militia officers that were brutally murdered by the IMC when he was five. His fathers Titan, Uso saved him by doing the only thing he could do, take Michael and flee into the thick wilderness with what little he could grab before the IMC soldiers found them.

Much like the fabled Tarzan was raised by non humans, Michael was raised by his friend and mentor, a sapient AI. There was a lot of stumbling along the way since Uso had been made for war not child rearing but he had been with his father since before Micheal was even born and had helped raise Micheal so he had some knowledge as how to do it.

Unlike the fabled Tarzan, Michael didn't grow up in complete isolation. The pair often frequented small towns and cities, partly for supplies and partly due to Uso knowing that Michael needed to be around other humans in order to develop properly.

Michael is around 25, with short unkempt wild dark brown hair and an athletic build from living a life of a nomad for years. He's not body shy in the least and he tends to be direct about his feelings. If he doesn't like someone then he tells them, not to be cruel or mean, he simply doesn't see the reason to beat around the bush. He's fairly open minded and cares deeply for the one who raised him and protected him and won't stand for any one harming his companion.

They currently live in a magnificent tree-house a few miles outside the nearest town.

Plot: Its very open to suggestions.

Michael's friend\partner\mentor\lover is ambushed by IMC and is shot several times in the vulnerable abdomen and since this is something Michael can't repair or even really treat, they are forced to go into town. Your character could meet them on the road to town and are in need of help themselves. Your character could be a hired merc that is supposed to capture them both but for one reason or another they can't bring themselves to do it.

Maybe your character is new to the small settlement and has heard stories of an outsider who lives deep in the wilderness, the stories claim he's a wild man, totally uncivilized. But the stories of course are totally wrong and furthest from the truth.

Michael still has family that thinks he died back during the attack so needless to say they would be rather surprised if they found out he was not only alive but thriving. They want him back home but f course Michael doesn't want to leave what he now considers home and doesn't want to leave his companion. This could lead to a kidnapping situation but neither of them are going to go quietly or make it east on their kidnappers.

What I'm looking for:
-Dominate male or switch male main.
-A HEALTHY non abusive poly relationship
-Potential kidnapping

What I not looking for:

-love triangle
-unhealthy or abusive relationships
-Female main character, NPCs and secondary are fine
-purely submissive characters
-your main character trying to force Micheal and his companion part or trying to come between them, NPCs are welcome to try since it causes some tension in the game
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