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Looking for Story Tellers and Smut Peddlers (MxF, some FxF and FxFuta)

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Mar 1, 2017
Greetings, fellow internet weirdos! Welcome to my request thread, where shit's gonna get weird but not, like, uncomfortably so? Yeah. Right, anyway! Suppose I'll list some relevant bits about me and what I'm doing here.

- Hetero dude from California in my mid-twenties. Pretty basic.

- I am a gigantic nerd. Except I don't really like anime at all. I dunno, I guess I missed that day at Generic Nerd Shit School. I doubled down on videogames instead.

- Kinks, get your kinks here! Vanilla is fun, but weird is... more fun. Yeah. I'm open to a lot of stuff, depending on the setting.

- Speaking of which, settings! I like all kinds of shit. Sci-fi, fantasy, historical, all the flavors of the apocalypse, others I'm not even thinking of. Modern is fine too, I guess, but like... I dunno. There's gotta be something to it. Not just some cushy romance. If it's a slice of life, let's make it a slice of some weird/fun/interesting life, not college roommate pairing #61298.

- Fandoms are cool! They are. But I really have no interest in playing canon characters. I mean, I guess you could, if you really wanted to, and there's probably some I'd love you forever if you played, but me? Total shit at it. Hard pass. Anyway, like I've said, I mostly enjoy videogames when it comes to fandoms. No anime.

- Genders! I don't play with penises. I'll play male, sometimes I take a spin as a female or a futa, and even the latter of these will be primarily interested in ladies. Dicks just don't do it for me.

- Species! Yeah. I mean, primarily humans, of course. Monsters of a thousand different sorts are fun as hell, too, from tentacles to slime-things to nagas to face-huggers to demons to mighty Cthulhu itself and beyond. Anthros... no thanks. Weird line to draw, I know, but just yeah. Also straight up bestiality is no good for me, but like... monsters based on animals are fine.

- Female partners - or at least female-identifying - only. Sorry guys. I know. Like, I used to be at least semi-okay with playing with dudes. I did. Then, like, three times in a row... it got super weird. Too weird. Fucked up, stalkery, "I love you" weird. Just... fucking don't, yeah? Ladies only. Or if you're a dude, just... lie to me, shit.

- OOC! I love making friends! OOC is great and encouraged, whether for plotting or chatting or whatever. Not necessary at all, of course, but I do greatly enjoy it.

- Post length! I tend to try to match whatever is given me. Sometimes I'll go nuts and post a ton, other times I just wanna get things moving and drop a quick paragraph. Not every fuck scene warrants twenty posts of ten paragraphs, y'know? Quality over quantity and all that, but please, PLEASE give me at least a good, solid paragraph to go with, or I'm gonna lose interest real fast.

- RP Medium! PMs are my favorite by far. Threads are fine, too. I've also decided that I actually quite like Discord for roleplay, as well as just hanging out in general! It might... even be my new preference. We'll see.

- Shit there's probably some stuff I'm forgetting, but yeah. If you're not sure, ask me! I don't judge, I like weird shit too.

Okay that's all the boring shit, onto some ideas! Also, please feel free to pitch your own stuff. I'm hoping to post new shit here all the time, from the epic in scale to the silly and smutty.

- In an age that none now live to remember, a great rift was torn in the very fabric of reality, an act of mages with more power than sense. Through that rift poured all manner of creatures, beasts that reigned over the world with an iron fist for millennia. Their taint engulfed the world, and humans were reduced to little more than slaves and playthings. However, after untold ages of oppression, humanity has at last clawed back. Through the harnessing of long-forgotten magics, a rebellion has taken root. One foothold of humanity now exists within a reclaimed demon fortress, a mighty shield protecting it from the taint of the surrounding forest. Now, adventurers seek to strike out from beneath the magical barrier in search of supplies, survivors, and fresh new knowledge. Most important of all? A way to keep the barrier running, so that the dark of the world cannot creep in.

Anyway, lots of directions that one can go. I'm thinking it's very much player vs. world on that one, with one player's character (or characters!) braving the dangers of the monster-infested world, while the other plays said world. Smut to plot ratio is very flexible, as is the overall tone. Also it doesn't have to be medieval fantasy, either. Who's to say it couldn't be post-apocalyptic or sci-fi or some shit?

- A complete and total engine failure has left a lone smuggling ship stranded at one of the busiest spaceports in an alien galaxy. Money is tight and the damage is catastrophic. There's a silver lining, though. Sort of. Humans are considered quite exotic and, well, desirable. The station brothels are always looking for new talent... especially humans with an open mind concerning alien clientele.

- In the eleventh hour of the war, desperation has officially set in. The commander, a war-mage of great renown, has turned to ancient and forbidden lore, seeking to strike dark bargains with a creature of great power. A demon. The completion of the ritual sees the demon rising at the commander's beck and call, its power driving the invading forces into a sudden and devastating rout. The battle is over, certainly, but the war is far from it, and it's becoming increasingly questionable if the commander's power over the demon will hold...

I'm willing to play either the demon or the commander! I'm also plenty willing to discuss the exact nature of the demon, which is why I've left it mostly vague. I'm definitely seeing this rp as a constant power struggle, too.

- I've always had a fondness for the "trapped in a videogame" shtick. Whether it's one person versus the world, or a pair, or an adventuring party... it's something I like playing with. Nothing concrete for this one, I just wanna fuck with it. Ok, actually, there was one idea I had. A highly immersive fantasy MMO roleplay game, where everything within is built and run by players, right down to dungeons and monsters and cities. I think it'd be cool to see, like, after millions of people get stuck in the game for years on end, how things devolve in that player-made world. A cool idea could be, like, a band of raiders... but there's a lot we could do. I wanna brainstorm!

- Not really a plot, just, uh... monster girls. I'm a fan. Especially those of the serpentine variety. Don't judge me. You throw one of those at me and I'm willing to do shit I wouldn't normally do.

- Kinda random, but there was an rp YEARS ago that never panned out, but I loved the idea of. Paranormal investigators in the wild west, stumbling on a globe-spanning Lovecraftian cult, complete with intent to summon cosmic horrors into being. The details need some hashing out, but... it does sound like a hell of a time. Could also be, say, a steampunk setting.

- Two noble houses in the upper echelons of a great city have a bitter rivalry that extends back some hundreds of years. One rich off the backs of gladiators in the great arena, the other a far poorer house with a long military history. The latter house sent their eldest son and heir to war nearly two years ago in service of the empire. He has returned to find his home in ruins, his family slain and lost, their meager wealth scattered to the winds. He is an heir to ash, a master of nothing, and as he comes to find, a friend to no one. The politics of the city have turned against him, but the arena is always searching for fresh meat. With nothing left to lose, he sells himself for a dismal sum to a poor house with few gladiators. He rises fast in the arena, earns his glories, though he never truly realizes how much freedom he has lost. Not until the day that he learns he has been sold for a hefty sum. To whom? None other than the matriarch of his old enemies. Though whether he is to serve as gladiator or something more remains to be seen.

So. The name of the game here is power struggle. Seriously. These characters do not harbor secret warmth for one another. They are old political enemies, and he has just been sold to her. I'm not a fan of the whole dom/sub thing, but if this is anything, it's a dom/dom scenario where they're both trying to get on top. Sure, eventually they might develop an understanding. But that's the key: EVENTUALLY. It's a slow burn with lots of room for action, drama, twists, and just gallons of smut. Like damn. Because it's either set in Rome (duh) or, alternatively (and possibly more fun?), a fantasy setting with even more debauchery than Rome, which is pretty nuts. But yeah, let's brainstorm on this one. Willing to roll with a lot of kinks on it.

- Star Wars! I'm willing to do a ton of things for Star Wars. Currently craving a Gray Jedi in hiding as a character.

- It was long feared that the melting of ancient Arctic ice might unearth ancient fresh plagues of unstoppable viruses. The Dread particle, as it has come to be known, was just that. A microbial life form that latches onto any complex organism, from the lowly housefly, to a budding flower, to a human being. It beds in deep, twisting the mind and body into its own nefarious uses, warping the body of its host into a Cronenbergian nightmare that seeks only to feed and multiply. Within a month, swarms of horrifying flesh mutants had overrun North America, and fresh sightings were being reported across the globe daily.

Well, I'd love to see a few angles on this. One female versus the world is a possibility. Or, a pair - or group - of survivors, holding out against the horrors of the world. Another one to brainstorm on.

- Guerilla warfare against alien conquerors! Needs lots of brainstorming.

- I'd love to do something with an adventuring party. Maybe mercenaries? Different sorts of typical classes, banding together for shenanigans. Especially in a fantasy setting.

- A prominent noble and all of those loyal to them are exiled from the king's lands for crimes that can be discussed and brainstormed. They settle far from home, butting heads with a barbarian warlord that controls the savage lands. Together, they hatch a scheme to strike against the king (who may or may not be corrupt), but they cannot seem to agree with one another's methods, or who's in charge...

- lol smutplot, A whore decides she's had enough of hooking and takes up the sword, swearing herself to adventure. Monsters and deviants await.

- So this is like my favorite song I've heard in a while, and I'd love to do something based on it. Basically, a slave gives themselves over to the devil in exchange for the power not only to free themselves, but to seek revenge and wreak havoc. All it costs is their soul. I'm not opposed to this taking place in the American south during slave times like the song is based on, complete with all the dirty racism that goes along with it, but this could also easily be in another setting and work just as well. I'm willing to play either role!

- Got back into Fallout 4 after installing some mods and hitting up survival mode. I'd love to play a super patient sniper mercenary sort, which is how I'm trying to play my character in the game (4 has the WORST rp options, of course...). I don't have a super complex plot in mind yet. Maybe a couple badass mercs securing places for the Minutemen? Maybe said mercs get caught up in a conspiracy involving the other factions? Maybe a couple raiders trying to straighten out their lives? Either way, I wanna shoot some Super Mutants in the face.

- In their most desperate hour, a renowned pirate crew sails their ship into the heart of a raging storm to escape the long arm of the law and the ships at their backs. They escape the king's men, yes, but the ship takes a near-fatal beating in the process, and they barely manage to limp out alive. Once the storm calms, however, they find themselves in a strange land utterly unlike their own. The seas and sands crawl with monsters and devilish horrors, the sun is a red smear in a black sky, and the night is dark and full of terrors (shameless GoT theft). Far from home, battered and beaten, they must survive, for there is no way back in sight.

Going for like... a horror pirate adventure thing. Multiple characters, potential for deaths, bad ends, weird smut. Should be fun! Let's hammer out some details.

- A viking plot that doesn't hinge on my character sailing ashore and raping yours for the rest of the plot.

More to come!
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