RWBY: New Kids (Koibito & MoFo)


Jan 7, 2017
"Greet... Them?" Asked the silver-eyed Ruby Rose to her sister's comments as their team sat at a table in the commons area.

"Hmph... Undignified" commented the primp and proper Weiss Schnee with her arms folded, in uncaring judgement of the blonde's usual answer to these kind of things.

"You're gonna fuck them, aren't you" the dry and blunt Blake Belladonna stated softly to their teammate, her blank expression not showing an ounce of judgement... But not an ounce of approval too.

Yang shrugged nonchalantly, her busty chest heaving subtly with the motion. "Relaaaaax" she urged the rest of her team, her expression shooting blankly to Blake as she was so blunt with it. "Well... Yes! Yes I am" she answered the black-haired Faunus as bluntly as she had been asked about it. "It's tradition! C'mon and they're cute as hell, how could I not!" Yang exclaimed with a confident giggle.

"Tradition is right" Blake said dryly.

"I guess you have already done it with every guy in school" Weiss said the same thing, although far more bluntly and with far thicker an air of judging.

"Almost everyone" the blonde corrected proudly, as if she couldn't rightly take the title of school bimbo without properly having slept with everyone in the school. "So if you'll excuse me" Yang said as she stood up and stretched, doing a quick look around for the two new students they were discussing, noticing they were not around there, "I'm going to go add to my score" she replied to Weiss as if it really was some sort of prestigious title, before heading off in search of the new meat she was going to welcome to the school in the only way she knew how.


The two new students in question were the likes of Azure Sage and Silver Belsh. Two of the newest students to Beacon Academy, paired with two other students who had been there only a bit longer than them. As such, it was these two only who at the moment were looking for one of the registration buildings to get some of their information in order.

"Look, I'm just saying it's the weekend. We don't have to get this stuff done until Monday" explained Azure. He was an innocent enough looking boy, thin and lean with slightly innocent features and a reckless optimism to match.

"Sooooo lets go exploring around, meet some girls! Worry about this crap tomorrow, y'know?" Azure reasoned with his best friend. Azure was a young boy of sixteen, with long, deep blue hair - the top of which was unkempt in smooth spikes that were brushed back save the messy bangs up front, the rest of his hair tied back in a long ponytail coming from the base of his neck that rested against his back. His big purple eyes were hopeful for the greater things they could achieve at this school, which to him... Meant huntresses.

The boy on the short side (though not as much as his friend) who wore more traditional styled tunics of blues and golds, had seen plenty of beautiful, tight... Well trained huntresses around campus in the short time they were there already, and Azure was more than ready to do some exploring.

That was until the treasure he would want to explore for landed right in front of them in the form of a busty blonde who approached and planted her foot standing right in their path. Her hair was thick and wavy, her light purple eyes experienced yet inviting.

"W-well hello there~" Azure spoke smoothly after his initial shock at the sight of this bombshell.
Silver listened to his friend go on and on. For a bit about something during the weekend. Sighing, he runs his fingers through his spiky platinum silver hair. "Jeesh Azure, its girls this... girls that with you huh?~" He wore a black tank top, paired with beige cargo shorts that went down and flared around his knees. His shoes were black with white soles. Also having white laces. His waist adorned with a belt, with two holsters and the butts of two revolvers sticking out. Attached to the belt were a pair of suspenders he could unhook and let drag behind him if for any style reason he needed too. He stood about 5'5 short for a boy his age. When the figure with bouncy golden hair approached them. He stood up straight, in respect that she was his senior here. The boy made a somewhat habit formed salute.


The blonde giggled as the short boy made a salute like a good little soldier boy.

"Awww how precious, you must be the new kids I heard about." She said in a chipper tone.

Flashing her radiant and toothy smile at the boys, as if she were letting them see she had teeth for whatever reason, like a good carnivore should. Then, she begins to look towards Azure and Silver more specifically. Sauntering close, her boobs bouncing unashamedly. "Now then, who might you two be." The two with them completely getting ignored as if they didn't matter. Silver got a little flushed seeing her bouncing so much, making it hard to know where to look.

"I... I am Silver Belsh, born and raised in Vacuo, transfered to Beacon as of today." He held the salute, but Yang reached out and made him put it down. "Alright kiddo relax..." Then her lavender eyes look to Azure. "And you?" She asked wanting to get a name to call her first two victims of the new batch of fresh boys.
"C'mon man how could you not want one single one of these-... Uh?" Azure was cut off as he retorted to Silver by their running into the girl, before Azure greeted her.

Azure watched with a bit of a nervous look as Silver went and saluted like that, geez... What a way to get this hot chick to think they were a couple of losers. Still, she seemed to take it well, merely telling him to calm down as she seemed not completely put off by his friend's awkwardness.

Noticing that confident, toothy grin, Azure's deeper purple eyes drifted quickly to the chest in that tight top of hers. Unlike Silver, he had no shame in ogling that massive bust as it bounced within it's confines. When she finally got to him, he almost didn't register her bright, bouncing voice addressing him but once he did the boy chuckled and rubbed the back of his head.

"H-hey!... I'm.. Ahem name's Azure, you?" Azure answered as cooly as he possibly could. Though even as he looked back up at the mysterious blonde, his eyes trailed back down over that incredible body of hers.

"How... Might we be able to help you?" He asked with a sly grin, no stranger to talking to girls - or more accurate flirting with them, as unsuccessful as he often was.

Azure stood slightly taller than his friend and wore a blue, tight kimono top - though one that lacked sleeves, that folded over his lean torso, trimmed in gold with a basic piece of armor at the back and a small piece at his chest. He had thin black arm warmers over his forearms and his legs were covered by billowing hakama pants that bagged out around the knee where they were stuffed into dark grey grieves with gold decoration, covering or perhaps even attached to black boots that matched his arm warmers. He stood casually and definitely not as uptightly as his friend, but he clearly was no ladies man himself - not a successful one anyway, as much as it was his goal.
Yang lightly pats Azure on the head. "Yes yes, arn't you an eager little ball of fresh meat." She stands up and clears her throat. Her breasts bouncing in that barely constraining top. The blonde girl was looking at the boys before her, as if they were sheep before the wolf. Licking her plush lips, she puts her hands to her hips. "Okay, Azure, and Silver. You follow me I will show you around Beacon, and then, help you two get comfortable in your new life here at Beacon." She said hands on her shapely hips. Her brown shorts hugging her toned backside and legs as she clears her throat.

The young woman saw not men before her, but meat to chew on and spit out when she got bored. She'd fucked many cute boys in her time here, none had been very good, nor could they hope to get the top spot with her. Specially not these two. While she was sunshine and rainbows on the outside, she looked at the boys and saw nothing more then new food to try.

"Where are my manners, I am Yang Xiao Long, I am a member of Team Rwby and a Huntress in training." She said as she turns, and begins to walk. Not giving pause to let them know to follow or not. However that sexy little saunter in her steps. Well it worked on countless boys before. It would work today.

Silver nudged Azure in the ribs with an elbow. "Well, you wanted girls, best not keep her waiting ehy ol chap." He flashed a geeky little smile, before sauntering behind her.
Azure grinned eagerly as Yang had pat him on the head, he didn't care if he was treated like meat, a mere meal to be done with when she felt like it, he wanted a piece of that and he didn't care about any attachments or more accurately lack there of. Not that he knew of her intentions, but if this blonde were looking to use up the new kids like a toy or a piece of meat, Azure would already more than welcome it.

The girl gave her name and sauntered away, Azure's eyes were almost too fixated on that swaying, pert backside to follow until Silver nudged him. "You're damn right!" Azure answered him, hurriedly catching up to Yang and walking behind her so that he could keep watching that dangerously perfect ass of hers in those shorts.

"Yeah, we'd love to be shown around" Azure answered when he finally caught up to who was secretly, to them, the school slut, "and who doesn't like to... Get comfortable, right?" He grinned, being subtle with his innuendos for now as they followed along with her to wherever she showed them about, Azure undressing this Yang with his eyes as he followed throughout the whole tour.
Silver face palmed, his friend was so damned cringe with his lines. "Sorry about him, he doesn't know how to not drool when he sees a woman." The young man saving face for himself, and throws his friend metaphorically under the bridge as the woman wanders forward. The silver haired young man follows in his friends footsteps. Who in turn was following the slow and sauntering foot steps of the blonde haired girl. Who rolled her eyes at the boys horrid attempt at flirting.

"Yes I can see he is quite eager, but I should warn him, not all the girls will take kindly to a man just going goo goo at her... I know two atleast who'd look at him and be done with him just that quickly." She referred to Weiss and Blake, who were known to be quite a bit strict or showed no real interest in the opposite sex, actually, her sister didn't seem interested either. Unless the boy had an awesome weapon. To which case she'd be more likely to make love to the boys weapon rather then him.

"So let's see this here is~~~~." As the tour went on she was showing them the various places, classrooms, bathrooms, mess hall, training halls. Courtyards, and various other facilities provided by Beacon. The tour ended up ending right around near the dorms. It didn't seem like Azure was paying any attention. So the girl turned and looked him right in the eyes. "Can I help you with anything?" She licks her lips, this boy was so easy, she didn't even need to put any moves on him. Yang just had to walk around and wiggle her hips naturally, and boom, the little sheep of a boy was all for her.

"Or are you gonna stand there with your tongue Yanging out?" She said with a pun, if there was a rimshot sound effect nearby that would have been the time to play it. Then Silver just looked at Azure, and gives him a nudge forward. "Yeah you can have him, I think he's the only one crazy enough here to have at you."
"Hey" Azure shoved Silver lightly, the comfortable friendship between the two obvious as Azure only moved on with a grin, not really being mad at Silver for throwing him under the bus like that nor did he expect Silver to react to the shove. "Duly noted" chuckled Azure in answer to the blonde as he too tried to save face with Yang in his own way, showing he wasn't a brainless idiot about it - he could take suggestion, he just knew exactly what he wanted and wasn't afraid of admitting it.

He did take some note of the useful information but Yang was right, all she had to do was wiggle that ass, shake those tits, and a boy like Azure was putty in her hands. When she turned to him, asking if she could help him with anything with such a sultry look, that tongue of hers skillfully and lightly grazing over her own lips as she gave a pun, clearly egging him on, Azure couldn't help himself, he was going after her.

Silver seemed to help unknowingly as he shoved Azure forward, clearly chickening out, which gave Azure material. "Heh.. Well I wouldn't mind... Having at you" he said with a wink, now clearly insinuating he wanted her finally. It wasn't that he was shy to say it, Azure definitely wasn't afraid to be blunt, but he was at least tactful and waited until he had a way to say it. He was pretty much almost as shameless as Yang herself! And now, it seemed like he would get to have her all to himself if Silver was indeed backing out.
Yang looked as the boy named Azure was pushed towards him. While she was focused on him. Silver clears his throat. "Well, I think I need to go for a long bathroom break it seems, you two continue the tour..." Silver would make a finger motion as he backs away, not chickening out at all. Just knowing this woman looked like she was a bit more then he was wise to handle. "Send me the room number for our dorm on my scroll..." Silver whispers to Azure, before ducking out. Moving in a random direction, just to escape and be on his own little wander.

Yang watched the boys friend up and leave him to her. A glance shoots towards Azure, before she drags him up into the dorm room that would be for Azure and Silver. Room 207, a number to remember. Yang takes the boy and smirks. She was strong, easily moving the boy inside by the collar of his shirt and throws him onto the bed, then dusts off her hands.

"Alright, now that the boring part is over." Shame she let one of them get away, but it wasn't like she was in any rush. The other one would be hers to enjoy eventually. Yang began to remove her short jacket, and strip till she was in just her tight fitting yellow undershirt, and brown boyshorts. "You wanted a piece of me hmm, my my, your a brave little sheep, I've got to say, you don't look anything special, so I doubt your gonna last very long, with me Yanging you for a good half hour." She said as she slips free of her yellow shirt, it lifted up and over her head, being tossed. Towards the floor, she points to the bed. "On the bed, and keep those scrawny legs spread... oh, and take those pants off underwear and all..." She spoke, taking a tone like a mistress would to her little slave boy.


Meanwhile Silver had moved away from the dangerous sexual monster that was Yang. Wandering the grounds, classes were all out now, and students were having their free periods. Leaving many of them moving through the halls, chatting with friends, catching up with the latest news. Silver drifts his steel blue eyes around. Standing right on the path leading out from the Library. When he looked over seeing a shadow approach, and what looked like a tower of books. Being carried by someone. Who likely couldn't see where they were going.
'That's right... Get outta here Silver so I can have this to myself' was the thought crossing Azure's mind as he could hear his friend scramble for an excuse before running off. Now the two were alone for but a moment before his collar was firmly grabbed and Yang, with rather impressive strength, dragged Azure along up to the dorms until they found their room. Yang flung open the door and yanked Azure into his own room.

"Oohf!" Azure grunted out, grinning madly as he was thrown onto the bed, Yang dusting off her hands. "D-damn right I do" Azure beamed with determination, stuttering only for a second to catch up to himself as he registered what was going on. His heart raced as he watched her strip her short jacket, simply in short that showed off her long legs and a yellow undershirt that she quickly cast off to expose her bra, only a thin article keeping him from seeing that glorious chest.

"Heh... We'll see" Azure challenged, taking a silent gulp at the immense pressure he could feel simply in the air of this woman. It felt like an inexperienced warrior facing the greatest fighter in the world... And it was exhilarating.

"Right" he said, quickly pulling off the small pieces of armor he wore, opening the front of his kimono top, slipping it off his shoulders to reveal his tight, toned body. He was lean but that didn't mean he didn't look like a Huntsman, with training to back up his presence here that showed in the muscle tone of his frame. Just as swiftly the boy undid his obi as he kicked off his knee high armored boots, before pulling down his hakama and underwear in one swoop.

Azure had to admit, he loved the challenge, he loved how she talked to him, and the way she made puns had his youthful cock standing at attention. He was young, but impressive for his age, a rather decent eight inches of length to boast stood strong under a pubis covered lightly in neatly trimmed hair that matched the same blue hue on his head. Underneath, his balls were swollen and tense, just the kind of buildup one might expect from a little pervert who's mind was always on dirtier subjects.


Blake had been at the library and was just leaving, Yang's conquests put from her mind for the moment she was content on checking out a new pile of books and get started on them right away. Of course there were too many to pick from to just pick out a couple, and so it left her with a tower of books obstructing view of her as she exited the library.

The downside to this was that she was not able to see the young male crossing her path, and so without thinking, her head elsewhere, Blake bumped right into Silver, sending her books flying everywhere as she tripped over. It was to be an accident of epic proportions...

That was until the dark haired girl suddenly flipped into her momentum, landing graciously on her feet as with rapid motions she snatched every book out of the air, catching them with cat-like reflexes. "Sorry about that" she said dryly as she turned to start walking away until one book that she missed came flying down and struck Silver heavily right on the head, leaving Blake with a uniquely dumbfounded expression, blank eyes and mouth glaring right at him as she realized her silly mistake.

"I'm so sorry" The solemn voice of the black haired girl in a black bow dryly called to him as she helped him, "you okay?" asked her soft, almost raspingly dry voice.
"Eight inches, nice cowboy..." She smirks and bends at the waist and begins to pull down her shorts, turning so the boy could watch her shimmying her hips. Back and fourth, thighs and ass fat jiggling nicely. Then she moved to straddle herself along the boys body. "Mmmm your a little scrawny pretty boy..." She said digging a finger into his exposed belly button. Then winks, taking the boys dick between her plump lips, and makes sure to bite down it, letting her teeth drag along the foreskin. Winking up at the boy, she begins undulating her throat down around his shaft. No gag limit, this girl could take all 8 inches in without breaking a sweat. Her throat hugging his shaft as she undulates her head back and fourth.

Yang's technique was going to make it hard for Azure not to flat out just cum right then and there. Her hair bouncing and her throat bulging as she takes him down in her mouth. Slurping, making some wet sounds. Eventually she lifts her head up, and moved a strand of hair behind her ear, a very sexy little motion, specially with her lavender eyes glossy with lust. "Mmmm tasty...." She said licking the shaft, aiming right along that exposed vein. Licking it slowly up, and then gives a wink, she knew just how to work a man up.


The sudden collision, Silver should have been better prepared for it. But no, when she bumped him, her tower of books shifted, and then fell up into the air. However, the one who had been carrying them, caught most the books before they hit the ground. All save one, which was a pretty hefty leather bound tome. When it thunked him in the head. He yips, and reached up to grab at the bump.

"Owww.... that is some heavy literature..." He looks noticing it wasn't a reading book, it was an Atlas, of Remnant, the thick book was a good item to use if you wanted to bludgeon someone to death. Thankfully, Silver could pride himself on a hard head. Picking the book up, he dusts it off, and as easy as she had dropped it, he hands it back. "I am fine, honest." Silver said, keeping a calm face, seeing she seemed to be worried she'd hurt him.
"Heh... Glad you like" Azure grinned, happy his size was enough for the girl he literally just met. His cock twitched as he watched her pull down her shorts, revealing her panties to him as she was now just left in a shirt and them, along with her shoes and gloves of course. Azure tensed up, trying not to get overexcited as he felt Yang lay across his legs, toying at his bellybutton which made him wince softly.

At her compliment he blushed softly, but the bashfulness was completely pushed aside by pure pleasure as she winked and took his throbbing length into her warm mouth. "Fuck!" Azure gripped the sheets beneath him, arching his hips lightly as he felt Yang's teeth gently scrape against his shaft - shit she was an expert at this.

As if that weren't enough, without so much as a complaint Yang completely swallowed all eight inches while winking up at the boy as if it was nothing. He watched her hair bounce about as her head bobbed furiously, throat bulging out. Honestly it took everything he had not to blow his load right there, but his desire to feel more kept him going as she worked that throat around him, the boy squirming as he tried not to cum, making it to the point she pulled back. Her hot tongue slid up his shaft, trailing along his vein as he twitched and throbbed against her face, it gave him a break and he was able to withstand, for now.

Azure wondered how many men were lesser, couldn't last through her first assault, or if he still had a long way to go to be up to the lowest standard. Either way, he wanted to use up this blonde bombshell all he could as much as she was using him, and he had to last, at least a little longer despite that she could easily get him to fire more than just one round, if only for his own pride.


"You sure?" Asked Blake.

Standing before him was a girl only taller than him by an inch, she had long black hair and deep, sharp, piercing amber eyes like those of a cat. Her skin was ever so lightly tanned, still fair but more peach colored than the more rosy tinted blonde who had dragged off Azure earlier. The girl wore a white top with no sleeves covered by a black vest that went over her waist, as well as white matching shorts that she wore over black leggings that faded into purple the lower they went before disappearing into short black boots. A black arm warmer covered her left arm and a thick black clothe was around her neck, finally, a black bow was placed atop her head.

"Here... I can show you to the infirmary" said the girl as she took back the offered book she had dropped on him, placing her now neat pile of books to the floor so that she could stand on her tip toes, leaning over him with feline grace as she looked over the bump she left. "I'm so sorry" she said solemnly, merely showing concern.
Yang smirked, he was lasting a while. Good sign to her, most boys didn't last this long. She pulls back, and kicks her shoes off, then pops open her little yellow bra. Her breasts bouncing free of their restraints. Then, a pull off of her gloves came, she tosses the discarded gloves to land on the boys face. From there she proceeded to peel off that bright yellow thong of hers revealing a pussy a juicy one with just the slightest trail of blonde fuzz right above it.

Then moves to straddle his hips, positioning his cock, aiming it for her entrance. Her folds were slick, and the pubic hair of hers slide along the shaft, letting him feel the course little patch of hair. Before she moves it just right. Plunging herself down on it, feeling the 8 inches slide right in, dropping her weight down on him like it was nothing. The girl makes a bit of a twitch of her brow, but she doesn't seem to get a huge kick out of his stick in her. She had after all taken some pretty large dicks before. Her walls gripped around him, the juicy channel flooding around him. Lubricating the experience, as she begins riding, moving her hips in circular motions, dangling her tits before the boys face. If he looked close, he may notice her nipples were in fact, inverted, they were slowly erecting. Before she took his hands as she pounds him. The hip motion of hers was fast. Yet, she moves his hands to cup them around her breasts. "Play with them, you silly boy..."


Silver watched her come closer to inspect the bump on his head. There was indeed a bump. "When I heard the term hitting the books, I never once thought the book would hit back." He made a little joke about his own pain. "First day here, and already had the book thrown at me." Another one slipped in.

Her graceful movements were interesting to watch, she had a feline likeness to her. Silver was kinda fond of cats, and her eyes he found rather nice. "Don't worry to much about it, I was the one in the way." He assured her. "Thankfully, my aura made sure the damage didn't do much more then that little bump there."
Azure watched in awe as her bra popped open, freeing those creamy, bouncy, big tits of Yang's with cute, tiny, inverted nipples. Her gloves came next, hitting him in the face as he watched before Yang's little yellow thong fell to the floor, revealing her sweet pussy to him along with the light detail of blonde fuzz on her pubis.

Yang straddled the boy and Azure gulped, watching as she ground his shaft against her slick pussy lips, letting him feel the coarse hair that was her pubes graze along it as well before she positioned herself just so. With a quick, unceremonious single clap of her hips hitting his, Yang took every inch of him into her tight, unprotected pussy. Azure noticed her brow twitch at the feeling, taking in every little detail of her.

It took everything he had not to bust as soon as he felt her tight walls gripping his quivering cock, but suddenly Yang began riding him fast and hard. He was stunned but she grabbed his hands and made him grab her chest, snapping the boy back into it so he could hold back a little longer. "Y-Yang... Fuck..." Azure moaned out as she rode his cock, his hands kneading her large breasts that fit perfectly in his hands before he leaned up and placed his mouth over one of her little budding nipples, sucking on it roughly as his hips started to buck lightly.


Blake chuckled softly at his little word play, backing up when he seemed to be fine. The feline-esque girl rolled her eyes with a smirk at his next pun, reminding her of someone she knew.

"I'm glad" she answered when Silver explained he was fine. She also noticed he mentioned it was his first day here, "you're new?" Blake asked softly, she didn't rightly know he was one of the two new kids Yang was talking about but he was new, Yang going after him sometime was inevitable. "This... Might be weird but did you meet a blonde girl, kinda... Outgoing?" She put it nicely.
"You mean the girl who seems like she feasts on the blood of virgins, and takes any desperate sorry sap to bed with her? Sure met her, but I know when I see a woman I know I am not prepared to I took the chance I had to slip away while she took a poor sod. I am sure his pelvis is going to hate him when the two are done." Silver said with a slight bit of sarcasm, but the dripping venom in his words kinda hinted he meant what he said.

"Regardless, I am fine, however you look like you could use some help." He said picking up half the stack of books she put down. "Tell you what, I will help you with this, that way no more heads risk being the casualty of a book to the head." The young man offering to help her. It was likely something the black haired girl was used to. "And I won't take no for an answer, oh right... forgot to tell you my name, I am Silver Belsh, new to this beautiful school of Beacon." He said holding half the stack in his arms.


Yang turned up the heat, and began smashing down onto Azure's cock. Hammering it, gyrating her hips. Squeezing him real tight too, had she been serious, she could have ripped it off with her pussy with the grip strength she had. "Mmmm come on, you are gonna have to do more then lay there and take it." Her arms raised up, her smooth hairless armpits on display as her hands curled through her hair, as she began riding him like a professional cow girl. Her hips clapping down each and every time she moved her weight up.

The process grew rougher as she continued. "Come on then lazy butt, play with my nipples or something, I feel nothing so far..." She was riding him, and with the experience she had, just laying back like he was, definetly wasn't getting him any brownie points.
Blake listened to Silver's minor rant of an answer, eyes blank as she heard out his story. That was impossible, a guy who refused Yang? It was at least intriguing. And he offered to help as well, how sweet. Blake watched as the young man picked up about half of her load and she nodded with a soft smile.

As he went on, refusing to take no for an answer, Blake rolled her eyes with a soft smirk, 'okay Casanova' she thought to herself as she picked up her half and carried them along with him.

"Nice to meet you" she said politely, "Blake" she gave her name in return.


"Mmngh!" Azure groaned out against her breast, sucking roughly on her nipple forcing it to perk up as he licked around it, groping her tits. Her hips crashed down, the grip her pussy had threatening to never let him out again!

As she called him lazy, Azure started bucking his hips. Dangerous move, the boy bit her nipple as he grit his teeth lightly, straining to hold back as he humped into her finally, roughly playing with her tits.
Silver looks to Blake offering a warm smile. Seeing she had allowed him the chance to go with her. As they walk through the halls. There was a situation going down. As they pass a corner. A Faunus girl was openly being bullied in the hallway. Two bigger human boys, likely older then him. Stood there picking on the poor Faunus girl with long rabbit ears. The site was unlikable and it made Silver look at the scene with a bit of an obvious sign of distaste. However he couldn't just rush out there and expose himself and causing an issue.

The silver haired boy turns noticing Blake looking upon the scene her expressionless eyes, suddenly filled with termoil at the sight. Calmly Silver shook his head. Then sat the books he was carrying at his feet. Walking right on up to one of the bigger guys. Mind you Silver was not tall at all, so the scene was very much like David vs Goliath from anyone's perspective Silver tapped the bigger guy on the shoulder who was tugging on the Rabbit Faunus girls ears. "You should let her go, it is nice to bully girls fellas." Silver said this and the Rabbit girl saw the human boy and looked awfully thankful.

Then the two much larger boys let the Rabbit go finding new prey. They look down at the new boy, and laugh. "Ohy look at this short stack... how tall are you?" One of the boy targets Silver's height, now Silver didn't have any complex over his height he knew he wasn't tall. Which often worked in his favor. As he smirks. Then looks up at the bully. "I assure you my good sir size means nothing if all it means is you target those smaller then you...I ask you now? How tall are you?" He watched the Rabbit girl sneak away from the scene to watch with Blake. The comment Silver made seemed to tug a nerve on the bully as he gets agitated and throws the first punch. Course being smaller meant he was lower to the ground.

Thus he ducked under the incoming fist then with his own sends a hard right hook into the bullies junk. The bigger boys eyes nearly fall out of his head how big his eyes got. Then drops to his knees grabbing his junk. "Owwww my dick!" He called out. As his buddy just looked at his friend seeing him crumple. Suddenly the sound of heels clicking can be heard as a certain woman was alerted to the situation. And thus the bullies made way, and picked the other up. "You got lucky short stack..." The bully with the wounded pride spouts as he makes to vacate the scene before Glynda got to him.


As Yang was riding Azure a glint of fascination hit her as Azure began picking the pace up. She smirks and starts to glow red a little. "Careful, I am pretty sensitive." She teased. As she begins hammering her weight down upon Azure's dick. Her insides growing hot and tight. There is a nice Schlick sound coming from her pussy as the boy gets right to work. Her speed picking up.
As the bully threw his punch at Silver, though he ducked it, suddenly Blake - or what seemed to be Blake as she was still standing over by the rabbit Faunus - caught the fist before disappearing, giving Silver the perfect chance. It was a clone of Blake, her Semblance, or the application of Aura into a power that was hers and hers alone. Everyone had a Semblance and hers was a shadow clone that reacted to Blake's thoughts (whereas otherwise they were mindless, basically movable statues) that could take a solid hit before disappearing.

The two teamed up and Blake's block gave Silver the perfect chance to nail the guy right in his crotch. He crumpled over and they all ran as the sound of clacking heels got closer.


Azure blushed as Yang teased that she was sensitive, he couldn't help but pick up the pace. He groped and kneaded the blonde's big tits roughly, bucking his hips harder into her as her weight slammed down into his lap rapidly with every thrust she impaled herself down on him. "Mmngh!" Azure grunted against her tits as her eyes started to glow red, the intense feeling of her hot insides gripping him tighter than anyone should be able to. Azure didn't know Yang's reputation as the school slut but if he did, he would understand now why her pussy was the stuff of legends.
Yang was glowing red, as the boy was managing to keep up with her. The queen of sex in this school. Her blond hair now getting all sorts of bouncy. Glew with hot red lines. Then she smiles, licking her lips. Hammering her hips down. Arms up above her head she began doing rapid squats down on Azure's dick. Rolling her hips like a snake, twisting side to side to shake up the pressure on Azure's dick. "Mmmm your dicks pretty good; think you lasted quite a while longer then most of the veterans around here."

Yang was however not one to back down. She puts her hands on his chest. Looking to Asure's nipples and smirks. Leaning in her face to his chest. Taking one of his nipples and lightly biting down. Then licks the areola. The woman knew how to use both pusstband mouth she clearly had skill. Her fleshy ass still going up and down. Soon squelching wet sounds could be heard. She nips hard down on Azure's nipple. Moaning as her hips crash and raise harder. She was getting close. "Almost... there if I cum before you, I might just tip you off to girls who are way more crazy then me."


Silver felt his hand being taken and tugged. The sound of heels still on the tile floor. Curious why everyone was fleeing at this point. "Is something wrong!" Silver asked curious whose heels could scare everyone. Looking at Blake and then the bunny girl who he saved. "Are you alright by the way?"
Yang was insane, her pussy really was worth a legend, the way she glowed with power as she slammed down so thickly against his hips with her tight flesh ass bouncing on the boy. "Fuck!" He groaned against her chest as he squeezed her tits roughly and held on for dear life. When she complimented his lasting long his cock twitched with confidence. No way, no way he lasted longer than the so called veterans, was he really that good? He strained to hold out but it felt like he was barely able to.

Still apparently he did well and so Azure wanted to continue to do so. He bucked hips hips hard against the impossibly powerful hips that crashed him right back down to the mattress with each ride of her curvy hips. "N-no way... More crazy?" Azure moaned before he arched his back at the feeling of Yang playing with his nipple. As she bent down his hands went to her perfect ass, squeezing as he pulled against her to crash his hips into hers over and over, her power slamming into him each time. He had to last, he had to have Yang's help with this, that and he wanted to satisfy her too of course. The sounds became wetter and Yang so casually grunted that she was almost there. It was so hot the sounds she made but Azure had to hold on, his cock quivered with need as he held on for dear life trying not to cum until she did.


Suddenly Silver's hand was grabbed by a tall, poised woman as she began guiding him down the halls. She was blonde with her hair done up in a uniquely braided style, she wore thin glasses and a white blouse with a rather tattered purple cape. "You're coming with me young man" she spoke in a stern voice but not harshly, it didn't sound as if Silver was in trouble but her tone was simply incredibly professional.
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