Pokémon Shenanigans [LR-Studios and Daxxel]


Nov 29, 2015
United States of America
Criminals are the most well loved individuals in Pokémon universe, often causing so much havoc for humans and Pokémon alike. Most of the time they are easily caught because of their stupidity or just ties with criminal organizations, some criminals hard to catch due to some being cunning and smart. However, these criminal duos are something else, a male trainer and his female Weavile appear unexpectingly, commit the crime in question, then suddenly disappearing after they completed their task.
Cayden walked into the sleepy town and looked around, "So weavile what are we here for again?" he asked the small dark type standing next to him, "Can't be much in this wee hamlet for us" he added with a frown. Cayden didn't know exactly where their orders came from, but whoever it was paid well and that was Cayden cared for, well money and his weavile.
"We're here to steal some ancient relics that are displayed here," the female Weavile, "These things are very rare and hard to find. These things are worth a fortune if we decided to sell them." The Weavile begins to smirk, just of the idea of stealing relics and earn money just by selling it.
"Alright then, maneuver arctic wind" Cayden said as he walked towards the museum of the town. "You know what to do" he said to the weavile as he walked into the building and began looing around like any other patron. As he walked through the exhibits, Cayden noted any security around, guards, cameras, any other systems.
The Weavile begins to stealthily sneak through the exhibits, not making a sound to attract the guards, she sometimes hide in well hidden areas, making it difficult for the guards to find her. They are having to be careful when stealing some of the relics, cause some are displayed in cases which have sensors that can set off an alarm.
Slipping a hand into his pocket, Cayden grabbed a small transmitter, "Now Weavile, Icy Wind," he said into the device and quickly ducked behind a display case.
The female Weavile begins to use Icy Windy, freezing the alarm triggering sensors, rendering them inoperable and useless. With the guards not around, this is where to duo can begin stealing the relics.
Cayden pulled out his pouch of tools and got to work as fast as possible. Using a glass cutter he made a hole in the case and began pulling out the relics he needed. When he was finished with one case he moved on to the next and the next until he had all the relics on his portion of the list, plus a few shiny trinkets that looked to be worth a pretty penny.
The female Weavile is carrying one of the last relics in the exhibit, they make sure they got what they wanted before the female Weavile pulls out smoke ball out of her pocket.
Under the cover of the smoke ball, Cayden slipped out of the museum and to the rendezvous. Cayden went through the stash and looked over the trinkets he took for himself. "We might make some good coin on this. What do you think weavile?" he asked tossing her a jewel encrusted necklace.
"Yeah, we'll probably make some easy cash just by selling this," the female Weavile said, holding the in her hand, before wearing it around her neck, "we are some good at outsmarting them so easily."
Suddenly there was a howl and the shouts of people rushing through the woods. "Crap it's officer Jenny" Cayden said jumping to his feet. He barely had time to grab his bag when a Growlith charged through the trees, "weavile Night Slash" he shouted.
And she did, the female Weavile uses Night Slash and hits the Glowlith, delivering a critical hit. The Growlith was no match for the Weavile. "Looks like they're after us," the female Weavile exclaimed, "let's get out of here before they find us."
"After you," Cayden said with a grin as he shouldered the bag of pilfered relics. Running through the woods , Cayden dropped a bag of sticky goop. The bag exploded spraying the goop all over the woods, anything stepping in it would get stuck immediately.
The duo continue running with through woods until they have vanished into the darkness, leaving those who are after them; unable to keep up with them.

When daylight came the next day, when the duo manage to escape from being caught, they look over the stolen relics they can sell.
Cayden slump to the ground and began to strip off his shirt and wipe the sweat from his brow with it, "they are getting better you know, like it or not, they are getting better" he said panting as he leaned back against a tree trying to catch his breath stretching out a leg and closing his eyes.
"Just be lucky that we haven't got caught," the Weavile said, but she was trying to understand something, "I just don't know why did they manage to find us, we were so good of being hidden, now we seem to be not so hidden."
Cayden shrugged, "maybe someone tipped them off or they are just getting better at their jobs, heaven knows they couldn't get worse" Cayden stretched his sore muscles and massaged his arms and chest, "god its hot," he said resting his hands in his lap.
"Well, this is making our job slowly becoming more difficult, and we can be easily be caught." Now she was frustrated, but she didn't want to get too frustrated about it; at least they got something what they wanted.
"We'll just have to be more careful next time" Cayden said closing his eyes, "we better get some sleep before we head to the fencer, we're going ot need to be on our toes from here on out"
"Yeah, all that running has tired us out, but we can't sleep out here through," the female Weavile said, "If someone finds us out here, that could be our biggest mistake. Also, I can't sleep out here in the heat, this weather is not good for an Ice type like me!"
"Alright, let's get back to the hideout" Cayden said a little grumpy as he got to his feet and started walking
The female Weavile follow behind Cayden, while carrying the bag of stolen relics to their hideout. She was feeling grumpy too, probably because of the heat and lack of sleep.
Once at the hide out, Cayden turned on the A/C to cool the air, not just for himself but also for his weavile. "I'm off to bed, you should too it has been a long night." he said with a grin to his best pokemon.
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