In the mood for something cute & lesbian ( 2Fs x 2Fs)

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Mar 29, 2017
South UK
A big hello to you all!

Got a major craving for this plot right now. Anyone who is interested get in touch!

I decided that it was time for a change of top on my request thread! Right now I’m looking for an RP in which we both two female characters each - so four in total.

Right now, it’s something quite light in terms of mood that I’m looking for. Something easy going, without too much drama or in the way of dom/sub. That doesn't mean to say there won't be plenty of room for interesting sec scenes

The plot idea

The plot that I have in mind is that a group of young teens (aged 15-16) are having a sleepover for one of their birthdays, something they’ve got permission for since it’s the weekend, and her parents are out of town for a couple of days. This is nothing new, they’ve had plenty of sleepovers before. However, the birthday girl who has just turned sixteen decided to make an announcement at school. She’s decided to announce that she is gay, taking nearly everybody by surprise.

Her three friends who are coming over to spend the night are all supportive of her, but they don’t really understand. During the day, they didn’t really get much chance to talk to her about it either giving the complete lack of privacy. So naturally a lot of their conversation in the evening will be on this topic. Possibly helped along by a small amount of alcohol (not essential).

How I see it going

In case you haven’t guessed, I wanted the conversation, and perhaps a few games like truth or dare, to make a couple of the supposedly straight girls curious enough to experiment a little with their lesbian friend, as well as with each other. It would be slow to build up, perhaps starting more as a good natured joke and then perhaps slowly progressing into something a little more intimate as the straight girls realises they might be able to have a bit of fun with this.

My preferences:

I’m only going to use thread or PM for this, and would slightly prefer threads. Also, I want someone who has a good grasp of English, so that means writing with good grammar and spelling.
I’ve not doing very much roleplaying as such, but I think two or more paragraphs per reply sounds good.
As I mentioned in the post here, this is a RP in which I want both of us to play more than one character each.
RE: Karry's first thread! (one idea, for MxF or FxF)

giving this one a bump, will likely change the thread over the weekend!
RE: In the mood for something cutesey, innocent, and sapphic (FxF)

A bump with a whole new idea!
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