Specific interracial plot inside (MxF)

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Jun 4, 2010
So I'm really craving a specific plot at the moment and was wondering if anyone out there might be willing to play along side me in it?

It would involve sex scenes brought on by aggression. I like scenarios in which a character's anger is what pushes them over the edge and causes their sex drive to ultimately peak. Just something about a man whose unable to control himself and takes what he wants forcefully, without hesitation or asking permission, appeals to me.

Normally I stick to threads, however since I'm after a more relaxed and quick RP, I'm willing to do this over PMs instead if you want to. (But I won't role-play off site) Even though this role-play may begin as short term, I would be more than happy to stretch it into a long term role-play if we're enjoying ourselves and you'd like to keep it going.

Also just because we're in the short term RP section, lets not drop the literacy level. Please be able to string together decent and coherent sentences. A basic grasp of grammar, spelling and how to use punctuation would be nice. No one is perfect and I'm understanding of that. However if you never us speech marks, capital letters and I can barely understand what you're writing, we're going to have a problem.

My turn ons and turn offs are at the bottom of this page, please make sure that you read them. I've provided a picture of what I'd like your male to look like. YOU DON'T HAVE TO make your character look like the picture, however I would really love it if you did. In return I would of course make my female look any way that you wish.

So the plot is as follows (Yellow indicates my role):

Ethnic Minority x Racist


A man who was raised and encouraged by his family to believe that all races other than white were inferior and disgusting, has spent his entire life with this warped view of the world. Until one day his local cafe hires an ethnic minority woman. (Her ethnicity can be completely up to you if you'd like, I have no preference.) He finds himself oddly drawn to her, continually glancing her way and being distracted by her presence. It isn't long before he realizes that he finds her attractive and she feels the same way back. It is a situation that confuses and frustrates him. His rigid views about other races have never wavered before and this unexpected attraction makes him feel ashamed. Attempting to hide his true urges, he treats the woman as he would any other ethnic minority, with coldness and disdain. One day at closing time, the woman is left alone to lock up. He enters to grab one last quick coffee and even though he is the only customer, continues with the facade; speaking rudely and harshly to her. Unable to take his attitude anymore, she decides to confront him and an argument quickly ensues. Tempers rise as they begin practically screaming at each other and like a wild animal, the man pounces, showing her exactly what he's been wanting to do to her since she arrived.

Turn ons
Physical forcefulness (being push up against a wall, thrown onto a bed, roughly bent over, grabbed forcibly, slammed or pinned up against things etc)
Clothes being ripped off
Rough sex
Hair pulling
Male's expressing their pleasure (nothing more boring than a guy just going through the motions and thrusting in and out. Groan, moan, grunt, growl or AT LEAST have your character mentally acknowledge that they're aroused and enjoying the sex.)
Biting and nails being dug in (no drawing blood though)
Vaginal sex
Oral sex
Nipple play
Building up of sexual tension

Turn offs
Other role-players controlling my character (As in writing from her perspective and telling me what she's doing, seeing, thinking or saying.)
Anal sex
Unrealistic body proportions (Twelve inch dicks and triple G breasts are just ridiculous)
Insults (My character being called things like whore, bitch and slut is not sexy to me)
Too much dirty talk (I don't mind a little, but if your character basically wants to have an entire conversation during sex, I'm going to lose interest)
Underage sex
Virgin sex
Yuri or Yaoi or Futa
Anything that belongs in the toilet
Foot fetishes
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