A miscellaneous offer of dark and smutty RPs (F for M)

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May 15, 2016
Hiya people!

I’d be looking for some RP to complete the ones i’m currently doing so here are my (mostly smutty) ideas, writing preferences and all that stuff XD

About the writing
Detailed, literate, with proper grammar, spelling and punctuation. It doesn’t need to be 100% perfect all the time, but poor writing just turns me off completely.

I write in 3rd person perspective only

I RP in PMs or through emails

For the length, I can do and expect in return anything from 1 paragraph to a full word page depending on the RP itself and my inspiration, though the average tends to be in the 1-3 paragraphs range. In all cases, i need your post to give me some substance to reply and react to, and i will provide the same.

I will warn you in advance, i can sometimes get busy with life and take a long time to reply, so do not hesitate to message me if i haven’t replied in a while and/or if you are getting impatient. I will totally not resent you for that, and will in fact gladly welcome the reminder, and you won’t be thinking that i’ve abandoned the RP when i haven’t.

I play females opposite (dominant) males, and am generally looking for a rather equilibrated relationship (in terms of power/control), in one way or another. I will not play opposite other female characters or futas. I will not play opposite submissive male characters (unless they turn dominant as the RP goes on).

About fandoms: I prefer playing OCs or AUs for the freedom of it (and the potential for what-ifs and pure imagination), and you will have to be very convincing if you want me to play canon characters. But if you want to play a canon character yourself you are free to.

About harems: I generally prefer male harems to female ones, though i can write female ones if necessary.

About my kinks and limits
I like :
- vaginal, anal and oral sex
- Rough sex, superficial biting and clawing, hair pulling, fighting for dominance
- light bondage
- Tattoos, (erotic) piercings, (erotic) jewelry, sexy clothes, sex toys
- Large breasts, large cocks, exotic cocks, multiple cocks on one male, tentacles
- Multiple penetration (multiple holes and/or potentially multiple cocks/objects/tentacles in each hole)
- Monsters, demons, anthros, aliens, fantasy races
- Loads of cum, mild cum inflation
- Potential mild size play
- We can discuss lactation/breeding/oviposition if you’re into that

I don’t do :
- Scat and dirty stuff
- vore
- extreme gore and death
- humiliation
- full on BDSM dominance with pain and punishment and complete submission of one of the parties involved
- Futas, cuntboys and the like

About the characters
I don't mind whether your character(s) is (are) warm and kind or cold and powerful, good or evil, assured or tortured, or anything else as long as he is (they are) well written, and that he (they) care for my character(s), one way or another. It can be deep romantic love, sweet or tragic, or a violent and angry attraction, full of passion and mixed feelings, or a more sick and twisted obsession, psychological and unsettling.

My own characters can be vicious and merciless, sinful and dangerous, jaded and depressed, loving and affectionate, apathetic and intelligent, childish and innocent, ethereal and graceful, kinky and slutty, regal and demanding, crazy and deranged, the sky is the limit! XD

And when i say that I play females opposite dominant males, to make sure there is no misunderstanding, i don’t mean dominant as in BDSM. I just mean that i don’t want guys asking me to dominate them or innocent weaklings without an ounce willpower.

And reciprocally i do not generally enjoy playing weak obedient submissive dolls. My characters, even the sweetest and most innocent ones, have a mind of their own, and they will get upset and dissatisfied if they are treated badly, while the most violent or independent ones will openly challenge your characters for dominance, fight (dirty) if necessary, and will need to win from time to time, so you’re warned. XD

I am open to any kind of characters and settings, ancient, modern or futuristic, with a preference for fantasy, science fiction and other mythical or magical subjects and the types of characters that come with these settings.
Random examples of character types:
- demons, angels and other deities, invented or from existing religions
- mages, witches, warlocks, necromancers and other magic users
- Elves and any other races belonging to the usual high fantasy setting (Warcraft, LoTR, ...)
- Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, berserkers, nymphs, and the usual mythical humanoids
- anthros and furries, humanoid dragons, minotaurs, naga, gorgons/medusas, sirens, lamias, and other humanoid yet animalistic creatures
- Cyborgs, aliens, slimes, golems, hybrids, mutants, and other artificially created or modified creatures/beings, be it in a biological or a mechanical way
- Chimeras and other beasts, humanized or not depending on the RP itself

For the (pseudo or not) realist lovers:
I dig humans too, thought the plot will have to be insanely fascinating to catch my attention. Translation: no slice of life or boring everyday stuff here. It can be dangerous science experiments, eccentric billionaires, or a setting that just completely goes awol into a zombie apocalypse, an alien invasion, an atomic fallout or a fight for survival on a deserted island, i need some kind of spice to get me interested.

Ready made characters I have if one interests you in particular

Helena Faust
A seven centuries old devastatingly dangerous and insane blonde with acid green eyes, she is as attractive as she is deadly and unhinged. I usually play her as a vampire or as a demon summoner (a mage using souls as fuel to use the magic of the demons she has made contracts with)
Points of interest:
- Has an unstable personality oscillating between playful, depressive, childish, romantic, homicidal, …
- Has a pretty wicked set of metallic articulated claws around the thumb, index and middle finger of her right hand
- Has a pretty dark backstory explaining her unstable mind and obsessive interest in deadly stuff
- Is extremely intelligent when it comes to science and all that stuff, though she is extremely bad at dealing with people in general.
- In some iterations she works as a mysterious mercenary called Basilisk who wears a full body, demonic looking, black high-tech armor and likes using chainsaws far more than strictly necessary. (the evil love child of Batman and Iron-Man XD)

The ancient queen, with tanned skin, long straight black hair and piercing blue eyes, either in modern times after she was turned into an immortal through some unexpected event, or during her reign in ancient egypt. Either way, she loves gold, fine things, sin, sex and drugs, and trying to control others for fun.
Points of interest:
- I usually see her as owning many underground clubs and bars and selling (sex) drugs, as well as sex, weapons, artifacts, she is the wicked black market personified, and her services are top quality, but you have to pay the price for them, and it’s expensive.
- I would see her as seducing and corrupting men just for fun, just to see if they’ll do everything she wants or if they’ll try and take control back to dominate her.
She could be kind of a nympho, who doesn’t love and would have many on/off lovers at any time
- She too knows about a lot of ancient stuff since she’s been around for a long time (around 2000 years)
- She loves gold and would probably have a certain amount of jewelry, including (sexy) piercings

From one extreme to the other, Scylla is a succubus, and a very gluttonous one at that. With a curvy figure to make men drool, pale lavender skin and long wavy dark purple hair, she has shining purple eyes, an indecently long and nimble tongue, small wings, small purplish horns and a long thin tail that she can use in many different ways.
Points of interest:
- As a succubus she’s up for anything, her body can take a lot, eagerly so, adapt to pretty much anything, and she feeds off cum and sexual energy, so she’s the perfect slutty character for all kinds of shameless smut
- She generally has a lot of erotic piercings and jewelry, on her nipples, lips, tongue, navel, clit, …
- She could of course always have some more serious sides to her personality to make the story more than just pure smut XD


- For the Survival of the Species (potential breeding, M/F roles can be switched into male harem or female harem, potential incest)
The species in question is dying away due to lack of females, and the female i would play (she could be oblivious to her nature or not) is kidnapped (or invited) by a group of males so that they can make her their shared bride, with perhaps some rivalry between the diverse cast of males about who is her favorite or who gets to fuck her more or something like that.
We could even add other species eyeing the female because they want her too?
If the species has a fast reproduction and growing cycle, and if you like the breeding idea, and don’t mind incest, we can have her sons join the harem while the daughters are carted off to other males, or join the harem/family too?
Could be done with more beastlike or alien creatures, who would use and abuse her as a breeder for their kind. (We could discuss oviposition if you like that.)

- Egyptian Mythology (smutty, can be male harem or female harem or no harem at all, slutty or more serious, character driven, potentially anthro or animal shapeshifters)
I would be quite interested in a roleplay featuring gods and goddesses, especially of the egyptian kind, who could shapeshift between human, anthro and animal. (I can fill you in on the main interesting deities if you don’t know them, or we could even make up some as we go)
I would be interested in a character driven story with such deities as the main characters, with each their own backstory and personal issues, you playing several males and/or me several females, in a complex net of steamy romance, seducing each other, cheating on someone with another, having threesomes or being in a relationship with several others at the same time, openly or not, and all of them trying to hide their own sins while trying to ferret out the others'. Or we could make it more serious with different more involved pairings having relationship issues or rivalries or things like that.
It could also be anthro because if Egyptian gods are used we'd have crocodiles, jackals, lions, cats, cows, falcons, baboons, snakes, vultures, scorpions and many other animals that we could use for anthro play XD
There is also the option of playing the human side of things with priests/priestesses of these deities, power plays in ancient egypt, stuff like that.
It could also very well be limited to just 1 main character each, rivals or associates or whatever, and just allusions to the others.

- Madness is like gravity… All it takes is a little push (can be realistic or fantasy, smutty but can be serious too, corruption, psychological, dark, can suit Cleo)
I was thinking that i could play a perverted nymphomaniac nightclub owner falls in lust with one of her clients and definitely wants to fuck him and get fucked by him every way possible. He could potentially be married, or a cop, that kind of normally really respectable guy, and she corrupts him by taunting him and letting him 'punish' her by fucking her hard, that kind of thing, and their relationship would slowly turn from her manipulating him to them being equally fucked up, to him taking over as the story goes on and he gets darker and darker, pulled down into her world of sin?

- Battle of wills (smutty but can be serious too, dark, psychological, potentially Batman/DC fandom, would suit Helena)
You could play any kind of hero against my villainous lady and we’d battle gloriously with weapons and with words, and we may even end up having some equally glorious hate-sex or angry sex between them to burn off the tension, and they’d become addicted to the sick relationship they share (which may most likely include bondage as the one who’d win would get to tie up and dominate the other), eventually falling in a strange kind of twisted love. We could have some plot twists happening later in the story who would force them to face the feelings they have for each other and form a tentative truce.

- Jack of All Trades, Master of None (dark or light, Avatar the last airbender fandom)
My character would be some kind of fire-bending genius, who learned to control her element so well that she can bend light itself, and interfere with the subtlest electric impulses in people's brains and make them do her bidding, be it to devastating or completely mundane ends. She'd usually disregard other people because she sees them as weak, compared to her, so she'd start as a relative villainous character.
Your character, who would be the Avatar, full fledged or with a few missing skills (perhaps in fire bending?) is sent to fight her and make her stop.
One would think that a huge fight of good VS evil would break out between them, but since my character just happens to be mightily bored and interested in the most nonsensical outcome possible to every situation, when he comes and politely asks her to stop she just decides to agree, to give the people she had been annoying a break and to follow your character around instead, because the Avatar is probably the only person around who can defeat her, and because she just finds him curious and interesting.
They then kind of form a weird duo with him doing his avatar duties and her sticking around him, sometimes helping him (like pushing him to develop unique techniques using several elements since he's 'the friggin Avatar!') and sometimes causing (mostly) harmless mischief, being lightly (or not so lightly) berated by him on a semi-regular basis, and slowly learning to value other people more, even if they are less powerful than her, and to become a better person than she was before.
In a much darker theme, she could be more of an enemy, and the two would have a darker, more twisted relationship, a constant fight for power between the the specialist that she is and the generalist that he is, each trying to prove that they’re better than the other.

PM me if anything catches your interest ;)

Have a nice day everyone!

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