Something a bit different

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May 21, 2014
Hi there, I'm going to try something a bit different this time around. I'm going to give a few pairing ideas, prompts, maybe a starting post or two, you feel free to send off a PM, email, or im with an intro or reply to one of the ones I have here. Right now I'm looking for something quick, mostly smutty to blow off some steam and kick my muse back into shape. I'd prefer playing submissive. I am not looking to use threads unless the idea is something fantastic and I can't pass it up.

I have several characters that I could use. If you like any of them, just let me know and I could work her in.
Thia (I can see her on an adventure and either being captured, or runs across some lustful monsters.)
Echo (You'll get my love if I get to use Echo.)
Tertia (Another Adventurer sort, but could involve mishaps of fae and misunderstandings of her magic.)
Sage (A knight of sorts, travels the kingdom for her Order when she can)

My F-List feel free to include any in the Favs or Yes, give me a heads up about anything in Maybe that you'd want to add.

Random pairings
These are set up in YC x MC format
Father x Daughter
Uncle x Niece
Dragon x Dragon Rider
Drow x Elf
Drow x Human
Teacher x Student
Principal x Student
Bandits x Princess
Knight x Slave
Knight x Gypsy
Bandits x Unlucky Adventurer/Traveler
Monsters x Unlucky Adventurer/Traveler
Witch Hunter x Witch
Priest x School Girl
Scientist x Test subject
Alien (Humanoid or nonhumanoid) x Human
Dog x Girl
Animal x Girl

  • Alice returns to Wonderland, to find that it is a very different place than she remembered.
  • A new job opening at a zoo/farm/kennel opens up. MC applies and doesn't expect what she had signed up for.
  • Hypno is a pokemon known for being able to lead trainers off. One manages to lead MC into an encounter she won't forget. (Multiple Pokemon can be used, would like to include breeding in this.)

Starting Posts
These will list a pairing idea and possible kinks.

Sith Inquisitor/Any other idea x Jedi Padawan
(Corruption, Non-Con, Public/Exhibitionism, Hypnotism/Mind Control (Optional), Clothed Sex)
Jachal knew that her resources were running dry with her credits. The former Padawan turned Scavenger needed an out from Nal Hutta, or at least deeper holes to hide within if she desired to stay free. There was an Inquisitor on her trail, and as much as she hid her abilities with the Force, it would be all in vain if he found the violet eyed youth in the open.

Dirt and grime coated her clothing, though along with her a rough looking pit droid followed along. It was her latest find, and hopefully would be enough to get some security from one of the bosses's of the ring she sold scrap and droid parts to.

The teen's own ship had long been sold for scrap, it was a marvel the thing had made it to this cesspool of a planet in the first place. Those credits earned from the scrap had been enough to ditch her Jedi robes, the braid that once was behind her ear long cut to avoid drawing attention. It got the Padawan on her feet to selling scrap as the lesser of the distasteful jobs left open for the human.

The Cantina was loud, but the people around at least offered a measure of comfort. Surly she'd be safest here, surrounded by many witnesses than out in the bogs and swamps where she found her scrap.

Any x Witch (Urban Fantasy.)
(Really anything can go here.)
Nova sometimes wondered how she managed to get herself into these situations. The mage just wanted to live a normal-for her- life and maybe expand her contacts to those outside the occult spheres.

She did not, however, want to get tied up in a mess of vampire clans. To wake up in an unfamiliar house, a hand rose to her neck to check for any lingering wounds. Nothing. So far she was safe from being a snack or turned. Her fingers brushed over her necklaces checking the enchantments to be sure they still held.

"This has to be the worst way to ask me to do a job." Because of course that was the last possible explanation in her mind. The clans didn't just kidnap mages on a whim, without knowing what kind of magics they could cast.

"Now I would like to see.... the host here or I'm just going to burn my way out of here and back to my Sanctuary." Her home, warded with everything she could throw at it and what her family could as well. It helped to be from a fairly powerful bloodline in that aspect.

Discord: moonlighthunter#0256
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