Sci-Fi Shenanigans (Mxf or Fxf)

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Who will plow my vulva?
Sep 28, 2013
For want of a nail, the shoe was lost;
For want of a shoe, the horse was lost;
For want of a horse, the rider was lost;
For want of a rider, the message was lost;
For want of the message, the battle was lost;
For want of a battle, the kingdom was lost,
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

-Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanac

Imagine, if you would, a choice you've made. A choice that had far reaching consequences, consequences far beyond what you could have originally foreseen. Surely you must have wondered about what might have happened if you have made a different choice. How things might be different, if not for that one little thing.

Now, imagine, that there exists a reality in which you made the other choice. Would you go there, if things turned out better for you? What if the choice you made in your original reality resulted in your death, or the death of a loved one? Would you go then?

What I am proposing is an rp that plays around with elements of multiverse and alternate realities, and characters capable of shifting between them. The craving is inspired by the Zero Escape Games, but we needn't use that as a basis if you aren't interested. Mainly I want something with crazy reality bending psychic powers, in a vaguely modern setting.

Because I am close to full up on rps, I am going to have to insist that this rp include both lighter and darker elements, so only contact me if you are interested in writing both romance and non-con scenes, as well as multiple characters (and likely even multiple versions of the same character). Admittedly, this is a complex idea that will take quite a bit of coordination on both of our parts, so please be open to extensive OOC plotting.

Look forward to hearing from you, if this is indeed the reality in which you contact me regarding the idea. :D
Just imagine, we could travel to the reality in which Sander won the primary, and then the presidency!

Wait, too leftist to you? Fine, we will just go to the reality in which Clinton won. As long as we escape the darkest timeline.
A universe where Disney bought Yum Brands Inc, so they could launch a new line of French-Mexican fusion restaurants as a tie-in to the new Beauty and the Beast movie:

Taco Belle.
poofs into the reality that still has McDonald's Szechuan sauce

What is that you say? That joke is played out? How dare you!

poofs into the reality where the joke is still fresh and amusing
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