SpookyJoann's RP/Story Ideas (M/F Only)

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Apr 1, 2017
Hi there! I'm SpookyJoann, or just Joann. Thank you for checking out my request thread. Let's get the most boring, but very important stuff out of the way first. That would be Likes, Dislikes, and most importantly the, 'What-I-will-never-do-no-matter-how-many-times-I'm-asked' section. And then pairings, and last but not least some RP/Story ideas.

I decided to place this under 'Long Term & General Requests' because, even though I wouldn't be against RPing any of my RP story ideas short-term, I'd prefer them to be long-term.

I forgot to mention that I only want to Role Play in PM and Threads.


1. Straight male and Female pairings only, with myself playing the female. In case you are wondering I am female in real life, and yes Joann really is my first name.

2. Writing partners who do not expect or demand perfection.

3. I will never send a one or two sentence reply, BUT I like and prefer writing partners who do not demand a certain amount of words or sentences. Like I said, I will never send a reply that is only one or two sentences long, but when I'm writing my first post or a reply to yours I'm not counting my words or sentences. I'm just writing. Sometimes my replies will be shorter than yours, sometimes they will match yours, or sometimes my reply may even be longer than yours. BTW your replies do NOT have to match mine in length either.

4. Romance. Romance, and more romance. Old-fashioned, wild, and unusual romances. If you want me to get bored easily and quickly and to reply less and less often until I finally stop altogether, then go ahead and make the rp about only 'sex' even after reading here that I'm a romantic. BUT if you do not want me to get bored easily, and would rather I be eager to reply to all of your posts, then do not neglect the romance! Mainly just don't make it all about sex, okay?

5. Spooky, Supernatural, and Paranormal Stories. Especially romantic ones. The majority of my ideas are set in the present-day setting. In the past I've had people, potential writing partners, tell me that that setting is boring. But I disagree. ANY SETTING, including the present day setting could be made to be interesting and exciting. It's not the setting that makes the RP or story boring, it's what is IN the RP/Story. If you think the setting I prefer to write in would be too boring then lets toss something in to guarantee that it won't be. Like a supernatural or paranormal creature. Vampire, were-wolf (or other were-creature), devils, demons, fallen-angels, angels, half-human/half-humanoid, you get the picture I hope. :D BTW I'd prefer that YOU play the supernatural or paranormal person. I'd prefer to play the completely human female, or a half-human/half-humanoid female. Just please no bestiality, and no 'plant-creatures' or 'tentacles'.

6. Favorite Supernatural or Paranormal Creatures: Vampires, Aliens (as long as they are humanoid), Devils, Demons, Fallen-angels, Were-wolves and other Were-creatures. Half-human and Half-something-else beings.

7. Settings. Most if not all of my RP/Story ideas will be in the present day setting, BUT I am not against other settings. However if the setting you'd want to RP in is futuristic, well I'm willing but that's the setting I can't 'picture' as easily as say a western or fantasy setting, so if you really want our story to be in a future or sci-fi setting you'll have to do most of the describing of the setting. At least for a while. I believe if the story is going well that most likely I will be able to imagine it at least well enough to contribute to the description of the setting. At least I hope so.

8. Incest. Yes to incest as long as you do not want me to role play as your grandmother, aunt, mother, step-mother, foster-mother, woman who adopted you. A parent/child, or aunt/nephew RPs just make me extremely uncomfortable and is something I will NEVER agree to even if they are adults and are not related by blood. HOWEVER, I have no problems with cousins, and brother/sister type. BUT I would really prefer if they would not be related by blood. Mainly because I rarely see that type of incest RP, and it would be a refreshing change. Also I am a romantic and would want romance in this RP story. So please think of this as more of a 'forbidden romance' rather than an incest rp. Again, I'd rather they were not related by blood.

9. If I think of anything else, I'll edit.


1. Bestiality. This isn't just a 'No', it's a 'Never.

2. One or Two sentence replies. I don't do word, sentence or paragraph counts, and personally I've experienced worse than 1 or 2 sentence replies from past writing partners, so I probably won't stop writing with you if you only send me replies that are only one or two sentences long, but please try to send me replies with more than a few sentences. Having said that, the length of your reply does not have to match mine. Let's just enjoy writing.

3. Role Playing a female character that is not straight. Sorry, but I'm a straight female, not even slightly bi-curious so really do not want to RP a female lesbian or bi-sexual. I'm only going to role play straight female characters.

4. Age. In some of my RP/Story ideas my female character will be a teenager, usually 16 so she's at least old enough to drive a car. But in most of my RP/Story ideas my female character will be an adult no younger than 18, though most often in her early, mid, or late 20's or in her 30's. But that's not the reason I am mentioning 'AGE' under dislikes. Here is the reason: I DO NOT WANT MY FEMALE TO BE OLDER THAN YOUR MALE CHARACTER. One or two years older IF both of our characters are adults would be alright, but not older than that. Why? Well, it's been my experience that when a guy asks if I can make my female character older than his it's to get around my 'Will NOT RP as your Mom or Aunt' dislike. I know it's old fashioned, but I really prefer that your male character be older than my female.

5. WILL NOT RP AS YOUR MOM OR AUNT! This is not just a 'No', it's a never.

6. No Snuff. Sorry, but the thought of role playing the victim or the killer doesn't appeal to me at all. This isn't just a 'NO', this is a Never.

7. Nothing gross or disgusting!!! No to bodily fluids such as pee and poop. No to blood (by that I mean extreme blood, if one of our characters is a vampire unless they are an 'energy' vampire of course they're going to be a blood drinker.)

8. BDSM, Pet, Sex-slave, submissive, dominant. NO to all of these. But it's not just a 'No', it's a 'never'.

9. I know I already mentioned many times that I am a romantic, so this 'dislike' will probably not come as a surprise to you. Here it is: No to RP Stories that focus mostly or completely on sex. I'd rather focus on the story, and on the romance and character development. Also, I'm not into sex-toys, and No my female will NOT masturbate in front of your male, in fact she probably won't do that in our story at all. Romance, remember?

10. Will edit when or if I think of more dislikes and nevers.




Strangers meeting for the first time

Blind Date

Secret Admirer

Hero and woman needing rescuing (of course I'll be playing the woman)

High School Girl with a Crush and Popular Guy who doesn't have a clue

Popular High School Guy who has a Crush on The Shyest Girl in School

ExBoyfriend and ExGirlfriend

High School Friends reunited

Best Friends

Loner Girl (or shy girl) and Older Brother's Best Friend

Roommates (who were formerly strangers or are friends) sharing an apartment in the city

3 Roommate Pairings:

1. Strangers or Friends sharing a house in the suburbs

2. Strangers or Friends sharing an old farm house in the country

3. Strangers or Friends sharing a Cabin in the woods

Male Landlord and Female Tenant

Female Landlord and Male Tenant

Co-workers who work in a restaurant

Co-workers who work in a hotel

Co-workers who work in an amusement park

My Teenage Girl moves into the house next door to your Teenage Guy

Adult Woman moves into the house next door to yours

Male Werewolf (or other were-creature) and Human Female

Male Vampire and Human Female

The following pairings are for incest RP stories. They could be related by blood, but hear me out. For a change I would really prefer that they NOT be related by blood. That instead they could be related either by marriage or by adoption, or the foster care system. Or perhaps it's just that their parents have been friends since before they were born that it 'feels' like they are related with your male calling my parents aunt and uncle by habit, and my female calling your parents aunt and uncle by habit.

Cousins, Older Brother & Younger Sister, I'm your adopted younger sister, You're my adopted older brother, Older Foster Brother & Younger Foster Sister, Older Step Brother and Younger Step Sister, Your Male & My Female who are not related by blood, adoption or marriage but who's parents have known each other since before we were both born so that it feels like we are related.

Perhaps you can think of more pairings? If or when I do I'll edit this.

A few RP Story Ideas:

(Below are 2 versions of the same Secret Crush RP story. the first one (a) is the teenager version, and the second one (b) is the adult version. PM me if you're interested in one of them)

1. Angela's Secret Crush: Just like every other girl with perfect eye sight, Angela has a crush on one of the most popular guys in high school. It wasn't just his good looks that attracted her, he was genuinely a nice guy. Even to people like her who are not a part of the popular crowd. People don't usually notice her, especially the popular crowd. Angela is part shy and part loner, leaning more towards loner because even though she's not scared of crowds, she prefers to be alone. Whenever she's at a party or other big gathering she's always relieved when no one notices she's there. Her secret crush is best friends with her older brother, which as you can guess, means torture for Angela because of all the times he comes over to her house to hang out with her brother. She likes it much better when instead her older brother goes to his house instead. Of course Angela wants her secret crush to notice her, BUT a bigger part of her, the shy longer part, is relieved that he hasn't yet and hopes that he never does. Her parents are divorced, in fact the majority of the teens she knows their parents are divorced, separated or otherwise still married just not happily. She has so many examples of bad relationships, divorces and bad marriages around her that she's literally scared of ever getting romantically involved with anyone. Much less brave ever getting married. She'd rather stick to her romance novels where there's always a 'happily-ever-after' ending. yes, Angela has decided to NEVER fall in love and get married, the risk that he'd stop loving her, that her heart would get broken and he'd leave (like her dad had after her parents divorce), just wasn't worth it. BTW she refuses to consider that she's already in love -with the handsome popular guy(your character)- and instead chooses to believe that it's just a silly, stupid crush that she'll get over soon. Any time now. But she's had the silly crush on him going on 2 years now. And if she's not reading one of her many romance novels she's daydreaming about him. Her mother, when she was Angela's age, was a cheerleader and use to be very popular with lots of friends and boyfriends. She hates that her daughter is so different from her. Her parents had been high school sweethearts that had married right after graduation. But the reason they had married was because her Dad had gotten her Mom knocked up and her grandfather (her Mom's dad) would have literally killed him if her father hadn't volunteered to do 'the right thing'. Romantic, huh? Not really. It's not a good feeling knowing that your 'existence' was the result of a mistake made in the backseat of a car on a prom night. It was Angela's mean cousin Trisha that had let the cat out of the bag, just shortly before her parents divorce. Though how Trisha knew was a mystery, she figured Trisha must have over heard her parents talking about it and of course couldn't wait to tell Angela that she was 'a mistake that ruined her parents lives'. In case you haven't guessed already, her cousin Trisha goes to the same high school, belongs to the popular crowd, but the worst part is, Trisha is dating her secret crush. Or she use to be, Angela lately hasn't seen them eating lunch together or kissing near the lockers in the school hallway so sometimes wonders if he had broken up with her. Her cousin loves shopping and getting expensive gifts, so it is possible that if a popular guy with more money had hit on Trisha that she might have been the one that had dumped him. But every time Angela would wonder about that, she'd remind herself that not only was it any of her business but that even if he was now available she didn't want to date him anyway. Yeah, right.

(The one below is the same characters as above, my female character is exactly the same as above, except in this version she is an adult woman and the story starts a week after her 26th birthday. Oh and the handsome popular guy she had a crush on in High School, is STILL her secret crush.)

He's Still Angela's Secret Crush: This story starts a week after Angela's 26th birthday. Instead of celebrating her birthday on the day of her birthday, her family thought it would be better to celebrate it this year at their usual family reunion that this year they were having at their favorite campground. Angela thought that was a great idea and had agreed. No longer a teenager, though still very much a loner, she was more friendly than she use to be. And has more friends than she had when she was in high school. She had even dated a few guys, though nothing serious. She'd mainly done it so that family and friends would stop hounding her to go out, or would hopefully stop trying to set her up on blind dates. Those attending the family reunion/birthday party were, besides family such as grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, (yes even her mean and spoiled cousin Trisha) were close friends and co-workers. Her older brother and his pretty and very nice fiance Cat were there, she'd become close friends with Cat and it was her that had gotten Angela to come out of her shell more, and change her style of clothes so that she now wore clothing that was flattering instead of clothing that hid her hour-glass figure. She really hopes that when Cat and her brother Josh would have a very happy marriage and would never divorce, like her parents had. But should the worse someday happen, Angela was determined to remain friends with both of them. Also attending was the man that Angela had had a secret crush on the last year of middle school and all through high school. He was family now because he had married her cousin Trisha. Their marriage hadn't lasted long though, but Angela had knew it wouldn't because of the kind of person her cousin was. Brian (You can change his name) was a really nice guy, and her cousin Trisha well .. wasn't. Her cousin had had an affair with a guy old enough to be her father, but what had attracted Trisha to the old guy was his money. Brian and Trisha are divorced now. And Trisha is now married to that wealthy old man who is also at the reunion/birthday party. May the drama begin. Because Angela's secret crush Brian had become family after he had married (and later divorced) her cousin Trisha, and because he was still best friends with her older brother, she hadn't been able to avoid him as easily as she had when she was a teenager. Which resulted in them getting to know each other and becoming friends. Usually when really get to know your secret crush you find out that they are either in reality, jerks, or simply they are just not as wonderful as you had imagined. Not true of Brian, she'd gotten to know him better, they were now close friends and unfortunately found out that he's even more wonderful than she'd imagined. If that wasn't bad enough, Brian is more handsome now than he'd been in high school. Why couldn't he have lost his hair or had become lazy and gained twenty or thirty pounds? Life just wasn't fair. The bad thing about having a best friend is they can usually tell when you're crushing on someone. Angela's best friend Cat, was very observant and had guessed that she had a crush on Brian, which at first she had denied, but then sighed and said, "Ever since the last year of middle school. But he never noticed me." (I am looking for someone to RP as Angela's secret crush 'Brian'. You can change his name if you like, I just needed to call him something. Angela's best friend Cat and her older brother Josh are only going to be NPCs, same thing with her cousin Trisha etc.)

The following idea is for the Hero & woman needing rescuing pairing.:

2. Kidnapped! While vacationing with her best friend Cat in Mexico, they were kidnapped. Her older brother immediately contacted a friend of his that he use to work with before retiring who agreed to help him rescue Angela and Cat. Her older brother hadn't received a phone call from the kidnappers demanding ransom money, he knew because it had happened while they'd been talking on the phone. Her brother Josh had told her to be quiet and to quickly find a hiding place. The kidnappers had already taken Cat, he'd heard his sister's best friend screaming and fighting which was why he'd told his sister to hide and be quiet. Unable to stop what was happening, Josh had listened as the kidnappers found his sister's hiding place. He knew it because he heard a door open at the same time his sister screamed "JOSH!", there was sounds of a struggle and then what must have been her cell hitting the floor then a door slamming and then .. silence. (I'll play both Angela and her best friend Cat, but need someone to play her brother Josh and his friend who are obviously going to rescue them. Send me a pm if interested.)

3. The Werewolf's Other Half From the very first moment they saw each other there was an instant connection, like moths to a flame. Angela had just come out of a bad relationship and doesn't trust men anymore. Love or romance was the last thing she needed or wanted. Besides, she doesn't believe in happily-ever-after, nor does she believe in love at first sight or in soul mates. So the love-struck werewolf already has that working against him. But he has no doubts that she is the other half of his soul and is determined to make her his mate. But it won't be easy, because besides not being very trusting of men, she's scared of werewolves. But she has very good reason to be. When she was 15 years old, werewolves brutally killed her parents right before her eyes. Her memory of that night isn't complete. Some things she remember very well, as if it had just happened, other things kind of sketchy or blurry. Her grandparents lived in the city, and after her parents death she lived with them. They didn't believe her when she told them it was werewolves that killed her parents, they -and the authorities- insisted that it had to have been an ordinary pack of wolves or rabid dogs. That was 6 years ago. Angela is 21 now. The story starts on the first day she moved back into the house near the woods that she had once lived in with her parents. Her grandparents are both gone now, she'd driven straight to this old house right after attending their funeral. Angela still believes it was werewolves she saw kill her parents, not rabid dogs. Those creatures had both the appearance of a man and a wolf, they had to be werewolves. She suspects that the authorities covered the whole thing up, but she doesn't know why. Maybe simply to prevent panic. There is much she doesn't remember though, she must have been attacked as well because she has scars on her back that never completely healed. And she doesn't remember how she got away, or if someone, or some thing had rescued her. But that's why she chose to move back into the old house near the woods. She's hoping that by returning here she'll remember everything that happened. The last thing she expected though, was to see a lone werewolf while out walking and having her fear vanish when he looked directly at her, to be replaced a longing she didn't understand, but the feeling became stronger the closer he got to her and suddenly she realized that
at the same time he'd been walking towards her, she'd been walking towards him as if they were drawn to each other. Then memories of her parents deaths returned in vivid detail as if it were happening again and in obvious fear Angela turned and ran as fast as her legs could carry her back to the old house. So the werewolf not only has to work hard to win her over because of a jerk who'd broken her heart before they met, but he also has to convince her that not all werewolves are evil monsters. (looking for someone to RP the werewolf.)

4. Will edit to add more RP story ideas in the future.
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