Female Characters For Anything

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Apr 2, 2017
Hello! I'm MagmaCarta, and rather than shell out a big paragraph of rules, I will give some things about myself, and hopefully some things about you, a potential roleplay partner. If you agree with these things, continue on to the plot ideas and see if there's something you like, or shoot me a PM with something you might want to try and think I could enjoy doing with you.

Person currently playing female characters, be they fully physically female, or have a little something extra. Is willing to pair them with whatever my partner wishes to play.
Enjoys escapes from reality. Without an intriguing idea, going to want something more than a realistic, modern rp.
Has these limits: scat, urine, non-consent, cheating, vore, gore in sexy times, pregnancy(as a kink, fine as a potential, eventual plot point, but it's a maybe), lactation, and probably a couple other things I can't think of at the moment.
Is comfortable with most other things aside from those listed above. Particularly enjoys non-human characters(anthro,aliens,robots,etc), public/exhibition/voyeurism, plot/story that can carry the RP, gender bending, fantasy elements. Is entirely willing to include things you particularly enjoy.
Will usually pump out at least a paragraph in a roleplay. Typically mirrors what is tossed back. Is fine with whatever you're comfortable doing as long as there is something to respond to, with some action and details of the scene/your character.
Loves using pictures for characters/aesthetic decisions in a roleplay. Much prefers using illustrated images as opposed to ones of real people.
Person who's personal gender is not an issue as to what character you want to play.
Enjoys an idea below, wants to take something below and discuss things, or has an idea you think I may enjoy.
Comfortable with the creation of our narrative being a consensual, two-way street, meaning we can go back and change things or discuss the way things are going at any time.
Able to give a respondable post every time, meaning enough details or action is in the post that I can take it and decide what my character does because of it.
Has limits comparable to mine. Potentially has kinks you want to discuss with me and see if I'm open to them.


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Spoiler:
Nebula leaves the Guardians after they kill Ego, heading off to gather resources. She is still cold, still violent, but has forgiven Gamora and opened up. She needs money and resources, though, if she wants to tackle the idea of killing Thanos. So, where does she go from there? I love the idea of her meeting someone that, over time, is able to poke through the shell to give her someone else she can try caring about, and could care about her

Potential characters I could play, be it MCU or some other Marvel-verse incarnate: Scarlet Witch, Kitty Pryde, SpiderGwen, Silk, gender bent versions of male characters, and probably more you can feel free to suggest.

Hacker girl - A girl works as a programmer by day, by night she penetrates networks and sites to see what she can find or do. She's played thrillseeker, thief, hacktivist, pretty much anything that might call to someone of her skills. One night she is doing a side job and happens upon some weird stuff that a corp is doing. Particularly bio-engineering stuff, like live experimentation. That just won't do. She frees something, Project Armada, figuring whatever it is will cause some stress for the corp, and logs off, having done her good deed for the day. What happens when Armada shows up at her apartment door?

Mech pilot - What's a mech pilot to do when the war is over and peace is declared? Construction? Psh, as if. Professional, streamed mech combat, of course! She served on the front lines, and now is a celebrity pilot on the web, spending her time battling or doing whatever it is celebrities that need some extra sources of revenue do. Where do you fit into her world?

Runner - When corps rule the world, most of society goes day by day as wageslaves, just getting by to bring home food and whatever consumer products happened to come out that week. Some aren't content with living that life, or have something keeping them away, be it a record, sense of pride, or skills that don't translate well to an office. She is a runner, taking jobs against the corps and people, whether she's a sniper, someone more up close and personal, or maybe even a spellslinger. Are you her partner? A target? Her employer?

Pre-modern Fantasy:
Magical Weapon - Finally, the stars align and she is able to leave home for the life of an adventurer. She's been training for it, since she was little her heart was set on being like the heroes in the tales she heard every night. Who would have thought luck would shine so brightly on her first day, and she would find a magical weapon? Some go their whole lives without finding one, and here she came across this weapon day one. Well, sometimes you bite off more than you can chew picking up that shiny weapon, sometimes there's more to it. Maybe there's a curse on it. Maybe there's a soul within, just aching for someone to finally find them and grant them a connection to a body.

Magical Student - It was so hard, but she did it. She proved herself, and got that scholarship to the biggest and best magical college around. It was the biggest and best for a reason, though, and without mommy and daddy being able to pump enough money for her to stay there, she had to keep proving herself. She had to be better than the best student there. She had to do something spectacular. Those books in that section of the library they keep saying is "forbidden" have to have something she could use, right? Plenty, like summoning, time control, shapeshifting, all sorts of magic she probably can't really control like she thinks she can.

Secluded Elves - Just your luck, huh? Here you were having a nice day, and now there's an arrow pointed at your face, the wielder a woman dressed in green leathers, with big, pointed ears. She keeps saying something, but you can't understand her, so she takes you with her to the leader of the enclave of her people. Just who are you to end up here? A lost merchant? The time-displaced victim of a spell gone wrong? Or, did you mean to end up here?

You Shouldn't Mingle With Their Type - A person in power, the child of a ruler, their days filled with the endless bore of politics and learning to inherit a kingdom some day. Perhaps for fun they like to visit the town surrounding the castle that is their home. But, they are always told to be careful, because outside of the castle, they are allowed to just roam free, the anthro people that are graciously allowed to live and work with the humans. Who do they happen to form a connection with on these visits? Do they work at the bar? An artist that performs on the street?

Gender Bender:
That's right, it gets its own category!

The Miracle Cure - He'd had the disease since birth, a genetic condition. It wasn't so bad, just had to sit out from gym a few times, stayed home every once in a while. This year though, it got really bad. He was out the whole first semester, through Christmas. Word spread though, that he was coming back to school for the second half of the year, and that he was even better! Wait, does it say she was coming back? That has to be a mistake. You see them on that first day, and low and behold, a girl shows up, looking like she could be a twin of the person you knew. Who are you? A befuddled fellow student? A teacher? Her old friends, wondering what changed about their friend and if she'll be a pal and let them take a look and maybe a touch?

Another Reality - It's finally out. The game that's been hyped for, well, it seems like forever now. Real, full-on virtual reality. A headset that reads and reciprocates brain waves, taking over your senses and initiating a sleep-like state, planting your consciousness in the game. Sure, how it all really works is closed source, but they have to have tested it plenty. It's finally in open beta, and being the writer for a gaming site, he got one. Ready to take the plunge and see what it's like, he puts it on and goes inside. Wait, why is the character creation locked to female? That's weird. Oh well, doesn't really matter, just a bug to mention. Now that she's in though, things are feeling way more real than expected, enough that those new orbs on her chest are feelings pretty good, and the absence of a certain organ is very noticed. Who finds her? A fellow beta tester? The monsters of the quests? The person responsible for changing her?
Been nearly a month since a bump, so I will do so. Added a craving but not much else at the moment.
Weekly bump.

I have vastly updated and redone the thread, now with a good idea of who I am, who I'd like to play with, and some actual, real plot ideas.
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