Radioactive (The 100 - randomname98766789 and Styxx)

Dec 22, 2014
United States
12 days earlier, 100 juvenile delinquents were launched to Earth in a dropship from the Ark. Their crimes made them expendable. Upon landing, Finn Collins and the other juveniles discovered that Earth was survivable. The 18-year-old male was a criminal because he took a spacewalk that cost the Ark roughly three month’s supply of oxygen. Actually, he did not take the spacewalk. His best friend, Raven Reyes, took the walk. It was a birthday present for her. She was 18 at the time and it meant she would have been floated. One year younger than her, Finn had the opportunity to get reviewed on his eighteenth birthday. Instead of getting reviewed, he was sent to the ground. Despite being childhood friends with Raven, he and the girl were never romantically involved. Raven often hinted that she wanted something more and tried to tease Finn, but he was comfortable with a platonic relationship. Little did he know that her unrequited love would drive her to do something drastic soon enough. His affection was given to someone else on the ground, however. Strangely enough, she was the daughter of a council member. Generally, the children of these members were disliked.

Her name was Clarke Griffin and she was beautiful. He and Clarke had spent quite some time together since landing on the ground. From venturing to Mount Weather with her on the first day, to Jasper’s recovery, before spending ample time together on a run to find medicine for Jasper. Himself, Clarke, and Wells spent that night hiding in an abandoned vehicle, taking cover from the acid fog. The most drama Finn encountered was dealing with the murderer behind Wells’ death and watching Charlotte take her life. That was last night. Finn was shocked from the events and he knew Clarke was not doing well either. There was only one place of refuge he knew about and Clarke shared it with him. He found an underground bomb shelter, nicknaming the bunker as the “Art Supply Store” since there were drawing supplies for Clarke’s pleasure. The owners must have never made it into the bunker. Because of instability within the camp, the dark-haired male convinced Clarke to keep it a secret. It gave them a place to hide if the need arose. Plus, he enjoyed this bunker being ‘their’ special spot. Special it was, as represented by their actions last night.

Finn and Clarke made love together. He understood that he was her first, so the young man took it slow and gentle with the blonde, ensuring that she reached an orgasm through various stimulation measures he used on her body. Finn’s physically fit body lay nude, tangled in the bedsheets with Clarke’s nude body. The long brown hair that reached just above his chin was all messy from a night of tossing and turning. Those fitful nights were commonplace for the male. As a teenager, he witnessed his father deteriorate because of an alcohol addiction. In a rage one night, he viciously attacked and murdered Finn’s mother, stabbing her too many times to count. Finn watched all of it from a closet. Though his father never abused him, witnessing this event gave him severe signs of PTSD. With his mother dead and his father floated for the murder, Finn was practically alone on the Ark except for his close friends. For the first night in a long time, Finn slept well. It was because of Clarke. His brown eyes opened the next morning to see Clarke staring at him. A gentle smile graced his lips before greeting his partner.

“Good morning…”

His voice was quiet, thick, and laced with sleep but the smile was unmistakable as was his positive, happy energy.
It seemed like just yesterday that her father had been floated and, as a "preventative measure" sixteen year old Clarke Griffin had been thrown in to lockdown. It wasn't yesterday, though. Almost a year had passed since then and exactly what the Ark had been trying to avoid - within months the oxygen supply on the ship would be gone. Because their lives, delinquent lives doomed to end up floated by the time they hit eighteen, were considered expendable they used children as their guinea pigs. The earth was habitable, sure, but it wasn't the world that those still in orbit imagined. Nothing could have prepared the blonde for the reality of stepping on land - the surreal beauty of it, the raw harshness of this life. The Ark - sure they floated people, but wasn't having the air sucked from your lungs in an instant much more merciful than stabbing boys with spears? Just thinking of it made her shiver. No one had been prepared for there to be other people waiting for them.

Those people, however, were the last thing on the teenager's mind as she laid bare beside Finn, her arm propping her up as she watched him with a gentle gaze. Her eyelids were half closed, as she was still partially asleep, and a serene smile graced her lips. She wasn't sure exactly when she'd taken to him, but god it was worth it. For the first time since they arrived on the ground together she actually felt at peace, and Finn... this boy - man - was the cause. This had to be what it felt like to realize you had found the person who was the love of your life. Maybe it was just young naivety but Clarke truly believed that things would be okay (relatively) as long as he was by her side. (The gentle but needy way he'd clung to her curves, nipped at her skin, buried himself inside of her definitely added to the pleasantly.)

... Did he think the same thing, though? God she hoped he did.

"Hello," she said in a voice that was barely more than a whisper as as her hand moved to his chest. The happiness in her voice was still unmistakeable, though. "Sleep well?"
“Sleep well? Finn retorted. “Are you kidding? I had the best night of sleep ever.”

Clearly, the male attributed the peace he felt to the girl lying beside of him. The way her fingertips rested against his hard chest made his entire body feel warm, even the uncovered areas. It was impossible to know how long the pair had been asleep. Six hours? Seven? Ten? Three? They were underground. Regardless of the truth, Finn realized it had been quite some time since he last felt those soft lips against his own. That needed to change.

Leaning closer towards Clarke, the young man allowed his lips to touch Clarke’s. It was a gentle touch without any tongue being involved (But it was most certainly involved often last night, and not just against her mouth). The chaste kiss had ended and Finn brought one hand to place onto Clarke’s cheek. Even though Finn had not been in too many relationships, he understood how awkward and difficult the first encounter was. His case with Clarke was atypical in most ways. She had divulged her prior experience to Finn in both sex and romance was nonexistent. It was an honor to the male, knowing that he was Clarke’s true one and only.

It made him regret ever looking at another girl this was before meeting Clarke. Now, he took comfort knowing only she would ever receive his looks or touches again. Despite their sex being imperfect, mistakes were made on both sides, it was mind-blowing and Finn had the most powerful orgasm of his life. It was fueled not only by physical attraction. It was fueled by the most powerful of human and animal emotion.

He wondered about the thoughts inside of her mind. Though she looked happy, there was also some look of curiosity and uncertainty on her face. He might have only known Clarke for two weeks, but it felt like a lifetime of friendship had passed between the two. Finn truly believed that he knew Clarke better than he knew anyone else.

“I know we just woke up, but I want to talk about last night. The last thing I am hoping is that we pretend like it didn’t happen. I want you to know that I was not looking for just anyone to have a night of fun. I needed it to be you. It was fun, but it meant more to me than just making love. I want you to be mine, Clarke. You’re so brave and you’ve taken on a leadership role in camp. You don’t have to do anything alone anymore. I want to be by your side every step of the way. I hope you will accept me by your side.”

Finn finished, ducking his head down to kiss Clarke’s hand that rested on his chest. He was likely to find out what Clarke thought about their situation. At least he had made his intentions clear.
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