The Cat and the Bat [ Bear & batman4560 ]

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The jewel of Gotham was not a large building, but a manor that was far outside the city limits, with sprawling landscape that was well manicured and a design that was a classical beauty. Her eyes curled into a smile as she edged her way along the line of bushes that came around the west side of the manor, the closest view of the most private sections of the Wayne Manor that most people could only guess at. It wasn't an unusual thing for her to be in a situation like this, but tonight was... Special, in more than just a "good hair day" kind of way.

Tonight was the heist of the century.

The famous and illustrious Bruce Wayne was not the type to make many mistakes, but he had made a very grave one. He had made the mistake of letting a "tipsy guest of his party" go into the dark recesses of his home to rest for a bit instead of going home with the not so gentlemanly gentleman she'd been accompanied by. His butler had been kidn enough to lay her down on a chaise lounge for a bit while she got her wits about her, offering her water and some crackers as he tended to her as any true gentleman would have.

She'd spied it from the corner of her eye then - a necklace that had been worn by the lovely Martha Wayne, embedded with diamonds that cost a fortune. Her eyes were on it now as she peered through a window, clinging to the wall with fingers that were stronger than anyone would imagine for a girl as lithe in form as her. "Oh, naughty, naughty," She whispered to herself as she pushed the window in ever so gently, sliding through the frame almost as if she were just a leaf blown in by the breeze.

Even in the dark the room was familiar, not the one that she'd been taken to but the one next to it, her eyes scanning the surroundings slowly before she moved through the shadows, her footfalls as light as feathers as she slid out into the empty hallway. Her feet knew the way more than she did, sliding around the next door frame slowly and into the room. Her eyes found the necklace almost immediately, secure behind a glass case. It was beautiful, displayed on a mannequin neck that was every bit as delicate as Martha's had been, shining just a bit in the scarce light.

It wanted to be taken. She edged her way closer, the hairs on the back of her neck rising slowly as she reached out for it, stopping just an inch or so away. Her fingers pulled back, her sixth sense telling her that something was off, though she couldn't place it. Selena slid away from the case now, pressing back into the shadows quietly as she heard footsteps nearing, her breathing slowing as she forced herself to be quiet.

Damn. Just her luck.
It was always the same at these parties, Bruce paid for enough booze to give the party goes a good time, he mingled with the people and listened to them talk about what they wanted to do in the city and how Bruce could help, even if what the socialites in Gotham wanted to do was bad for the city. That never stopped Bruce from throwing the parties though as he normally threw the parties for people who actually did do good, and tonight was no different.

Bruce stood with his good friend Harvey Dent, going over the plans he had for running for D.A. to help Gotham and put real criminals away while getting rid of the corrupt in the city when he saw a beautiful woman, a little to tipsy stumbling around his home. A sleazy man was all over her, clearly trying to get her out of that impossibly tight dress that clung to her like a second skin. Bruce nodded to Alfred to get the woman somewhere where she could recover while Bruce walked up to the man and escorted him out of the Manor.

In the meantime Alfred walked the woman up a flight of stairs and let her rest in a dark room, atop a chase lounge that would serve as a good place for her to recover without being bothered. By the time Selina had slipped into the room where Bruce kept his parents belongings on display, to remind him what he was fighting for in the city, the tall, dark haired man had wandered into the room to try and find some privacy from his own party. As he slipped in through the doorway and closed it behind him, his dark blue eyes narrowed. Something was off in small area but he wasn't sure what it was at first. He just felt like he wasn't alone.

Without being able to see what was what he wandered over to a small sofa for two and sat on it, his black suit melded with the shadows, making his hands and head look like they were floating with no body in the dim light that the room did have. He sat in silence, not saying a word and closed his eyes, listening and feeling the room for any disturbance.
The steps moved ever closer and she was surprised to see that it was none other than Bruce Wayne himself coming to escape from yet another one of his famous parties, her nose twitching as she smelled his cologne from where she was standing. The man sunk into one of his chairs and relaxed into it, his figure nearly disappearing in the dark, save for the gentle outline of his body against all of the other shadows. For one that wasn't so used to moving through them, it would have been impossible to see him, but Selena had worked in the shadows until she was nearly one herself. Her feet moved slow over the floor, careful not to make a sound as she inched closer towards the Wayne family jewels.

It wasn't until she was near them that another idea struck her - a game, of sorts, that she so desperately enjoyed playing and would love to explore with the famous Bruce Wayne. A smile crept slow onto her lips and she crept slow towards him, stopping to lean on the couch and alert him that his rising suspicions were indeed true. "Tell me, what is Gotham's most famous bachelor doing in here all alone? Surely you can't want to get away from it all. That's why you throw the parties, isn't it? To enjoy the limelight?" Her voice purred to him in the dark, deeply alluring and sensual in the way it rolled off her tongue, everything about her every bit as feline as her suit.
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