Styxx's Cravings

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Mar 30, 2017
Well... After a few days of lurking here and debating joining I have, so I may as well get a request thread up. Hey! You can call my Styxx, I have several years of roleplaying experience under my belt and I consider myself both flexible and easy to write with.

I enjoy casual but long term roleplays, and my average post ranges from 1-3 solid paragraphs depending on what my partner would before. By casual I mean my reply rate varies from multiple posts a day to one every few and I don't want to feel forced in to replying quicker than I'm capable of in the moment. I love sex and obviously I want sexual aspects in my roleplays if I'm here, but I prefer that the plot is the focus. I roleplay through threads exclusively, as I find PM roleplays hard to keep track of and I don't want to use IMs. I have an F-list here; most things are negotiable.

Did something here catch your attention? Whether you like one of my plots or just think we would make a good match if we plotted something up, hit me up! Please don't give me generic "check my request thread" or "lets plot" messages; give me something to go off of. Hope to hear from you soon. :)

•-- Roleplays that are driven by plot, where the smutty aspects are a benefit to the story line and not the other way around
•-- Side characters. Seriously, I love background characters and while I prefer to keep mains to 1/2 each I don't mind a background cast
•-- Both m/f and f/f pairings, with a large preference for f/f
•-- Romance. Pretty much needed in some manner to keep me interested
•-- Soft kinks; light BDSM, light choking, spanking, hair pulling, et cetera
•-- Playing sub/switch characters, though sometimes I may be comfortable with a more dominant female; characters should be equals outside of the bedroom though
•-- Pregnancy, risk of pregnancy; forgetting about/skipping condoms, creampies, internals, et cetera +/- direct awareness of the possible results
•-- The use of sex toys and restraints
•-- Ladies of all varieties
•-- Slim/lean males; especially ones with an almost feminine appearance
•-- Being lighthearted. I like casual roleplays that acknowledge the mistakes and silliness that comes with being a person and having sex
•-- I don't mind hookups/plots where the characters begin having sex quickly as long as a plot stems from it and a relationship of some sort develops

•-- Smut-only or smut-majority games where plot is minimal or an afterthought
•-- Playing a significantly older woman or dominant women opposite a male
•-- Toiletplay, and most other "hardcore" kinks
•-- Underage characters. My hard limit is 16 and that is if both partners are under 18, otherwise 18+
•-- Significant age gaps
•-- Hard/extreme BDSM
•-- Noncon
•-- Outright violence. While abuse as a plot aspect is ok with me as long as it's not between the two protagonists, I won't romanticize it or put detail in to scenes involving it
•-- Aggressive doms
•-- Macho type males - tall, super ripped, play sports/gym erry day. Even the appearance is enough of a turn off for me
•-- Harems style roleplays

•-- The 100: Clarke/Lexa, Clarke/Raven, Raven/Octavia, Abby/Kane, Grounder/Skaikru, Azgeda/Trikru, Azgeda/Skaikru, Nightblood/Nightblood, Nightblood/Non-nightblood
•-- Wentworth: Bea/Allie, Franky/Bridget, Franky/OC
•-- Orange is the New Black: Lorna/Nicky, Nicky/OC, Piper/Alex, Female Guard/Prisoner
•-- Life is Strange: Max/Chloe, Chloe/Rachel
•-- Walking Dead: Tara/Denise, Tara/Rosita, Tara/Cyndie, Tara/OC, Rosita/OC, Daryl/Carol, Michonne/Andrea
•-- Grey's Anatomy: Callie/Arizona, Arizona/OC, Cristina/Owen, Arizona/April, Arizona/OC
•-- Pokemon: Moon/Lillie, Team Skull members, Team Skull/Trainer, Magma/Aqua
•-- Harry Potter: Luna/OC, Ginny/OC, Muggleborn/Pureblood, Ravenclaw/Non-Ravenclaw, Slytherin/Griffindor
•-- Hunger Games: Mentor/Tribute, Tribute/Tribute, Victor/Victor, Tribute/Capitolite, Victor/Capitolite, District 4 citizens, District 12 citizens, District 13
•-- Stardew Valley: female!Farmer/Abigail, female!Farmer/Sebastian
•-- Harvest Moon: Most games; female!Farmer/Bachelorettes, Villager/Villager
•-- Rune Factory: played 1-3 and some of 4; open to a variety of pairings
•-- The Host: Soul/Rebel
•-- Twilight: Jasper/Alice, Jasper/OC, Hybrid/New Vamp, grown!Renesmee/OC
•-- Vampire Diaries: Klaus/Caroline, Klaus/OC, Katherine/OC, Bonnie/OC

Any OC pairings here imply I want to play the OC and they will be female. I'm very open to playing a canon character for you in addition. I also really enjoy playing with only original characters in a fandom universe.

•-- Harry Potter - OC/OC preferably; slim chance of canon/canon or canon/oc: I love the idea of teenagers exploring and developing their sexuality in a non-magical environment, and I believe it could be fun in a magical environment as well. I'd love some sort of dynamic between them - maybe a pureblood finds themselves falling for a muggleborn, or a gryffindor for a slytherin. Two seekers. Prefect and someone who had wanted to be a prefect. We can also adjust canon ages so that first years are 12 and they end school at 18 versus 11 and 17. All characters will be at least 6th year (or 5th with the age adjusting). Not interested in professor/student pairings.
•-- Pokemon - Moon/Lillie: After Lillie returns to Alola, set five or 6 years after the events of the game (so the girls are 16-17). They're all grown up now and Lillie's returned home to find Moon championing Alola, tired and burnt out after years of power. Reunited back in Hau'oli city, Lillie's presence brings a life back to Moon and as well as a feeling she had been pushing away for years - just how in love with her she had been.
•-- Wentworth - Franky/OC: Takes place before the events of the show. Franky and my OC (Elliot, aka El/Ellie) enter Wentworth on the same day and are placed in the same unit. They're not exactly friends but they know they have each other and end up bonding purely on the basis of having arrived together. El's in for assault with a weapon and has a few years to her name, but she's also got a bit of a heroin problem and she quickly begins to start having withdrawl symptoms. Franky's the one to hold her until she falls asleep, make sure she gets her ass in the shower, those kinds of things. Eventually the lines blur between looking after each other and being friends, and before they know it they're head over heels for each other, virtually inseperable.
•-- OITNB - Nicky/OC: Sets place either in Litchfield where Ellie is in the new batch of inmates that come in at the end of season three or in max after the riot ends. She's an ex-junkie and they bond over their... ex-junkiness? They support each other and look after each other, helping the other maintain sobriety despite the chaos around them. Friendship takes a sharp turn in to lust one day when they find their lips locked and bodies bared, and eventually fuck buddies turns in to a love they never expected to have.
•-- Grey's Anatomy - Cristina/Owen: Either Cristina comes back, finally getting the Harper Avery she's always deserved or he's in Zurich (maybe they needed a new trauma head and she reccomended him so he's visiting to check the place out?). They end up running in to each other, either accidentally or on person, and it's like they never even spend a day apart.
•-- The 100 - Clarke/Lexa: I am not picky in the least about who plays who. We start just before Lexa gets shot, and simple enough we make it so she doesn't. Or that Clarke can save her. Come up with some other way to bring the AI to fruition later on or something. I just need to recover from what happened. Lexa lives. Clarke stays in Polis with her. Titus gets the shit he deserves. Our main ladies deal with trouble in their lives given you know the war going on and all but their relationship is good. I want plot - I want to advance the storyline and come up with our own direction to take things but I also want moments where they're alone together and happy and drawing each other and shit. I want them cuddled up in her bed, content and flustered but overall ok because Lexa Lives and they will figure things out. Fuck, have Clarke go to Arkadia and stay there for months while they take down Pike and then have them reunite.
•-- Life is Strange - Max/Chloe: After the destruction of Arcadia Bay, Max and Chloe drive off in to the unknown. With only each other left, they need to make a life together and recover from the trauma that they've experienced. (I'm seeing them ending up in a little apartment and being domestic and shit but I'm open to ideas as this isn't thoroughly thought out.)

•-- Teenaged Pregnancy
•-- Exes getting back together
•-- One night stand where one of them wants more
•-- Friends with benefits
•-- Married/lover
•-- About to be married/old flame
•-- Closeted/openly gay
•-- College students
•-- Teacher/student
•-- Step-siblings
•-- Addict/dealer
•-- Devout Christian/the local bad boy (or girl)
•-- High school sweethearts reunited as adults

•-- Closeted/Openly Gay: Maybe this could be slightly historical? Or modern day where the closeted person's family has a major problem with it and she has to hide her sexuality. The open one is the opposite - maybe her family is just more liberal or maybe she just doesn't care, maybe she's left them all behind. At first she's just a support system, knowing how being stuck in the closet can ruin a person, but as they grow closer feelings develop and they begin a relationship. Maybe it's what brings the closeted girl to come out, or maybe their love strains familial relations even further until everything comes crumbling down around them.
•-- Twins: A pair of twins who grew up near inseparable, maybe to the point of codependency. Maybe they just feel there's nothing wrong with the way they act. I'm seeing something where they're rather lower class; single mom who, once they were old enough to watch themselves, would work night shifts leaving them to do their thing. Their only fun was each other and as they entered puberty they developed curiosities that only seemed natural to test on each other. They'd never had a secret from the other before, after all. This would take place when they're in their later teenage years - almost about to graduate high school or maybe in to early college. Maybe one's moving away from school or one's suddenly got a partner and it's shook their dynamic up. Less a plot and more a premise but would love to hash out something.
•-- Exes: Three years after finally ending their two years of on/off relationship, ex lovers meet at the school they used to go to, drink a little too much vodka and spend the night realizing that they never quite got over each other. Drunken sex and an admission of feelings ensues - but the problem arises the next day when they really take in what happened and the consequences of their actions. One of them has a partner and leaving them isn't really a viable option, maybe they have a kid together or something, but the main characters need to work through the changes in their relationship and the effect it will have on the people around them. Bonus points if they end up pregnant.
•-- Teen Pregnancy: Two teens (17-18) still in highschool find themselves with a baby on the way. They have to learn how to navigate parenthood while still trying to finish school, get jobs, et cetera. Lots of emotions run wild and they struggle to keep their relationship together with the monumental task that is raising a child.
•-- Addict/Dealer: She's in an abusive relationship, he knows her through her boyfriend and they both know said boyfriend can never find out about the way they touch each other on the lonely nights when she's ran off, desperate for a hit and the proof that someone in this world might actually care about her. They're both ignoring feelings towards each other until one day she shows up black and blue with nowhere to go, and without even meaning to they've ended up cohabiting and realizing this was never completely about the drugs.
•-- Apartment Neighbors: “Okay, usually I’m not one to judge but you keep having people going in and out of your apartment every night. But it turns out that you often have drinking time with your friends and I asked if we can have one and now we’re drunk and doing honest talk. And oh my god, you mentioned about having sex with me. I think I’m down with that right now.”
•-- Best Friends: A and B met in high school/college whatever and became fast friends while spending their time drunk and high and taking walks through forest and 2am drives. They've always loved each other but neither wants to admit it until one day one of them pushes the limits and they wake up hungover and naked the next morning. They're desperate not to let it change their dynamic but neither can deny that the night before was more than a mistake.
•-- Teacher/Student: Character A is seventeen, about to be eighteen in just a few months time, and about to start her final year of high school. Character B is 26 and about to start teaching at a new school once summer ends. They meet (we can work out how/where) and and hit it off early in the summer months, and their relationship quickly becomes passionate.
•-- Opposites Attract: Character A is more of a well-bred kind of person. They've been through college, have a good job, maybe even a partner - until they meet Character B, who is the type of person who keeps vodka in their water bottle so no one suspects that they're drunk. Once they meet, A finds them self attracted to B in a way that they never thought possible.
•-- Codependent Couple: Character A and Character B are long time friends turned more, and have been living as "friends with benefits" while denying that there are emotions involved. They both went a little wrong in life - one's an addict, the other's pretty severely depressed. Together they make a good combo, though, and they become codependent. When one of them loses their job and then quickly their apartment, they move in together. Mayhem and sex ensues.
•-- Wife/Lover: After years of marriage, a couple are on the rocks. Character A finds solace in Character B, a charismatic and energetic person who she meets through [a bar/a friend/whatever]. They meet with innocent intentions that quickly go up in flames as their night turns to passion. At first A refuses to talk to B again - a rocky marriage isn't an over one, after all. However, it isn't long before they find themselves drawn to B once again - and then over and over again. Their casual trist turns to regular sex turns to A finding them self falling for someone who isn't their partner.
•-- Partners: Character A and Character B are in a long term relationship. They've moved in to a new apartment, got a cat, got engaged, whatever. They love each other more than life itself and they're kind of codependent on each other. They have a lot of great sex, exploring new ideas and places to fuck whenever they have the chance. An overlying plot arch to keep this moving varies outside of the sex - maybe they're actually arguing quite a lot? Maybe one cheated, maybe a family member died, or something else to maintain a conflict in the plot. Either way they're screwed, and they have to struggle to keep themselves together in a time where they need each other most. It's drugs and sex. It's late nights on the rooftop, stoned and drunk, and drives deeper in the middle of nowhere to try to escape the chaos of life. It's trying to keep yourself together when the world wants to tear your apart, and it's about not giving up. It's constant rain and tears. It's smoking cigarettes outside of your old high school in the middle of the night and dancing around half naked in the kitchen while you cook one of the only things you know how. It's everything possible and nothing at all, all at once.
•-- Daughter/Mother's Boyfriend: A (18-22) has secretly been seeing B, an older well-off man (early to mid thirties). They've been together a while, but A doesn't want to make their relationship public because she knows her parents (especially her father) will freak out. At a family dinner, she discovers that B has been less than faithful to her - when he shows up at a dinner that her mother prepared to introduce A to her new fiance. Option A: They keep seeing each other in secret, even after B marries A's mother. There's angst and secrecy and cheating. Option B-1: A gets upset, and tells her mother that she has been seeing B for quite a while now, either during or after the dinner. B continues to see her mother, and A moves out. During a meeting where they planned to break up, A says that she can't live with out him and begs him to keep seeing her. He does. Option B-2: A gets upset, and tells her mother that she has been seeing B for quite a while now, either during or after the dinner. A moves out, and B ceases seeing her mother. Option C: Any of the above, but A is/gets pregnant. (I would love to include this.)
•-- Out/Closeted: Together, a trio of long time best friends goes on a trip to a ski resort. Once their first night is over with, two of them head for a dip in the hot tub. My character, a "straight" female has forgetten her bathing suit. Your character, well known to be a lesbian or bisexual, says to just go without - she will as well so it's not as weird to be the lone one naked. My character has been harboring feelings for yours, but doesn't say anything - until the sight of her naked body leads to chaste first kisses in the tub and escalates until they end up in someone's bed

•-- Zombie Apocalypse
•-- Dystopian Society
•-- Vampire/Human
•-- Pirates
•-- Medieval

•-- Fantasy: Something Final Fantasy-esque. Basically a high fantasy universe with multiple different races and our characters are in a group together. Band of thieves? Heroes in the making?
•-- Princess/Prince's Sister: MC is a princess in an unhappy arranged marriage her parents put together with the heir to the throne. YC is his sister, who she quickly becomes fast friends with, and before they know it more.
•-- Island Paradise: Plot where 2+ of my muses, and 2+ of your muses all get into some kind of wreck (plane crash, ship wreck what have you) and land up on a desert island. Its full of fruit and plants to live off of fish and game animals to hunt, cook and eat, but there seems to be very little else and even less chance of being rescued. So they have to band together and form their own little communitity. What happens when the rules of the normal world are needed to be enforced here?
So, I'm recently single and have decided to become active on this place again. Really craving something involving pregnancy, bonus points for the pregnancy happening in a lesbian couple (+/- a cheating aspect). Also craving something involving two exes who end up hooking up again after meeting up several years down the line - in the back room before one of them's wedding? Behind the school they used to go to in the middle of the night? At her place while they're both wine drunk and maybe shouldn't be making calls like that?

I'm not feeling fandoms very much but if you're open to one of the italicized ships I would be down to do that.
Weekly bump. Mostly craving some non-fandom f/f or something dystopic or apocalyptic.
Weekly dumb - added some new plots, both fandom and modern, as well as some fandom pairings.
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