Limitless Lit Female looking for Lit male for Dark Roleplays

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Sep 28, 2010

I have been finding lately a passion to roleplay again. I am hoping by redoing my request thread, I will be able to get a few of you interested enough to send me a message. I have never been a fan of super elaborate request threads that take hours to read, so hopefully I can give you enough detail without boring you.

A quick about me and my roleplays:

I am 29 years old and have been roleplaying for almost 2 decades. I prefer my roleplays to be over aim/skype and in third person. I am totally ok with doing roleplays over private message, I just prefer a quicker back and forth during roleplay sessions. As for length, I am flexible depending on current plot point, roleplay method, and current mood. Sometimes we are just distracted and want to roleplay, but don’t have the time to dedicated a four paragraph post. However, that does not mean I take one liners. I usually request at least 1-2 paragraph in length.

Most importantly, I just want the post to have some meat and bones to it. Don’t just respond, rewriting what I just set up. Feel free to add your own spin, take the plot in another direction, introduce characters, and what not. I love roleplaying with partners who are as involved in the plot as I am. It isn’t fun when I have to set up everything and lead. I am a RPG table player and thrive for the unexpected.

Lastly, I love roleplays that have a create mix of smut and plot. I am a sucker for all things drama, romance, everyday life, and plot twists. On the other side, I LOVE SEX. Sometimes I just want the dirtiest, darkest sex scenes I can find. Other days, I like a little slice of humble pie.

Oh and let’s not forget details. DETAILS ARE IMPORTANT! Roleplaying to me is like writing a book with a another person. I would never ready a boring book that is lacking details, and I don’t stay with roleplays that are the same way.

My Character/Plots-

I tend to stick with one of my main characters, Katherine. She is flexible to change with story plots, time eras, and even your own character. Katie is usually a mix between a submissive character and dom. SHE IS NOT A SWITCH. She can be dominate of other characters, but usually in conjunction with her partner (who she usually serves/submits).

With no limits, the story plot and concepts are endless. I welcome anything from fantasy, Victorian, medieval, certain decades in America, and modern. She can play young, teens, college or young adults. She does prefer to be younger/around same age as her partners.

Current Craving:

Something based with a dark plot, with as little as limits as possible. Perhaps Victorian or modern.
But please message me with any idea or even if you just want to hear some of mine. I always have a few ideas I’m working on and would love to play around with.
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