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Blade Bind OOC


Biblically Accurate Bitch
Sep 28, 2013
The Lost City of Clitlantis
In case we need it!

I have decided that at some point in the rp, I need to stand on the railroad tracks awaiting Zeth's character's train and wind up a swing like trying to hit a baseball. It will be the most anime thing I've ever written.
Clearly, I decided to embrace my character's role as the M. Bison or Geese Howard of the setting. Buluc Chabtan's "gifts" of prophecy and sacrifice have transformed my character from an idealistic young woman who saw medicine as an act of religious devotion to an ice-blooded killer.

I suspect her "most anime thing ever" would be sitting in the dark in her penthouse office with her fingers steepled and the glow of monitors reflecting from her glasses, watching Dari slaughter her way through the lower levels. Just watching, Buluc Chabtan watching with her, as they hundreds of lives are spent to slow Weapon Number 753 even a little.

And then the ensuing battle destroys the entire SCABBARD facility.

Oh, a few quick housekeeping things.

First, your threads. Give some thought to how strong they currently are, on a scale of 1-3. My character has a 3 for "I will control SCABBARD", because she currently runs it with an iron fist gripping a wooden Blade teeth sports obsidian teeth. "I will control Weapon Number 753" will probably be a 1, though, because she has almost no control over her renegade Weapon. These numbers add to your base Will, allowing your Blades to become vastly (dangerously) powerful. They also change as other players strike at them. (And they will.)

Second, relationships! Along with the Threads, we akso know each other. If you're stumped for ideas, draw a card for each player to see how and why. Here, I'll demonstrate:
Weapon Number 758: 4 of Diamonds. Professional neighbor.
Tali: 5 of Spades. Antagonistic vendor and client.
Sven: King of Diamonds. Detached parent and child.

Clearly, we don't have to use these. But here's how it could work. Weapon Number 758 was just another victim of the SCABBARD Weapon orogram. I knew her (well, of her), but it was just business. Tali, as a representative if her cult, was dealt with because her cult was useful as a deniable asset - and she knew I was doing it and resented it. And Sven? I don't even remember his father's name; he was a night's convenience, and the accidental pregnancy was a regrettable oversight that Ididn't terminate due to lingering memories of my religious and medical training - the one time I ignored Buluc Chabtan's warnings. It was a relief to rid myself of the infant once he was born, and then I had my tubes tied to make sure it didn't happen again.

(If you like the udeas, great. If you don't, that's cool. Come up with something else. Or draw a card, and we can see what we make of it.)

Third, smut. This is Blue Moon, after all. Do we want it in the game? If so, should it be in the main thread, or shall it fade to black and play out in a seperate thread? (Insert standard boilerplate here: characters don't have to resoect other character's boundaries and limits, but other players do.)

Next time, I'll explain hilow the scenes will work, and we'll see who starts us off!
So how do we assign how strong trends are? Just want ever fits - or is there a system.
I am thinking:
1. Aid Luximal'dari in tasks.
2. Learn to have enjoyment in life.
3. Destroy the agency that stole her life. (3)

Luximal'dari is fickle and not overly demanding - but Dari does find some loose structure to be familiar, learning to live her life is one of the things that her ally seems to insist on and she is trying hard to do this, but her focus is on vengence and tearing down the agency that wronged her (even if she has no true animosity to any specific individual).

For relationships (might ignore/redraw if they don't fit concept):
1. Alandra Sacnite Tenorio - (will match the above). Dari has no specific feeling on Alandra outside her role in the agency, but in that role (and as the wielder of Buluc Chabtan) she is an enemy.
2. Tali - Jack of Clubs
3. Sven - King of Hearts

For smut I am fine with that I see Luximal'dari as something of a Lust Demon - but more slow moving and corruptive/subversive about things than might be expected, seeking to tear down the controls of authority and let people live as they choose - which it expects to be passionately without guilt for actions, it doesn't really understand people though.
Dancrilis, your king of hearts make you a supportive/protective parent to Sven, which could be an intrigue combination with Alandra's "Detached parent and child." Dari adopted him as Alandra gave him away? Makes for great drama.

The jack of clubs with Tali makes them jealous or selfish relatives. Who is jealous of whom is up for debate, or we could be relatives who are not fond of one another? I am open to suggestions on this one.

For Sven I drew the 2♦, which means I know of him by his professional reputation.

For my threads I have:
1. Protect Neber Tachel. (3)
2. Control Flying Pussyfoot (1)
3. Destroy the blade Vargr, and any who wield it. (1)

I changed my second to one that better fits the thread structure.

As for Smut, I don't see Tali intiating or showing interest in that. She is fanatically celibate and following a cult that designates sex is purely for procreation between a man and wife within the confines of marriage. Only in missionary position, with the lights off. Let's also throw in some homophobia on Tali's part. She might be a self hating butch lesbian in denial.
So if it suits Zeth I would see Dari recognising a fellow assassin - but one from a far different background, who cares about things outside of himself an obvious weakness to her mind, but something she finds oddly innocently endearing, also as her training is to kill those bearing blades she feels that helping him can thumb her nose at the agency.

For Tali if it suits I would have the Eyes of Virtue be the initial adoption group that took Weapon Number 758 in to raise, but than traded her to SCABBARD sometime later (perhaps she was unruly). As they were briefly children together with few others around Dari see Tali as something of a sister but one who is distant from her and doesn't illicate strong emotional reactions, as such she is selfish with offering anything to her but doesn't particularly wish her ill - and though the Eyes of Virtue might share some blame with SCABBARD for where her anger should lie Vargr pushes her to focus on Buluc Chabtah (Luximal'dari might however be more interested in tearing down the Eyes of Virtue - and Dari has no loyalty to them should a local preacher need silencing or people in their care need freeing*).

*Which could have a lot of meanings, freed from being indoctrinated and slaughtered for failing to live up to expectation might be one group helped, freed from the people feeding and providing basic agriculture education might be another group helped etc.
I'll be in anime Boston until Monday.

I was waiting on you guys to say how I ripped off the Rail Tracer from Bacanno.
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