Kyr's RP Search! ( Female x Many Things. )

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Mar 24, 2017
United States (CST).
Well, hello there! Thank you for taking the time to check out my thread! I hope you find something that interests you.

First of all, I'll start with a few tidbits about myself as a roleplayer that might be important to you (or not, whatever!):

+ I'm so 18+ it hurts. If my exact age matters, feel free to ask in PMs.
+ In general, I am looking for story and substance. This is a long-term search so, while I do have moods for short-term things, I find a flourishing story and world makes everything so much more interesting.
+ I play all kinds of characters for purposes of story, but I am looking to have a "main" character that is female.
+ When it comes to sexuality in RP, the majority of my characters are heterosexual "ish." I am very open to shemale and "futa" characters. While f/f is not my typical go-to, I think they can be just as fun, I'm just a little more picky about the RP (primarily, for f/f, I will wish to play a submissive character opposite a very dominant character).
+ I have a slight preference for PM and e-mail RPs, but am not adverse to threads.
+ I very rarely use pictures and, when I do, they will be anime references/drawn. Good ol' description is my favorite. I like to think I have a great imagination - please describe your character to me!
+ I'm a busy person. I work full-time, I'm a student, love to read and play video games, and I occasionally pretend I have a social life. Sometimes I'll post multiple times a day, especially on a slow day at work. Other times I might only be able to spare a post a week. I promise, though, that I will respond as soon as I can, but only when I have the energy and inspiration to give you something I hope you'll really enjoy reading and responding to!

RP Interests


Fantasy and sci-fi are my favorites! Realistic, slice-of-life tends to bore me to tears unless there's a little fantasy mixed in.

Some elements I tend to like: Supernaturals (especially vampires; think VtM), aliens, dragons, love-hate relationships, master-servant dynamics, dynasties, military, academies.


The following is a list of fandoms in which I feel comfortable RPing in. Please keep in mind that I do not play canon characters and I'd prefer we did something without canon characters entirely; think AU or other timelines.

Animorphs, Dragonriders of Pern, Star Wars, Pokemon, Harry Potter, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Jurassic Park, Fruits Basket, Sekirei, Reckoners, Final Fantasy XI, Final Fantasy XIV.


I don't have any plots at the moment! ;~; Please feel free to share yours with me.

Trigger Warning

In a good(ish) way! These are things that I really like that pertain to more sexual relationships. Please don't feel pressured to include any of these things in a RP.

Monogamy, incest (high preference for sibling; parent/child very low), rape, partner's character being dominant, eventual love, traps/femboys.

X Dislikes X

Infidelity (though not an absolute no; I will consider it depending on the plot), scat/watersports, permanent mutilation, primary character death/"bad ends" (I love drama, angst, sorrow, struggle - but in the end, I do enjoy my happy endings).

What kinds of characters does Kyr play?
All kinds! But when it comes to 'main' characters, I have favorite tropes that can kind of outline a new character. I enjoy playing damsels in distress, tough and snarky fighters, angsty knights, the powerful empress, the runaway princess. :3

And that's all I have for now! I'll add to this post as I think of more things. o-o This is by no means an exhaustive list. Have a question? Interested? Please PM me!
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