TF2GunSlinger's Request Thread

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Mar 29, 2017
Sup I suck at Thread Intros so let's just dive in to the good stuff!

1. I am 22 , heterosexual, and female. Sex and other mature content is fine and welcomed in moderation and relevance to the plot.

2. I am a med casual to advanced writer, managing at least three paragraphs per post. I know writers block happens and sometimes you just can't think of enough material to fill three paragraphs and that's fine, just please please please no one liners. Please.

3. Have FUN! Make jokes, talk, and just have a good time. I like talking Out Of Character and it helps keep the rp fresh.

Now, onto the good stuff.

(My Character x Your Character)

X-Men (either in the original cartoon universe or X-Men Evolution)
Gambit x OC
Mutant OC x Nightcrawler
Team Rocket Member x Pokemon Ranger

No ideas but open to them!

Dragon Age:

Elven Mage x Human Templar
Elven Hero of Ferelden x Sten
Human Noble Rouge x Alistair
Elven Hero of Ferelden x Zevran
Qunari Inquisitor x Iron Bull
Elven Inquisitor x Dorian
Human/Elven Inquisitor x Solas
Dwarven Inquisitor x Varric
Hero of Ferelden x Hawke

Mass Effect:

OC x Turian C-Sec(Plot with This One!)

Paragon Shepard x Garrus


Neutral OC x Whirl (Plot with This One!) This one takes place in the MTMTE IDW comic series.

Open to Suggestions!

Team Fortress 2:

RED Class GunSlinger OC x RED Sniper(Plot with This One)

Fallout 4:


OC x Nick Valentine(Plot with This One)

Synth OC x OC




Medieval Fantasy





More to come, this is just all I can think of at the moment. Drop me a PM if your interested or post here.

Also, if you ever need to geek or fangirling/fanboy out over any of these, feel free to chat with me.

I will fan out with ya!

Thanks for reading!


I have a 40 a week job, so replies will most likely be once a day. Weekends I may be able to do more, if work doesn't make me do overtime.

Also, just so I don't end up burning myself out, probably only gonna take on one or two long term rps right now.:) also, in case it wasn't obvious, the pairings I have in mind are FxM.
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