In the Scarlet Eyes of the Beholder (Tasinga Nightwolf x Viktoff Samson)

Viktoff Samson

May 16, 2016
The sound of the steaming hot water added to the endless therapeutic properties of this out-door spring. As it were, only one man was in the hot water for the moment. Kaname Kuran, one of the tallest of the night class and certainly the most mysterious. Although he was normally stoic, hard to read, he was different this night with the young moon barely starting to climb the sky. The first sign that something had been different would be his lack of formal clothing. Afterall, Kaname only wore a towel with him into the steaming hot waters. The less obvious, more subtle sign would be his brooding atmosphere and small frown.

The tips of his brown hair had darkened around his collar bones as they managed to reach the water when he relaxed in different positions. In the hour he somehow managed to find alone time with this hot water, he transitioned from watching the stars to glaring at the moon's reflection. Some things never changed, no matter how many thousands of times one might glare into them intensely. Kaname's woes were almost as consistent as the moon above him. While he had so much on his mind and the building stress of how little his loved ones really knew about him, this vacation with his friends was obviously a solid break. And yet, he still found time to sulk a little.

He was so far away from her, and she was so vulnerable. Surely, she had Zero. But, that guy was far from trustworthy. Not to mention that he was considerably weak. If Kaname could have left someone far stronger, more sympathetic to his concerns, behind to protect Yuki, then he'd find it much easier to relax. And then there was the curious case of Kaien Cross. He was somewhat reliable, and yet Kaname remained uneasy about being so far away with Yuki being in such a vulnerable state. There were things crawling around that an army of nobles couldn't even handle. Such as himself.

A dark, fun little thought danced along his imagination as he found a small smile. He'd have to humor himself at this rate, if his gang of friends were going to take this long to join him in the hot water. The reflection of his topless, smiling self would have made for an invaluable picture for the raving mad young ladies of Cross Academy's night school, Kaname wondered just how far his own crew's admiration for him might go by contrast. They were rather reliable and he did find a small sense of satisfaction in practicing his authority over them as the head of the Night Class. But, just how far did some of their feelings go for him? Should he feel guilty if romantic feelings were involved while he kept so much from them?

Another thought to agonize himself over, pointless unless he were to pursuit it. Just like his concerns for Yuki. For a girl of her origin, she was almost delightful in her shortcomings as a human. Kaname wondered if he'd be less appealing to the human girls if another pureblood sacrificed themselves to make him human as well. Another pointless thought, but this one was fun to toy with.
Kaname was not the only vampire on this vacation in a sulking mood. His younger cousin Senri Shiki had been acting rather secluded as well. It probably had to be in part due to the fact him and Rima no longer were a couple in any fashion, shape or form. The young vampire had become further attached after the blonde girl broke up with him. Being they both were the youngest in the Night Class it only seemed fitting they got along and they had at first. But Rima lately had become distant and Shiki worried that he had said something, when he asked her if she was alright two days before the trip she had snapped at him made him retreat.

So, now he laid on his back on the bed in the quarters he was given just looking at the moon through the window. Ichigo had tried to help him, by offering to go to the spring with him. Ichigo was a good soul no wonder Kaname had picked him to be the Vice-President of the Night Class. Then that was another thing all together, Kaname. Shiki had known he was related to the Kuran somehow, but it was never made clear other then it was through his father. Still Shiki had hoped that by being around the older Pure Blood he would feel more comfortable maybe get more a hold on his hunger. But it seemed the other did not even know Shiki was alive and that hurt the young noble born.

Maybe it was because they were related and that was why the other did not like him. No one had ever told Senri much about his father, but what little he had learned the man was a monster all the way through and a bane to all Pure Bloods when he had been alive. Did Shiki remind Kaname of his father? Was Kaname worried Shiki would turn into such a beast as the old man? Tightening his fist so hard his nails cut into his palm he flinched at the pain. Bringing it down he focused on the blood. His insides twisted at the sight of the dark fluid feeling that all too familiar want for blood rising up. Sitting up fast he tried shaking the feeling from his mind.

Most would just take the blood pills, but Shiki hated those things. They tasted horrible compared to the real thing. Sure he understood why they were made and supported so much, but still it was not as good. Not thinking he licked the wounds and felt a shiver run down his back before he bit lightly eyes turning a redish purple. Those eyes glared at the wall. He was mad. Mad at Rima for leaving him alone and not telling him why. Mad at Kaname for acting better then his own family. Mad at himself for not being able to control himself more. The moon only adding to the brightness in his eyes.

--- At the spring---

Kaname probably would smell or sense him before seeing him. Ichigo walked in the spring and sensing the dark mood of the other he quickly tried to act more bubbly to help the other. "Sir Kuran. I hope you do not mind if I join you." He would understand if the other wanted him to leave. While they were in the same class Ichigo had always known Kuran was older, though he did not know by how much. Sitting in the water after a moment his towel still on and not caring it got soaked. "Lovely location for the vacation." He smiled loosely then said. "I can sense you probably do not want anything else on your mind, but I am worried. Senri has not left his quarters in over two days and I know he is not using the pills because every time I leave a box he doesn't touch them. He wont let me in the room either." The worry was etched in Ichigo's voice. The young vampire had always seemed to act as if he was personally responsible for Shiki. Maybe because he knew Kaname made Shiki feel lonely.
The scenery that surrounded the pureblood and his band of good looking and powerful vampires had been quite superb. While Kaname pointed his finger in this direction, he couldn't accept full responsibility as the others did help in the decision making involved. His muscles and skin felt so good with the hot water reaching so deep to do it's job. He let his reddish eyes close as the world around him slipped away with his cares and worries. They'd return, obviously, but the weight of Kaname's stress had been colossal and the departure was welcomed even if it were only temporary. Sometimes the pureblood had wished he wasn't so tall as it would make sliding down beneath the water much easier. While the water was nice and deep in the area he had been sitting, it would have been a welcomed addition if it had more depth. A longing to just drown away his concerns away was likely the most human aspect of Kaname, one of the rare few vampires of no human heritage.

As he divulged further into his lone time of the hot water, he could hear the approaching Takuma long before he'd be interrupted. Sadly, he was already snapped from his moment of peace and it wasn't Takuma's fault. After all, Kaname had hoped that the rest of the Night Class would have joined him out here by now. It was his intention to share this vacation with them to raise the morale of the Night Class. Incidentally, he wasn't actually aware of the opportunities that might arise to work out a few issues with the others. It would be rather helpful to be able to plan ahead to solve an issue that one might not actually be aware of. Then again, even Kaname can't do everything. Picking a natural time to open his eyes to his blond companion before relaxing against the smoothed rock behind him, Kaname use a small wave to cast aside the first comment. "I don't mind at all."

Sharing the hot water was a welcomed turn of events, especially with the hard working VP of the Night Class. For ten years now, Kaname has grown rather close to the blond member of the Ichijo line. "I thought it would be a great place to relax." He psuedo-politely added in after the second comment. His eyes shifting away as he let the small smile gradually fade into his casual look. Fake smiles were both his strength and least favorite thing to do. Kaname would imagine that Takuma had no idea of the treasure trove of unicorns and lochnes monsters his deepest darkest secrets were. It was uncharacteristic, but Kaname raised an eyebrow as he looked back to Takuma. "Something is wrong with Shiki?" He asked, concern crawling across his features. It was monstrous, but the younger member of the Night Class wasn't even on Kaname's radar just a moment ago. He wasn't aware that Shiki wasn't out and about playing with their friends outside of Kaname's field of attention.

How could he, a man who previously didn't give the guy a single thought, actually be concerned for him? It wasn't fair of him, sure. It wasn't nice. But, Kaname felt a surge of regret in his chest. Had he been pushing Shiki away all along? Was the boy's absence his doing? "Well, if he isn't eating, then the trouble goes deeper than the surface." Kaname noted to himself as though he wasn't sharing something with Takuma. Thoughts began to race as Kaname let his brow furrow a bit and he looked down to his chest. The brown hair that usually covered Kaname's eyes had easily reached down his features to shield his expression incidentally. After just a moment, Kaname stood and looked up toward the door that lead into the resort that they bought out. "Forgive me, Takuma. I'd like to spend more time with you and the others out here, later into the night. But, for now, I need to see if Shiki needs my help." Polite as always, Kaname wouldn't leave Takuma alone in the water without expression himself like that.

---Inside the Resort---

Kaname's towel was soaked, he showered before heading to the hot spring as it was tradition, so he was nice and clean to dry off with another towel. In his room, he fetched some clothes, including black pants and a white button up dress shirt. They were formal wear, but he didn't wear them formally and they certainly weren't his normal colors. He dried himself off quickly and the clothes were just pulled on as he made his way to his door before heading out into the hallway. His haste was quite visible, though he didn't want to cause a commotion so held back on making too much sound by moving as fast as possible. This was urgent for Kaname, but he didn't have any plans of inviting the others along. If Shiki wasn't have a good time with his hunger, the last thing he'd need is his friends seeing him like that.

After all... There was the mental image of his father's numerous disasters. The sight of that freak of a man and blood was too painful, and Shiki was lucky as to not remind Kaname too much of his father provided the pain Rido brought into Kaname's world. He'd squash the termite completely if he could, but he just couldn't. The young model vampire was a totally different story. Kaname didn't feel as though Shiki's hunger problems were at all related to his weird eyed father. The supplements weren't perfect, and they certainly didn't replace a fresh bite and the intimacy of sharing blood with someone else, so Kaname didn't actually expect them to solve the issue without their own problems. He knew the Night Class just wouldn't be satisfied with the Supplements, though they should be able to curve their way out of the natural cycle that makes feeble humans into prey. If Kaname could use his depth of worldly knowledge to remove humans from that cycle completely, he'd be one step closer to making a world where the two opposites could co-exist. A dream he craved more than anyone's blood.

Kaname stood outside of Shiki's door now. For a resort of this caliber, he was quite surprised to find the hallways had been so long and the journey gave him plenty of time to digest different possibilities for Shiki's problem. Then again, he could adequately be prepared until he could talk to the young man himself. "Open up, Shiki." Kaname spoke to him. The sentence wasn't overly demanding, but the brevity wouldn't go so far as to make Kaname sound upset or annoyed. His voice was inquiring, but he didn't sound like he was going to break the door down, or as though he had any reason to seek to discipline Shiki. Has he approached Shiki like this before? Certainly, for Night Class dorm related issues. But, how about for anything else? Kaname couldn't spare the time to idly think back to those moments as he ironed himself to help Shiki, if he could.
Well the blonde had not expected the other to respond in such a way. Despite the two being outwardly different in attitude. Takuma being the more bright, bouncy even bubble nature in contrast to Kaname's more strict and brooding personality. However like Kaname, Takuma had long sense learned to read people for many reasons mostly to make sure they were not lying and for his own safety. So, when he caught the small almost invisible changes in Kaname's face at being told something was wrong with Shiki he almost made a retort. Kaname rarely if ever showed that he even knew the boy was alive and Takuma knew all too well that it bothered Shiki. Senri saw the Pure Blood as a role model to try and follow after, he had explained to Takuma once he wanted to restore the Senri title among the nobles and he did not know how. Such a burden for such a young man.

When Kaname suddenly got up Takuma moved his head to show he was listening to the other as he spoke. "Alright, I will be sure to spreed the word once I have enjoyed the water more... and Kaname... Remember Shiki likes to hide how bad something is." He gave this warning not for Kaname's sake, but Shiki's if the leader of the Night Class got mad at the younger vampire it probably would only result in Shiki retreating from them more. As the other left Takuma could only sit and hope he done what was right by mentioning that something was wrong and that in doing so things did not get worse. Sighing he leaned back in the water some he muttered. "So, much for relaxing..."

--- Inside the Resort---

He had not even sensed the other coming close. Normally Shiki could sense the suppressing energy of the Pure Blood from a good distance, but he was so distracted by his own spiraling thoughts he missed it all together. That was until he was fully aware. When Kaname knocked Senri about jumped his eyes going wide, still a bright red color he felt his chest moving in large and deep breaths as he looked at the door. His right hand still bleeding as he held the sheets tightly. That was not what was bothering him, what was bothering him and making him suddenly so frightened was the sear force of the other's nature. Still he had to go open the door, Kaname was his superior and not to do so was just rude.

What would Kaname think though if he saw Shiki like this? He'll probably be disappointed in how weak willed I am. Still he forced himself up and grabbing a red tie off the nightstand he wrapped it around his hand to both hide the blood, but also slow it from bleeding more. Walking over to the door his bare feet making no sound he unlocked the bolt and then opened it. The door swing in and Shiki could only look up and the older, taller and by far stronger man. Mahogany red hair covered his face haphazardly his normally light blue almost grey eyes having a red and purple under tone. He would not look the other in the face only looking forward it seemed. "Yes Sir?" He asked after a moment.

If he looked tired then he sounded worse. His body language spoke a mix of fear and exhaustion. Senri was in a faded yellow sweater, white undershirt and blue pants not jeans though. Clearly he was worried as to why the elder was there and was expecting some kind of punishment. " How can I help you Kaname-San?" Came the next question just as tight and tired as the first. He looked like he was ready to bolt and hide in the room at the first sign of danger.
Shiki didn't look his best, and while Kaname was quite familiar with his lack of expression, the male before him seemed quite tired. Contrary to popular belief, the creatures of the night had to sleep sometime. Typically, they slept during the day so they can attend the night classes. Perhaps the mahogany red haired boy wasn't sleeping? Why wouldn't he be sleeping? Kaname couldn't imagine it. What was disturbing the younger vampire? It couldn't be father issues, the pureblood tried to narrow it down with little success, one would imagine there wasn't much of a development in that area and he didn't detect too much of a problem there before. What sort of relationship going south could have caused the blue-grey eyed male to seem this beaten up over it? Did he put that much emotional stock in the others? it was hard to tell.

"I'm here because the others are concerned." Kaname started, his red-brown eyes running down over Shiki's body. The same eyes would climb back up the yellow sweater to the other male's eyes. The expression on Kaname's face would rarely if ever be one of play, but this time he was noticeably more serious. Brooding at times, it wasn't unusual to find Kaname looking serious. This would seem different, his eyes narrowed a little, but not in pity or disgust. He was confused, a little worried himself. "I've been told that you haven't left your room in two days. Would you mind if I come in so we can talk?" The ancient man of powers unimaginable had been incapable of crafting what might be the most likely scenario that lead to this situation in his head. Surely enough, he's thought of hundreds of possibilities, but there was no telling if one of them might be it.

Kaname stepped closer, carefully. He didn't intrude any further if the smaller male showed any signs of direct physical stress to his actions. However, he could smell Shiki's blood and that was starting to concern him more. The younger male wouldn't be in a good position if he would try to close the door on Kaname. Many opponents have tried to out maneuver Kaname before. They had tried to have trapped him or escaped him with many unique and intricate methods. A door would most certainly not be the most successful attempt.
There was no response from the smaller man at first, no sign he had even heard the other speak. Shiki could feel Kaname's eyes on him and that made him shake just a little. So, he was not here of his own accord. Someone, probably Takuma had brought something up and that was why he had come down from whatever high place to speak to him. Shiki had no clue why, but he was angry suddenly and his hand tightened around the tie that he had wound on it. The smell of blood only would grow from that, which only in turn only fuel his hunger more. Why would Kaname even care anyway not like he ever had come to Shiki for anything other then telling him of events he would have to go to or to address some complaint made by the other Night Class members. He would have growled, but he knew it only would anger the other more to show such disrespect still his eyes became more red from all these thoughts spinning around in his head like a whirlwind with no aim or true flow.

Suddenly though he was yanked from his thoughts by the other's next words. Kaname wanted to come in the room and talk? Senri shook at that both in fear and mild anger. The other was powerful enough to snap his neck before he even took a swing, letting him in the room would leave him in a more helpless state then any other time. More helpless then when he fought level Es, more helpless then when he was a child growing up. The anger was a re-action to the way the other was acting. Believing it was nothing more then an act the other had put on to try and look better or to fulfill his title as President. Kaname never showed concern once before even when Senri had been hurt by an E once Kaname had not said anything when he returned holding the wound. No, it had been Takuma who had treated the wound and made sure Shiki drank some of the Supplements.

That was the biggest wound of all. Takuma acted more like family to Shiki then his own family did and that pissed him off. What had he ever done to Kuran-san to deserve such treatment. Was it because of Rido? Gods Shiki wished he could kill his father himself just to prove he was not the same man. Instead though all this time Takuma had been the one to act like an older brother, to take an interest in Shiki, to not let him be alone. Takuma had known right away when Rima broke up with Senri and tried to support him knowing the young vampire would feel overly sensitive and vulnerable, because of it. Still though Shiki knew better he knew that refusing Kaname anything was a pipe dream if not less so. Opening the door the rest of the way he said. "Yes President." Moving back as if not to be close to the other he went to the bed and sat trying to hide the blood stain on the blankets.

Senri visibly tensed the closer the other got. This was not like Hanabusa Aidio though who had been put in his place so often he should wisely fear the elder. No, this was like a scared animal who was in distress. Hell, he smelled of distress, clearly not only had the break up hurt him deeply, but it had started a storm of things that were normally kept in check. The break up had only been the crack to burst the damn and Shiki did not know how to handle any of it. Part of him now understood Zero's pains. The want to just drink human blood to feel a high, to forget, Shiki had never thought like this before and it made his gut twist to know those thoughts were there. At the same time though he could not sleep he did not trust himself or his dreams. So, all together this was the worst he had ever been in condition and he had no one to turn to, because Takuma while his friend was VP and did not needed the added stress of such things that probably would seem childish.

He sat on the bed left knee brought up close to his chest the other leg folded under. Arms wrapped around his leg as if hugging himself his eyes still not meeting the other's for more then fleeting seconds when it could not be helped. He just sat and watched, waiting for the other to speak.
Kaname entered the smaller male's room and looked around briefly, taking in what he could of scents and items laying around the room to help him diagnose the issue here. If nobody was going to make his job easier by just telling him what's wrong, he'd have to figure it out and get to the bottom of it. Ignoring the others for two days was one thing, maybe he was just a bit bent out of shape. But, the vibes Shiki was letting off for Kaname to pick up as clearly as pages off books, they were disconcerting. A notion arose in Kaname's chest that he really didn't like. It was the possibility that Shiki had some sort of grievance with the Pureblood. A suggestion that wouldn't end without some sort of punishment for the lesser vampire. Kaname's eyes would narrow briefly as he stopped surveying the room to turn in Shiki's direction and look him over.

If he wanted too, he could pin the smaller male down and get the information the good ol'fashioned way. It would beat playing guess who, or resorting to his powers to peel it out of him. Because, when push came to shove, Kaname bore no ill will for Shiki. It was simply unbecoming of a grieving or sad young man to blame others who were not responsible. Slowly, Kaname decided to reconsider the possibility that Shiki might be having father issues. Kaname never had such feelings himself, and he almost always imagined that Shiki was fine in those regards, but anything was possible now. Especially given the fact that something was definitely and clearly wrong, and Shiki's comparably vulnerable mouth had been zipped tightly this whole time.

For a moment, Kaname felt a boiling sensation of pride. He wondered if the boy had lost all sight of who they where and what he'd do for him if the situations were reversed. The atrocities that Rido visited on him, that he never disadvantaged Shiki for. No mortal man could do such a thing. Kaname doubted the impure vampires could possibly say the same as well. He has known loss in a way that Shiki could only dream of the magnitude and will never experience in his barely longer than a human's lifespan. To these thoughts, Kaname let his tongue slip between his teeth for a painful little nibble as he glanced away. Pride was empty, foolish. Kaname has long since outgrown the need for emotional outbursts.

As his tongue healed to perfection, like always, Kaname returned his look to the poor-state of Senri Shiki. "I'm not going to give you the opportunity to hide from me." He spoke darkly, a bit of his true self peeking through as he narrowed his eyes further and creased his brow. Raising his left hand just a bit, Kaname used his telekinesis to force the door to remain shut no matter who may try to enter or leave. "Wallowing won't solve anything and I've no time for games. You will answer me." He coldly continued. The unpleasantness, even for a second, was far too much. He'll use his control over Shiki as a non-pureblood vampire, to force the truth out of him so that he can finally help his socially inept friend.

Maybe this wasn't what Yuki would do. Maybe this wasn't the morally correct decision. But, sometimes, when the need is great and the power is there, Kaname let's himself indulge a little. Life is too long. "Tell me why you are acting strangely. Spill it now, don't spare a word."
To say the other scared Shiki some was the truth. He both respected and feared the power of the Pureblood and hoped never to be on the wrong end of it. As Senri watched the other man he stayed quiet though he could almost sense the other thinking. The silence did not help ease the air for him it in-fact started to add to it in some odd way. His hand flexed around the tie in it the wound stung a little, but would hell in just a few more minutes. What was Kaname trying to decide, normally he just gave some sort of slap on the wrist so to speak and left it at that. This was different. Whatever it was it bothered the older man and that made Shiki worry even more for some odd reason. Unlike Kaname, Shiki did not have the powers to control the mind or read it. That was another thing if Kaname wanted to know something he could just rip out of Shiki's mind and being at the other's mercy made Shiki shake just to think of.

When the door shut all the way at just a movement of the hand on Kaname's part Shiki felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise. Then he spoke and it made the blood in the younger vampire just about freeze like ice instantly. The heaviness of the other's power and strength made him feel like he was pinned without being touched even. Shiki always had known the Kaname could be someone who was truly frightening, but he had never seen it in any amount and just this amount was enough for him to want to run and run far away. It caused a second sensation though. The need to submit and listen to the other burned in his head and neck like a tugging. It was not painful, but more confusing and only adding to the stress in Shiki's head.

At the other's words telling him to talk it was almost compulsive for Shiki to speak. He held back a moment so he did not say something rude but still looked at the other. Kaname would smell the fear off Shiki, but it started to be replaced by something else, anger. This was not the anger of some child not getting his way, no this was something different. Like the anger of someone who felt scorned. Sure the other might have known worse forms of loss and known all the emotions much deeper so that it still seemed childish, but for most vampires the scorn Shiki felt was one they could understand in some way. His hunger was not helping making his emotions all the more greater. So, when he started talking he did not stop, but he also did not filter it caring little if the other spun on him, being he was the one who had asked.

"First off. Why the hell do you care? You never have cared for me in anyway. Is it because Takuma-san told you to come? Would you have even noticed? Probably not even though we are related we are strangers and you act as if I am my dad. If I had my way I'd kill him just to put it into your head I am not that man. I am trying to mend what he did in some way and being rejected by you has not made that any easier. That however is not the biggest problem. The problem is if you asked anyone else they probably could tell you what is wrong, but you cannot even think of what started it." His hand was tightening on the tie again. "Rima broke up with me and wont even tell me why. Sure that probably seems childish to you, but I shared my blood with her. She was my rock she knows the Supplements do not work well for me. And she won't even tell me why." His tone was tense a mix of confusion, anger and sadness, but not one emotion over the other. "That's not helping either I do not even know why, but I try to take the pills and I choke. They taste like chalk."

That was a side effect sometimes the pills would stop working if the vampire was under considerable stress and in fact they would reject them and only the real thing would work. Depending on how long Shiki had gone without food he was probably in a lot of physical pain. Normally they would go about a day without any pains, two days left you itching, three was a mild discomfort and with each day that got worse until either the vampire snapped and bit someone or themselves.
Watching Shiki begin the mountain of vocal release that he was previously commanded to divulge, Kaname let his eyebrows lift slightly as he heard the boy out. Surely, if the others heard him disrespecting Kaname this way, they'd be hard on him. However, the pureblood was unsure of how to address the first sentence. It was out of place, Kaname was only ever stern with him over Dorm issues. A domineering and controlling, socially active pureblood surely would have been more difficult to deal with while Shiki tried to deal with his own problems and get through school work. That simply had to be the case, so Kaname was initially confused on how to take that first sentence. Distant, he certainly was distant, but he was like that with everyone. Including Takuma, at times. Even though the duo had been companions for a decade now, Kaname kept himself brief with even that well-meaning blonde.

And then the father issues came up, and those were somewhat expected. Though Kaname had never been in that position, he could at least afford Shiki his sympathies. That is, if he deserved them. Moping around in silence and holding Kaname to blame was quite the odd position to hold, and the older vampire was still mulling over how to take these forced admissions as Shiki finished. If the order of events continued on as it seemed fate would have it, before Kaname's one-man intervention, then Shiki would have much more time to work out his problems and work over what he'd have to say with a clearer head. No man with a heart could force these words out and then punish the victim, and while Kaname was distant and cold, he did regret putting Shiki in such a vulnerable position.

While the claim that they were related had been rather fallacious, Shiki was operating on the information he was allowed to know. Though they weren't as close as the figurative family tree would convince the others, Kaname still felt somewhat responsible for Shiki. The Kuran purebloods owed their prestige to Kaname, afterall, and that blood poured it's way to the birth of this red haired and seemingly lost soul that sat before him. A chilling calm washed over Kaname as he resolved himself to the immediate solution that came to his mind. Shiki was a lost pup and his life was lacking a proper male role-model. Maybe peeling down the wall between them, just a bit, could ignite a sense of normalcy? It wasn't like Kaname didn't have the tools at his disposal to fix these issues in every possible way imaginable.

He simply didn't have the desire to track down Rima and force her back into a relationship with Shiki. If the boy was going to grow dependent on someone while Kaname was responsible, that someone might as well be Kaname. This is where he found his smile before he took a step forward. "Why are you shaking so much, Shiki?" He asked smoothly, the sound of his voice simply becoming paralyzing for his red haired pup. "I don't agree with your reservations, but I can certainly help you. Not that I'm asking for permission." The long fingers of Kaname's right hand had taken to Shiki's chin to guide the boy into finally looking Kaname directly into his ruby gaze. "It shouldn't be a secret, between you and me, I have many plans for my dear Senri Shiki." While his words could take a patronizing tone if read, his voice managed to be both cold by deliberately personal. He meant what he was saying, this sensation would shine true.

"No more pouting." He commanded, though he meant in general. The sleeved arms of the pureblood would envelope his prey as he used his immense strength to guide Shiki onto his back on his bed. Kaname's larger body overshadowed Shiki as he got to his knees on the bed and brought his own face very close. Kaname's arms folded around Shiki's back and intentionally pinned his arms to his sides. The older male didn't take the time or concern to correctly lay Shiki's legs straight, he didn't have the desire to. "Before you even think about fighting for your pride or trying to spite me further, remember how weak you've let yourself become. On your best day, you wouldn't be penetrating my skin. So just relax." He goaded a bit, finding some thrill in the position over Shiki as his recent partners have all been soft women.

Without warning, Kaname flipped Shiki to lay on his chest, Kaname's own broad chest pinning him down. "From this moment onward, you don't sulk in your room when you yearn for me." He whispered into Shiki's hair, the slightest scent of powerful blood had tinted the air around them before Kaname slipped his middle and index fingers of his left hand into Shiki's lips. "I'm not supposed to be doing this, but you've gone and convinced yourself that you're not important to me. It's just a little, lick it up quickly. We don't want our friends getting jealous." He loaned Shiki a tiny amount of his blood, which was astronomically more potent than the noble juice that ran in his veins. The goal was to return his soft nature-ed Shiki to his clear minded state nice and quickly.
The response Shiki got was not one he would think would come. He had been expecting maybe a good hard smack in the face, but what came was no where near what he could possibly imagine. Feeling and seeing the other step foreward Shiki was going to move away, he was going to try and keep as safe a distances as possible from the other. The young man not wanting to be hurt too much. Then the older man spoke and a sharp chill ran right up Senri's spine. It was like he was bond in place just by the other's voice and the truth was that he was. Shaking still Shiki for the first time during the entire talk was looking Kaname in the eyes. His own had gone purple-red again during his rant and they still were, but instead of only anger or hunger there was fear there as well.

Sure he was looking at the other, by Kaname's guidance, but still. The voice of the older man was just filled with raw power adding to the fear in Shiki. When Kaname stated he had plans for him that made an audible wine leave him not sexual or fearful but something between it. Part of his mind told him to run or fight the more aware side that this man could kill him any moment. He could not even speak though it was like he was made only to listen to the other. The command sink in right away and he wanted to listen, but before he could make any sigh he understood he was being moved. Looking up at the other Shiki felt his mind start to race in worry at was coming, but Kaname's voice was so calm and relaxed he could not do anything but listen to it as if it was the clearest thing he had every heard.

Confused by the other's statement not to resist Shiki felt his gut twist some as well. He suddenly felt shame for speaking as he did about the other. Although being reminded of his weakened state also made him realize the clear disadvantage he was in and always would be in. He envied the other in that way how Kaname could take on anyone he wanted and just end them without much if any harm. His thoughts though were interrupted when he was suddenly flipped and the first words finally left his mouth. "Kaname-San?!" He sounded scared clearly and unsure at what was going on. Feeling the other suddenly move to pin him this way as well Kaname would have to be straight up stupid not to feel the smaller man shaking under him.

Listening to the other Shiki could only nod his head in agreement once to the command to go to Kaname if he needed him. Then he went stiff when the other's fingers went into his mouth making him stop shaking but now he was rigid as he tried to understand what was going on. Then when he did come to his senses of what the other had said he felt his hunger almost ram him with such force that it took all his focus not to just bite down hard. This was taboo to many, this was breaking all the rules... why was Kaname doing this? Shiki was being so taken over by hunger he could not care enough to dwell on it. Doing as told and licking the blood off the other's fingers quickly but carefully at the same time The power flooded his body in a second.

A soft moan left the smaller vampire, but that was probably not a shock to the other. The drinking of blood and having such a need satisfied by such a power was arousing to many. While it did not make Senri ragingly so, he did feel a blissful like sensation come over him. When he was sure he had gotten it all he pulled his mouth away enough to say softly." Thank you Lord Kuran." His tone was back to normal and while he was still shaking a little it was not nearly as much. He made no attempt to get away he stayed still waiting for the other to speak. However he also did not want Kaname to move away from him.

This was the closet Shiki had been to the other in anyway. He could discern the other's muscles through his shirt just faintly with how close he was pressed to him. The breath of the taller man hitting the back of his neck and shoulder made him even more submissive. Sure Shiki had been more dominate with Rima, but there was no way in hell fire he would even consider that with Kuran. His eyes had finally gone to normal and they were softer again showing he was coming to his senses.
The moan around Kaname's fingers had been quite the motivator. Shiki was returning to his soft-spoken self, without a doubt, and the older vampire who laid ontop of him had grown aroused at the thought of making Shiki into his little love slave. It wasn't uncommon for Purebloods to take on sexy, cute and obedient concubines or mistresses from time to time. However, Kaname had been mostly opposed to the idea on more than just moral grounds for a very long time. That is, until he saw how much Shiki needed him just a moment ago. He couldn't platonically dote over Shiki without sharing a little bit of himself with the others, and that just wouldn't do. If he could enrich Shiki's life with his many gifts, surely the young noble would show gratitude by becoming an instrument in easing Kaname's many worries and stresses? While the thought would be coming from a more concerned or caring side of Kaname, it was certainly not a thought he was entertaining in this moment. A darkness played a tune in his head as Kaname has already sealed the deal without Shiki's consent.

"You'll return the favor, my red haired companion." Kaname whispered again, letting his now wet fingers completely exit Shiki's mouth to rest over his lips. This act was followed by teasing motions to spread Shiki's own saliva over his lips. Tucking his knees closer to Shiki's sides, Kaname completely confirmed his dominate position over the smaller male as his chest muscles weren't the only sensation Shiki would find behind Kaname's clothing. A large shaft would swell up against Shiki's backside as Kaname's large His free right hand traveled beneath Shiki's torso to flatly hold and take ownership of his abdomen, just above the smaller male's pelvis. "It's redundant to tell you that every cell of my body is invaluable beyond comprehension, and I plan to have you entertain me for every drop." He spoke to his underling darkly with the bridge of his nose teasing behind the boy's soft left ear.

Without warning, Kaname began to move his hips. Like as though the duo were four legged mammals, Kaname presented his dominance physically to reinforce Shiki's position and to leave any shadow of a doubt in the dust. The motions were slow, but his strength wasn't missing as his erection would trace over Shiki's tail bone through their clothing. Kaname did initially give Shiki the credit that he might not devolve into a stuttering hot(and cute) mess when he gifted the boy his blood, but the sexual propositions could proof to be a bit much. Without even a bit of a moment to voice a response, Kaname silenced Shiki by easing his fingers back into the boy's mouth. This motion, while slow and loving, was dripping with the notion that Kaname should not be denied and that his fingers will remain until he wished to retrieve them.

The large right hand sneaked it's way beneath the yellow sweater that Shiki pulled on prior to seeing Kaname at the door. There were no layers that would keep the skin of Shiki's torso from Kaname's exploring and strong right hand. His fingers and palm felt over Shiki's abdomen in deliberate circles before traveling upward, which revealed Shiki's chest to his bed as Kaname gave the boy's nipples a pass over without asking for permission or even pausing to see if Shiki was okay with it. Kaname let his left cheek rest on Shiki's head as his hand made a slow and smooth glide down the center of his chest and clear into the smaller vampire's pants. "I won't tolerate any complaints from this moment forward. Understood?" He whispered again, his fingers finding and nurturing Shiki's balls carefully as he gave minimal attention to the younger vampire's manhood. "After all, I'll keep you nice and healthy. My plans require it."

Delicate, his own skin was rather sensational to the touch without being rough in the slightest. His fingers moved to rub around Shiki's balls and cup them together without prodding them with his finger tips or squeezing them in the rougher or meaner ways. While he wanted to Shiki to submit, he didn't have any intention of forsaking any potential trust he'd gather from the boy. Kaname wasn't a cruel master, while he may have been quite the mysterious and untrustworthy one. "I wonder if you've ever fantasized about getting played with by someone like me. A bold, powerful pureblood." Kaname teased before casually retrieving his fingers and hand. Putting them to use, he pulled down the dress pants that surrounded his hips to reveal his long shaft. Though Kaname was pube-less, his sex was still quite the manly set by appearance.

Kaname sat up now, his left hand taking to pulling up the backside of Shiki's yellow sweater while his right hand started to pump his erection. The scent of his pre-cum hit the air and while it didn't travel as well as his blood scent did, it was still quite overpowering when sensed close by. His right hand took to his thick shaft as he slowly rubbed up his own boner, the left hand of the domineering pureblood took to Shiki's side as he felt over the boy more and laid his own claim to Shiki's body. "Be honest with me now. Are you embarrassed to be in this position?" He asked coyly, no longer a whisper as he was standing on his knees and a bit of distance was created between Shiki's ears and Kaname's lips. Not that he would be too opposed to correcting that decision should Shiki proof to be a bad boy.

Something about brain-washing Shiki with lewd acts slowly until he was an obedient pup had been quite arousing. However, Kaname had an assumption that it wouldn't take any brain-washing to make the weaker vampire accept his new position willingly.
The other's movements were both soft, yet commanding making Shiki's body start to shake with excitement he did not even know he had. At being told that he would pay back the favor he was about to ask how only to feel the fingers return onto his lips. Something about that made the soft nature boy moan again. Feeling the other moving behind him he wanted to turn back and see what Kaname was doing, but the other's dominance was soon clear and Shiki stayed looking forward. What the hell? Why am I not resisting? I am not gay.... am I? Shiki's head swam a little at the thought, but still he did not cry out in any way other then open his mouth a little breathing starting to grow heavy. Was it because the other was a pureblood that he submitted like this? Where they all so powerful to make the lower vampires throw out their ambitions? A gasp left him when he felt how large the other was even with his pants confining his dick keeping Shiki still unaware just how large it was.

Shame washed over him as he felt the other rubbing up against him, grinding through their clothes. He tried to not shake or show that this was turning him on, but it was and his body could only be honest. He never had been good at telling lies, a flaw some might say and right now it was betraying him. His body the treacherous thing shaking just at the other's touch on his skin and the motion of his hips. Feeling the other's fingers slide past his lips before he could make another sound he whimpered a little, but made no attempt to retreat. Not that he would get anywhere even if he tried. Rocking back the slightest feeling the other rubbing over his tail bone he found himself starting to grow tingly downstairs. What the hell was wrong with him? Shiki moaned around the fingers in his mouth and felt his face grow hot. Never in a million years would he think himself acting like this.

Eyes half open now as need for some reason started to take over all he could do was try to not panic. Which was not hard under the other's touch, while teasing was clearly able to guide and strong. The teasing though was enough to work the younger man up. Skin growing hotter with each moment the other's hand was on his body he panted more around the fingers in his mouth. Though he also found himself starting to roll his tongue over them slowly. The other vampire would most likely feel the slight sucking of the smaller vampire as the soft and small tongue moved around the digits as if trying to show his obedience to the other. When asked if he understood that he was not to make anymore complains he nodded his head only the slightest making sure not to nick the other with his fangs. A flush came over his face and his blood ran faster when Kaname mused if he had any fantasies about him. Had he? Senri was not sure if he had but right now all he knew was he wanted more of the other's touches. They felt heavenly and his body could not get enough.

The touches of the other while not having been on his cock had all the same gotten it hard. Head spinning he had to rest it down on the bed a little before him as he bit back a moan between his teeth though the muffled sound still came out. Cool air was a welcomed gift as the hem of the sweater was lifted and an audible sigh was heard as the air kissed the ever so slightly sweaty skin. Not enough to smell, but enough to leave a sheen over the pail skin. At the other's pulling away a small wine left Senri only to have him cover his mouth at the moment it left shamefully trying to hide his face at the fact he was being turned on so much. Arousal hit the air though adding to his own which was almost over powered by the other's. The question Kaname ask made Shiki pause and he was not sure how to answer that statement. Was he shameful of this position or was something else making him feel shame? Head turning it a few moments the answer came in semi panting breaths.

"No... I... am not... Ashamed to be submitting to you. I am ashamed that you... are seeing me so easily aroused." The honesty in his voice was there and his eyes showed it to as he dared to peak a half glace at the other before looking away quickly. No, complaint came though other then soft sounds of need. The more Kaname's arousal filled the air the heavier Shiki's brain became with the need to feel the other close. Wanting to feel the other's powerful touch again and to please the other to thank him for his kindness the words that came out next were a clear sign of submission. "Kaname-San please... My body... Please touch me more." God he had to look rather pitiful before the other and in trying to hide his embarrassment he moved his arm so his face was in the bend of his elbow.Worse if the other left now he was going to loose his mind out of frustration and need.
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