Searching for a few good men...

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Jul 11, 2011
Everywhere and Anywhere
...To create RP magic! PM me for more details and please no partners that want quick mindless smut.

The Wanderer

Could be a mid term or long term RP. I would love a partner that pays attention to detail and loves to create characters I can fall in love with!

Desi was never one for a 9-5 job cooped up in an office. She telecommuted and traveled the world while doing it. After a month’s stay with her Dad in Los Angeles she was up and jet setting again, she was heading to Paris for a few days, she meets (your character) in the airport he too has stuffed his back pack and will be travelling Europe for a while, and they chat it up. None know that they are going to the same exact destination! Until they board their flight! They get to know each other and agree to have dinner in Paris.

What was a casual dinner becomes a wonderful two days exploring Paris with each other. But all the fun comes to an end when she needs to leave to her next destination. After a month of just text messages they figure out they will never see each other again, until chance has it that they meet again in Rome! Will they go all the way this time? Or hold back due to the fact that they can’t possibly be travelling in the same direction?

What You Can’t See…

This RP is a definitely long term but my partner has to be patient with the build up! There has to be plenty of detail and no rushing to get to the sex please! There is a possibility this Rp can have more than one Rp partner.

Rachel is the first ever patient to be selected for a surgery to restore her vision entirely. She was born blind and has dealt with it all her life. Her doctor (your character) has been successful with other surgeries and he is in very high demand. The doctor’s son, is a Optometric technician and often works with his father on several successful surgeries.

They both find this woman extremely pleasant, beautiful, and hard to keep away from, but either of them show it as they don’t want to be frowned upon when it comes to patient doctor relations. The surgery takes a few weeks depending on the patient progress, so she will be staying at a resort for patients undergoing such surgeries.

Rachel is a writer, she writes romance novels under a pseudo name so people will buy her books because they love the books, not because they feel bad and want to support a blind woman. Most of the time she uses brail and sometimes she uses voice recognition software to do her work.

Without each other knowing, the doctor and his son share private chats with the woman, and some heavy petting is involved. She thinks the son and the doctor are one in the same. That is until conversation leads them both to find out they have been messing with the same woman. After much arguing with each other father and son are out to make this woman choose between them when she gets her sight back. Will she choose the doctor? OR his son?

Enemy Lines

Mid/long term love story that is not geared to quick mindless smut. RP-er should be detailed oriented and patient with the build up of both characters. The werewolf will not be a cartoony type of werewolf, but one like the werewolf from Van Helsing.

In a Victorian/Steam punk setting a group of assassins from an elite order are sent out to 1886 New York City to hunt down the last cell of werewolves from the city. The 4 assassins are Margo, (your character), Dylan and Elena. What Margo Dylan and Elena don’t know is (your character) is a werewolf himself, sent by the last cell of lycans to kill off the assassins from the order.

Margo and (your character) have feelings for one another, having worked together on a few assignments successfully although they never did anything about it because they work together. While in New York, they become closer, and it isn’t until Margo is almost killed by a werewolf that a mysterious werewolf saves her. She doesn’t tell anyone, but soon she finds herself looking for this werewolf, and this werewolf is looking for her. She is attracted to him, he to her.

At the same time she is falling for the werewolf, and the werewolf is falling for her, Margo and (your character) are getting more intimate in their relationship although they keep it secret from Elena and Dylan.

(Your character) is afraid to tell her who he is, because technically they are to hunt them down, and he is suppose to kill her and the other assassins. Could he ever reveal to her who he really is; and trust that she would turn her back on the order to be with him?

Uncharted Space

This RP is a definitely long term idea, it can branch off to other many adventures!

The style is very aliens, pitch black or even avatar where space stations are everywhere and governments are trying to terraform planets to make it inhabitable for humans. My character owns a star freighter she uses to transport people from planet to planet, or she can be hired to transport equipment from place to place. Your character is a criminal running from the authorities and needs a ship asap, his idea is to steal my characters freighter and kill her off. During the trip there is a problem on the ship as two other men try to hijack the ship through the scuffle, the ship crash lands in an uncharted region. The two men escape and are on the loose, its up to my character and yours to get the ship running before they get killed by the two others, so now they face an uncertain land, they are both strangers to each other in the beginning that is! Will they get off the planet? Will your character still kill my character off?

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